Collection Overview
Articles entitled "Over de wereldzee naar de grote stad: Pieter Ypes Groustra met zijn gezin in Chicago rond de eeuwwisseling" (translation also provided by author); "Now I Will Write You Something About America: Dutch Migrants' Views of the United States 1880-1914"; "Transplanted Network: A Case Study of Frisian Migration to Whitinsville, Massachusetts, 1880-1914"; "Se binne nei Amerika tein: Aspekten van Friese landverhuizing naar de Verenigde Staten rond de eeiwwesseling"; "Kriminele abortus en kindermoord, 1870-1920"; research notes, outline of "Friese emigratie naar de Verenigde Staten van 1880-1914," (With the Baggage of the Fatherland: Frisians to America) and newspaper clippings.
Biographical Note
Director of Research & Valorisation at University of Groningen. Galema’s discipline is in Innovation and Technology Management History. Her expertise is in Innovation and Value Creation, R&D, Research strategy.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Heritage Hall, Hekman Library
Alternate Extent Statement:
0.25 cubic ft.
Acquisition Source:
Gift of A. Galema
Other Note:
Collection partly in Dutch.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Emigration Material],
- Series 1: Emigration Material

- Box 1

- Folder 1: "Across the worldsea to the big city: Pieter Ypres Groustra and his family in Chicago around the turn of the century"

- Folder 2: Index to articles in De Volksvriend --- 1892-1900

- Folder 3: "Kriminele Abortus en Kindermoord, 1870-1920," doctoraal scriptie --- 1981

- Folder 4: List of letters to Calvin College --- September - November 1990

- Folder 5: "Now I Will Write You Something About America . . . Dutch migrants' views of the United States, 1880-1914"

- Folder 6: Press clippings --- 1991

- Folder 7: Research notes, Frisians to America --- 1880-1914

- Folder 8: "Transplanted Network: A Case Study of Frisian Migration to Whitinsville, Massachusetts, 1880-1914"