By Ed Gerritsen, 2011
Collection Overview
Professor of education at Calvin College. The collection includes correspondence, addresses, papers, articles, monographs, manuscripts, thesis regarding Frederick Manfred, class notes, course materials, and miscellaneous materials that detail education in Christian schools at every level of teaching and learning.
Biographical Note
(1929 - 2017)
Peter Pousma DeBoer was born in Paterson, NJ on December 22, 1929. DeBoer attended Calvin College, majoring history and minoring in English and political science. Once he graduated from Calvin in 1951, DeBoer went on to earn his M.A. in social studies from Montclair State College in New Jersey. DeBoer began his teaching career at Sanborn Christian, teaching 7th and 8th grades as well as filling in as principal from time to time. He went on to teach English, history, and directing the choir at Western Christian High School. By 1957, DeBoer accepted a position at Dordt College as an English instructor. During this time, he also working towards earning his second M.A. in English at the University of Iowa.
In the fall of 1962, DeBoer became a faculty member of Calvin College's History department. He taught courses in Western Civilization and American History. President Spoelhof persuaded DeBoer to earn his Ph.D. in the field of philosophy and history of education. DeBoer enrolled at the University of Chicago and earned his Ph.D. in 1968.
Administrative Information
Heritage Hall, Hekman Library
Alternate Extent Statement:
7 Boxes
Acquisition Source:
Peter Pousma DeBoer
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Correspondence, 1962-1995],
Series 2: Addresses, 1960-1992],
Series 3: Papers, 1960-1982],
Series 4: Articles, 1962-1988],
Series 5: Monographs and Manuscripts, 1970-2001],
Series 6: Class Notes, and Course Materials, 1948-1963],
Series 7: Miscellaneous Materials, 1961-1997],
- Series 1: Correspondence --- 1962-1995

- Box 1

- Folder 1-2: Correspondence with Robert L. McCaul (University of Chicago) --- 1985-1992

- Folder 3: Correspondence re: IDIS 150 (interim course) --- 1975

- Folder 4: Correspondence re: speaking engagements in California --- 1982

- Folder 5: Correspondence and related materials re: Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship (CCCS) --- 1975-1989

- Folder 6: Correspondence re: leaves of absence --- 1964-1986

- Folder 7: Correspondence --- 1962-1995

- Folder 8: Letter to the editor of the Grand Rapids Press --- November 30, 1977

- Folder 9: Memo to Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship Fellows --- 1979

- Series 2: Addresses --- 1960-1992

- Box 1

- Folder 10: Address: "Organizing the Materials in Relation to some Broader Educational aspect of Speech Preparation," [Tri-State Teachers Convention, 1960 or 1961]

- Folder 11: Address: "Religion in Public Education," [Christian Service Club --- 1964]

- Folder 12: Address: "Why Have Christian Schools?" Grosse Point Christian School --- 1977

- Folder 13: Address: "Deliver Us from Irrelevance," [Paterson, NJ --- 1981]

- Folder 14: Address: "What's Your School's S.Q.? CSI District IV Meeting at Sheboygan, Wisconsin --- 1982

- Folder 15: Address: "Great Expectations," Honor Students at Calvin Christian High --- 1984

- Folder 16: Address: "One Who Got Away," Calvin College and Seminary 110th Anniversary at Sarnia, Woodstock, Hamilton, and Grimsby, Ontario --- 1986

- Folder 17: Address: "What Do We Mean by a Responsibility Theory for Christian Education," Calvin College Professional Education Staff Retreat --- 1988

- Folder 18: Address: "Pedagogy for Christian Education," Trinity Christian College at Chicago Conference --- 1988

- Folder 19: Address: ["So that We can Become All He Wants Us to Be,"] Sheboygan County Christian High School Commencement --- 1988

- Folder 20: Address: ["This will be brief…"] Fountain Street Church Chapel --- 1989

- Folder 21: Address: "Closing the Gap Between Vision and Practice," CCCS Workshop --- 1992

- Folder 22: Address: "Becoming Everything You Ought to Be," Hastings, Michigan Rotary Club's annual Honors Convocation for High School Students --- undated

- Folder 23: Address: "Christian Education: Why Bother?" [Given at Detroit, Grand Rapids, Illiana(Chicago) and others --- undated

