By Kip Odell, 2001; Ed Gerritsen, 2013
Collection Overview
Albertus Christiaan Van Raalte Research Professor at the A. C. Van Raalte Institute, Hope College, Holland, Michigan, 1996-present; professor of history emeritus, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, 1968-1996; assistant professor at Calvin College, 1965-1968; and a writer and editor of books and articles in the field of Dutch-American studies. The collection includes correspondence; research materials detailing ship passenger lists; Dutch immigrant and emigration statistical records; published materials detailing Canadian emigration and Dutch Jewry in the North American Diaspora; lecture notes; conference materials; recordings; photographs; and personal records. [See also the Campus Titles Database.]
As of 2013, this material is still being actively collected.
Administrative Information
Heritage Hall, Hekman Library
Further accruals expected
Alternate Extent Statement:
120 Boxes
Acquisition Source:
Robert P. Swierenga
Other Note:
Acc. No. 00.39, 03.45, 04.54, 05.34, 06.49, 07.51, 07.59, 08.03, 08.60, 10.18, 10.30, 11.17, 12.05, 13.10, 13.20
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Correspondence],
Series 2: Research Correspondence],
Series 3: Emigration & Immigration Records],
Series 4: Passenger Lists],
Series 5: Recordings, Conference, Scrapbook, 1968-1981],
[Series 6: Dutch Material],
Series 7: Books],
Series 8: Research Articles and Papers],
Series 9: Papers],
Series 10: Jewish Material],
Series 11: Books and Reviews],
Series 12: Lecture Notes],
Series 13: Conferences],
Series 14: Course Material],
Series 15: Newsletters],
Series 16: Miscellaneous],
Series 17: Photographs],
Series 18: Video Tapes],
Series 19: Dutch-American Population Census Lists],
- Series 6: Dutch Material

- Box 29

- folders 1-11 see Series 4
- Folder 12-13: Agriculture, 1795-1940

- Box 36

- Folder 1: Agriculture Material

- Folder 2: Argentina Data Files --- undated

- Folder 3: Immigration to Argentina --- 1888-1910, undated

- Folder 4: Argentina --- undated

- Folder 5: Argentina and Brazil settlement --- undated

- Folder 6: Argentina Ship Passenger Lists --- 1882-1926, undated

- Folder 7-8: Catholic Emigration

- Box 37

- Folder 1-5: Census documents, 200 --- 1840, 1899

- Folder 6: Chicago

- Box 38

- Folder 1-6: Chicago

- Folder 7: Drenthe --- 1870-1920

- Folder 8: Economics Material

- Box 39

- Folder 1: Economic Statistics --- undated

- Folder 2-3: Emigration --- 1846-1851

- Folder 4-5: Emigration statistics --- 1901-1920

- Folder 6: Factory statistics --- 1859

- Folder 7-8: Holland

- Folder 9: Immigration to Canada --- undated

- Box 40

- Folder 1-2: Research Material - Dutch Immigration to Canada --- 1952, 1954, 1958, 1961 1971, undated

- Folder 3: International Migration Statistics --- 1820-1880, undated

- Folder 4: Immigrants/U.S. Ship Lists --- 1820-1880, undated

- Folder 5: Immigrants to Latin America --- 1835-1880 and 1881-1908, undated

- Folder 6: Migration Data

- Box 41

- Folder 1-2: Migration Data

- Folder 3: Netherlands statistics --- 1902

- Folder 4: Post WWII Dutch Emigration --- 1950-2011

- Folder 5: Population statistics --- 1878-1920

- Folder 6: Province population statistics --- 1890-1920

- Box 42

- Folder 1: Population Statistics --- undated

- Folder 2: Population statistics by province --- 1900's

- Folder 3: Professions/ trades of emigrants --- 1901-1920

- Folder 4: Roman Catholic Immigration to America --- undated

- Folder 5: Social structure --- 1900s

- Folder 6: South Africa and Suriname --- 1937, undated

- Folder 7: Zeeuws-Vlaanderen to Brazil --- undated

- Box 43

- Folder 1: AADAS Conference Material --- 2005

- Folder 2: Speech at AADAS Conference Chicago's Groninger Hoek --- 1987

- Folder 3: Agricultural History Society Material --- 1995-1998

- Folder 4: Agricultural Regions, Types of Soil and Products, The Netherlands

- Folder 5: Agricultural Statistics for Province of Groningen --- 1870

- Folder 6: Arnold Hoving (Timothy Christian School) --- undated

- Folder 7: "Banner" Notices --- 1911-1926, undated

- Folder 8: 25th Anniversary of Barnabas Foundation Reminiscing, Dennis Hoekstra --- 2000

