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Robert P. Swierenga Collection



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Research Correspondence

Emigration & Immigration Records

Passenger Lists

Recordings, Conference, Scrapbook

Dutch Material


Research Articles and Papers


Jewish Material

Books and Reviews

Lecture Notes


Course Material




Video Tapes

Dutch-American Population Census Lists

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Robert P. Swierenga Collection, 1830-2013 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

By Kip Odell, 2001; Ed Gerritsen, 2013

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Collection Overview

Title: Robert P. Swierenga Collection, 1830-2013

ID: COLL/404

Primary Creator: Swierenga, Robert P. (1935-)

Extent: 46.75 Cubic Feet. More info below.

Arrangement: Folder level description


Albertus Christiaan Van Raalte Research Professor at the A. C. Van Raalte Institute, Hope College, Holland, Michigan, 1996-present; professor of history emeritus, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, 1968-1996; assistant professor at Calvin College, 1965-1968; and a writer and editor of books and articles in the field of Dutch-American studies. The collection includes correspondence; research materials detailing ship passenger lists; Dutch immigrant and emigration statistical records; published materials detailing Canadian emigration and Dutch Jewry in the North American Diaspora; lecture notes; conference materials; recordings; photographs; and personal records. [See also the Campus Titles Database.]

As of 2013, this material is still being actively collected.

Administrative Information

Repository: Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

Accruals: Further accruals expected

Alternate Extent Statement: 120 Boxes

Acquisition Source: Robert P. Swierenga

Other Note: Acc. No.  00.39, 03.45, 04.54, 05.34, 06.49, 07.51, 07.59, 08.03, 08.60, 10.18, 10.30, 11.17, 12.05, 13.10, 13.20

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Correspondence],
[Series 2: Research Correspondence],
[Series 3: Emigration & Immigration Records],
[Series 4: Passenger Lists],
[Series 5: Recordings, Conference, Scrapbook, 1968-1981],
[Series 6: Dutch Material],
[Series 7: Books],
[Series 8: Research Articles and Papers],
[Series 9: Papers],
[Series 10: Jewish Material],
[Series 11: Books and Reviews],
[Series 12: Lecture Notes],
[Series 13: Conferences],
[Series 14: Course Material],
[Series 15: Newsletters],
[Series 16: Miscellaneous],
[Series 17: Photographs],
[Series 18: Video Tapes],
[Series 19: Dutch-American Population Census Lists],

