By Kip Odell, 2001; Ed Gerritsen, 2013
Collection Overview
Albertus Christiaan Van Raalte Research Professor at the A. C. Van Raalte Institute, Hope College, Holland, Michigan, 1996-present; professor of history emeritus, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, 1968-1996; assistant professor at Calvin College, 1965-1968; and a writer and editor of books and articles in the field of Dutch-American studies. The collection includes correspondence; research materials detailing ship passenger lists; Dutch immigrant and emigration statistical records; published materials detailing Canadian emigration and Dutch Jewry in the North American Diaspora; lecture notes; conference materials; recordings; photographs; and personal records. [See also the Campus Titles Database.]
As of 2013, this material is still being actively collected.
Administrative Information
Heritage Hall, Hekman Library
Further accruals expected
Alternate Extent Statement:
120 Boxes
Acquisition Source:
Robert P. Swierenga
Other Note:
Acc. No. 00.39, 03.45, 04.54, 05.34, 06.49, 07.51, 07.59, 08.03, 08.60, 10.18, 10.30, 11.17, 12.05, 13.10, 13.20
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Correspondence],
Series 2: Research Correspondence],
Series 3: Emigration & Immigration Records],
Series 4: Passenger Lists],
Series 5: Recordings, Conference, Scrapbook, 1968-1981],
Series 6: Dutch Material],
Series 7: Books],
[Series 8: Research Articles and Papers],
Series 9: Papers],
Series 10: Jewish Material],
Series 11: Books and Reviews],
Series 12: Lecture Notes],
Series 13: Conferences],
Series 14: Course Material],
Series 15: Newsletters],
Series 16: Miscellaneous],
Series 17: Photographs],
Series 18: Video Tapes],
Series 19: Dutch-American Population Census Lists],
- Series 8: Research Articles and Papers

- Box 66

- Folder 5: "Absentee Ownership" --- 1975

- Folder 6: American Historical Association Report for 1931 --- undated

- Folder 7: "Archival Materials and Manuscripts in the Netherlands on Immigration to the United States" --- 1985

- Folder 8: "Behavioralism in Historical Research" --- 1978

- Folder 9: "Behavioralism in Historical Research" and "Social Science History" and Related Correspondence --- 1983

- Folder 10: "Belgians in the United States" by Kristine Smets --- 1990

- Folder 11: "Beschowing der Kadastrale Vitkomsten in Noord Holland" --- 1841

- Folder 12: "Beschrijving van de Nederlanden" --- 1830

- Box 67

- Folder 1: "Bibliotheek voor Sociale en Bedrijfs Weteshaapen" --- 1925

- Folder 2: "Bijdragen tot de Statistiek van Nederland" --- 1904

- Folder 3: "Book Burning is Not the Answer" --- 1966-1967

- Folder 4: "Browning Ferris Industries: A Corporate Profile" --- 1987

- Folder 5: "Case Study if the Bankruptcy of Chicago Christian High School in 1937" --- 1966

- Folder 6: "Catholic and Protestant Emigration from the Netherlands" --- 1983

- Folder 7: "The Causes of Dutch Emigration to America, 1866 Account" --- 1979

- Folder 8: "The Church and Dutch Reformed Colonization in Argentina" --- 1999

- Folder 9: "The Christian Historian; The University and Student Unrest" --- 1971

- Folder 10: "CLIO with Numbers" --- 1970

- Folder 11: "Computers and American History" --- 1974

- Folder 12: American History Journal Article: Computers and American History: The Impact of the New Generation --- 1974, undated

- Folder 13: "Computer and Historical Research in the USA" --- 1972

- Folder 14: "Contributions to General Statistics of the Netherlands" --- 1876

- Folder 15: "Corn Belt" --- 1975

- Folder 16: "The Delayed Transition from Folk to Labor Migration: The Netherlands, 1880-1920" --- 1993

- Folder 17: "De Demografische Ontwikkeling van Nederland" --- 1978

- Box 68

- Folder 1: Weekly Newspaper: Denederlander --- undated

- Folder 2: "Decisions, Decisions: Turning Points in the Founding of Holland." --- 1998

- Folder 3: "Dijluusn van Vrogger." --- 1997

- Folder 4: "Drenth as Economical-Geographical Region in Past and Today" --- 1919

- Folder 5-9: "Dutch" --- 1977-1985

- Folder 10-11: History of Dutch agriculture --- 1900's

- Folder 12: Dutch agricultural laborers --- 1900's

- Folder 13-16: "The Dutch in America," --- 1979-1981, 1985-1987, 1989-1991, undated

- Folder 17: Thesis and Other Articles on Dutch/American Culture by Susanne Sinke --- undated

