Collection Overview
Title: Mark Boekelman Collection, 1945-1977
ID: COLL/437
Primary Creator: Boekelman, Mark
Extent: 0.0 Cubic Feet. More info below.
Arrangement: Folder level description
Member of the Multicultural History Society of Ontario. Collected materials for microfilming for the Society. Dutch ethnic materials were duplicated for Heritage Hall. These post-World War II materials reflect Kuyperian and Dooyeweerdian world and life views in the organizations and periodicals.
Biographical Note
Mark Boekelman was a member of the Multicultural History Society of Ontario, located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. At the society he worked with Herman Ganzevoort. He was an author of books about the Dutch immigration to North America and collected materials about the Dutch for the historical society.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: [General Materials]],
- Series 1: [General Materials]

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Supporting Materials

- Box Vault: Microfilm Reels

- Folder 1: Golden Triangle Dutch Canadian Club (Breslau, Ontario) Correspondence, programs, articles, financial records (English and Dutch) --- 1975-1977

- Folder 2-10: Pioneer Christian Monthly (Hamilton, Ontario), Feb 1951 – Nov 1976 (English and Dutch), missing vol. 1 and 1960-1963 (Alternate Title: Pioneer: Monthly for Netherlanders in the New World – Magazine Published Semi-Monthly by Reformed Church in America)

- Folder 11: Dutch-Canadian Credit Union (Chatham, Ontario). Newsletter: Credit Union News, 1969-1977 (English and Dutch)

- Folder 12: Holland Canada Club (Guelph, Ontario).

- Item 1: Records (Dutch and English) --- 1970-1977

- Item 2: Minutes --- 1970-1975

- Item 3: Constitution, correspondence, clippings

- Item 4: Newsletter: Windmill Whispers --- 1970-1977

- Item 5: Book: Canada en de Canadeezen, S.J. Hovius

- Folder 13: The Hamilton Netherlands Credit Union Ltd. Newsletter: Netherletter, Vol.1 - [Vol. 4] (Dutch and English) --- Jan 1972 - Feb 1975

- Folder 14: Hamilton Holland Club (Hamilton, Ontario). Miscellaneous records, correspondence, Newsletter (Dutch and English) --- 1975-1977

- Folder 15: Friesian Culture Club (Jarvis, Ontario). Photograph albums, 1972-1976, clippings, Friesian News Items, photographs (Dutch and English)

- Folder 16: Dutch Canadian Club (Kingston, ON). Constitution, minutes, correspondence, newsletters, clippings, 1973-1977 (Dutch and English)

- Folder 17: St. Willibrord Credit Union Ltd. (London, Ontario). Loan Policy, Wibo Travel Service file and new office building file, minutes of annual and semi-annual meetings, correspondence with the Cooperative Centrale Boerenleenbank, news and reports, 1953-1977 (Dutch and English)

- Folder 18: Duca Choir (Toronto, Ontario). Scrapbook, photograph, programs, clippings, 1964-1977 (Dutch and English)

- Folder 19-20

- Item 1: Duca Post Vol. 3 No. 27 – Vol. 16, Mar 1963 – Dec 1976 (missing: No. 1-26, 1961-1963; No. 28, Apr 1963; No. 30, Jun 1963; No. 42, Jul/Aug 1964) (Dutch and English).

- Item 2: Miscellaneous pamphlets issued by the Dutch-Canadian Committee, 1945-1970

- Folder 21: Dutch Canadian Credit Union (Toronto, Ontario). Minutes of annual meetings and meetings of Board of Directors (English and some Dutch) --- 1954-1971

- Folder 22-24: Neerlandia Soccer Club (Toronto, Ontario)

- Item 1: Photographs, clippings, files (Dutch). --- 1962-1977

- Item 2: Toronto Soccer. --- July 1977

- Item 3: Soccer Club Magazine --- Mar 1971 - Apr 1977

- Folder 25: Netherlands Folklore Group (Toronto, Ontario). Scrapbooks, clippings, correspondence, photographs, sketches (English and Dutch) --- 1963-1974

- Folder 26-28: Christian Reformed Church (Toronto, Ontario)

- Item 1: Clippings, correspondence, newsletters, agenda, papers, memorandums, sermons, 1964-1976 (Dutch and English).

- Item 2: Miscellaneous organizations, including an address list of Dutch Canadian Associations in Toronto area

- Folder 29: Netherlands Club (St. Catharines, ON)

- Item 1: Bulletin of Club of Netherlands, Sept. 1971 – Sept. 1977 (Missing: Oct. – Dec. 1971, May 1974, Nov. 1975) (Dutch)

- Folder 30: BeNeLux Club (Sault Ste. Marie, ON). Newsletter (Dutch and English) --- 1972-1977

- Folder 31: Pro Rege Publications Co. (Weston, ON). Financial records, correspondence, lists of publications (Dutch and English) --- 1958-1965

- Folder 32: Dutch Canadian Federation (Willowdale, ON). Newsletter, correspondence, financial records, informational materials (e.g. Windmills) (Dutch and English) --- 1945-1976

- Folder 33: Royal Netherlands Embassy. Emigration Manual, 2 volumes, 1956 (Dutch)

- Folder 34: Dames Club - Welkom (Toronto, ON). Handwritten minutes, 2/19/1971 - 4/15/1977, membership, correspondence (Dutch)

- Folder 35: Kooy, Leendert. Photograph albums, 4 volumes, clippings, music events (Dutch) --- 1969-1976

- Folder 36-37: Speelman, Peter. Records, (Dutch) --- 1956-1974

- Item 1: Dutch Association

- Item 2: Association for Reformed Scientific Studies

- Item 3: Church and Nation: For Reformed Faith and Action (Series)

- Item 4: Publications of Pro Rege Publishing Co.

- Item 5: Christian Labour Association of Canada Papers

- Item 6: Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship Papers

- Item 7: Christian Schools and Fund Raising Drives in the Netherlands

- Item 8: Toronto Calvinist, magazine of the Christian Reformed Churches of Toronto

Browse by Series:
[Series 1: [General Materials]],