Series 10: Jewish Material
Box 78
Folder 7: "American Jewish Yearbook," "American Jews," and "Jewish Migrations" --- 1840-1956
Folder 8: "American Jewry and the Civil War," "The Jewish American Family," "Jewish Immigrant Skill and Occupational Attainment," and "Dutch Investor in Minnesota"
Folder 9: The American Synagogue," and "Jewish Pioneers and Patriots"
Folder 10: "The Americanization of the Synagogue 1820-1870" by Leon A. Jick --- 1979
Folder 11: "In Amsterdam, 300 Years of Jewish Life," "Jews in the Diamond Industry in Amsterdam," Dutch Jews in a Segmented Society," "Maar de Joden Zijn Toch Slechte Menschen"
Folder 12: "Board of Delegates of American Israelites 1859-1878" "History of Jews in NYC 1654-1850" "Union of American Hebrew Congregations and American Jewry 1873-1903" and "Jews and American Anti-Slavery" --- 1901
Folder 13: "Century of Anglo-Jewish Life 1870-1970,"  "Social History of Jews in England 1850-1950," "The Jewish Immigrant in England," "Sweated Industries and Sweated Labor," and "Anglo-Jewish Ministry in early Victorian London" --- 1870-1914
Folder 14: A Century of Judaism in New York --- 1825-1925
Folder 15: "Conflicts between Orthodox and Enlightened Jews, etc." "Jews in the Netherlands," "Policy of Amsterdam Municipality Toward Jews," "Het Joodse Proletariaat, etc."
Folder 16: "De Joden en de Nederlandse Beschaving," "Strafrecht en Stigmatisering," "De verspreiding der Joden over Nederland," "Werkplaats van Sociaal Onderzoek"
Box 79
Folder 1-2: Material re: Dutch Jews in America
Folder 3: "Dutch Jewish History," Proceedings of the Tel-Aviv University Symposium --- 1984
Folder 4: "Early Jews of New Orleans," "History of the Jews of Mobile Alabama," "Jews of Mobile Prior to Organization of 1st Congregation," and "The First Synagogue in L.A."
Folder 5: "Economic Life of the American Jew in Middle 19th Century," "Jewish Businessmen in L.A.," "History of Touro Synagogue," and "Congregation Gates of Prayer"
Folder 6: "Economic Life of Jews in San Francisco During," "The Shooting of Chas. DeYoung," and "The Chronicles of Emanu-el" --- 1860's
Folder 7: "An economic Survey of Jews in Pittsburgh" and "Early Migration and settlement of Jews in Pittsburg, 1754-1894" --- 1860-1880
Folder 8: "Een Stad in Veral Amsterdam Omstreeks," "Jews and the Amsterdam Diamond Trade," "Joodse Liberalen in de Eerste Jaren," "The Sepharoi Jews of Amsterdam" --- 1800
Folder 9: Encyclopedia article re:  Jews during Dutch colonial period in New York City --- undated
Folder 10: "Estimation and Analysis of Jewish Population of the U.S.," "Profiles in American Judaism," and "Biographical Dictionary of Early American Jews"
Folder 11: The First Rabbi by I. Harold Sharfman --- 1988
Box 80
Folder 1: Correspondence re: The Forerunners of Dutch Jewry in America --- 1992-1995
Folder 2: "From Wurtemberg to America," "The Sephardim of the U.S.A.," "Finding our Fathers," "Jewish Entrepreneurs," and "The Spectrum of Jewish Leadership in Ante-Bellum America"
Folder 3: Genealogies of the first American Jewish Families, 1654-1977
Folder 4: "Geschiedenis van de Amsterdamse Diamathandel," "Jewish Residential Patterns," "Jewish Elements Injozefisraels Art," "Lodewnk Napoleon en de Franse Tijd"
Folder 5: Research articles on Samuel Gompers
Folder 6: Material re: history of Jews in the Caribbean Islands --- undated
Folder 7: Articles: "Hebrew German Society Rodeph Shalom in the City and County of Philadelphia," 1951; "A Study of Jewish Economic Life in Philadelphia from 1875 to 1881," 1981; and "Notes on the Earliest German Jewish Congregation in America" --- 1951
Folder 8: "History of the Marranos," "Psychology of the Immigrant," "Amsterdam Elite in 19th Century," "Jews in the Mediene," "Van Hebreeuwse Natie Naar Nederlands/Israelitsch Kergenootschap"
Folder 9: "History of Jews of Milwaukee," "The Temple (Cleveland)," encyclopedia article re: Jews in Cleveland, and "The Plain Dealer: 100 years in Cleveland" --- 1850-1950
Box 81
Folder 1: Book, The History of the Jews of Philadelphia from Colonial Times to the Age of Jackson --- 1956
Folder 2: "History of Jews in the United States, 1654-1875"
Folder 3: "International Migration of Jews," "Pilgrims in a New Land," and "Old World Traits Transplanted"
Folder 4: "The Jew in America," "Diaspora," and "Bicentennial Festschrift for J.R. Marcus"
Folder 5: "Jews of the American West," "Western Jewry," "J. Voorsanger: from Cantor to Rabbi," "Congregational and Community Leadership- Emanu-el of San Francisco" --- 1849-1980
Folder 6: Material on the Jews in Baltimore (Maryland) --- 1910-1977
Folder 7: "The Jews in Boston until 1875," "The Jews and Masonry in U.S. before 1810," "Memories of Ohabei Shalom," "Development of Jewish Casuistic Literature in America," and "Dedication of Massachusetts First Synagogue" --- 1843-1918
