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Paul B. Henry Papers


Scope and Contents

Administrative Information

Detailed Description

Biographical Data

Personal Records

Anderson Campaign

Academic Papers

Michigan House and Senate

Congressional Campaigns

Events and Gatherings

Press and News Releases

Speeches, Voting and Legislative Record, etc.

Subject Files

Administrative files

Federal Election Committee


Awards and Honors

Photos, Audio/Visual

Magazines, Newspapers, Tabloids, Campaign Advertisements



Autograph file

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Paul B. Henry Papers, 1964-1998 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Paul B. Henry Papers, 1964-1998

ID: COLL/357

Extent: 97.0 Boxes. More info below.

Arrangement: Folder level description

Subjects: Anderson, John, (John Bayard), 1922-2017, Elections - Michigan, Elections - United States, Henry, Paul B., Michigan, Michigan - Politics and Government, Presidents - United States - Election - 1980, United States - Politics and government, United States. Congress. House. Select Committee on Aging

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Details the political career of Paul B. Henry from his participation in the presidential campaign of John Anderson through Henry’s service in the Michigan legislature concluding with his service in the United States House of Representatives.  Includes material on constituent polling in the 5th Michigan Congressional District, fundraising, daily scheduling, general, constituent and White House correspondence, speeches, research files, and financial files. Henry served on three Congressional Committees:  Educational and Labor; Science, Space and Technology; and the Committee on Aging.

Subject/Index Terms

Anderson, John, (John Bayard), 1922-2017
Elections - Michigan
Elections - United States
Henry, Paul B.
Michigan - Politics and Government
Presidents - United States - Election - 1980
United States - Politics and government
United States. Congress. House. Select Committee on Aging

Administrative Information

Repository: Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

Alternate Extent Statement: 55.25 cu. ft.

Acquisition Source: Karen Henry

Separated Materials: Books transferred to Hekman Library: A Complete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, Alexander Cruden, M.A. A Dictionary of Politics, Walter Laqueur Against the Night, Charles Colson Between Two Worlds: A Congressman’s Choice, John B. Anderson Beyond Tragedy, Reinhold Niebuhr Bill Of Rights and Beyond, Commission on the Bicentennial Black Americans in Congress, Bruce Ragsdale and Joel Treese Christianity Today, Edited by Frank E. Gaebelein Civil Government in the United States, John Fiske Confessions of a Theologian, Carl F.H. Henry (2) Conflict and Conscience, Mark O. Hatfield Congressional Directory, 1985/86, 99th Congress Congressional Directory, Pictorial 1991,92, 102nd Congress Creeds of the Churches, John H. Leith Decline of the West?, George Kennan and his Critics Existence and Faith, Rudolf Bultmann Form and Criticism, Rudolf Bultmann and Karl Kundsin Translator Fredrick C. Grant God, Revelation and authority, Carl F.H. Henry (5).  Vol: 2, 3, 5 Historical Almanac of the US Senate, Robert Dole History and Eschatology, Rudolf Bultmann History of Evangelism, Paul Scharpff History of Political Theory, George H. Sabine and Thomas L. Thorson History of the Senate of the United States House Rules and Manual , 102nd Congress How the Cold War is Taught, Martin F. Herz Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents of the United States Iran, Contra Affair Jesus Rediscovered, Malcolm Muggeridge Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society Love and Justice, Reinhold Niebuhr edited by D.B. Robertson Modern Nationalism and Religion, Salo Wittmayer Baron Origins and Development of Congress, Congressional Quarterly Origins of the House of Representatives (2 copies) Origins of the House of Representatives A Documentary Record Politics for Evangelicals, Paul B. Henry (ca,150). Politics in America, 1990, 101st Congress Politics: a guidebook for Christians, James M. Dunn Regulation and the New Class, Paul H. Weaver Reinhold Niebuhr His Religious, Social, and Political Thought, Charles W. Kegly and Robert W. Bretall Religious Beliefs, Human Rights and the Moral Foundation of Western Democracy, Bennett-Stackhouse-Henry-Esbeck Republican National Convention, 33rd, Dallas, 1994 Resistance and Hope, Villa, Vicencia and Degruchy (Eds.) Science, Politics, and Gnosticism, Eric Voegelin Scripture, Tradition and Infallibility, Dewey M. Beegle Systematic Theology, Paul Tillich The “Higher Law” Background of American Constitutional Law, Edward S. Corwin The Bible, Thompson Chain Reference The Biblical Period From Abraham to Ezra an Historical Survey, W.F. Albright The Case for A New Reformation Theology, William Hordern The Christian Mindset in a Secular Society, Carl F. H. Henry (16). The Christian Mindset in a Secular Society, Carl Henry The Christian Vision: Man in Society, The Hillsdale College Press The City of God, Saint Augustine The Confessions of Saint Augustine, St. Augustine The Constitution of the United States of America, Johnny H. Killian The Constitution of the United States, Commission on the Bicentennial The Cross and the Flag, Clouse, Linder, Pierard (Eds.) The Cross and the Flag, Clouse-Linder-Pierard The Education of a Christian Prince, Desiderius Erasmus The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Frank E. Gaebelein (3).  Vol: 1, 4, 9. The Millennial Kingdom, John F. Walvoord The New International Commentary on the New Testament, F.F. Bruce The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO The Protestant Era, Paul Tillich The Prune Book, John Trattner The Rules of the House of Representatives The Social teaching of the Christian Churches, Ernst Troeltsch The Soviet Union on the Brink, Kent Hill The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas S. Kuhn The United States A Study of a Developing Country, Ira Sharkansky The Works of Mr. Richard Hooker, Isaac Walton Theory and Decision…, D. Reidel Publishing Company Twentieth Century Religious Thought, John Macquarrie United States Government Manual, 1992,93 Vision and Betrayal in America, John B. Anderson We the People: Story of the US Capitol What the Christian Hopes for in Society, Reinhold Niebuhr Worship and Politics, Albert F. Gedraitis You Can Climb Higher, George Sweeting

Processing Information:

Material was placed into acid-free containers, all metal fasteners were removed, material on high acid content papers were duplicated onto acid-free bond.  Organization structure reflects the original order; however, individual items were moved to achieve uniformity of arrangement.  All duplicates and high acid content originals (approximately 21 cu.ft.) were discarded.