- Box 69

- Folder 1: Research Material, Article: A Dutch American Family History --- undated

- Folder 2: "A Dutch Carpenter's 'American Letter' from New York in 1849" --- 1991

- Folder 3: Dutch Chicago --- 2002-2003

- Folder 4-7: Publication of Dutch Chicago --- 2002-2009

- Folder 8: "Dutch Immigrant Demography, 1820-1880" --- 1980

- Folder 9: PH. D Dissertation, "Dutch Immigrant Letters- Forums for Shifting Identities" K. Dehaan --- 1998

- Box 70

- Folder 1-3: "A Dutch Immigrant's View of Frontier Iowa" --- 1965

- Folder 4: "Dutch Immigration Historiography" --- 1979

- Folder 5: "Dutch Immigration in the Nineteenth Century, 1820-1877 A Quantitative Overview" --- 1975

- Folder 6: "Dutch International Migration Satistics, 1820-1880: An Analysis of Linked Multinational Non-war Files" --- 1981

- Folder 7-8: "Dutch Jewish Immigration and Religious Life in the Nineteenth Century" --- 1990

- Folder 9: Various articles on Dutch sociological issues --- nd

- Folder 10: "Dutch Transnational Migration, 1880-1920." --- undated

- Folder 11: "The Dutch Transplanting in Michigan and the Midwest" --- 1986

- Folder 12: "Emigration to the United States of North America" --- nd

- Folder 13-14: "The Ethnic Voter and the First Lincoln Election" --- 1965

- Folder 15: Thesis: "Ethnicity in the Reformed Tradition - Dutch Calvinist Immigrants in Canada" --- 1946-1960

- Box 71

- Folder 1: "Ethnocultural Political Analysis" --- 1971

- Folder 2: "Exodus Netherlands, Promised Land America" --- 1982

- Folder 3-4: "The Families of Sipke (Samuel) Hoekstra and Bartha (Bertha) Dijk," by Ralph Allen Hoekstra, 2010; West Side Christian School (Grand Rapids, MI): Marie Hoekstra's class --- 1921

- Folder 5: "The Fort Dodge Clam Club, 1855-1856" --- 1969

- Folder 6: "Goedereede en Ouer Flakkee Island" --- 1896

- Folder 7: "Grand Rapids Work, the Furniture of Berkey and Gay Furniture Co." --- 1998

- Folder 8: "Great is Thy Faithfulness: the Autobiography of William Ploeg" --- undated

- Folder 9: "Het Bestuderen van de Nederlandse Emigratie naar de Verejig de Staten" --- 1982

- Folder 10: "Het Nederlandse Volk in Zijn Woongebied" --- 1965

- Folder 11: Phillip Vogel "The Holland, Nebraska Locality" --- 1956

- Box 72

- Folder 1: "Hope Cemetery (Highland, Indiana), Schoon Cemetery (Munster, Indiana), North Township (Lake County, Indiana)" --- 1994

- Folder 2: "The Huizenga Story" and "The Huizenga Family" --- undated

- Folder 3: "The Illinois Observer" --- undated

- Folder 4: Pamphlet, "Income and Wealth Inequity in Amsterdam, 1585-1805"

- Folder 5: Paper by R. Swierenga "International Record Linkage of Dutch Immigrants to the U.S. in 19th Century" --- 1995

- Folder 6-8: Iowa Letters --- 1998-2004

- Folder 9-10: Jews in Chicago --- 1870-1988

- Box 73

- Folder 1-2: Jews in Chicago --- 1852-1993

- Folder 3: "The Journey Across: Dutch Trans-Atlantic Emigrant Passage to the United States, 1820-1880" --- 1994

- Folder 4: JWB Magazine Article: "The Dutch Rabbi of NYC" --- 1993

- Folder 5: "Kaart Kerkelijk Nederland" --- 1961

- Folder 6: Kanton Bergum --- November 18, 1882

- Folder 7: "Kinship Networks in the Migration Process" --- 1973

- Folder 8: "Land Speculation and its Impact on American Economic Growth and Welfare…" --- 1977

- Folder 9: "Land Speculation 'Profits' Reconsidered: Central Iowa as a Test Case" --- 1966, 1970

- Folder 10: Local-Cosmopolitan Theory and Immgrant Religion" --- 1980

- Folder 11: "The Low Countries" --- 1996

- Folder 12: "Nederlandsche Staats-Courant" --- 1849

- Folder 13: "Netherlanders in American" --- 1976

- Folder 14: New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch and Related Documents --- 1980

- Folder 15: Paper: "News from the Dutch Colony of Pella" and Related Correspondence --- 1984

