Collection Overview
Minister of the Christian Reformed Church, executive director for Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship (AACS), general secretary of the Reformed Ecumenical Synod (later called Reformed Ecumenical Council), editor of RES News Exchange, RES Theological Forum, RES Mission Bulletin, and International Reformed Bulletin. The collection includes: extensive AACS and Institute for Christian Studies (ICS), RES materials; speeches, lectures, reports, papers, notes, and reference materials on a wide range of topics including ecumenism, church unity, Calvinism, Christian Labour Association, Catholicism, Christian education, Canadian immigration, apartheid, theology, H. Evan Runner, Karl Barth, etc.; conference materials; sermons; and correspondence.
Biographical Note
Paul Gerard Schrotenboer was born in East Saugatuck, Michigan on May 10, 1922. As a high school senior, Schrotenboer felt the call to become a minister. Schrotenboer pursued his dream by entering Calvin Theological Seminary where he earned his Th.B. in 1947. He earned his Th.M. from Westminster Seminary in 1949 and travelled aboard to earn his Th.D. in 1955 from Free University in Amsterdam. Schrotenboer first call from the congregation of Ottawa, Ontario. He served there until 1960 when he accepted the call from the congregation of St. Catharines, Ontario. For a few years Schrotenboer also worked part-time as the development director for the Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship (AACS), now the Institute for Christian Studies (ICS).
During the 1963 meeting of the Reformed Ecumenical Synod (RES) in Grand Rapids, Schrotenboer was offered a staff position of General Secretary for RES. Hiring Schrotenboer resulted in RES having a greater world presence. He visited other world gatherings as a RES representative. He made connections with the World Alliance of Reformed Churches, the World Council of Churches, and World Evangelical Fellowship. He also held close connections with the churches in South Africa. He greatly opposed apartheid, and played a significant role in helping end it. Despite having a busy work schedule, Schrotenboer still found time to write. He had written a great number of books, pamphlets, and essays. He remained with the Reformed Ecumenical Synod until he retired in 1988. Although retired, he still worked part-time for the International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education.
After a long fight with cancer, Paul Gerard Schrotenboer passed away on July 16, 1998 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He was survived by his wife of 52 years, Bernice Oatmen. He was also survived by his 3 sons and their families.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: AACS Material, 1964-1982],
Series 2: Papers and Class Notes, 1930-1970, n.d.],
[Series 3: Reference Material, 1940-1988],
Series 4: Correspondence, 1965-1998],
Series 5: WEF Material, 1980-1998],
Series 6: Speeches and Lectures, 1956-1988],
Series 7: Papers, 1969-1997],
Series 8: OMSC and Missions Conference Material, 1982-1987],
Series 9: Miscellaneous, 1952-1998],
Series 10: Photographs],
- Series 3: Reference Material --- 1940-1988

- Box 13

- Folder 1: American Calvinistic Fellowship Material --- 1971-1983

- Folder 2: Academic Freedom --- 1969, 1971, and 1974

- Folder 3: Alcoholism --- 1973

- Folder 4: Apartheid --- 1958, 1960, and 1969

- Folder 5: Apologetics (W.B. Greene)