Processors:  Ed Start, Ed Gerritsen, Kristi DenBleyker, Richard Harms, June 1999

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Biographical Data, 1976-1993],
[Series 2: Personal Records, 1979-1993],
[Series 3: Anderson Campaign, 1974-1980],
[Series 4: Academic Papers, 1964-1976, undated],
[Series 5: Michigan House and Senate, 1978-1984],
[Series 6: Congressional Campaigns, 1984-1992],
[Series 7: Events and Gatherings],
[Series 8: Press and News Releases, 1984-1993],
[Series 9: Speeches, Voting and Legislative Record, etc., 1987-1989, undated],
[Series 10: Subject Files, 1984-1993],
[Series 11: Administrative files, 1984-1994],
[Series 12: Federal Election Committee],
[Series 13: Correspondence, 1983-1993],
[Series 14: Awards and Honors, 1991-1998],
[Series 15: Photos, Audio/Visual, 1979-1993, undated],
[Series 16: Magazines, Newspapers, Tabloids, Campaign Advertisements],
[Series 18: Realia, 1983-1993],
[Series 19: Addendum],
[Series 20: Autograph file],

Series 1: Biographical Data --- 1976-1993
Clippings from newspapers and magazines which were kept in twenty-one loose-leaf notebooks chronologically arranged have been removed from plastic sheet covers, photo copied when necessary, and organized chronologically. Originally maintained in three-ring notebooks.
Box 1
Folder 1: September 22 1976 - January 28, 1980 --- 1976-1980
Folder 2: February 1 1980 - October 30 1980 --- 1980
Folder 3: November 1 1980 - December 1981 --- 1980-1981
Folder 4: January 1 1982 - December 26 1982 --- 1982
Folder 5: January - December 1980 --- 1980
Folder 6: January - March 1984 --- 1984
Folder 7: April - June 1984 --- 1984
Folder 8: July - August 1984 --- 1984
Folder 9: September - October 1984 --- 1984
Folder 10: November - December 1984 --- 1984
Box 2
Folder 1: January - Feb 1985 --- 1985
Folder 2: March - June 1985 --- 1985
Folder 3: July - September 1985 --- 1985
Folder 4: October - December 1985 --- 1985
Folder 5: January - March 1986 --- 1986
Folder 6: April - June 1986 --- 1986
Folder 7: July - September 1986 --- 1986
Folder 8: October - December 1986 --- 1986
Folder 9: January - April 1987 --- 1987
Folder 10: May - August 1987 --- 1987
Folder 11: September - December 1987 --- 1987
Box 3
Folder 1: January - March 1988 --- 1988
Folder 2: April - July 1988 --- 1988
Folder 3: August - December 1988 --- 1988
Folder 4: January - March 1989 --- 1989
Folder 5: April - July 1989 --- 1989
Folder 6: August - December 1989 --- 1989
Folder 7: January - April 1990 --- 1990
Folder 8: May - June 1990 --- 1990
Folder 9: July - September 1990 --- 1990
Folder 10: October - December 1990 --- 1990
Box 4
Folder 1: January - May 1991 --- 1991
Folder 2: June - August 1991 --- 1991
Folder 3: September - December 1991 --- 1991
Folder 4: January - Feb 1992 --- 1992
Folder 5: March 1992 --- 1992
Folder 6: April - June 1992 --- 1992
Folder 7: July - August 1992 --- 1992
Folder 8: September 1992 --- 1992
Folder 9: October 1-22 1992 --- 1992
Folder 10: October 23-31 1992 --- 1992
Folder 11: November 1992 --- 1992
Folder 12: December 1992 --- 1992
Box 5
Folder 1: January - March 1993 --- 1993
Folder 2: April - July 1993 --- 1993
Folder 3: August 1-5 1993 --- 1993
Folder 4: August 8 - December 1993 --- 1993
Series 2: Personal Records --- 1979-1993
Includes the daily planners and appointment schedules along with the daily district schedule of appointments.
Sub-Series 1: Planners
Box 6: Vols 1-13 --- 1979-1985
Box 7: Vols 14-22 --- 1986-1988
Box 8: Vols 23-32 --- 1989-1991
Box 9: Vols 34-35 --- 1992
Sub-Series 2: District Schedules
Box 10
Folder 1: 1985
Folder 2: 1985
Folder 3: 1985
Folder 4: 1986
Folder 5: 1986
Folder 6: 1986
Box 11
Folder 1: 1986
Folder 2: 1987
Folder 3: 1987
Folder 4: 1987
Folder 5: 1987
Box 12: 1988
5 folders
Box 13
Folder 1: 1989
Folder 2: 1989
Folder 3: 1989
Folder 4: 1989
Folder 5: 1990
Box 14
Folder 1: 1990
Folder 2: 1990
Folder 3: 1990
Folder 4: 1991
Folder 5: 1991
Box 15
Folder 1: 1991
Folder 2: 1991
Folder 3: 1992
Folder 4: 1992
Folder 5: 1992
Box 16
Folder 1: 1992
Folder 2: 1993
Sub-Series 3: Miscellaneous Schedules and Engagements --- 1985-1992
Box 16
Folder 3: Miscellaneous Schedules and Engagements --- 1985-1992
Series 3: Anderson Campaign --- 1974-1980
Henry's first experience in practical Washington politics came as an aide to John B. Anderson (R  Illinois).  Later, Henry was active in Anderson's campaign for the Republican presidential nomination in 1980.
Box 16
Folder 4: Anderson Campaign --- 1974-1980
Folder 5: Anderson Campaign --- 1974-1980
Folder 6: Anderson Campaign --- 1974-1980
Series 4: Academic Papers --- 1964-1976, undated
Henry's essays and papers as a student, his lecture notes while at Calvin College, research notes, his masters thesis, and research notes for his doctoral dissertation.
Box 17
Folder 1: Articles and essays by Henry
Folder 2: Henry's Lecture notes
Folder 3: Henry's Lecture notes
Folder 4: Masters thesis
Folder 5: Research notes
Folder 6: Doctoral thesis research notes
Series 5: Michigan House and Senate --- 1978-1984
Organized mainly by campaigns.  Within each campaign various topics are highlighted such as Fundraising, Organization, Finance Records, Opposition File.
Box 18
Folder 1: Administrative
Folder 2: Administrative
Folder 3: Campaigns, All State and District Republicans
Folder 4: Campaigns, All National Parties
Folder 5: Campaigns, All Membership Lists
Folder 6: Campaigns, All Surveys
Folder 7: Campaign Fundraising --- 1978
Folder 8: Campaign Organization --- 1978
Box 19
Folder 1: Campaign Finance Records --- 1978
Folder 2: Campaign Fundraising --- 1980
Folder 3: Campaign Organization --- 1980
