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Nicholas Wolterstorff Collection



Biographical Note

Administrative Information

Detailed Description

Personal papers and correspondence

Published work

Sermons and chapel talks

Research papers



Course files


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Nicholas Wolterstorff Collection, 1951-2016 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Nicholas Wolterstorff Collection, 1951-2016

ID: COLL/335

Primary Creator: Wolterstorff, Nicholas (1932-)

Extent: 5.5 Cubic Feet. More info below.

Arrangement: Folder level description


Professor of philosophy at Calvin College and at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. The collection includes articles, lectures, addresses, pamphlets, editorials, book reviews, and periodical clippings. [See also the Campus Titles Database.]

Biographical Note

Nicholas Wolterstorff was born January 21, 1932 in Bigelow, Minnesota.  Wolterstorff attended Calvin College where he earned his B.A. in philosophy in 1953. He went on to earn his M.A. and Ph.D. in philosophy from Harvard University.  After graduating from Harvard, Wolterstorff worked as a lecturer in the Philosophy department at Yale University. In 1959 Wolterstorff returned to his alma mater, Calvin College, this time as faculty. Wolterstorff served the college as professor of philosophy until 1989, when he accepted the role of Noah Porter Professor Philosophical Theology at Yale University.    He remained at Yale University until his retirement in 2002.

During his academic career Wolterstoff served as president of the American Philosophical Association, Central Division, and as president of the Society of Christian Philosophers. Wolterstoff has written over 150 articles and published 16 books. Wolterstorf's main interests include epistemology, aesthetics, and political philosophy. Next to writing, Wolterstorff is a gifted lecturer. Wolterstorff has held endowed lectureships at several universities.

Administrative Information

Repository: Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

Alternate Extent Statement: 11 Boxes

Related Materials: James Den Boer Collection

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Personal papers and correspondence, 1956-2002],
[Series 2: Published work, 1960-2013, n.d.],
[Series 3: Sermons and chapel talks, 1975-2012, n.d.],
[Series 4: Research papers, 1951-2012, n.d.],
[Series 5: Speeches, 1966-2015, n.d.],
[Series 6: Lectures, 1976-2016, n.d.],
[Series 7: Course files, 1952-2001, n.d.],
[Series 8: Miscellany, 1950s-1991, n.d.],