- Folder 6: Apologetics --- 1985

- Folder 7: The Antithesis --- 1985

- Folder 8: Angels --- 1986

- Folder 9: Amnesty --- 1973, 1978

- Folder 10: Abortion --- 1971, 1975-1977 and 1980

- Folder 11: Authority of Scripture --- 1972-1973, 1981-1985

- Folder 12: Bahaism

- Folder 13: Belgic Confession --- 1969, 1985

- Folder 14: Biculturalism --- 1963

- Folder 15: Biblical Authority --- 1981

- Folder 16: Birth Control --- 1961-1965

- Folder 17: Bread for the World --- 1978, 1984

- Box 14

- Folder 1: British Israelism --- 1945-1947, 1957

- Folder 2: Bilateral Conversations (WCS) --- 1979

- Folder 3: Biblical Inerrancy --- 1978

- Folder 4: G.C. Berkouwer --- 1967, 1987

- Folder 5: Calvin and Calvinistic Philosophy --- 1978

- Folder 6: Calvin and Calvinism --- 1941-1964

- Folder 7: Capitalism and Christianity --- 1949

- Folder 8: Capital Punishment --- 1956 and 1960

- Folder 9: The Canadian Council of Churches --- 1964

- Folder 10: Reference Material and Class Paper on Children --- 1946-1947

- Folder 11: Christianity and Politics --- 1970-1975

- Folder 12: Christian Labour Association --- 1934-1965

- Folder 13: Reference Material for Christian Education Speech --- 1957-1965

- Folder 14: Christian Labour Association --- 1962-1966

- Folder 15: Catholicism --- 1956-1960

- Box 15

- Folder 1: A Christian University --- 1960-1984

- Folder 2: Citizens for Educational Freedom --- 1959-1966

- Folder 3: Civil Liberties --- 1961-1965

- Folder 4: Catholicity and Secession --- 1987

- Folder 5: Winston Churchill --- 1948

- Folder 6: the Church and Kingdom --- 1971

- Folder 7: Church Growth

- Box 16

- Folder 1: Church Sales and Bazaars

- Folder 2: Making of a Christian Student --- 1963

- Folder 3: Church of the Nazarene and Church of God --- 1945

- Folder 4: Church Policy --- 1957 and 1965

- Folder 5: Hamilton, Ontario Christian School --- 1960-1965

- Folder 6: Reference Material and Class Paper --- 1963

- Folder 7: Church Discipline --- 1948

- Folder 8: Church Unity --- 1982-1984

- Folder 9: Church Union --- 1954

- Folder 10: Christian Schools in a Secular Society --- 1968

- Folder 11: Christian Legal Society --- 1975

- Folder 12: Church Union --- 1970-1975

- Folder 13: Church and State --- 1973-1984

- Folder 14: Church and Politics --- 1969-1981

- Folder 15: Communism --- 1965-1984

- Folder 16: Conservatism --- 1964

- Folder 17: Consultation on Relationship between Evangelism and Social Responsibility --- 1980-1983