- Folder 16: Nieuwsblad van Friesland --- April 11, 1888

- Folder 17: Nieuwsblad van Friesland --- April 18, 1888

- Folder 18: Nieuwsblad van Friesland --- February 3, 1892

- Folder 19: Nieuwsblad van Friesland --- March 9, 1892

- Folder 20: Nieuwsblad van Friesland --- March 30, 1892

- Folder 21: Nieuwsblad van Friesland --- October 12, 1892

- Folder 22: Niewe Adversensieblad --- April 4, 1888

- Folder 23: Niewe Adversensieblad --- January 16, 1889

- Folder 24: Niewe Adversensieblad --- February 27, 1889

- Folder 25: "The Odious Tax Title" --- 1970-1971

- Folder 26: Paper: "Odyssey of Woe"

- Folder 27: "Odeyssey of Woe: The Journey of the Immigration Ship April…" --- 1994

- Box 74

- Folder 1: "Odyssey of Woe" and related research material

- Folder 2: Pamphlet: Official Pictures of a Century of Progress Exposition --- 1933

- Folder 3-4: Translation of "Oude Nedezetters" (Zeeland Settlers) --- 1907

- Folder 5: "Overseas Migration - A Mirror of Dutch Culture" written for "De Gids" --- 1986

- Folder 6: "Patterns of Ethnicity in a Minnesota County 1880-1905" --- 1973

- Folder 7: Photocopy Receipts --- 1976

- Folder 8: "A Place of Refuge" --- 1968

- Folder 9: "Population since the Industrial Revolution: The Case of England and Wales" --- 1973

- Folder 10: Postcards depicting Jewish religious observances

- Folder 11: "Protestant Immigration and Ethnicity in America" and "Jan Van Meckelenburg" and "Peter Stuyvesant" --- 1987

- Folder 12: Correspondence Re: Publication of "Religion & American Society" --- 1986-1994

- Box 75

- Folder 1: "Quantification and the Use of Local Resources in the study of Urban History." --- Undated

- Folder 2: History 201, "Quantification in History." --- Undated

- Folder 3: Map - RCA or CRC Affiliation of Pre-1857 Emigrants, Netherlands --- undated

- Folder 4: Reformed Journal articles and related material on John Calvin --- 1965-1967

- Folder 5: Synodical Committee Report re: Relations between Classis Illinois and League of Reformed Men's Societies --- 1935, undated

- Folder 6: Published Articles - "Religion and Immigration Behavior: The Dutch Experience" --- 1991

- Folder 7: "Religion and Immigration Patterns" --- 1986

- Folder 8: Thesis: Role of Ethno-Religious Organizations in the Assimilation Process of Dutch Christian Reformed and Catholic Immigrants in South West Ontario

- Folder 9: Articles on rural-urban issues

- Folder 10: Published Articles - "Samuel Myer Isaacs: The Dutch Rabbi of New York City (1-3)" --- 1991-1993

- Folder 11: "Samuel R. Hays" --- 1987

- Folder 12: "The Settlement at Roseland, Illinois" --- undated

- Folder 13: "Social Statistics and Historical Research: A Symbosis" --- 1978

- Folder 14: "Socio-Economic Patterns of Migration from the Netherlands in the Nineteenth Century" --- 1976

- Folder 15: "Statistisch Overzigt" --- 1856-1857

- Folder 16: "Statistische Bescheiden Voor het Konin Grijk der Nederlanden Bevolking,"1865-1869

- Box 76

- Folder 1: "Statistische Bescheiden Voor het Konin Grijk der Nederlanden Bevolking" --- 1870-1875

- Folder 2: "The Story of Englewood" --- 1835-1923, undated

- Folder 3: Peoria, Iowa: A Story of Two Cultures, 1853-1984. --- 1984

- Folder 4: "Studying Dutch Emmigration to the USA: New Methods and Concerts" --- 1984

- Folder 5: Published Articles - "The Tax Buyer as a Frontier Investor Type" --- 1968-1970

- Folder 6: "Tenant Farming in Iowa, 1860-1900" --- 1974

- Folder 7: Copies of Zeeland Historical Society magazine Timeline --- 1995-1997

- Folder 8: Newsclippings Re: Timothy/Cicero School Issue --- 1969

- Folder 9-10: "Towards the 'New Rural History: A Review Essay" --- 1973-1974

- Folder 11: Transparencies of Land Owner Maps 19th Century --- undated

- Folder 12: "Twenty Years in the History of Amsterdam" --- 1968

- Folder 13: "Unholy Mess" (The IRM Debacle) --- 2000

- Folder 14: USDA Publication Farm Population and Rural Life 1936 --- undated

- Box 77

- Folder 1: "The West Side Dutch in Chicago", 2001 and "The Groninger Hoek" --- 1999