Folder 4: Campaign Finance Records --- 1980
Folder 5: Campaign Opponent File --- 1980
Box 20
Folder 1: Campaign --- 1982
Folder 2: Campaign Organization --- 1982
Folder 3: Campaign Finance Records --- 1982
Folder 4: Campaign Election Results --- 1982
Folder 5: Campaign Questionnaires --- 1982
Folder 6: Campaign Reapportionment --- 1982
Series 6: Congressional Campaigns --- 1984-1992
Five election campaigns for US Representative are organized chronologically and within each election various aspects of the campaign are organized in files such as Surveys, Questionnaires and Election Results.  One box includes topics such as "PACS" that pertain to all campaigns.
Sub-Series 1: 1984 Election
Box 21: April - May Surveys
6 folders
Box 22
Folder 1: April - October Surveys (G)
Folder 2: July surveys (A)
Folder 3: Surveys (I)
Folder 4: Questionnaires
Folder 5: Questionnaires
Folder 6: Organization
Folder 7: Press releases
Box 23: Fundraising
5 folders
Box 24
Folder 1: Correspondence
Folder 2: Correspondence
Folder 3: Advertising
Folder 4: Election results
Folder 5: Opponents file
Folder 6: Speaking engagements
Sub-Series 2: 1986 Election
Box 25
Folder 1: Surveys
Folder 2: Surveys
Folder 3: Organization
Folder 4: Organization
Folder 5: Fundraising
Folder 6: Finance
Folder 7: Correspondence
Folder 8: Correspondence
Folder 9: Advertising
Folder 10: Election results
Folder 11: Opposition file
Folder 12: Issues
Sub-Series 3: 1988 Election
Box 26
Folder 1: Fundraising
Folder 2: Finance records
Folder 3: Correspondence
Folder 4: Advertising
Folder 5: Election results
Folder 6: Opposition file
Folder 7: Questionnaires
Box 27
Folder 1: Surveys
Folder 2: Surveys
Folder 3: Surveys
Folder 4: Surveys
Folder 5: Organization
Folder 6: Organization
Sub-Series 4: 1990 Election
Box 28
Folder 1: Organization
Folder 2: Fundraising
Folder 3: Correspondence
Folder 4: Advertising
Folder 5: Election results
Folder 6: Questionnaires
Sub-Series 5: 1992 Election
Box 29
Folder 1: Organization
Folder 2: Organization
Folder 3: Organization
Folder 4: Surveys
Folder 5: Surveys
Folder 6: Surveys
Folder 7: Finance
Box 30
Folder 1: Fundraising --- 1992
Folder 2: Correspondence --- 1992
Folder 3: Advertising --- 1992
Folder 4: Election results --- 1992
Folder 5: Questionnaires --- 1992
Folder 6: Questionnaires --- 1992
Folder 7: Forums --- 1992
Folder 8: Organization --- 1993-1994
Folder 9: All Campaigns for the Kent County Republicans
Folder 10: All PAC Contributors --- 1984-1993
Series 7: Events and Gatherings
Sub-Series 1: Fundraisers --- 1984-1992
Arranged according to three types. "Henry's Hurrahs" were annual events held in the home district.  "Salutes" were held around Columbus Day. "Task Forces" and "Associate Task Forces" were groups organized among large contributors who gathered periodically for special events and speakers.  Some fundraising took place at luncheons and other gatherings in Washington DC.
Box 31
Folder 1: 1984-1986
Folder 2: 1984-1986
Folder 3: 1984-1986
Folder 4: 1987-1989
Folder 5: 1990-1991
Folder 6: 1990-1991
Folder 7: 1992-1993
Loose 1
Item 1: Henry's Hurrahs
Loose - megaphone
Sub-Series 2: Salutes
Box 32
Folder 1: 1984-1986
Folder 2: 1987-1992
Folder 3: 1987-1992
Folder 4: 1987-1992
Folder 5: 1987-1992
Folder 6: 1987-1992
Folder 7: 1987-1992
Sub-Series 3: Task Forces
Box 33
Folder 1: Congressional Task Force --- 1985-1992
Folder 2: Congressional Task Force --- 1985-1992
Folder 3: Congressional Task Force --- 1985-1992
Folder 4: Congressional Task Force --- 1985-1992
Folder 5: Congressional Task Force --- 1985-1992
Folder 6: Associate Task Force
Folder 7: Associate Task Force
Sub-Series 4: Washington D.C. and Town Meetings
Box 34
Folder 1: Fundraisers - Washington DC --- 1985-1986
Folder 2: Fundraisers - Washington DC --- 1987-1988
Folder 3: Fundraisers - Washington DC --- 1989-1990
Folder 4: Town Meetings --- 1985-1986
Folder 5: Town Meetings --- 1987
Folder 6: Town Meetings --- 1988-1989
Folder 7: Town Meetings --- 1990-1992
Series 8: Press and News Releases --- 1984-1993
Some news releases can be found in the subject file also
Box 35
Folder 1: Press Releases --- 1984-1993
Folder 2: Press Releases --- 1984-1993
Folder 3: Press Releases --- 1984-1993
Folder 4: Information Releases --- 1979-1993
Folder 5: Information Releases --- 1979-1993
Folder 6: Information Releases --- 1979-1993
Folder 7: Information Releases --- 1979-1993
Series 9: Speeches, Voting and Legislative Record, etc. --- 1987-1989, undated
Speeches are listed individually by title.
Box 36
Folder 1: Speeches
Item 1: "Cans to Congress" Campaign Kick-off --- 1990 April 17
"Bottle Bill"
Item 2: Navy - [Sut] Floor Speech --- circa 1991 January 14
Item 3: A Call for Sunshine on College Athletics
Item 4: Gordon College - "The American Republic Confronts Armageddon" --- 1989 May 13
Item 5: [Graduation speech materials] --- circa 1987
Includes several letters sent to Hon. Donald Sundquist regarding commencements and commencement speeches.
Item 6: Petri Lincoln Day Speech
from Tom Petri?
Item 7: Lincoln Day Speech Material
compiled by the Republican National Committee
Item 8: Speech Material: Lincoln's Birthday --- 1986 February
Compiled by House Republican Research Committee
Item 9: Speechwriting Materials for Lincoln & Washington Birthdays --- 1987 February 14
Compiled by House Republican Research Committee
Item 10: Rap-Tab article --- 1990 September 24
Item 11: Divided Democrats Seek to Divide America --- 1992 February 21
Item 12: A Call to Moral Rearmament --- circa 1992 June 25
Item 13: Divided Democrats Seek to Divide America --- 1992 February 21
