Title: Gordon J. Spykman Collection, 1943-1993
ID: COLL/240
Creator: Spykman, Gordon J. (1926-1993)
Extent: 25.0 Boxes
Arrangement: Folder level description
Date Acquired: 03/01/1995
Gordon John Spykman was born in Holland, Michigan, March 25, 1926. He received his A.B. from Calvin College in 1949, a Th.B. from Calvin Seminary in 1952, and his Th. D. from the Free Reformed University of Amsterdam in 1955. He was pastor of the Blenheim CRC from 1955-1959. He served as Professor of Religion and Theology at Calvin College from 1959 until his retirement in 1991. He died of a heart attack in June of 1993. He was survived by his wife, Eleanor Hendriksen.
A resume of his life lists ten items under Academic Employment, fifteen committees in Church service, fifteen committees in College services. He was a prolific writer who wrote three chapters in books of theological significance and eleven books and booklets. His final published volume appeared in 1991: Reformational Theology, A New Paradigm for Doing Dogmatics.
Acquisition Source: Spykman family.
Separated Materials: Books, Brochures, Pamphlets, Magazines: Aalders, G. Ch. De Gud Testamentische Profetia en de Stadt Israel. J.H. Kok N.V. Kampen, 1949 Barth, Karl. Ein Wort an Die Deutschen. Franz Mittelbach, Stuttgart, 1946 Barth, Karl. Vier Predigten in Theologische Existanz Heute. Chr. Kaiser-Verlag, Munchen, 1935 Barth, Karl. Die Kirche Jesu Christ in Theologische Existanz Heute.Chr. Kaiser-Verlag, 1934 Berkhof, H. Gods Ene Kerk en onze vele Kerken. G.F. Callenbaoh N.V. Nigkeuk, Blase, J.E.B. Het Principe Der Protestantse Dogmatick. H.J. Paris, Amsterdam, MCMXLVIII, Biulsma, R. (et al) Chronos en Kairos, Van Gorcum & Co. Assen MCMLLII, Boer, Harry. Hold Fast That Thou Hast. Holland League of Reformed Men's Societies, 1946 Bos, E. Leerredenen; B. Sevensma, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1909 Cummins, R. Does Authoratarian Religion Trust Democracy? Brochure, De Holl, F.J. De Autoriteit Der Bergrede. Van Gorcum & Co. Assen, 1928. Brochure De Zwaan, J. Het Christusgetuigenis van Paulus. H.J. Paris Amsterdam MCMXXIX, Dozy, J.D. Het Arnbt van Christus. D.A. Daamens, Scravenhage, 1942 Emerson, R.W. Divinity School Address, 1838. American Unitarian Association, Boston, 1950 Franciscan Studies (German and English). A Quarterly Review. Copies March, 1941-1954 (incomplete) The Franciscan Educational Conference, Bonaventure, New York Greijdanus, S. De Verklaring der Synode van 1905 in zake Het runt van de Veronderstelde Wedergeboorte. Brochure Grutzmaker, R.H. Is Jezus op Bovennatuurlijke wijze Geboren? Baarn, Hollandia, 1909 Hoeusema, G. Confessional Unity. Calvin C.R.C., 1956 Honig, A.G. On God's Heilig Woord. Kok, Kampen, 1928 Interfacultaire Colleges, Vrige University of Amsterdam, Kooiman, W.J. Het Newuwe vooms-Katholieke dogma van Maria, de Moeder Gods. Synode Commisse van de Evangelische-Lutheran Kerk, 1951 Kraan, E.W. Wezen en waarde der Religieuze Ervaring. J.H. Donner, Amsterdam, MCMXXII, Kromminga, D.H. Article XXXI: of the Belgic Confession, Baker Book, Grand Rapids, 1943 Kuiper, B.K. De Vier Paarden, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 1918 Kuyper, R.B. Was Pilate Right? Commencement address, 1956 Kuyper, A. Chiliasm. Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 1934 (Translation) Luther, M. Brievan van Luther uit de Javan, 1517-1521. P. Neideek, Amsterdam, Modernism and the Board of Foreign of the Presbyterian church in the U.S.A. Argument of J. Gresham Machen, January 24, 1933 Murray, J. The Free Offer of Salvation. J. Murray and Ned B. Stonehouse, 1948. L.J. Grotenhuis, Phillipsburg, N.J Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Christ or the Lodge. R.B. Kuiper, et all. Report Committee. Committee on Christian Education, Oldenburger, Teunis. The Theodacy of of Calvinism, 1934 Palmer, Edwin. The Five Points of Calvinism. Men's Society of Springlake, C.R.C., Philosophica Reformata, IBE Jaargana. 2e eu 3e Zwartaal, 1953 Prins, P. Weg. wegmet dat Lijden. Amsterdam, Bijbel-Krost Vereeniging, Rushdoony, R.J. By What Standard? Nutley, N.J. Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 1955 Schilder, K. Bovenschriftuurlijke binding een Nieuw gevaar. Wooud en Weveld een Brochurereeks No. 10-12, 1951 Schreiber, Georg. Das Weltkonzil von Trient. Herder Freiburg, 1951 Schultze, Henry. Ignoring God, America's Mortal Sin, Back to God Hour, Chicago, 1944 Severijn, J. Wij Gereformeerden...Kampen, Kok, Stob, Henry. The Christian Concept of Freedom. Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids International Publications, 1957 Tjalsma, P.D. en Vouster, D.A. Vergeving. Assen, Van Gorcum & Co., 1930 Van Til, C. The Intellectual Challenge of the Gospel. London, Tyndale Press, 1950 Veenhof, C. Een Herder...een Kudde. Goes. Committee on inexpensive Geref. Lectures, Wrelinga, B. Het Blonde Beest. Kampen, Kok, 1921 Zuidema, S.V. De Exclusiviteit van het Christendom, Amsterdam, Comite levensvragen, 1953
Related Materials: J. T. Hoogstra Coll. 116
Processing Information: Our collection was processed into twenty-one Hollinger boxes by May 1, 1995. The last four Hollinger boxes were processed and received from the Religion and Theology Department in August, 1999