Records Relating to Manuscripts Collections | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library
Records filed under "Manuscripts Collections"
COLL 004 Henry Baker Collection, 1926-1990

COLL 006 Herman Bavinck Collection, 1897-1998

COLL 008 John Bolt Collection, 1982

COLL 009 Bert P. Bos Collection, 1954-1971

COLL 011 Henry Beets Collection, 1824-1981

COLL 014 Ralph Bolt Collection, 1905-1945

COLL 016 Henry Bonnema Collection, 1923-1928

COLL 017 John R. Bos Collection, 1919-1924

COLL 018 Clarence Bouma Collection, 1891-1965

COLL 021 John H. Bratt Collection, 1932-1988

COLL 023 Quirinus Breen Collection, 1933-1975

COLL 024 J.R. Brink Collection, 1892-1958

COLL 026 Ralph Bronkema Collection, 1924-1954

COLL 028 Tony Brouwer Collection, 1946-1971

COLL 030 Jacob Brouwer Collection, 1995

COLL 032 Harry Bultema Collection, 1918-1947

COLL 034 John Byleveld Collection, 1930-1944

COLL 035 Annette Buurstra Collection, 1963

COLL 040 Jesse De Boer Collection, 1931-1985

COLL 043 Renze De Groot Collection, 1933-1988

COLL 046 Frank De Jong Collection, 1949-1980

COLL 053 Ralph Dekker Collection, 1904-1964

COLL 054 Simon Dekker Collection, 1877-1938

COLL 061 James Den Boer Collection, 1960-2008

COLL 062 Henry Denkema Collection, 1912-1954

COLL 065 Leon J. Deur Collection, 1882-1983

COLL 068 John De Vries Collection, 1932-1967

COLL 069 Peter De Vries Collection, 1910-1996

COLL 070 Henry De Wit Collection, 1956-1986

COLL 072 Frank Doezema Collection, 1898-1965

COLL 074 Richard Drost Collection, 1930-1961

COLL 075 Douwe R. Drukker Collection, undated

COLL 076 Linda Dykstra Collection, 1968-1971

COLL 081 Peter Ekster Collection, 1880-1918

COLL 084 Henry Exoo Collection, 1930-1977

COLL 085 Dirk Flietstra Collection, 1913-1948

COLL 088 Herman Fryling Collection, 1892-1947

COLL 092 George Goris Collection, 1919-1960

COLL 095 John Gritter Collection, 1924-1967

COLL 101 Valentine Hepp Collection, 1930-1934

COLL 102 Titus Heyboer Collection, 1934-1973

COLL 103 Ralph Heynen Collection, 1943-1972

COLL 104 William Heyns Collection, 1856-1947

COLL 108 Peter Hoekstra Collection, 1907-1959

COLL 111 Luurt Holstein Collection, 1885-1925

COLL 112 Henry Holtvluwer Collection, Undated

COLL 114 John J. Holwerda Collection, 1930

COLL 119 Marie Huibregtse Collection, Undated

COLL 120 James Huizenga Collection, 1959-1981

COLL 125 Elmer Huizinga Collection, 1896-1993

COLL 126 Henry Hulst Collection, [undated]