Series 4: Research papers --- 1951-2012, n.d.
Box 3
Folder 19: Metaphysics Course (W.H. Jellema) --- 1951
Folder 20: "Herman Dooyeweerd: an Appreciation" --- 1960s
Folder 21: Wolterstorff and A. Plantinga at Conference in Whitehall, MI --- 1970
Folder 22: "In Memory of H. Dooyeweerd: Meaning, Time, and Law" --- 1978
Folder 23: "Biblical Authority in Christian Belief" --- 1980
Folder 24: "What is Calvin's Business?" --- 1980
Folder 25: "Nation and Justice in Palestine" --- 1982
Folder 26: "A Protestant Perspective on Human Rights," Ahavas Israe3l Symposium --- 1987
Folder 27: "Theology, Law, and Legitimate Government," Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church --- 1989
Folder 28: "Three More Reasons to Thank God for Calvin College," (by L. Smedes) --- 1998
Folder 29: "Theses for the Road Ahead" --- 1999
Folder 30: "Entitled Belief," Amsterdam --- 2003
Folder 31: "Response to Miroslau Yolf's The Balm of Memory" --- 2005
Folder 32: "Religion in the Public Square" --- 2008
Folder 33: "Response to Jean Porter's Minister of the Law" --- 2010
Folder 34: "The Origins of Analytic Philosophy of Religion" --- 2012
Folder 35: "Fides Quaerens Intellectum" --- 2012
Folder 36: Untitled Paper on Analytic vs. Continental Philosophy --- 2012
Folder 37: Blog for the God We Worship --- 2015
Folder 38: "Reid's Importance" --- n.d.
Folder 39: "The Irony of it All" --- n.d.
Folder 40: "Flourishing" --- n.d.
Folder 41: "Theology and the New World Order" --- n.d.
Folder 42: "Why Care About Justice?" --- n.d.
Folder 43: "Art and Religion," "Universals in Art" --- n.d.
Folder 44: "Beardsley's Approach" --- n.d.
Folder 45: "Herman Dooyeweerd: An Appreciation" --- n.d.
Folder 46: "Introduction: Living in Two Worlds," CIVA --- n.d.
Folder 47: "Theses for the Road Ahead" --- n.d.
Folder 48: "Authorial Discourse Interpretation" --- n.d.
Folder 49: "Causality" --- n.d.
Folder 50: "On Being Reformed: Is There an Identity Crisis at Calvin College?" --- n.d.
Folder 51: "On Boer, Dordt, and Passing By" --- n.d.
Folder 52: "God's Power and Human Flourishing" --- n.d.
Folder 53: "Divine Justice" --- n.d.
Box 4
Folder 1: "Inhabiting the World of the Text" --- n.d.
Folder 2: "True Words" --- n.d.
Folder 3: "The Bible and Philosophy: A New Agenda" --- n.d.
Folder 4: "Philosophy and the Bible: Believing What the Bible Says" --- n.d.
Folder 5: "Theory and Commitment" --- n.d.
Folder 6: "Curricular Models for the Christian College" --- n.d.
Folder 7: Reflections on the Christian in Politics --- n.d.
Folder 8: "Religious Epistemology" --- n.d.
Folder 9: "How the Project of Natural Theology Differed from Locke's Project" --- n.d.
Folder 10: "On Kainielsen's Argument That the Emergence of Secularism and Religious Pluralism has Made it Impossible for Intellectuals to be Justified or Rational in Holding Theistic Belief," n.d
Folder 11: "Foley on the Entitlement" --- n.d.
Folder 12: "Obligation, Entitlement, and Rationality" --- n.d.
Folder 13: "Is There Justice in the Trinity?" --- n.d.
Folder 14: "The Gospel of Christ and the Gospel of Americanism" --- n.d.
Folder 15: "Paranoia vs. Grievance: Impressions on a Trip to the Middle East" --- n.d.
Folder 16: "Biblical Justice in the Holy Land" --- n.d.
Folder 17: "The Christian Artist in a Secular Society" --- n.d.
Folder 18: "Christian Standards of Literary Criticism" --- n.d.
Folder 19: "The City as an Object of Delight" --- n.d.
Folder 20: "The Meaning of the Christian College" --- n.d.
Folder 21: "Learning for Shalom" --- n.d.
Folder 22: "On Being Reformed: Is There an Identity Crisis at Calvin College?" --- n.d.
Folder 23: "Christian Learning in a Pluralist Society" --- n.d.
Folder 24: "Christian Higher Education in a Secularized Culture" --- n.d.
Folder 25: "Skeptics Sunday" --- n.d.
Folder 26: "Christian Philosophy and the Heritage of Descartes" --- n.d.
Folder 27: "Reconciliation in the Church" --- n.d.
Folder 28: "John Locke on Religious Toleration" --- n.d.
Folder 29: "Lament Within Faith" --- n.d.
Folder 30: "Reflections on Grief" and other related material --- n.d.
Folder 31: "Justice and Peace" --- n.d.
Folder 32: Book Reviews by Wolterstorff --- 1972-1985
Folder 33: Wolterstorff's Review of "God, Philosophy, Universities: A Selective History of Catholic Philosophy Tradition" --- 2009
Folder 34: Wolterstorff's Response to "A Public Faith: How Followers of Christ Should Serve the Common Good" --- n.d.
Folder 35: Wolterstorff's Review of "Religion in Public Life: Must Faith Be Privatized?" --- 2007
Folder 36: Wolterstorff's Review of "Faith After Foundationalism" --- 1988
Folder 37: Reflections on Wolterstorff's Book "Justice: Rights and Wrongs" --- n.d.
Folder 38: Wolterstorff's Review of "Crossing the Threshold of Divine Revelation" --- 2011
Folder 39: Wolterstorff's Review of "The Image in Mind: Theism, Naturalism, and the Imagination" --- n.d.
Folder 40: Wolterstorff's Review of "Civil Disobedience: Personal Integrity in a Pluralistic Society" --- 2015
Folder 41: Review of "Until Justice and Peace Embrace" --- 1984
Folder 42: Abstract, Rights, Justice, and Canon Law: Reflections on Implications of N. Wolterstorff's Work for Medieval Scholarship --- n.d.
Folder 43: Comments on Wolterstorff book - Until Peace and Justice, Society of Christian Philosophers --- 1985
Folder 44: Review of Wolterstorff book - Divine Discourse: Philosophical Reflections on the Claim that God Speaks, by Philip Quinn --- 1995
Folder 45: Comments of Wolterstorff's Book "John Locke and the Ethics of Belief," by R. Foley + N.F.W. Response --- 1996
Box 5
Folder 1: Discussion of O. O'Donovan's "The Desire of the Nations" --- n.d.
Folder 2: Response to J. Stout - "Metaphysics, History, Ethics: Conference in Honor of R.M. Adams," Yale University
Folder 3: A Response to C. Dustin's "The Liturgy of Theory" --- n.d.
Folder 4: Reviews of "On Universals: An Essay on Ontology" --- 1972
Folder 5: "Comments on William A. Galton's Liberal Pluralism," Pew Forum, Brooking's Institute --- 2002
Folder 6: Response to J. Faulconer's "Why a Mormon Won't Drink Coffee But Might Have a Coke" --- n.d.
Folder 7: Response to William P. Alston's "Divine Nature and Human Language" --- n.d.
Folder 8: Response to Robert Audi, "Scientific Education, Methodological Naturalism and Church-State Separation" --- 2006
Folder 9: Response to "Reimagining Business Education as Formation" --- 2012
Box 12
Folder 41: "The Bible in Christian Belief" --- 1980
Folder 42: "In Reply" ("On Pre- and Post-Frosoam Thought," [Alvin Plantinga], 1980) --- 1980
Folder 44: "Reply to Adams" --- undated
Folder 45: "Thomas Reid" --- undated
Folder 46: "Justified Inconsistent Beliefs" --- undated
Folder 49: Paper, "ad Aliston's 'Two Approaches'" --- 1980
Folder 50: Paper, "Once Again, Creator/Creature" --- 1981
Folder 51: Paper, "Is Reason Enough?" --- 1981
Folder 52: Paper, ["Reason: Belief in God'] --- [1981?]
Folder 53: Paper, "Yet More on Natural Theology" --- [1984?]

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Personal papers and correspondence, 1956-2002],
[Series 2: Published work, 1960-2013, n.d.],
[Series 3: Sermons and chapel talks, 1975-2012, n.d.],
[Series 4: Research papers, 1951-2012, n.d.],
[Series 5: Speeches, 1966-2015, n.d.],
[Series 6: Lectures, 1976-2016, n.d.],
[Series 7: Course files, 1952-2001, n.d.],
[Series 8: Miscellany, 1950s-1991, n.d.],

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