Item 14: Visit to China --- 1990 January 5-1990 January 12
20 pages
Item 15: Legislative Report
Item 16: Casimir Pulaski
Entry from Dictionary of American Biography, 1963, and "General Casimir Pulaski, and his relation to the American Revolution," Legislative Reference Service, Library of Congress.
Item 17: Lt. Col. Matt Urban
Item 18: The Canons of Detroit and the Brooklyn Confession --- 1989
Calvin Seminary Graduation
Item 19: [Both ends]
Item 20: Reflections on Freedom --- circa 1986
Davenport College
Item 21: [Prisons] --- circa 1990
Folder 2
Item 1: Memorial Day 1988: Still Heros, Still Serving --- 1988
Bears name of G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery
Item 2: Veterans' Day Address --- 1987 November 11
Bears name of Col. Eugene Raab, USAFR (Ret.)
Item 3: Veterans Day Talk --- 1988 November 11
Item 4: Talking Points for GOP House Members --- 1989 February 9
"Written and edited by Richard Billmire and Robert Pew"
Item 5: Are Politicians Corrupt? --- circa 1990
Item 6: Social Spending Up --- circa 1990
Item 7: Education
Item 8: The Moral Foundations of Democracy
Item 9: The Disciplines of Freedom
Item 10: Morality vs. Moralism: In Defense of Politics --- 1989 January 26
Pepperdine University
Item 11: Support of Persian Gulf Operation
Item 12: Economy
Item 13: Commencement Address
Item 14: Misc. Speech Materials
Folder 3: Voting and Legislation Record
Folder 4: Voting and Legislation Record
Folder 5: Voting and Legislation Record
Folder 6: House Republicans
Folder 7: Correspondence, Congressional Records --- 1987-1992
Series 10: Subject Files --- 1984-1993
Contains activities relative to specific legislation, problems, or population groups (senior citizens, minorities, and high school students).  These are arranged alphabetically.
Box 37
Folder 1: Abortion
Folder 2: Abortion - Fetal Tissue Transplants
Folder 3: Adult Literacy
Folder 4: Agriculture (food)
Folder 5: Arts
Folder 6: Auto Industry
Box 38: Bottle Bill
Folder 1: Information
Folder 2: Information
Folder 3: Information
Folder 4: Interest Groups
Folder 5: Interest Groups
Folder 6: Co-Sponsors
Box 39: Bottle Bill
Folder 1: Administration
Folder 2: Publicity
Folder 3: States
Folder 4: States
Folder 5: Michigan
Folder 6: Opposition File
Folder 7: Hearings
Folder 8: Common Cent $ Campaign
Folder 9: Editorials
Box 40
Folder 1: Endorsements
Folder 2: Committee Hearings
Folder 3: Letters to Colleagues
Folder 4: 1993 Campaign
Box 41
Folder 1: Census
Folder 2: Child Care
Folder 3: Civil Rights
Folder 4: Economic Growth
Folder 5: Education
Folder 6: Education
Folder 7: Education
Box 42
Folder 1: Education
Folder 2: Education
Folder 3: Education
Folder 4: Education, Kent Occupational HS
Folder 5: Education, Kent Occupational HS
Folder 6: Education, GR Jobs Corps
Folder 7: Education, GR Jobs Corps
Folder 8: Education, GR Jobs Corps
Box 43
Folder 1: Education, GR Jobs Corps (D)
Folder 2: Energy
Folder 3: Environment
Folder 4: Environment
Folder 5: Environment
Box 44: Environment
5 folders
Box 45
Folder 1: Fluoridation Stamp
Folder 2: Fluoridation Stamp
Folder 3: Foreign Affairs - Latin America, Bosnia, SE Asia
Folder 4: Foreign Student Scholarships
Folder 5: Foreign Student Scholarships
Folder 6: Foreign Student Scholarships
Folder 7: Foreign Student Scholarships
Box 46
Folder 1: Handicapped
Folder 2: Handicapped
Folder 3: Handicapped
Folder 4: Handicapped
Folder 5: Health
Box 47
Folder 1: High School Students, News Articles
Folder 2: High School Students, Awards
Folder 3: Hostages
Folder 4: Human Rights
Folder 5: Industrial Competitiveness
Folder 6: Industrial Competitiveness
Folder 7: Industrial Competitiveness
Folder 8: Labor Policy
Box 48
Folder 1: Manufacturing
Folder 2: Manufacturing
Folder 3: Military
Folder 4: Minorities, Community Leaders
Folder 5: Minorities, Community Leaders
Folder 6: Minorities, News Articles
Box 49
Folder 1: OSHA
Folder 2: OSHA
Folder 3: OSHA
Folder 4: Pending Projects
Folder 5: Product Liability
Folder 6: Reapportionment --- 1990
Folder 7: Reapportionment --- 1990
Folder 8: Reconciliation Center
Folder 9: Recreation
Folder 10: Senior Citizens
Box 50
Folder 1: Science and Technology
Folder 2: Science and Technology
Folder 3: Science and Technology
Folder 4: Small Business
Folder 5: Small Business
Folder 6: Substance Abuse
Folder 7: Trade
Folder 8: Trade
Box 51
Folder 1: Transportation
Folder 2: Transportation
Folder 3: Transportation
Folder 4: Transportation, South Beltline
Folder 5: Transportation, East Beltline
Folder 6: Transportation
Folder 7: Tributes to Paul B. Henry
Box 52
Folder 1: Universities
Folder 2: Veterans
Folder 3: Welfare Reform
Folder 4: Welfare Reform
Folder 5: Women's Issues
Series 11: Administrative files --- 1984-1994
All of the records that pertain to day-to-day administration of the headquarters are placed in this category:  Organizing the office personnel, financial reports to various agencies, House banking scandal.
Box 53
Folder 1: Office
Folder 2: Office
Folder 3: Finance Records, Paul B. Henry
Folder 4: Finance Records, IRS
Folder 5: Finance Records, Henry for Congress --- 1990-1993
Folder 6: Finance Records, Henry for Congress --- 1990-1993
Folder 7: Finance Records, State and Local Government
Series 12: Federal Election Committee
Box 54
Folder 1: 1984
Folder 2: 1984
Folder 3: 1985
Folder 4: 1986
Folder 5: 1986
Folder 6: 1987
Folder 7: 1987-1989
Box 55
Folder 1: 1990-1991
Folder 2: 1992
Folder 3: 1993-1994
Series 13: Correspondence --- 1983-1993