- Series 3: Papers --- 1960-1982

- Box 2

- Folder 1: Paper: "Report of the English Department," (Dordt College) --- 1960

- Folder 2: College Forum, a review essay entitled, "On Teaching Style for Christian Higher Education" --- 1973

- Folder 3: Essay: "The Mode is Part of the Message" --- 1973

- Folder 4: Paper: "Omphaloskepsis in the Ed Department" --- 1975

- Folder 5: Paper: "The Clinical Experience Year" --- 1977

- Folder 6: Paper: "The American Dream" --- 1978

- Folder 7: Paper: "Toward an Anatomy of Response" --- 1978

- Folder 8: Paper: "The Michigan Internship or Clinical Experience Year" --- 1979

- Folder 9: Paper: "High School Graduation" --- 1980

- Folder 10: Paper: "Higher Education in America" --- 1981

- Folder 11: Paper: "Back to Basics? What Basics?" --- 1982

- Folder 12: Paper: "An Israel Diary" --- 1986

- Folder 13: Paper: "Excellence in Christian Education" --- 1988

- Folder 14: Paper and related documents: "Some Significant Shifts in Curricular Theory for Calvinist Colleges and Day Schools --- undated

- Folder 15: Paper: "Toward a Responsibility Theory for Christian Education" --- undated

- Folder 16: Paper: "Why Can't Johnny Write" --- undated

- Folder 17: Paper and related correspondence: "The Edwards Law and the Perils of Nonpublic School Politics" --- undated

- Folder 18: Papers

- Item 1: "What's Your School's Social Quotient? --- Undated

- Item 2: "A Christian Looks at Public Schools" --- 1982

- Folder 19: Paper: "Some Significant Shifts in Curricular Theory for Reformed Christian Education" --- undated

- Folder 20: Paper: "Whitman and Lincoln" --- undated

- Folder 21: Paper: "Nineteenth Century Literary Romanticism in the United States" --- undated

- Series 4: Articles --- 1962-1988

- Box 3

- Folder 1: Reformed Journal, articles --- 1962

- Folder 2: Christian Educators Journal, article entitled, "On Teaching Style for Christian Higher Education" --- 1973

- Folder 3: Christian Educators Journal, article entitled, ""A Case for Informal Education in Christian Schools," and a book review, "Freedom and Beyond" --- 1974

- Item 1: Article: "A Case for Informal Education in Christian Schools"

- Item 2: Book review: “Freedom and Beyond” --- 1974

- Folder 4: Banner, article entitled, "Let's Hear it for Jake" --- 1977

- Folder 5: Michigan School Board Journal, article entitled, "Teachers for Hire: A Market for Buyers?" --- 1977

- Folder 6: H. Van Brummelen's article on Christian school teacher education and PPDB's reply --- 1978

- Folder 7

- Item 1: Journal of Michigan Association of Teacher Educators, article entitled, "The Michigan Internship or Clinical Experience Year" --- 1979

- Item 2: Christian Home and School, article entitled, "The North American Idea of Success: Some New Varieties" --- 1979

- Folder 8: Calvin Spark, article re: N. H. Beversluis retirement --- 1980

- Folder 9: Calvinist Contact, "Letter to the Reader --- 1981

- Folder 10

- Item 1: Christian Home and School, article entitled, "A Christian Looks at Public Schools" --- 1982

- Item 2: Michigan School Board Journal, article entitled, "What's Your Social Quotient?" --- 1982

- Folder 11: Articles re: Christian schools curriculum --- 1982

- Folder 12: First draft of an article on North American Calvinists with back up materials --- 1982

- Folder 13: Calvin Spark, article entitled, "Profile: Calvin College Alumni Choir" --- 1988

- Series 5: Monographs and Manuscripts --- 1970-2001

- Box 3

- Folder 14: Manuscript: Encyclopedia of Education, "Protestant School Systems" --- 1970

- Folder 15: Monograph: Readings for Christian Perspectives on Learning, 3rd ed. --- 1975

- Folder 16: Manuscript: Teacher Education at Calvin College: The Early Years --- 1980

- Folder 17: Monograph, Christian Vision in Education: the Growing Edge, edited --- 1980

- Box 4

- Folder 1: Shifts in Curricular Theory for Christian Education, [The Calvin College Monograph Series] [HERH LC533 .D4 1983] --- 1983