COLL 128 Albert Hyma Collection, 1923-1970

COLL 131 Henry G. Jager Collection, 1937-1997

COLL 132 Clarence Jalving Collection, 1952

COLL 133 Ralph Janssen Collection, 1918-1972

COLL 139 George Kamp Collection, 1904-1978

COLL 141 Henry Keegstra Collection, 1889-1955

COLL 143 Jan Kerssies Collection, undated

COLL 144 Robin Jensen Collection, 1962-1994

COLL 146 J. Peter E. Kooi Collection, 1994

COLL 150 Jan Riemersma Collection, 1881-1883

COLL 154 Herman Kuiper Collection, 1915-1962

COLL 155 Klaas Kuiper Collection, 1893-1921

COLL 167 John Medendorp Collection, 1933-1992

COLL 170 John E. Meeter Collection, 1955-1981

COLL 172 John Meppelink Collection, undated

COLL 174 Grace Meyers Collection, 1920-2012

COLL 175 Kathlyn Meyers Collection, 1916-1941

COLL 176 William Mierop Collection, 1914-1930

COLL 179 William Muller Collection, 1930-1987

COLL 184 Wybren Hotze Oord Collection, 1986

COLL 186 Donald Oppewal Collection, 1950-2008

COLL 187 J. Orlebeke Collection, 1921-1948

COLL 194 Julia Ensink Collection, 1948-1992

COLL 195 Abel Poel Collection, 1935-1957

COLL 197 Mary Pos Collection, 1952

COLL 198 E. R. Post Collection, 1949-1982

COLL 199 John Post Collection, 1877

COLL 200 W. T. Radius Collection, 1952-1972

COLL 204 John R. Riess Collection, 1871-1881

COLL 206 Jan Robbert Collection, 1877-1921

COLL 210 Center for Public Justice [US] and Committee for Justice and Liberty Foundation [Canada] Collection, 1965-1987