The most voluminous section.  After an arrangement of correspondence according to specific topics, letters are then arranged alphabetically according to the last name of the person corresponding.  Each Congress in which Henry served has the complete alphabet.  If a piece of correspondence cannot be located in the alphabetically arranged section, it might be found by searching the topically arranged section.  Much correspondence can be found also in the campaign section if related to campaign strategy and contributions.
Sub-Series 1: White House
Box 56
Folder 1: 1985
Folder 2: 1986
Folder 3: 1987
Folder 4: 1988
Folder 5: 1989
Folder 6: 1989
Folder 7: 1990
Folder 8: 1990
Folder 9: 1991-1992
Sub-Series 2: Constituent Information and Occasional
Box 57
Folder 1: Capitol Guides
Folder 2: Congressional Record
Folder 3: Congressional Record
Folder 4: Mailing Lists
Folder 5: Christmas Letters
Folder 6: Governor Engler
Folder 7: Birthday Congratulations --- 1985-1987
Folder 8: Birthday Congratulations --- 1988-1989
Folder 9: Birthday Congratulations --- 1991
Box 58
Folder 1: Birthday Congratulations --- 1992
Folder 2: Birth Congratulations
Folder 3: Wedding Anniversary Congratulations
Folder 4: Retirement Congratulations
Folder 5: Death Condolences
Folder 6: Pearl Harbor - 50th Anniversary
Folder 7: Pearl Harbor - 50th Anniversary
Sub-Series 3: Miscellaneous Congratulatory
Box 59
Folder 1: 1983-1985
Folder 2: 1986-1987
Folder 3: 1986-1987
Folder 4: 1988
Folder 5: 1989
Folder 6: 1989
Box 60
Folder 1: 1990
Folder 2: 1990
Folder 3: 1991
Folder 4: 1991
Folder 5: 1992
Folder 6: 1992
Box 61
Folder 1: 1992
Folder 2: 1993
Folder 3: Resumes --- 1986-1992
Folder 4: Resumes --- 1986-1992
Folder 5: Reference Letters
Folder 6: Requests for Assistance --- 1986-1989
Folder 7: Requests for Assistance --- 1990
Folder 8: Requests for Assistance --- 1990
Box 62
Folder 1: Requests for Assistance --- 1990-1992
Folder 2: Auctions
Folder 3: Art Contests
Folder 4: Grants, Tributes, Resolutions
Folder 5: Issue Letters
Folder 6: Issue Letters
Sub-Series 4: Thank-you Letters
Box 63
Folder 1: 99th Congress --- 1985-1987
Folder 2: 99th Congress --- 1985-1987
Folder 3: 100th Congress --- 1987-1989
Folder 4: 100th Congress --- 1987-1989
Folder 5: 101st Congress --- 1989-1991
Folder 6: 101st Congress --- 1989-1991
Box 64
Folder 1: Eagle Scouts
Folder 2: Student Letters
Folder 3: Unique Letters
Folder 4: Unique Letters
Folder 5: Unique Letters
Sub-Series 5: 99th Congress --- 1985-1987
Box 65
Folder 1: A --- 1985-1987
Folder 2: B --- 1985-1987
Folder 3: C --- 1985-1987
Folder 4: D-F --- 1985-1987
Folder 5: G --- 1985-1987
Folder 6: H-I --- 1985-1987
Box 66
Folder 1: J --- 1985-1987
Folder 2: K --- 1985-1987
Folder 3: K-L --- 1985-1987
Folder 4: M --- 1985-1987
Folder 5: N-O --- 1985-1987
Folder 6: P --- 1985-1987
Box 67
Folder 1: Q-R --- 1985-1987
Folder 2: S --- 1985-1987
Folder 3: S --- 1985-1987
Folder 4: T-U --- 1985-1987
Folder 5: V --- 1985-1987
Folder 6: W --- 1985-1987
Folder 7: X-Z --- 1985-1987
Sub-Series 6: 100th Congress --- 1987-1989
Box 68
Folder 1: A --- 1987-1989
Folder 2: B --- 1987-1989
Folder 3: B --- 1987-1989
Folder 4: C --- 1987-1989
Folder 5: C --- 1987-1989
Folder 6: C --- 1987-1989
Folder 7: C --- 1987-1989
Box 69
Folder 1: D --- 1987-1989
Folder 2: E-F --- 1987-1989
Folder 3: F --- 1987-1989
Folder 4: G --- 1987-1989
Folder 5: H --- 1987-1989
Folder 6: H --- 1987-1989
Box 70
Folder 1: I --- 1987-1989
Folder 2: J --- 1987-1989
Folder 3: K --- 1987-1989
Folder 4: L --- 1987-1989
Folder 5: M --- 1987-1989
Folder 6: M --- 1987-1989
Box 71
Folder 1: N --- 1987-1989
Folder 2: O --- 1987-1989
Folder 3: P --- 1987-1989
Folder 4: R --- 1987-1989
Folder 5: R --- 1987-1989
Folder 6: S --- 1987-1989
Folder 7: S --- 1987-1989
Box 72
Folder 1: S --- 1987-1989
Folder 2: T-U --- 1987-1989
Folder 3: V --- 1987-1989
Folder 4: W --- 1987-1989
Folder 5: W --- 1987-1989
Folder 6: X-Z --- 1987-1989
Sub-Series 7: 101st Congress --- 1989-1991
Box 73
Folder 1: A --- 1989-1991
Folder 2: B --- 1989-1991
Folder 3: B --- 1989-1991
Folder 4: C --- 1989-1991
Folder 5: D --- 1989-1991
Folder 6: E-F --- 1989-1991
Box 74
Folder 1: G --- 1989-1991
Folder 2: H --- 1989-1991
Folder 3: I-K --- 1989-1991
Folder 4: K --- 1989-1991
Folder 5: L --- 1989-1991
Folder 6: M --- 1989-1991
Folder 7: M --- 1989-1991
Box 75
Folder 1: N-O --- 1989-1991
Folder 2: P --- 1989-1991
Folder 3: R --- 1989-1991
Folder 4: S --- 1989-1991
Folder 5: S --- 1989-1991
Folder 6: T-V --- 1989-1991
Folder 7: W --- 1989-1991
Folder 8: X-Z --- 1989-1991
Sub-Series 8: 102nd Congress --- 1991-1993
Box 76
Folder 1: A --- 1991-1993
Folder 2: B --- 1991-1993
Folder 3: B --- 1991-1993
Folder 4: C --- 1991-1993
Folder 5: C --- 1991-1993
Folder 6: C --- 1991-1993
Box 77
Folder 1: D --- 1991-1993
Folder 2: E-F --- 1991-1993
Folder 3: G --- 1991-1993
Folder 4: G --- 1991-1993
Folder 5: H-I --- 1991-1993
Folder 6: J --- 1991-1993
Box 78
Folder 1: K --- 1991-1993
Folder 2: L --- 1991-1993
Folder 3: M --- 1991-1993
Folder 4: M --- 1991-1993
Folder 5: N --- 1991-1993
Box 79
Folder 1: O-P --- 1991-1993
Folder 2: R --- 1991-1993
Folder 3: S --- 1991-1993
Folder 4: T --- 1991-1993
Folder 5: V --- 1991-1993
Folder 6: W --- 1991-1993
Folder 7: X-Z --- 1991-1993
Sub-Series 9: 103rd Congress --- 1993-1995
Box 79
Folder 8: A-Z --- 1993-1995
Series 14: Awards and Honors --- 1991-1998
Each year a congressman nominates one high school student from each high school in the district for this honor.  Also contains documents and correspondence pertaining to the establishment of the PBH Chair and archives at Calvin College.
Box 80
Folder 1: Congressional Medal of Merit --- 1991-1992
Folder 2: Congressional Medal of Merit --- 1991-1992