- Folder 2: Manuscript: And Gladly Teach: Origins of Teacher Education at Calvin College, 1900-1930 --- [1991]

- Folder 3: Annotated List of Chicago Tribune Editorials on Elementary and Secondary Education in the U.S., 1852-1971, 1992 [HERH LA219 .M33 1992]

- Folder 4: Manuscript: Christian Studies Today: Educating Christian Teachers for Responsive Discipleship, [Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship] --- [1993]

- Folder 5: Manuscript: Religious Higher Education in the US, "Reformed Colleges and Seminaries," (Chapter 5) --- 1995

- Folder 6: Manuscript: Peaches and Other Stories about Growing Up in Prospect Park --- 1996

- Folder 7: Monograph: Mission Nearly Impossible: Richard H. Pousma, the Rehoboth Hospital, and Controversy on the Indian Mission Field --- 2001

- Folder 8: Manuscript: The Wisdom of Practice: Studies of Teaching in Christian Elementary and Middle Schools --- undated

- Folder 9: Manuscript: This I Know: A Young Calvinist's Introduction to the Christian Life --- undated

- Series 6: Class Notes, and Course Materials --- 1948-1963

- Box 5

- Folder 1: Class notes for Western Civilization course at Calvin College --- 1948-1951

- Folder 2: Class notes for Medieval History course at Calvin College --- 1948-1951

- Folder 3: Class notes for Teaching History course at Calvin College --- 1948-1951

- Folder 4: Class notes for History of the Balkan States course at Calvin College --- 1948-1951

- Folder 5: Class notes for Europe since 1815 course at Calvin College --- 1948-1951

- Folder 6: Class notes for History 206 course at Calvin College --- 1948-1951

- Folder 7: Class notes for American History course at Calvin College --- 1948-1951

- Folder 8-9: Class notes for courses taken at Montclair State College (NJ) --- 1951-1952

- Folder 10: Course Paper: "Similarities in Hawthorne and Melville's Concept of Evil" --- 1952

- Folder 11: Course Paper: "Huckleberry Finn: A Critique" --- 1952

- Folder 12: Course Paper: "The Elements of Juvenile Delinquency" --- 1952

- Box 6

- Folder 1: Class notes for History of the American West course at University of Iowa --- undated

- Folder 2: Class notes for Renaissance in Italy course at University of Iowa --- undated

- Folder 3: Class notes for American Civilization course at University of Iowa --- undated

- Folder 4: Class notes for American Political Thought course at University of Iowa --- undated

- Folder 5: Course Paper: "The Religious Question in English Education: 1870, 1902, 1944," at University of Iowa --- undated

- Folder 6: Course Paper: "Mark Twain and the Civil War," at University of Iowa --- undated

- Folder 7: Course Paper: "John Wise Versus the Mathers," at University of Iowa --- undated

- Folder 8: Course outline for freshman English at Dordt College --- 1957-1962

- Folder 9: Course outline for Western Civilization --- 1962-1963

- Folder 10: Course outline and notes for English 103 --- undated

- Series 7: Miscellaneous Materials --- 1961-1997

- Box 7

- Folder 1: Commencement program, State University of Iowa --- 1961

- Folder 2: Convocation program, The University of Chicago --- 1968

- Folder 3: Book reviews --- 1971-1995

- Folder 4: Community Discussion Program, "Human Experience: Changing Changeless" --- 1975

- Folder 5: Institutional Report for National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, Calvin College Grand Rapids, Michigan --- 1884

- Folder 6: Masters of Arts Thesis, Frederick Manfred: the Developing Art of the Novelist, revised --- 1988

- Folder 7: Chapter 24, Religious Colleges and Universities in America, "Reformed Colleges and Universities," bibliography --- 1988

- Folder 8: Distance Learning, "Faith and Teaching/Learning" --- 1995

- Folder 9: Bibliography of published materials --- [1996]

- Folder 10: News clippings --- 1972-1997

- Folder 11: Paper, untitled --- undated

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Correspondence, 1962-1995],
Series 2: Addresses, 1960-1992],
Series 3: Papers, 1960-1982],
Series 4: Articles, 1962-1988],
Series 5: Monographs and Manuscripts, 1970-2001],
Series 6: Class Notes, and Course Materials, 1948-1963],
Series 7: Miscellaneous Materials, 1961-1997],