Collection Overview
Title: John H. Schaal Collection, 1928-1991
ID: COLL/218
Primary Creator: John Hamburg Schaal (1908-2002)
Extent: 15.0 Boxes
Arrangement: Folder level description
Minister of the Christian Reformed Church, academic dean of the Reformed Bible College, and editor of Sunday School Papers. The collection includes: sermons, Sunday School Committee minutes, correspondence, reports, lecture notes, outlines for Bible studies, Young Calvinist articles, class notes, programs, brochures, pamphlets, and an interview with J. H. Brinks relating the beginning of the Reformed Bible Institute. [See also the Campus Titles Database.]
Biographical Note
John Hamburg Schaal was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan on April 28, 1908. Schaal attended Calvin College, graduated with his B.A. in 1930, and went on to Calvin Seminary graduating in1933. Schaal’s first call came from his hometown, Kalamazoo’s Milwood congregation. He served there from 1933 until 1943 when he accepted the call from Second Fremont. Schaal’s gift of being a great educator and writer led him to be the denomination’s editor of the Sunday school papers and material.
He was the editor and pastor of Second CRC until 1948 when he agreed to be the Bible instructor at the Reformed Bible Institute. In 1972, he was appointed as the Academic Dean at the Reformed Bible College. Only a year later Schaal entered emeritus status. At the age of 94, John Schaal died on September 24, 2002. His wife, Grace (Workman), preceded him in death. His son Wendell and five grandchildren survived Schaal.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Sub-Series:
Sub-Series 1: Biographical Material, 1928-1989],
Sub-Series 2: Board Member, Chaplaincy, Committees, 1933-1991],
Sub-Series 3: Evangelism and Miscellaneous, 1934-1989],
Sub-Series 4: Reformed Bible College Material, 1939-1989],
Sub-Series 5: Sermonic Material, 1933-1984],
Sub-Series 6: Sunday School Material, 1946-1972],
Sub-Series 7: Addenda and Miscellaneous Material, 1946-1975],
- Sub-Series 1: Biographical Material --- 1928-1989

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Appointment to Army Chaplaincy and papers --- 1939-1941

- Folder 2: Bulletins: Mementos

- Folder 3: Certificate for outstanding educators of America --- 1972

- Folder 4: Call Letters and correspondence --- 1933-1944

- Folder 5: Call Letters and correspondence --- 1945-1947

- Folder 6: Call Letters and correspondence --- 1950-1970

- Folder 7: Classical Diploma --- September 12, 1933

- Folder 8: Conference and Rally Programs --- 1950-1962

- Box 2

- Folder 1: Dedication of Schaal Residence Hall at RBC --- January 15, 1976

- Folder 2: Farewell from RBC, press reports --- 1974

- Folder 3: Fifty-fifth Anniversary --- 1988

- Folder 4: Fifty years in the ministry. Letters and Bulletins --- 1988

- Folder 5: Income Tax Returns --- 1943-1970

- Folder 6: Income Tax Returns --- 1988-1989

- Folder 7: Kalamazoo Letters. Reports of Classis in The Banner --- 1940-1944

- Folder 8: Letters --- 1946-1983

- Folder 9

- Item 1: Letters: Correspondence with Stanley Baxter --- 1970

- Item 2: Letters: Correspondence with Harry Boer --- 1973

- Folder 10: Letters to men in the Service --- 1943

- Folder 11: Life in the Service, The Banner, press clippings --- 1941

- Folder 12: Meyer, Frank, press clippings on his death --- 1972

- Folder 13: Mother: poems and articles

- Folder 14: National Social Directory, biography, p. 589 --- 1972

- Folder 15: Prayer Breakfast mementos --- 1972

- Folder 16: Prayer Breakfast mementos --- 1973, 1980, 1982

- Folder 17: Prayer Breakfast mementos --- 1974, 1985

- Folder 18: Presbyterian Church Bulletins --- 1941

- Box 3

- Folder 1: Press clippings and bulletins --- 1930's

- Folder 2: Press clippings and Scrap book --- 1930

- Folder 3: Press clippings --- 1955-1981

- Folder 4: Reflections on Milwood CRC

- Folder 5: Retirement felicitations --- 1974

- Folder 6: Second CRC, Fremont, MI, 75 years --- 1989

- Folder 7: Son Wendall, press clipping --- 1965

- Folder 8: Student Period: American Drama, U of Chicago. Notes --- 1944

- Folder 9: Student Period: Christian Unity. Notes and term paper for CH 353 --- Summer 1942

- Folder 10: Student Period: Communications with U of Chicago on Doctor of Philosophy Degree --- 1939