Folder 3: Congressional Medal of Merit --- 1991-1992
Folder 4: Congressional Medal of Merit --- 1991-1992
Folder 5: Chair and Archives
Folder 6: Chair and Archives
Folder 7: Chair and Archives, Hatfield Lecture
Folder 8: Convocation and Henry Hall Dedication
Series 15: Photos, Audio/Visual --- 1979-1993, undated
These are organized alphabetically by subject.  Negatives, if available, are kept in the negative file of the collection
Sub-Series 1: Photos
Box 81
Folder 1: Cartoons
Folder 2: Archives Ceremony
Folder 3: Campaign
Folder 4: Celebration on the Grand
Folder 5: Common Cent $ for Congress
Folder 6: Congress Hall
Folder 7: De Vos Richard
Folder 8: Eagle Scouts
Folder 9: Economic Club
Folder 10: Foster Grandparents Program
Folder 11: Groups (miscellaneous)
Folder 12: GVSU Dinner - "Capitol Steps"
Folder 13: Hatfield Lecture
Folder 14: Henry Family
Folder 15: Henry Portraits
Folder 16: Individuals (miscellaneous)
Folder 17: Job Corps
Folder 18: Merchants Service Bureau
Folder 19: Michigan Department of Transportation
Folder 20: Michigan Rehabilitation Association
Folder 21: Pearl Harbor Vets --- 1991 December 8
Folder 22: Pulaski Day --- 1991
Folder 23: Senior Power Day --- 1984
Folder 24: Vandenberg Center
Box 91
Item 3: GVSU Eberhard Center groundbreaking --- 1988
Loose 2
Item 2: Ehlers, Vern - GR Home Builders --- 1989 February 22
Item 3: Michigan House of Representatives --- 1981-1982
Item 4: Michigan House of Representatives --- 1979-1980
Item 5: Michigan State Senate --- 1983-1986
Item 6: Milliken, Gov. William
Item 7: Reagan, Ronald
Sub-Series 2
Box 84: Cassette Tapes
Item 1: Congressman Paul Henry, "Resolved" --- 1993 March 1
Item 2: Congressman Paul Henry --- 1991 November 9
Item 3: Henry for Congress:  Posthumus, Buth, Henry
Item 4: Henry for Congress: Family, Experience
Item 5: Inaugural Lecture of PBH Institute
Item 6: NRCC
Item 7: Paul Henry for Congress: Reelection #1, #2
Item 8: Paul Henry --- 1992 October 22
Item 9: Paul Henry --- 1992 October 23
Item 10: Paul Henry --- 1993 August 3
Item 11: Paul Henry:  Crimes, Jobs, Education
Item 12: Paul Henry:  Flooding, Trade
Item 13: Paul Henry:  Radio Spots --- 1982 October 1
Item 14: Paul Henry: Tradition - Leadership
Item 15: PBH Funeral Service
Item 16: Reen Kosten
Sub-Series 3: Reel to reel tapes
Box 84
Item 17: Radio-Spot Announcements --- 1982
Sub-Series 4: Videotapes
Box 94
Item 1: Large Format
Item 2: Gaylord Spot
Item 3: Paul Henry for Congress
Item 4: Rep. Henry --- 1985 May 9
Item 5: 13 News
Item 6: 700 Club: Re-election Announcement --- 1990 May 7
Item 7: A Time to Care - G.R. Public Schools
Item 8: Congressman Paul Henry: #1 Ehlers Endorsement #2 "Balance" in Lansing
Item 9: Ethics in View, WGVU --- 1990 April 15
Item 10: Ethics in View: To Tell the Truth; Warner, NORCROSS and JUDD --- 1992 February 17
Item 11: Federal Funding for Runaway Youth Programs
Item 12: HENRY - 10/30/92, Ford Meeting; 11/1/92, Paul Released from BW; 11/5/93, TV --- 1992-1993
Item 13: Henry TV - General, Ford, Business, Balanced Budget
Item 14: Henry TV,  "Crime" "Education" "Jobs" --- 1984 September 27
Item 15: Importing Trouble - WZZM
Item 16: Michigan at Risk: Going West
Item 17: Michigan Journal --- 1987 January 26
Item 18: Panama Crisis
Item 19: Paul Henry Funeral
Item 20: Paul Henry Re-Election
Item 21: Paul Henry?s Brain Tumor
Item 22: Persian Gulf, WOTV --- 1990 December
Item 23: Political Carl with PBH, Ch. 23 --- 1992 October 19
Item 24: Rep. Henry --- 1987 January 15
Item 25: Rep. Upton --- 1993 September 13
Item 26: Senator Hatfield, Bottle Bill Press Conference --- 1993 April 22
Item 27: TV News at 11 --- 1993 January 5
Item 28: Viewer Call-in Program with Rep. Paul Henry --- 1990 April 17
Item 29: White House Photo Op with President Bush --- 1990 June 28
Item 30: Untitled #1
Item 31: Untitled #2
Item 32: Untitled #3
Item 33: Untitled #4
Item 34: Untitled #5
Item 35: Untitled #6
Item 36: Untitled #7
Item 37: Untitled #8
Series 16: Magazines, Newspapers, Tabloids, Campaign Advertisements
Contains many of the publications of articles about PBH or are written by him.  Some are simply significant because they represent an important event.
Box 82
Item 1: The Banner --- 1993 September 6
Item 2: Calvin College Chimes --- 1993 February 12
Item 3: Grand Rapids --- 1993 December
Item 4: Grand Rapids Symphony Program --- 1993-1994
Item 5: The American Dollar, Kent County Republican Committee --- 1980 November
Item 6: Anderson For President - One Man?s Dream, Rockford Register Star --- 1980 November 10
Item 7: A Century Of Presidential Elections - New York Times --- 1972
Item 8: East Grand Rapids Cadence --- 1995 September 6
Item 9: The Grand Rapids Press - Vol. 82, No. 331 --- 1974 August 9
Item 10: The Grand Rapids Press, Wonderland Section --- 1975 March 30
Item 11: The Grand Rapids Press, Wonderland Section --- 1987 December 6
Item 12: The Grand Rapids Press, Henry?s death --- 1993 August 3
Item 13: The Grand Rapids Press, Henry?s funeral --- 1993 August 4
Item 14: How They Voted - The Business Advocate --- 1990 February
Item 15: La Voz - The Community Voice - Vol. 3, No. 20
Item 16: A Letter to the Voters of West Michigan
Item 17: Paul Henry  (3 Issues)
Item 18: Rap-Tab - Vol. 6, Issue 4 --- 1980 October 1
Item 19: Rap-Tab - Vol. 11, Issue 3 --- 1986 October
Item 20: Rap-Tab - Vol.12, Issue 2 --- 1987 May
Item 21: Rap-Tab - Vol. 13, Issue1 --- 1988 March
Item 22: Rap-Tab - Vol.14, Issue 2 --- 1989 August
Item 23: Rap-Tab - Vol. 18, Issue 3, fall 1993 --- 1993
Item 24: Right To Life of Michigan New --- 1984 September
Item 25: Voter Guide - The Grand Rapids Press