- Folder 18: Confession "Unanimous Testimony of Faith" --- 1974

- Box 17

- Folder 1: Confessing Christ Today --- 1974

- Folder 2: Confessional Standards --- 1971-1972

- Folder 3: Courtship

- Folder 4: Covenant of Grace --- 1947

- Folder 5: Creation

- Folder 6: Creeds and Confessions

- Folder 7: the Deaconate --- 1978

- Folder 8: the History of Dogma

- Folder 9: Divine Science --- 1945

- Folder 10: Discipline, Church --- 1975-1976

- Folder 11: Reference Material and Notes on Disarmament --- 1960

- Folder 12: Reference Material and Notes on Discipline --- 1957-1968

- Folder 13: Reference Material and Notes on The Dignity of Man --- 1963

- Folder 14: Divorce

- Folder 15: Philosophy of Dooyeweerd --- 1962

- Folder 16: Dooyeweerd --- 1983-1986

- Folder 17: Doubt --- 1959

- Folder 18: Synod of Dordt --- 1968

- Folder 19: Reference Material and Papers on Drama --- 1948

- Folder 20: Dying --- 1969-1977

- Box 18

- Folder 1: Ecology --- 1971-1973

- Folder 2: Education --- 1960-1964

- Folder 3: Reference Material and Notes on Education and Religion --- 1957-1963

- Folder 4: Ethics and Public Policy --- 1978

- Folder 5: Euthanasia --- 1980-1987

- Folder 6: Evangelization --- 1948-1959

- Folder 7: Evangelism --- 1975-1980

- Folder 8: Reference Material and Papers on Evolution --- 1959-1965

- Folder 9: Evolution --- 1969-1987

- Folder 10: E.D. Fackerell --- 1971-1972

- Folder 11: Reference Material and Notes on Faith healing --- 1941-1963

- Folder 12: Freemasonry --- 1956

- Folder 13: Foundation on Economic Trends --- 1983

- Box 19

- Folder 1: Foundation for Christian Community Development --- 1947-1977

- Folder 2: Free University of Amsterdam --- 1977-1981

- Folder 3: Fundamentalism --- 1985-1986

- Folder 4: Gambling --- 1961

- Folder 5: Groen Van Prinsterer --- 1956

- Folder 6: Hell --- 1958

- Folder 7: the Heidelberg Catechism --- 1940-1941

- Folder 8: the House of David

- Folder 9: Reference Material and Notes on Hymns --- 1942-1943

- Folder 10: the Holiness Movement --- 1957

- Folder 11: Homosexuality --- 1973

- Folder 12: International Assignment for Mission Studies --- 1981-1986

- Folder 13: Inter-Religious Dialogue --- 1961-1986

- Folder 14: Intervarsity Christian Fellowship --- 1967

- Folder 15: Iraq --- 1967

- Folder 16: Individualism --- 1963-1964

- Folder 99: FOLDER 16a: Idolatry --- 1959

- Folder 17: Islam --- 1981-1987

- Folder 18: The Jesus Revolution --- 1971

- Folder 19: Jews

- Box 20

- Folder 1: Justice in Education --- 1984

- Folder 2: Koinonia Declaration --- 1978

- Folder 3: Abraham Kuyper film --- 1987-1988

- Folder 4: Kuyper Institute --- 1975

- Folder 5: Labor Relations --- 1960-1964

- Folder 99: FOLDER 5a: Martin Luther --- 1941

- Folder 6: Reference Material and Class Papers on Mental Health --- 1960

- Folder 7: The Middle East --- 1980-1983

- Folder 8: Miracles

- Folder 9: Missions

- Folder 10: Methodists and Mennonites

- Folder 11: Mental Illness --- 1947

- Folder 12: Marriage --- 1940 and 1949

- Folder 13: the Moral Majority --- 1982

- Folder 14: Mormonism --- 1957-1960

- Folder 15: Muslims --- 1984-1987

- Folder 16: Moral and Spiritual Indifference --- 1964

- Box 21

- Folder 1: Missions; Class Paper and Notes on Missions --- 1940-1949

- Folder 2: Mixed Marriages --- 1976-1980

- Folder 3: National Workshop on Christian Unity --- 1982

- Folder 4: Nuclear Arms --- 1982-1983

- Folder 5: Nuclear Energy --- 1977

- Folder 6: Reference Material and Papers on Christian Interpretation of Dreams --- 1962-1963

- Folder 7: Necking --- 1940

- Folder 8: Nigeria --- 1960

- Folder 9: The Netherlands --- 1955

- Folder 10: Patriotism --- 1973-1975

- Folder 11: Pentecostalism --- 1970

- Folder 12: Psychiatry and Christianity --- 1963-1964

- Folder 13: Politics and Religion --- 1960-1968

- Folder 14: Population Explosion --- 1971

- Folder 15: Palestine --- 1940

- Folder 16: Peace --- 1963

- Folder 17: Prayer --- 1947

- Box 22

- Folder 1: Pilgrim Holiness Church --- 1945

- Folder 2: the Orthodox Presbyterian Conflict --- 1944-1948

- Folder 3: Paintings

- Folder 4: The Quakers --- 1945, 1960

- Folder 5: Racial Problems --- 1949-1963

- Folder 6: Reconciliation --- 1969-1975

- Folder 7: Reformation Translation Fellowship --- 1965-1977

- Folder 8: Reforum --- 1985-1986

- Folder 9: Refugees --- 1977-1987

- Folder 10: Religious Liberty --- 1979-1980

- Folder 11: Revolution --- 1968-1974

- Folder 12: Roman Catholic Church --- 1968-1987

- Folder 13: the Reformation --- 1960-1967

- Folder 14: Religion and Science --- 1948-1964

- Box 23

- Folder 1: Reformed Fellowship Material --- 1958-1964

- Folder 2: the Rosicrucian Fellowship --- 1945

- Folder 3: the Resurrection --- 1956, 1969

- Folder 4: Russelism (Jehovah's Witnesses) --- 1956-1957

- Folder 5: Salvation --- 1971-1973

- Folder 6: The Authority of Scripture --- 1973

- Folder 7: The Authority of Scripture --- 1965-1967

- Folder 8: the Sabbath --- 1941, 1963

- Folder 9: The Salvation Army --- 1959

- Folder 10: Satan --- 1947

- Folder 11: K Schilder and Paper on the Christian Faith (Scheiermacher) --- 1944-1945

- Folder 12: Sex --- 1962-1964

- Box 24

- Folder 1: 7th Day Adventists and 7th Day Baptists --- 1945

- Folder 2: Spiritualism

- Folder 3: Swedenborgianism

- Folder 4: Teenage Problems --- 1957-1960

- Folder 5: Indigenous Theology --- 1974-1975

- Folder 6: Theonomy --- 1985

- Folder 7: Paul Tillich --- 1952-1959

- Folder 8: Theosophy --- 1945

- Folder 9: The Theatre

- Folder 10: the Universal Religious Fellowship

- Folder 11: Unity School of Christianity --- 1945

- Folder 12: Unitarians --- 1938-1945

- Folder 13: The United Nations --- 1964

- Folder 14: Worship

- Folder 15: Witchery

- Folder 16: Welfare --- 1973

- Box 25

- Folder 1: Wealth --- 1978

- Folder 2: War --- 1968-1987

- Folder 3: Women in the Church --- 1958

- Folder 4: Youth Problems --- 1957-1960

Browse by Series:
Series 1: AACS Material, 1964-1982],
Series 2: Papers and Class Notes, 1930-1970, n.d.],
[Series 3: Reference Material, 1940-1988],
Series 4: Correspondence, 1965-1998],
Series 5: WEF Material, 1980-1998],
Series 6: Speeches and Lectures, 1956-1988],
Series 7: Papers, 1969-1997],
Series 8: OMSC and Missions Conference Material, 1982-1987],
Series 9: Miscellaneous, 1952-1998],
Series 10: Photographs],