- Folder 11: Student Period: Early Christian Intellectualism. Notes for CH 319

- Folder 12: Student Period: Ethiek I, Dr. V. Hepp, mimeographed notes (page one missing) --- June 1935

- Folder 13: Student Period: Ethiek II, Dr. V. Hepp, mimeographed notes --- 1928-1929

- Folder 14: Student Period: Gerard de Brogne, 898-959. Paper from U. of Chicago --- 1938

- Folder 15: Student Period: History 324. Notes and book reports --- 1942

- Folder 16: Influence of the Dutch on Religious Toleration. Summer term --- 1942

- Folder 17: Student Period: Luke, the Historian. Book Review papers

- Box 4

- Folder 1: Student Period: New Testament later writings, NT 371 --- Summer 1935

- Folder 2: Student Period: Notes on Christian Conception of God --- 1939

- Folder 3: Student Period: Notes on OT Exegesis, Isaiah 52 and 53

- Folder 4: Student Period: Notes on OT Exegesis. Papers --- 1932

- Folder 5: Student Period: Philosophy of Religions, Wieman. Book Reports --- 1936

- Folder 6: Student Period: Practical Theology 315 --- Summer 1935

- Folder 7: Student Period: Reformation on the Continent

- Folder 8: Student Period: Religious Toleration in American History

- Folder 9: Student Period: Saint Furse (c. 570-650) His Life and Influence; term paper for C398 --- 1939

- Folder 10: Student Period: Schedule of Exams --- 1931-1933

- Folder 11: Student Period: Seminary Junior Class request for preaching in Presbyterian Church --- 1931

- Folder 12: Student Period: Seminary Class reunion --- 1933, 1975

- Folder 13: Student Period: Study of Luke course

- Folder 14: Student Period: Study of Theology

- Folder 15: Student Period: Words Kurios and Christos. Term paper on problems in OT

- Folder 16: Student Period: Zoological Drawings --- 1929-1930

- Folder 17: Tenth Anniversary of Milwood --- 1941

- Folder 18: Trip to Europe --- 1954

- Folder 19: Trust Fund Plans

- Folder 20: Who's Who in the Midwest, 12th Ed. Page with biography

- Sub-Series 2: Board Member, Chaplaincy, Committees --- 1933-1991

- Box 5

- Folder 1: Boards of Trustees, Exam of Seminary students --- Jun-33

- Folder 2: Calvin Christian Retirement Home, Chaplaincy --- 1973

- Folder 3: Children's Bible Hour Minutes and Material. Board of Directors --- 1974-1977

- Folder 4: Christian Reformed Conference Grounds. Summer program --- 1981

- Folder 5: Christian Reformed Ministers Fund. Member of Executive Committee --- 1973

- Folder 6: Church Order Committee member. Reporter --- 1946

- Folder 7: Gospel Recordings Retreat, Notes --- June 19-22, 1975

- Folder 8: Gospel Recordings: Thought for recordings

- Folder 9: Hospital Chaplaincy Service, Inc. Pastors Breakfast --- 1987

- Folder 10: Layworkers Place in ecclesiastical structure. Notes and reports --- 1963-1966

- Folder 11: Hospital Chaplaincy: Articles, communications --- 1972-1987

- Folder 12

- Item 1: Lord's Day Alliance, 97th Annual meeting --- 1986

- Item 2: Sunday magazine --- 1982-1990

- (incomplete)
- Folder 13: Lord's Day Alliance, served on various committees --- 1983-1991

- Folder 14: Lord's Day Alliance. Winston-Salem Semi-Annual meeting --- 1986

- Folder 15: Project Philip of World Home Bible League. Letters answered --- 1975-1981, 1982

- Folder 16: Victory Farms Rehabilitation-International. Informational brochure --- 1977

- Sub-Series 3: Evangelism and Miscellaneous --- 1934-1989

- Box 6

- Folder 1: Christian Education Material, Brochure, and notes

- Folder 2: Evangelism Conference Material. Methods and Programs --- 1934

- Folder 3

- Item 1: Evangelism Conference Notes. Bethel, Paterson --- 1958

- Item 2: California Classis --- 1956

- Folder 4: Evangelism Conferences, notes --- 1970, 1976

- Folder 5: Evangelism Conference Material --- October 21-23, 1974

- Folder 6: Evangelism: Indigenous Mission Policy. Rev. J.L. Schaver --- 1950

- Folder 7: Evangelism: Report on Inspection Committee, Indian Mission Field --- 1947

- Folder 8: Evangelism: Visitation --- 1944

- Folder 9: Submitted Material: My Trip to Israel, compiled by Doris Morlan. For possible use in S.S. magazines --- 1982, 1984

- Folder 10: Submitted Material: Vision in Movement. A Biography, by Dorothy Koert. Acknowledgement of Schaals --- 1989

- Folder 11: Submitted Material: Why do they call it Good News? (1) by J.J. Lamberts. Mimeographed copy

- Folder 12: Submitted Material: Why do they call it Good News? (2 and 3) by J.J. Lamberts. Mimeographed copy

- Sub-Series 4: Reformed Bible College Material --- 1939-1989

- Box 7

- Folder 1

- Item 1: Alumni Fellowship Letter --- 1968.

