Collection Overview
Minister of the Christian Reformed Church and professor of systematic theology at Calvin Theological Seminary. The collection includes materials on theological, doctrinal, ethical, and confessional matters; reports, minutes and correspondence detailing synodical committees, i.e., Interchurch Relations, Form of Subscription, Report 44 of 1972, Confessions, Heidelberg Catechism, and SCORR; minutes for the Meeter Center; articles; papers; materials on the alternate seminary and women's issue controversy; correspondence; letters of call; course materials; home missionary reports; retirement materials; and material on the Gerald Klooster court case with clippings, articles, correspondence, court proceedings, and videos. [See also the Campus Titles Database.]
Biographical Note
Fred H. Klooster was born in Munster, Indiana on December 23, 1922. While attending Chicago Christian High, Klooster's Bible teacher told him he had the ability to become a pastor and encouraged him to pursue an education in ministry. Klooster took his teacher's word to heart and enrolled at Calvin College. After graduating with his B.A. in 1942, he went on to Calvin Theological Seminary where he earned his Th.B. in 1947. Klooster decided to further his education by obtaining his Th.M. from Westminster Theological Seminary in 1949. Klooster had the honor of studying as a Fulbright scholar at the Free University of Amsterdam, earning his Th.D. in 1951.
Once he completed his education, Klooster was ordained on September 21, 1952 at South Holland, Illinois. He served as a Home missionary in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois until 1953. Klooster went on to become a lecturer at his alma mater, Calvin College, from 1953 to 1956. Klooster accepted the position of Professor of Dogmatics at the Seminary, and later taught Systematic Theology. Over the course of 35 years, he proudly prepared several generations of pastors for the CRC. Klooster retired in 1988.
Klooster's real passion was teaching, but he also enjoyed writing and scholarly research on the Heidelberg Catechism. He has written many articles and books including Our Only Comfort: A Comprehensive Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism, 2001. He was also the founding editor of the Calvin Theological Journal. He served his church in many capacities as well, such as serving on numerous synodical committees and leadership roles in the Reformed Ecumenical Synod.
On a personal level, Klooster married Leona De Waard in 1946. Together they had five children. When Klooster was not teaching, writing, or involved with a committee, he was gardening, playing ping-pong, or running around with his family. Fred H. Klooster passed away due to subdural hematoma on December 27, 2003 at the age of 81.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: [General Materials]],
Series 2: Articles and Papers],
Series 3: Academic Materials, 1961-1996],
Series 4: Committee Materials, 1982-1997],
Series 5: Academic Materials, 1982-1997],
[Series 6: Correspondence],
- Series 6: Correspondence

- Box 18

- Folder 1-11: 1940-1960

- Box 19

- Folder 1-8: 1961-1965

- Box 20

- Folder 1-10: 1966-1975

- Box 21

- Folder 1-10: 1976-1985

- Box 22

- Folder 1-10: 1986-1995

- Folder 11-13: Cornelius Vantil (Uncle Kees) --- 1943-1982

- Folder 14: Martin Woustra --- 1960

- Folder 15: Personal Family Letters, Switzerland and Sabbatical) --- 1959-1960

- Folder 16: Personal Letters Capetown, S.A. --- 1976

- Box 23

- Folder 1-3: Family --- 1949-1976

- Folder 4: Personal Family Letters, Korea --- 1971

- Folder 5: Personal Correspondence Sabbatical Heudelberg --- 1968-1969

- Folder 6: Oriental Lecture Tour --- 1971

- Folder 7: Fullbright Scholarship, Free University of Amsterdam --- 1949-1950

- Folder 8: Berchtesgaden Chaplain Retreat --- 1959

- Box 24

- Folder 1-2: Booklets on Karl Barth's Theology --- 1956-1963

- Folder 3: Correspondence re: Karl Barth --- 1961

- Folder 4: Christianity Today Articles on Barth's Theology --- 1961-1962

- Folder 5-6: Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics

- Folder 7: The Theology of Karl Barth

- Folder 8: Conversation with Karl Barth, "The Authority of Scripture" --- 1963

- Box 25

- Folder 1: Karl Barth Biographical Material

- Folder 2: Lectures on "The Theology of Karl Barth", Reformed Fellowship

- Folder 3: Review: Barth's Vol IV Doctrine of Reconciliation --- 1957

- Folder 4: Critique: Barth's Doctrine of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