Item 26: Voter Guide -1990 -League of Women Voters
Item 27: The Washington Post, Weekly Edition, Vol. 1, No. 49 --- 1984 October 8
Series 18: Realia --- 1983-1993
This category includes plaques, campaign material, desktop items, model trucks, shovels and other items
Sub-Series 1
Box 85: Plaques
Item 1: City of Grand Rapids --- 1991
Item 2: MAEOPP --- 1989
Midwest Association of Educational Opportunity Program Personnel?
Item 3: Sound Dollar Awards --- 1990, 1992
Item 4: UPS
Box 87: Plaques
Item 1: Administrative Assistant Association
Item 2: American Subcontractors --- 1987
Item 3: Amoco - WGMS - Guest Conductor --- 1986
Item 4: Grand Rapids Community Education --- 1982
Item 5: Grand Rapids Youth Symphony Orchestra --- 1990
Item 6: Kent County Republicans --- 1975-1976
Item 7: Kentwood Jaycees
Item 8: Kiwanis Club --- 1993
Item 9: Michigan Association for Advancement of Correctional Alternatives --- 1984
Item 10: Michigan Optometric Assoc. --- 1983-1984
Item 11: Congressional Fire Services Caucus --- 1991
Item 12: Credit Union League --- 1989
Box 88: Plaques
Item 1: Evangelicals for Social Action --- 1993
Item 2: Foster Grandparents Program
Item 3: Michigan Rehabilitation Assoc. Outstanding Government Official --- 1985-1986
Item 4: National Council of State Housing Agencies --- 1990
Item 5: Northview Student Government --- 1988
Item 6: Sierra Club Jane Elders Award --- 1993
Item 7: US Chamber of Commerce --- 1988-1991
Box 91: Plaques
Item 1: Michigan Bow Hunters Legislator of the Year --- 1984
Item 2: Sound Dollar Awards --- 1990, 1992
Box 20000: Plaques
Location unknown
Item 1: Americans With Disabilities --- 1987
[location unknown]
Item 2: State Board of Education --- 1975-1978
[location unknown]
Sub-Series 2
Box 83: Campaign Materials
Item 1: Paul Henry/Gary McInerney debate poster --- 1984
Item 2: Yard Signs (6)
Item 3: T-Shirts  (5)
Item 4: Mugs (4)
Item 5: Megaphone
Item 6: Flags (3)
Item 7: Windsock (2)
Item 8: Convention Sign
Item 9: Banner
Box 89: Desktop and Display Items
Item 1: Brass Elephant
Item 2: Ebony Elephant
Item 3: Glass Elephant Bookends
Item 4: B-2 Bomber - Air Force
Item 5: Eagle Trophy - Associated Builders and Contractors
Item 6: Eagle Trophy - Associated Builders and Contractors
Item 7: Eagle Trophy - Associated Builders and Contractors
Item 8: Statue - Blindfolded - Associated Builders and Contractors
Item 9: Bulldog Trophy - Watchdogs of the Treasury
Item 10: Minuteman Statue - National Federation of Independent Business
Item 11: Thomas Jefferson Trophy - NAWGA
Item 12: Pry Tool - National Machine Tool Builders Assoc.
Box 90: Desktop and Display Items
Item 1: Bulldog Trophy - Watchdogs of the Treasury
Item 2: Bulldog Trophy - Watchdogs of the Treasury
Item 3: Bulldog Trophy - Watchdogs of the Treasury
Item 4: Bulldog Trophy - Watchdogs of the Treasury
Item 5: Bulldog Trophy - Watchdogs of the Treasury
Item 6: Minuteman Statue - National Federation of Independent Business
Item 7: Minuteman Statue - National Federation of Independent Business
Item 8: Minuteman Statue - National Federation of Independent Business
Item 9: Minuteman Statue - National Federation of Independent Business
Item 10: Eagle Trophy - American Manufacturers Association
Item 11: Eagle Trophy - American Manufacturers Association
Item 12: Uncle Sam Bank - US League of Savings Institutions
Box 88
Item 8: Batan - US Army Parachute Team - Golden Knights
Loose 4
Item 8: Framed Signs (5)
Sub-Series 3: Signed Laws and Pens --- 1981-1985
Box 92
Item 1: Michigan House Bill # 4067/Willliam Milliken --- 1981
Item 2: Michigan House Bill # 4494/Willliam Milliken --- 1981
Item 3: Michigan House Bill # 5434/Willliam Milliken --- 1982
Box 93
Item 1: Michigan House Bill # 5509/Willliam Milliken --- 1982
Item 2: Michigan Senate Bill # 67/James Blanchard --- 1983
Item 3: US House Joint Resolution # 305/Ronald Reagan --- 1985
Sub-Series 4
Box 82: Awards
Item 1: Respect for Life Award --- 1989
Item 2: West Michigan World Trade Certificate
Item 3: NASA Curriculum for Special Education Students
Item 4: Cartoon
Item 5: Grand Rapids Housing Commission --- 1993
Sub-Series 5: Miniature Trucks
Commercial vehicles
Box 88
Item 9: GE
Item 10: J and H Oil - Unocal
Box 86
Item 3: Amway
Item 4: TRW
Item 5: Stow KDavis
Item 6: Benteler
Item 7: Steelcase
Item 8: Gordon Food Service
Item 9: Attwood
Item 10: United Parcel truck on wooden base
Item 11: United Parcel
Item 12: Steelcase - Antique Truck Bank
Item 13: Spartan Stores
Item 14: GE Lamps - Railroad box car
Item 15: FMI - Miniature truck, cab only
Item 16: Henry's Hurrah Mug - yellow
Item 17: Henry's Hurrah Mug - brown
Item 18: Paul Henry / Henry's Hurrah Mug - yellow
Item 19: Westinghouse Furniture
Box 84
Item 1: Cuff links (one pair)
Item 2: Seal (stamp)
Item 3: Name plate
Item 4: Nicaraguan 100 bill - Elena Jurgela --- 1985
Item 5: Snapshots and negatives (subject not identified)
Item 6: Shovel - Groundbreaking ceremony - Veteran?s Facility --- 1985 August 9
Item 7: Large banner
Item 8: Michigan House carpet square --- 1979
Loose 3
Item 9: Giant Get Well Card
Series 19: Addendum
Box 97
Folder 1: Henry, Paul B. "Christian Perspectives on Power Politics" --- undated
Manuscript and copy of article from Christian Social Ethics, 32 pp.
Folder 2: Henry, Paul B. The League of Nations and the Abolition of Slavery in Independent Black Africa --- undated
12 pp.
Folder 3: Henry, Paul B. The Political Ellusion --- undated
[35] pp.
Folder 4: Henry, Paul B. The Organization of African Unity: An Overview.  (R.R. Wilson International Organization --- 1967  March 21
15 pp.
Folder 5: Book Reviews by Henry, Paul B. --- 1971