- Item 2: Reflections --- 1971-1973

- Item 3: RBC Quarterly --- 1947-1949

- Folder 2: Bible History: New Testament Studies. God's Triumph in History --- 1972

- Folder 3: Bible History: Old Testament. God's Triumph in History

- Folder 4: Brochure: Questions and answers touching the RBC --- 1945

- Folder 5: Character Studies. The Coming and the Goings; outlined papers

- Folder 6: Christian and Church Leadership. Notes and outlined papers

- Folder 7: Christian Ethics. Notes for Ethics 331

- Folder 8: Christian Ethics. Notes for Ethics 331 --- 1965

- Folder 9: Christian Ethics. Press clippings

- Folder 10: Christian Leadership. Course and notes

- Folder 11: Christian Pedagogy. Outlined material

- Folder 12: Church History: God's Triumph through History. Outlined material and questions

- Folder 13: Church History: Notes for H352 --- 1942

- Box 8

- Folder 1: Comparative Religions. Outlined material

- Folder 2: Correspondence Course on Evangelism and the Bible book by book --- 1960-1966

- Folder 3: Covenant of Grace. Outlined paper

- Folder 4: Current Denominations. Material outlined

- Folder 5: Discussion material for Faculty meeting --- January 21, 1966

- Folder 6: Dogmatics. Proof texts

- Folder 7: Dreams about the future. Paper and book list suggested by the faculty of RBC

- Folder 8: Education Committee material --- 1941, 1945-1948

- Folder 9: Evaluation Report on Great Lakes Bible College --- 1973

- Folder 10: Fiftieth Anniversary Book --- 1939-1989

- Folder 11: Gospel of John Lectures outlined

- Folder 12: Kingdom of God in Modern Thought, notes

- Folder 13: Lordship of Christ. Mimeographed notes and student responses

- Folder 14: Memorandum --- 1971

- Folder 15: Missions and evangelism. Brief papers and outlines

- Folder 16: News Letters of RBC --- 1968-1976

- (Incomplete)
- Folder 17: Old Testament Minor Prophets. Material outlined

- Folder 18: Old Testament: Subjects included the Four Hundred Year interval between Malachi and Christ

- Folder 19: Public Speaking Course. Notes

- Folder 20: Public Speaking Papers

- Box 9

- Folder 1: Religions of History, outlined material

- Folder 2: Religions of History, outlined material and brief papers

- Folder 3: Reports on the RBI --- 1966-1970

- Folder 4: Schaal Residence Hall dedication, program --- January 15, 1977

- Folder 5: Self-Evaluation of RBI --- 1962

- Folder 6: Self-Evaluation of RBC --- 1974

- Folder 7: Spiritual Pioneers. Sketches of RBI personalities --- 1962

- Folder 8: Student Memo released --- 1968

- Folder 9: Studies in the Book of Acts, notes

- Folder 10: Studies in the Book of Acts. The unfinished task of witnessing for Christ, notes

- Folder 11: Studies in the Book of Acts. The unfinished task --- 1967-1971

- Folder 12: Studies in the Book of Acts and the Epistles

- Folder 13: Studies in the Book of Ephesians. Outlined, 17pp.

- Folder 14: Studies in the Book of Ephesians. Typed material (incomplete)

- Folder 15: Studies in the Book of Ephesians. Better living through Christ --- 1968

- Box 10

- Folder 1: Studies in First Corinthians

- Folder 2: Studies in First and Second Thessalonians. Coopersville Reformed Church Bible Class --- 1980-1981

- Folder 3: Studies in First and Second Thessalonians, edited notes --- 1980

- Folder 4: Studies in First and Second Thessalonians. Discussion notes, Coopersville Reformed Church --- 1980-1981

- Folder 5: Studies in the Book of Galatians. Student papers --- 1970-1971

- Folder 6: Studies in the Book of Galatians. Examinations --- 1973

- Folder 7: Studies in the Gospels, 115pp.