Folder 8: Material re: Jews in Buffalo New York --- 1947-1991
Folder 9: Articles: "Jewish Deaths Included in the Vital Records of American Cities, 1821-1829," 1969; "Once a Cigar Maker," 1987; and "Demographic Characteristics of the Jewish Population of the United States and Philadelphia in 1830" --- 1989
Folder 10: "The Jews of Detroit 1762-1914," "The Beth-El Story," "Jews in Michigan," and "Congregation Shaarey Zedek" --- 1861-1981
Box 82
Folder 1: Listing of Jews of Dutch parentage living in U.S. from census --- 1850, 1860 and 1870
Folder 2: Excerpts from Jews from Germany in the United States, and The Periodization of American Jewish History --- 1995
Folder 3: Excerpts from Motivation of German Jewish Emigration, and The American Jewish Experience --- 1948-1986
Folder 4: "Phases of Jewish Life in New York before 1800," "Study of Jewish Businessmen in New York City 1776-1830," "Civil Status of Jews in Colonial New York," and "Jewish Landsmanshaftn in New York City Preceding World War I" --- undated
Folder 5: Excerpt from Jewish Life in Philadelphia --- 1830- 1940, 1983
Folder 6: "Jewish Life in the U.S.," "Travels through Jewish America," "Jewish Outmarriage," and "Debate over Mixed Seating in American Synagogue"
Folder 7: Book, The Jews of Philadelphia re: history of Rodeph Shalom congregation in Philadelphia --- undated
Folder 8: Excerpts and articles, including: Jews in Philadelphia Prior to 1800, Isaac Lesser and Protestantization of American Judaism, Myer Myers Goldsmith 1723-1795, and "Jews in the Clothing Industry - Philadelphia" --- 1850-1860
Folder 9: Jewish population summaries for various U.S. Cities, 1850-1860; "Formative Years of Jewish Social Welfare," 1977; and "Notes on the First Settlement of Jews in Pennsylvania" --- 1897
Folder 10: "Jewish Population of U.S. Estimated from Census of 1820," and "Religious and Cultural Phases of American Jewish History" --- 1820
Folder 11: "The Jews in San Francisco," "Life and Legacy of Judah Magnes," "Jewish Merchants in San Francisco," "Jewish Mobility in Los Angeles," "Wilshire Boulevard Temple," and "Jews of Los Angeles" --- 1849-1945
Box 83
Folder 1: Material on Jews in the southern U.S. --- undated
Folder 2: Research material on Rabbi David M. Isaacs and relatives --- nd
Folder 3: Maps showing concentrations of Jews in various Dutch Provinces
Folder 4: "Migration & Settlement," "Social History of Jews in England," "History of Jews in England," "The United Synagogue - Children of the Ghetto" --- 1850-1950
Folder 5: "New York Businessmen 1831-1835," "Early Jewish Settlers 1682-1831," and "Geschiedenis van de Amsterdamse Diamanthandel en Nijverheid" --- 1845-1897
Folder 6: Thesis: "Occupational Mobility of Jews in Chicago 1860-1880" --- 1976
Folder 7: "J.J. Pinto: A Dutch Hazan in Colonial New York 1729-1782," "An Old Faith in New World 1654-1954," "Jewish Clothiers of New York City 1851-1860," and "Economic Profile of New York City Jews" --- 1835-1840
Folder 8: "Psychosociology of the Immigrant," "Joodsenamen en namen van Joden," "Family, Community, and Environment, Early 19th Century Dutch Jewery"
Folder 9: "Studies in 19th Century American Jewish History," articles from "The Jewish Encyclopedia," and classified advertisements from The Jewish Messenger
Folder 10: "The Synagogues of New York's Lower East Side," 1978; "The Rise of the Jewish Community of New York," 1976; "Jewish Day School in America," 1966; "The Emergence of Conservative Judaism," and "Hebrews in America" --- 1975
Folder 11: "The Temple 1850-1900," "Origin of Jewish Community of Cincinnati 1817-1860," "Cincinnati Businessmen," and "Oldest Jewish Congregation in the West (Cincinnati)" --- 1818-1840
Box 84
Folder 1: "The Tempting Freedom," "History of the Jews of Cleveland," and "Origins and Aims of the Cleveland Jewish Orphan Asylum" --- undated
Folder 2: Material from Western Reserve Historical Society re: Jews in Cleveland Ohio --- 1984-1990
Folder 3: "Yiddish Language and Literature, etc." "Jewish Marriage Strategies," "Jewish Policy of William  I," "Jews in the Netherlands," "De Diamantbewerkers Van Amsterdam"

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Correspondence],
[Series 2: Research Correspondence],
[Series 3: Emigration & Immigration Records],
[Series 4: Passenger Lists],
[Series 5: Recordings, Conference, Scrapbook, 1968-1981],
[Series 6: Dutch Material],
[Series 7: Books],
[Series 8: Research Articles and Papers],
[Series 9: Papers],
[Series 10: Jewish Material],
[Series 11: Books and Reviews],
[Series 12: Lecture Notes],
[Series 13: Conferences],
[Series 14: Course Material],
[Series 15: Newsletters],
[Series 16: Miscellaneous],
[Series 17: Photographs],
[Series 18: Video Tapes],
[Series 19: Dutch-American Population Census Lists],

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