Reviews written by Paul B. Henry

Henry, Paul B: (no date). [Review of the book Politics and Protestant Theology: An Interpretation of Tillich, Barth, Bonhoeffer, and Brunner. by Rene De Visme Williamson]  Journal of Politics, 247-249.

Henry, Paul B. (no date). [Review of the book Vietnam and Armageddon:  Peace, War and the Christian Conscience by Robert F.Drinan, S. J.] Christian Scholar’s Review, 162-163

Henry, Paul B.(1971).  [Review of Montesquieu’s System of Natural Government by Henry J.Merry].  Theory and Decision, 2, 217-218.

Henry, Paul B. (1973). [Review of The Nixon Theology by Charles P. Henderson]. Christian Scholar’s Review, 173-175

Henry, Paul B. (1978). [Review of The Religion of President Carter by Niels C. Nielsen, Jr.]. Journal of Church and State, 20:3, 571-573.

Folder 6: Henry, Paul B. "The Politics of Reapportionment." Michigan Challenge, vol. 12, no. 3 (Jan-February 1972): 17-19 --- 1972
Folder 7: Henry, Paul B. "Campaign '72: a Dime's Worth of Difference?" The Reformed Journal, vol. 22, no. 5 (May-June 1972): 3-4; Time Campaign Kickoff, Sep 13, 1976 --- 1972
Folder 8: Rules, adopted by Republican National Convention, held at Miami Beach, Florida --- 1972 August 21
Folder 9: Henry, Paul B. "Can a Corporation Be 'Sinful'?." Eternity 25, no. 9: 69,75 --- 1974
Folder 10: Henry, Paul B. "Why I Support Gerald Ford." The Christian Century: 921-923. --- 1976 October 27
Folder 11: Henry, Paul B. "Love, Power and Justice." The Christian Century, 1088-1092 --- 1977 November 23
plus paper, by this title, delivered to the fourth annual "Conference on Christianity and Politics"  at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan on April 28, 1977
Folder 12: Mc Diarmid, Hugh. "Anderson or GOP: The Choice is Hard." Detroit Free Press, sec. A:  11 --- 1980 April 29
Folder 13: Campaign flyer for State Senate:  Paul Henry: The Respected Candidate --- circa 1983
Folder 14: 8th Annual Transatlantic Conference,  Vienna, Austria --- 1990 November 10-1990 November 18
Folder 15: Calvin College - correspondence, clippings --- 1978-1993
Folder 16: Calvin Theological Seminary - Commencement Address: "The Cannons of Detroit and the Brooklyn Confession," and clipping --- 1989
Folder 17: Bibliography list --- 1972-1976
with several articles from that list
Folder 18: Clippings --- 1975-1992
Folder 19: Campaign materials --- 1982, 1984, undated
Folder 20: Fifth District Report, (Spring 1986, Spring 1988) --- 1986, 1988
Folder 21: Legislative Profile for the 103rd Congress --- 1994
Folder 22: Correspondence with Daniel R. Miller --- 1985-1990
Folder 23: Paul Henry?s illness and death: clippings, obituaries, memorials --- 1993
Folder 24: Paul B. Henry Institute for the Study of Christianity and Politics --- 1997-1998
see also RGC 13.62
Folder 25: Calendars --- 1985-1990
Folder 26: Family correspondence with Galen and Thelma Meyer --- 1985-1993
Folder 27: Newspaper clippings --- 1992-1993
Folder 28: Newspaper clippings --- 1993
Series 20: Autograph file
Item 1: Barbara Bush letter --- 1991 September 10
Item 2: George Bush letter --- 1986 October 27
Item 3: George Bush letter --- 1989 October 2
Item 4: George Bush letter --- 1991 November 26
Item 5: George Bush letter --- 1988 December 21
Item 6: George Bush letter --- 1990 June 29
Item 7: George Bush letter --- 1992 March 24
Item 8: George Bush letter --- 1989 April 3
Item 9: George Bush letter --- 1990 October 4
Item 10: George Bush letter --- 1992 April 24
Item 11: George Bush letter --- 1989 June 16
Item 12: George Bush letter --- 1990 November 7
Item 13: George Bush letter --- 1992 June 9
Item 14: George Bush letter --- 1989 July 7
Item 15: George Bush letter --- 1991 July 5
Item 16: George Bush letter --- 1992 July 2
Item 17: George Bush letter --- 1989 September 26
Item 18: George Bush letter --- 1991 July 26
Item 19: Photo with signature
Item 20: Group of Michigan representatives with signature
Item 21: Gerald R. Ford letter: Sept. 19
Item 22: Gerald R. Ford letter --- 1987 January 6
Item 23: Gerald R. Ford letter --- 1991 September 17
Item 24: Photo with signature
Item 25: Dan Quayle photo with signature --- 1989 January 3
Item 26: Ronald Reagan letter - --- 1988 December 13
appointed PBH to James Madison Foundation
Item 27: Peace Corps Proclamation: --- 1985 January 3
Item 28: Peace Corps Proclamation: --- 1986 July 2
2 copies
Item 29: Peace Corps Proclamation: --- 1988 March 8
Item 30: Peace Corps Proclamation: --- 1985 March 22
Item 31: Peace Corps Proclamation: --- 1986 Sep23
Item 32: Peace Corps Proclamation: --- 1988 July 1
Item 33: Peace Corps Proclamation: --- 1985 April 30
Item 34: Peace Corps Proclamation: --- 1987 April 2
Item 35: Peace Corps Proclamation: --- 1988 November 17
Item 36: Peace Corps Proclamation: --- 1985 June 13
Item 37: Peace Corps Proclamation: --- 1987 July 2
Item 38: Peace Corps Proclamation: --- 1988 November 9
Item 39: Peace Corps Proclamation: --- 1985 June 14
Item 40: Peace Corps Proclamation: --- 1987 November 25
Item 41: Peace Corps Proclamation: --- 1989 January 6
Item 42: Peace Corps Proclamation: --- 1985 July 5
Item 43: Peace Corps Proclamation: --- 1988 March 16
Item 44: Nancy and Ronald Reagan - photo farewell message

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Biographical Data, 1976-1993],
[Series 2: Personal Records, 1979-1993],
[Series 3: Anderson Campaign, 1974-1980],
[Series 4: Academic Papers, 1964-1976, undated],
[Series 5: Michigan House and Senate, 1978-1984],
[Series 6: Congressional Campaigns, 1984-1992],
[Series 7: Events and Gatherings],
[Series 8: Press and News Releases, 1984-1993],
[Series 9: Speeches, Voting and Legislative Record, etc., 1987-1989, undated],
[Series 10: Subject Files, 1984-1993],
[Series 11: Administrative files, 1984-1994],
[Series 12: Federal Election Committee],
[Series 13: Correspondence, 1983-1993],
[Series 14: Awards and Honors, 1991-1998],
[Series 15: Photos, Audio/Visual, 1979-1993, undated],
[Series 16: Magazines, Newspapers, Tabloids, Campaign Advertisements],
[Series 18: Realia, 1983-1993],
[Series 19: Addendum],
[Series 20: Autograph file],

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