COLL 212 Myron Roys Collection, 1833-1923

COLL 214 Aletta Rus Collection, 1953-1954

COLL 218 John H. Schaal Collection, 1928-1991

COLL 227 Paul Schrader Collection, 1924-1992

COLL 231 Carl Sinke Collection, 1958-1985

COLL 233 Howard Slenk Collection, 1965-1993

COLL 235 Edgar H. Smith Collection, 1916-1958

COLL 237 Wessel Smitter Collection, 1934-1973

COLL 239 Radia Spoelhof Collection, 1916-1972

COLL 246 Anna Derks Collection, 1905-1916

COLL 247 George Stob Collection, 1914-1981

COLL 248 Henry Stob Collection, 1899-1997

COLL 250 Renzina Stob Collection, 1916-1977

COLL 252 Seymour Swets Collection, 1919-1973

COLL 257 Johanna Timmer Collection, 1925-1939

COLL 264 Frank Van den Berg Collection, 1904

COLL 283 John Vander Mey Collection, 1924

COLL 292 Anna Van Dyken Collection, 1941-1945

COLL 304 Henry Van Til Collection, 1929-1960

COLL 305 Henry Van Zyl Collection, 1921-1937

COLL 308 William Veenstra Collection, Undated

COLL 314 Teunis Vergeer Collection, 1928-1976

COLL 316 Jan Vogel Collection, 1861-1981

COLL 317 John Vogelzang Collection, 1956-1963

COLL 319 Geerhardus Vos Collection, 1886-2005

COLL 322 John Walkotten Collection, 1903-1945

COLL 330 Herman Alofs Collection, 1885-1923

COLL 331 Henry Wierenga Collection, 1916-1978

COLL 334 Cornelius Witt Collection, 1930-1983

COLL 337 John Worst Collection, 1976-1983

COLL 338 Sierd Woudstra Collection, 1969-1986

COLL 339 John Wynberg Collection, 1930

COLL 340 James B. Wyngaarden Collection, 1960

COLL 344 Henry Zylstra Collection, 1930-1984

COLL 345 Geert Broene Collection, 1865-2008

COLL 348 Garrett Heyns Collection, 1913-1991

COLL 351 Peter Plug Collection, Undated

COLL 357 Paul B. Henry Papers, 1964-1998

COLL 359 Effa Zwier Collection, 1940-1961

COLL 361 Marinus Goote Collection, 1932-1998

COLL 362 Dave Venhuis Collection, 1930-1952

COLL 363 Peter De Klerk Collection, 1884-1990

COLL 367 Marinus Wiegers Collection, 1955

COLL 373 Kramer Family Collection, 1906-1937

COLL 376 John A. Bolt Collection, 1925-1992

COLL 378 John W. Brink Collection, 1904-1920

COLL 380 John T. Daling Collection, 1954-1985

COLL 381 Dirk De Beer Collection, 1907-1951

COLL 385 Klaas Hoeksema Collection, 1895-1968

COLL 386 Gilbert Hopman Collection, 1940-1995

COLL 387 John Hulst Collection, 1899-1955

COLL 388 Harm J. Israël Collection, 1861-1898

COLL 391 Richard Postma Collection, 1924-1975

COLL 392 Allan Ramerman Collection, 1960-1997

COLL 398 Abel Jan Westra Collection, 1834

COLL 400 Rena Westra Collection, 1951-1997

COLL 401 Rein Wolthuis Collection, 1907-1945

COLL 403 City of Refuge Collection, 1981

COLL 407 John Dolfin Collection, 1926-1937

COLL 415 Henry Ahuis Papers, 1899-1950

COLL 416 Gijsbert Haan Collection, 1835-1964

COLL 417 Andrew Keizer Collection, 1901-1909

COLL 425 Camp Roger Collection, 1929-2004

COLL 427 Luke Society Collection, 1940-2002

COLL 433 Lillian Bode Collection, 1954-1995

COLL 436 Lini R. Grol Collection, 1978

COLL 437 Mark Boekelman Collection, 1945-1977

COLL 441 Hero Bratt Collection, 1822-1996

COLL 442 Herman Goodyke Collection, 1918-1950

COLL 446 John Masselink Collection, 1934-1964

COLL 447 Henry E. Avink Collection, 1879-1943

COLL 452 Martin Monsma Collection, 1911-1967

COLL 453 Fred Klooster Collection, 1952-1997

COLL 454 World War II Collection, 1940-2011

COLL 455 Civil War Collection, 1858-2007

COLL 458 Walter Aardsma Collection, 1821-1992

COLL 461 Gary Byker Collection, 1941-2004

COLL 464 Ann Marie Bos Collection, 1954-1958

COLL 465 John B. Hulst Collection, 1865-1948

COLL 470 Bernard Kok Collection, 1937-1985

COLL 473 Herman Mayer Collection, 1943-1945

COLL 474 Enno Wolthuis Collection, 1937-1988

COLL 475 Gerard Bouma Collection, 1943-1952

COLL 476 Nagel Family Collection, 1857-1900

COLL 478 World War I Collection, 1916-2012

COLL 491 Murvel Bratt Collection, 1940

COLL 496 Edward De Vries Collection, 1918

COLL 499 Leo Peters Collection, 1950-1995

COLL 506 Jacob Fridsma Collection, 1942-2009

COLL 507 Ralph Blocksma Collection, 1933-2003

COLL 508 Lee R. Pool Collection, 1951-[1952]

COLL 510 Peter Verwolf Collection, 1899-1903

COLL 519 Henry P. Ippel Collection, 1904-2011

COLL 522 William Venema Collection, 1914-1961

COLL 523 Pen Queens Collection, 1966-1994

COLL 526 W.C. Wust Collection, 1867-1985

COLL 535 Jean Rozendal Collection, 1880-1989

COLL 536 Edgar Boevé Collection, 1949-2012

COLL 545 Irene Konyndyk Collection, 1968-2012

COLL 546 Conrad Bult Collection, Undated

COLL 550 Eunice Post Collection, 1956-1997

COLL 552 Diet Eman Collection, 1939-2014

COLL 555 Harold Dekker Collection, 1945-1984

COLL 560 Armand Merizon Collection, 1999-2004

COLL 561 Peter Ipema Collection, 1942-2009

COLL 562 Peter A. Boelens Papers, 1963-2010

COLL 563 Jan H. Boer Collection, 1966-2003

COLL 564 Gary D. Schmidt Collection, Undated

COLL 565 Roger Greenway Collection, 1926-1992

COLL 568 William B. Eerdmans, Sr. Collection

COLL 572 Henry J. Baron Collection, 1956-2005

COLL 573 John Hanenburg Collection, 1949-1990

COLL 574 Haven Family Collection, 1862-2016

COLL 575 Concerned Christian Citizens

COLL 579 Glenn Bulthuis Collection, 1980-1992

COLL 580 Emily Brink Papers, 1934-2007

COLL 582 Corwin Smidt Collection, 1932-2007

COLL 583 Willis De Boer Papers

COLL 586 Albert Huisjen Collection, 1920-1977

COLL 588 Individual Papers Collection

COLL 589 Grace Bytwerk Photo Album, 1928-1946

COLL 593 John L. Ubels, 1976-2018

COLL 594 Dr. John B. Hulst Collection

COLL 598 Sidney Greidanus Papers, 1965-2021

COLL 599 Davis Young Papers, 1960-2012

COLL 600 Testing Ingest

COLL 601 John Henry Stek Papers, 1951-1992

COLL 602 John Lagerwey Collection, 1968-1990

COLL 603 Stuart Kingma Collection

COLL 604 Fridsma Antique Prints Collection

COLL 606 George Vander Weit Papers, 1968-2008