- Folder 9-10: Belgians in America --- undated

- Box 44

- Folder 1: Benik Van Duitschen Bloed-Dutch Emigrants in West Michigan --- 1945-1965, undated

- Folder 2: Bonne Iwema Hauling Company --- 1926, undated

- Folder 3: Calvinist leaders in Netherlands --- 1820-1930

- Folder 4-6: History of Chicago Christian College --- 1932-1937

- Folder 7: Chicago Helping Hand Mission --- undated

- Box 45

- Folder 1: Chicago Jewish Mission (Nathanael Institute) --- undated

- Folder 2: Chicago Letters and Memoirs --- undated

- Folder 3: Chicago and Suburban Ash and Scavenger Association --- undated

- Folder 4: Chicago Statistics --- undated

- Folder 5-7: Miscellaneous Chicago Material --- undated

- Box 46

- Folder 1: Croniek --- 1986

- Folder 2: Data on Belgians in Indiana --- 1850-1900

- Folder 3: De Uittocht --- 1973

- Folder 4: Membership Lists of Drenthe Presbyterian Church --- 1851-1886

- Folder 5: Dutch Garbage Men in Chicago --- undated

- Folder 6-7: Dutch Immigrant Murderers --- undated

- Box 47

- Folder 1: Dutch Immigrant Murderers --- undated

- Folder 2: History of Ebenezer Christian School Chicago --- undated

- Folder 3: History of Englewood Christian School --- undated

- Folder 4-6: Economic development in the Netherlands --- 1845-1914

- Folder 7: 1930 Census: Foreign Born White Families --- undated

- Folder 8: Original Forest Cover in Iowa --- undated

- Box 48

- Folder 1-2: The Garbage Industry --- undated

- Folder 3: Economic Geography Reports for Groningen and Overijssel 1913, 1916 (in Dutch) --- undated

- Folder 4: Geographical Dictionary of Netherlands --- undated

- Folder 5: Gereformeede Kerk of Middelstrum (Drs. B. Debeig) --- undated

- Folder 6: In Memoriam, Gerhardus Sprenger --- 1967

- Folder 7: Gruoninga --- 1969

- Folder 8-10: H.P. Scholte Land Deeds, Marion County --- undated

- Box 49

- Folder 1-3: H.P. Scholte Land Deeds, Marion County --- undated

- Folder 4: Handboek Pastorale Sociologie --- 1953

- Folder 5: Haulage Contracts and Street Statistics --- undated

- Folder 6: Historia Agriculturae

- Folder 7: Historical Atlas of the Netherlands 1815-1931 (in Dutch) --- undated

- Folder 8: Huizenga Family History/Waste Management --- undated

- Folder 9: Family of P. Huizenga Senior --- undated

- Folder 10-12: International Migration --- 1974-1976

- Box 50

- Folder 1: Iowa Letters --- undated

- Folder 2-3: IRM Corporation Court Proceedings --- 1998-2001

- Folder 4-7: IRM Corporation Material --- 1982-2001

- Folder 7: Knickerbocker Male Chorus --- undated

- Folder 8: Land ownership --- 1983-1988

- Box 51

- Folder 1: Landverhuizing Reports

- Folder 2-3: Letters of Recommendation --- 1995-2003

- Folder 4: Mobility Data- Hofstee, Zeeland, North Holland

- Folder 5: Moody Bible Institute Chicago --- undated

- Folder 6: Nederland Handboek Der Aardrijkskunde --- 1915

- Folder 7: Netherlands Census (in Dutch) --- 1869

- Folder 8: Netherlands Municipality Files --- 1830-1878, undated

- Folder 9: Obituary written for J.W. Schulte Nordholt and related material --- 1996

- Box 52

- Folder 1: Oudorp voters lists --- 1850-1851

- Folder 2: Palos Heights Mosque Controversy and Other Political Subjects --- undated