- Folder 8: Studies in the Book of Hebrews, mimeographed copy

- Folder 9: Studies in the Book of Hebrews; Better living through Christ --- 1968

- Box 11

- Folder 1: Studies in the Book of Hebrews; notes --- 1972

- Folder 2: Studies in the Book of James; notes --- 1972

- Folder 3: Studies in the Book of Jude --- 1970-1972

- Folder 4: Studies in the Book of Philippians; notes --- 1966

- Folder 5: Studies in the Book of Revelation, outlined

- Folder 6: Studies in the Book of Romans: God's Triumphs revealed in Romans

- Folder 7: Studies in the Book of Romans; notes

- Folder 8: Studies in the Book of Romans; RBI mimeographed copy

- Folder 9: Sunday School Challenge; Use of the Bible with brief papers

- Folder 10: Thirty-first Commencement Program --- 1972

- Folder 11: Thirty-fourth Anniversary --- 1974

- Folder 12: Thomas Aquinas paper

- Folder 13: Twenty-fifth Anniversary material --- 1965

- Sub-Series 5: Sermonic Material --- 1933-1984

- Box 12

- Folder 1: Meditations in the Banner --- 1984

- Folder 2: Meditations in the Family Altar of the Back to God Hour --- 1965

- Folder 3: Meditations in Today: Theme, The Unfinished Task on the book of Acts

- Folder 4: Meditations in the Young Calvinist --- 1944

- Folder 5: Radio Messages, WKZO --- 1933-1939

- Folder 6: Radio Messages, WKZO --- 1939-1943

- Folder 7: Radio Messages, WMUS --- 1948

- Folder 8: Back to God Hour Sermons --- undated

- Folder 9: Class, Classical and Dutch Sermons --- 1973

- Box 13

- Folder 1: Sermons on Acts

- Folder 2: Sermons on James

- Folder 3: Sermons on John

- Folder 4: Sermons on Luke

- Folder 5: Sermons on Matthew 1-15

- Folder 6: Sermons on Matthew 16-28

- Folder 7: Submitted articles for Sunday School papers by Clare Johnson

- Folder 8: Submitted stories and poems for Sunday School papers by Ellen Brown

- Sub-Series 6: Sunday School Material --- 1946-1972

- Box 14

- Folder 1: Activities and papers

- Folder 2: Articles and papers

- Folder 3: Articles

- Folder 4: Committee Meetings --- January 17, 1963-November 6, 1967

- Folder 5: Convention programs --- 1946-1966

- Folder 6: Convention programs --- 1972

- Folder 7: Correspondence and Reports

- Folder 8: Sunday School Editor for Bible Guide and Bible Truth --- 1955

- Folder 9: Sunday School editorials in The Key --- 1969-1971

- Folder 10: Sunday School Feed my Sheep. Booklet with articles, draft, correspondence, finished copy --- 1972

- Folder 11: Sunday School Lesson Plans --- 1962-1972

- Folder 12: Sunday School: Midwest Association, Vol. 1 no. 2- Vol. 14 no. 1

- (incomplete)
- Folder 13: Sunday School Association minutes. Constitution of the Association, convention program --- 1971

- Sub-Series 7: Addenda and Miscellaneous Material --- 1946-1975

- Box 15

- Folder 1: Book Certificate. Registration of a claim to copyright Better Living Through Christ

- Folder 2: Book Reviews on The Royal Roman Road, Three Letters from Prison, Better Living Through Christ

- Folder 3: Rayyer Dykstra Issue. China Mission meetings, minutes and notes --- 1946-1947

- Folder 4: Living in a Suitcase, Letters of Nellie De Waard compiled in a 136pp. Typescript --- 1951-1960

- Folder 5: Programs in which John H. Schaal was involved --- 1963-1971

- Folder 6: Retreats: Lay Witness Mission, Bethany CRC --- 1973

- Folder 7: Retreats: Programs, notes --- 1967-1975

- Folder 8: Youth Conferences. Notes and brochures --- 1960, 1963

- Folder 9: A few family photographs - no identification

Browse by Sub-Series:
Sub-Series 1: Biographical Material, 1928-1989],
Sub-Series 2: Board Member, Chaplaincy, Committees, 1933-1991],
Sub-Series 3: Evangelism and Miscellaneous, 1934-1989],
Sub-Series 4: Reformed Bible College Material, 1939-1989],
Sub-Series 5: Sermonic Material, 1933-1984],
Sub-Series 6: Sunday School Material, 1946-1972],
Sub-Series 7: Addenda and Miscellaneous Material, 1946-1975],