- Folder 2: "The Western Land Business: The Story of Easley and Willingham, Speculators" --- 1967

- Folder 3: Paper Presentation at World Conference on Records and Association Correspondence --- 1980

- Box 95

- Folder 2: Research Material - Dutch in Cleveland, OH --- undated

- Folder 3: Research Material - Dutch in Cleveland, OH --- undated

- Folder 4: Research Material - Dutch in Cleveland, OH --- undated

- Folder 5: Research Material - Cleveland Chr. Ref. Churches --- undated

- Folder 6: Research Material - Calvary Reformed Church, Cleveland OH --- undated

- Folder 7: Reseach Material - Dutch in Cincinnati, OH --- undated

- Box 96

- Folder 1: Research Material - Catholics in Chicago --- undated

- Folder 2: Research Material - Catholics in Chicago --- undated

- Folder 3: Research Material - Catholics in Chicago --- undated

- Folder 4: Research Material - Catholics in Chicago (Arnold Damen) --- undated

- Folder 5: Research Material - Catholics in Grand Rapids, MI --- undated

- Folder 6: Research Material - Dutch Catholics in Montana (Forgotten Pioneers by Mary Weeks) --- undated

- Folder 7: Research Material - Dutch Detroit --- undated

- Folder 8: Research Material - Music in the Holland (MI) --- undated

- Box 97

- Folder 1: Research Material - Emigrant Agents, Stories

- Folder 2: Research Material - 19th Century Netherlands Economic Growth --- undated

- Folder 3: Research Material - 19th Century Netherlands Economic Growth --- undated

- Folder 4: Research Materials - Trans Atlantic Migration & Shipping --- undated

- Box 111

- Folder 5: Clymer, NY Material --- undated

- Folder 6: Rev. M. Cohen-Stuart material --- undated

- Box 112

- Folder 5: Highland, De Motte, Lafayette IN Material --- undated

- Folder 6: Controversy Over Hymns in Highland IN CRC by Nick Huizenga --- undated

- Folder 8: Research - Labor Unions and the CRC --- undated

- Folder 9: Muskegon, MI Material --- undated

- Folder 10: Research Material - Herman Hoeksema (Protestant Reformed) --- undated

- Folder 11: Research - True Dutch Reformed Church Secession --- 1822

- Folder 12: Research Material - South Holland (MI) Presbyterian Church --- undated

- Box 113

- Folder 1: History of Marion County, Iowa & Rev. Henry Scholte (Research Materials) --- undated

- Folder 2: History of Marion County, Iowa & Rev. Henry Scholte (Research Materials) --- undated

- Folder 3: History of Marion County, Iowa & Rev. Henry Scholte (Research Materials) --- undated

- Folder 4: History of Marion County, Iowa & Rev. Henry Scholte (Research Materials) --- undated

- Folder 5: Vogel Center (Missaukee County) MI Material --- undated

- Folder 6: Research Material - Whitensville, MA --- undated

- Folder 7: Autobiography of Rev. J.O. Vos --- undated

- Folder 10: Park Township Centennial History --- 1915-2015

- Box 114

- Folder 7: History and Ecology by James C. Malin - Edited by Robert P. Swierenga --- 1984

- Folder 8: Family Quarrels in the Dutch Reformed Church of the Nineteenth Century (Book from Pillar Church Sesquicentennial Lectures) --- 1997

- Box 119

- Folder 6: Rev. P.A. Hoekstra--Call Letters & Sermon (Grandfather of Robert P. Swierenga) --- 1911-1949

- Folder 9: "Groeten nit Holland" Dutch National Geographic --- February 2004

- Folder 10: "The Banner on Race - A Christian Reformed Conversation in Black and White" by Janel Bakker --- 2006

- Box 120

- Folder 6: "From Structural Push to Chain Migration" by E.B. Zoomers --- 1986

- Folder 7: "Reminders of Rev. Roelof Smit and His Life" by Rev. Roelof Dicphuis, Missionary Monthly --- March 13, 1941

- Folder 12: Van Lonkhuyzen, John (Jan) --- undated

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Correspondence],
Series 2: Research Correspondence],
Series 3: Emigration & Immigration Records],
Series 4: Passenger Lists],
Series 5: Recordings, Conference, Scrapbook, 1968-1981],
Series 6: Dutch Material],
Series 7: Books],
[Series 8: Research Articles and Papers],
Series 9: Papers],
Series 10: Jewish Material],
Series 11: Books and Reviews],
Series 12: Lecture Notes],
Series 13: Conferences],
Series 14: Course Material],
Series 15: Newsletters],
Series 16: Miscellaneous],
Series 17: Photographs],
Series 18: Video Tapes],
Series 19: Dutch-American Population Census Lists],