- Folder 5: Article: "Karl Barth, Evangelicals and Revelation" --- 1987

- Folder 6: Article: "Barth and the Future of Evangelical Theology"

- Folder 7: Karl Barth and Christmas

- Folder 8: Research Material on Barth's Doctrine of God

- Folder 9: Papers/dialog on Karl Barth

- Folder 10: Paper: "Karl Barth's View of the Image of God in Man"

- Folder 11: Paper: "Berkhower on Barth"

- Folder 12: Articles on the Soteriology of Karl Barth

- Folder 13: Theological Views of Karl Barth

- Folder 14: Article: "Karl Barth's Doctrine of Election" --- 1961

- Folder 15: Class Notes Basel --- 1960

- Folder 16: Letters Describing Karl Barth's Funeral --- 1968

- Box 26

- Folder 1: Course Material: Church and Kingdom

- Folder 2: Essay" Calvinistic Philosophy" --- 1948

- Folder 3: Notes on the Book of Acts --- 1986

- Folder 4: Course Notes: Eschatology

- Folder 5: Article: "Perspectives on the CRC" --- 1983

- Folder 6: Article: "The Seminarian and Systematic Theology"

- Folder 7: Article: "The Reformation and Theology"

- Folder 8: Article: "Response to Dr. H.B. Weijland" RES --- 1980

- Folder 9: Article: "Theological Trends During the Past Quarter Century" --- 1974

- Folder 10: Article: "The Biblical Method of Salvation: A Case for Continuity" --- 1988

- Folder 11: Articles: "The Nature of Man"

- Folder 12: Article: "Scripture and Tradition in the R.E.S. --- 1985

- Folder 13: Article: The Identity of the Church in the Reformed Confessions" --- 1986

- Folder 14: Article: "The Death of God in Theology" --- 1967

- Folder 15: Paper: "The Covenant and Discrimination" --- 1985

- Folder 16: Letters from Basel --- 1960

- Folder 17: Lecture: "Calvin's Attitude Toward the Heldelberg Catechism --- 1990

- Folder 18: Speech: "American Freedom and the Christian School"

- Folder 19: R.E.S.: South Africa --- 1978

- Folder 20: Notes re: Belhar Confession

- Folder 21: Article: "Covenant, Church and Kingdom in the New Testament"

- Folder 22: Convocation Address, "Four R's" --- 1967

- Folder 23: Article: "The Priority of Ursinus in the Composition of the Heldelberg Catechism"

- Folder 24: Committee on the Inspiration of Scripture, RES

- Folder 25: Book Review: "Carl F.H. Henry"

- Box 27

- Folder 1: Sermons, Old Testament

- Folder 2: Sermons, New Testament

- Folder 3: Correspondence with Reverend Jean Rajonarivony

- Folder 4: Articles Regarding "Common Grace"

- Folder 5: Papers on the Covenant

- Folder 6: Paper: "Scripture and Tradition in the Res"

- Folder 7: Speech: "Herman Bavink on Scripture, Inspiration, Infallibility"

- Folder 8: Article: "What's Happening to our Churches" --- 1982

- Folder 9: Dictionary of Christian Ethics, "Merit" and "Supperogation"

- Folder 10: Article: "John Calvin the Theologian"

- Folder 11: Speech: "American Freedom and the Christian School"

Browse by Series:
Series 1: [General Materials]],
Series 2: Articles and Papers],
Series 3: Academic Materials, 1961-1996],
Series 4: Committee Materials, 1982-1997],
Series 5: Academic Materials, 1982-1997],
[Series 6: Correspondence],