- Folder 3-4: Pella, IA; Probate Court Records --- undated

- Folder 5-7: Population Statistics

- Box 53

- Folder 1-2: Population Statistics

- Folder 3: Writings on the Reformation --- 1950s-1970s

- Folder 4: History of Roseland Christian School --- undated

- Folder 5: History of Roseland and South Holland, Illinois --- undated

- Box 54

- Folder 1-6: Roseland Mutual Aid Society Members

- Box 55

- Folder 1: The Roseland (Chicago) Mutual Aid Society --- undated

- Folder 2: Reflections on Roseland, Chicago --- undated

- Folder 3: Reflections on South Holland, Illinois --- undated

- Folder 4: Social Statistics for the Netherlands, 19th century

- Folder 5: Social Statistics for the Province of Drenthe --- 1844

- Folder 6: Social related statistics for province of Groningen --- 1900's

- Folder 7-8: Sipke Hoekstra's murder --- 2009-2010

- Box 56

- Folder 1: SSHA Panel on Frederick Jackson Turner- Baltimore --- 1993

- Folder 2-4: Tax assessment documents for Goedereede --- 1853-1871

- Folder 5: Jacob Teune Affair 1941 Chicago --- undated

- Folder 6: Eighth U.S. Census Data --- 1860, undated

- Folder 7: Indiana Census Lists --- undated

- Folder 8: Eleventh U.S. Census Data --- 1890, undated

- Folder 9: Census of Iowa --- 1880

- Folder 10: Tenth U.S. Census Data --- 1880, undated

- Folder 11: U.S. Immigration documents --- 1870, 1887, 1911

- Box 57

- Folder 1: Vandermolen Truck Farmers --- 1920's, undated

- Folder 2: VanderMolen Family/VanderMolen Disposal Company --- undated

- Folder 3: Correspondence with Louis Y. Van Dyke (Dort College) --- 1995

- Folder 4-15: Van Hinte Materials - Correspondence --- 1977-1989, 1992, 1999-2000

- Folder 16-17: Van Hinte Materials --- 1980-1981, 1985-1986

- Folder 18-19: Van Hinte Materials --- undated

- Folder 20-21: Verslag- Groningen

- Box 58

- Folder 1-2: Jaarlijksch Verslag- Gelderland

- Folder 3-4: Verslag- Landbouw

- Folder 5: Verslag- Limburg

- Folder 6: Verslag- Overijssel

- Box 59

- Folder 1: Verslag- Province Noordbrabant

- Folder 2: Verslag- Provincie Drenth

- Folder 3-4: Verslagen Landverhuizers Data

- Box 60

- Folder 1: Verslagen Landverhuizers Data

- Folder 2: Verslagen- Noord Holland

- Folder 3: Verslagen- Utrecht

- Folder 4: Verslagen- Zeeland, Overissel, Groningen

- Folder 5: Verslagen- Zuid Holland

- Box 61

- Folder 1-3: Verslagen- Friesland

- Folder 4-5: Verslagen- Zeeland

- Box 62

- Folder 1: Various Waste Haulers --- undated

- Folder 2: re: The Wezeman Case --- 1935-1937, undated

- Folder 3: Wisch- Scenario --- 1983-1850, 1982

- Folder 4: The Zelf Help (Self Help) Burial Society, Chicago --- undated

- Folder 5: Zielenverbrijzelaars en Zondelozen --- 1988

- Box 111

- Folder 1: Dutch Census Material --- undated

- Folder 7: Copy of Voices from the Dutch Reformed Church in the USA - Debey & Zwemer --- 1871

- Box 112

- Folder 1: Dutch of Detroit Material --- undated

- Folder 2: Dutch Settlements in the U.S. (Research Material) --- undated

- Folder 3: Dutch Settlements in the U.S. (Research Material) --- undated

- Folder 4: Dutch Settlements in the U.S. (Research Material) --- undated

- Box 120

- Folder 1: Netherlands Census Lists --- 1835-1880

- Folder 2: Dutch Emigration Notes --- undated

- Folder 3: Gelderland Emigration --- undated

- Folder 4: "Nederland Schaal 1:400.00" Map --- undated

- Folder 5: "79 Municipalities with Total Emigration (1835-80)," Netherlands --- 1835-1880

- Folder 8: Zeeland Municipality Notes --- undated

- Folder 9: Groningen Emigration Notes --- undated

- Folder 10: Dutch Census Info --- 1849-1879

- Folder 11: Dutch Emigration Notes --- undated

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Correspondence],
Series 2: Research Correspondence],
Series 3: Emigration & Immigration Records],
Series 4: Passenger Lists],
Series 5: Recordings, Conference, Scrapbook, 1968-1981],
[Series 6: Dutch Material],
Series 7: Books],
Series 8: Research Articles and Papers],
Series 9: Papers],
Series 10: Jewish Material],
Series 11: Books and Reviews],
Series 12: Lecture Notes],
Series 13: Conferences],
Series 14: Course Material],
Series 15: Newsletters],
Series 16: Miscellaneous],
Series 17: Photographs],
Series 18: Video Tapes],
Series 19: Dutch-American Population Census Lists],