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The Committee for Women in the Christian Reformed Church Collection



Detailed Description


Strategy Committee -Minutes and Related Documents

Speakers Bureau Documents

"Partnership in the Gospel" Conference Documents


Women's Issues at Synod

File Cards of all CRC Churches and Church Contacts

Business Meetings Minutes and Related Documents, "Cutting Edge" Strategy Committee Meetings

"Her Stories" Book Project


Subject File -Articles

Subject File

Partnership in the Gospel Conferences Audio Tapes and Various Other Tapes

Organizational Materials

Joan Flikkema Materials




Florence Kuipers Materials

CW-CRC Scholarship Committee

Articles and Publications

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The Committee for Women in the Christian Reformed Church Collection, 1974-2002 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: The Committee for Women in the Christian Reformed Church Collection, 1974-2002

ID: COLL/358

Extent: 42.0 Boxes

Arrangement: Folder level description


Details the efforts of the Committee for Women in the Christian Reformed Church in North America that worked to have all members of the denomination be able to make full use of their talents in the home, church, and society. The committee was not an official agency of the denomination but was made up primarily of people from the denomination concerned about gender equity. The collection details various educational efforts such as newsletters, a speakers bureau, informational material, correspondence, workshops, etc., used by the committee.

Collection Historical Note

The Committee for Women in the Christian Reformed Church organized formally following Synod 1975’s decision to not open church offices to women. The committee sought to engage a dialogue in the denomination of the place of women in the home, in the church, and in society. A grass-roots effort, the committee conducted correspondence, collected information, issued a newsletter, disseminated data via speakers, workshops, retreats, mailings, and the like. In short, the committee served as a clearinghouse for views of the place of women in the denomination from 1975 until 1996 when that year’s synod left it to local congregations to decide on opening church offices to women.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Correspondence, 1974-1990],
[Series 2: Strategy Committee -Minutes and Related Documents, 1978-1989],
[Series 3: Speakers Bureau Documents, 1986-1988],
[Series 4: "Partnership in the Gospel" Conference Documents, 1983, 1987-1988, 1990-1992],
[Series 5: Newsletters],
[Series 6: Women's Issues at Synod, 1978-1996],
[Series 7: File Cards of all CRC Churches and Church Contacts],
[Series 8: Business Meetings Minutes and Related Documents, "Cutting Edge" Strategy Committee Meetings, 1978-1988],
[Series 9: "Her Stories" Book Project],
[Series 10: Retreats, 1978-1984],
[Series 11: Subject File -Articles, 1978-1991],
[Series 12: Subject File, 1975-1992],
[Series 13: Partnership in the Gospel Conferences Audio Tapes and Various Other Tapes, 1982-1992],
[Series 14: Organizational Materials, 1981-1986],
[Series 15: Joan Flikkema Materials],
[Series 16: Correspondence, 1985-1996],
[Series 17: Minutes, 1975-1993],
[Series 18: Miscellaneous, 1985-1994],
[Series 19: Florence Kuipers Materials, 1989-1996],
[Series 20: CW-CRC Scholarship Committee, 1982-2000],
[Series 21: Articles and Publications, 1979-1999],

Series 11: Subject File -Articles --- 1978-1991
Box 20
Folder 1: Akin, Herbert -"Elton Trueblood on Women"
Folder 2: Allen, Cathy -"Cinderella Syndrome" in Church Herald, --- February 1984
Folder 3: Allen, Pamela -"Brian Wrens Hymns of Justice"
Folder 4: Alsdorf, J & P -"Battered into Submission" in Christianity Today, --- June 16,1989
Folder 5: Arkema, Alan -"Reflection on Reading a Text"
Folder 6: Barr, Browne -"Ordination of Women and Refreshment of the Sacraments"
Folder 7: Boer, Harry -"Deacons Down, Women In" in Reformed Journal, --- May 1981
Folder 8: Brueggmann, Walter -"Bible as the Living Word of God"
Folder 9: Bockley, Jack -"Paul, Women and the Church"
Folder 10: Calvinist Contact -"Sailing Between Cliffs of Male and Female Power"
Folder 11: Carlson, Carole -"Clergy Women and Senior Pastorates"
Folder 12: Christian Century -"Ways of Knowing God: Gender and the Brain"
Folder 13: Christian Century -"Beyond the Feminist Critique"
Folder 14: Christianity Today -"Eutychus and His Kin"
Folder 15: Christianity Today -"Killing Era Didn't Cure the Patient"
Folder 16: Church Herald -"A Child of God, A Matter of Conscience"
Folder 17: Conn, Harvie -"Evangelical Feminism"
Folder 18: Damsteegt, Elaine -"I Want to Wash Feet, Don't Stop Me" (RCA)
Folder 19: Darling, Diane -"A Letter to Sylvia"
Folder 20
Item 1: Davies, Jan -"It Was Not That Way In The Beginning"
Item 2: De Haan, Joyce M.D. -"Her Story"
Item 3: De Haan, Richard -Pamphlet "Male, Female, and Unisex"
Folder 21: De Jong, James, "Is Wesel our Weasel and Between a Rock and a Hard Place"
Folder 22: De Jong, James, "Women in Office and Calvin Seminary" in Calvin Theological Seminary in Focus --- 1990-1991
Folder 23: De Moor, Henry, "Service and Office," --- February 1987
Folder 24: De Moor, Henry, "The Council Room" in Calvin Seminary in Focus
Folder 25: De Ridder, Richard, "Who Decides?  Is Church Order Meant to be Violated" in the Banner, --- October 1987
Folder 26: Dokter, Marge, "Handling Conflict over the Women's Issue"
Folder 27: Douglass, Jane, "Women and the Reformation" in Perspectives, --- October 1987
Folder 28: Edelman, Gay, "Women and Religion"
Folder 29: Ellwood, Gracia, "Aubade" (poem) in Reformed Journal, --- February 1983
Folder 30: Ellwood, Gracia, "Infallibility: A Feminist Perspective" in Reformed Journal, --- September 1980
Folder 31: Erickson, Joyce, "Let us Now Praise Women" in Reformed Journal, --- May 1986
Folder 32: Flikkema, Joan, "What is Headship?"
Folder 33: Franzen Clark, Mary, "Hiding, Hurting, Healing"
Folder 34: Gerety, Peter, "Women in the Church"
Folder 35: Godfrey, W. Robert, "Ought Women to be in Church Office"
Folder 36: Gordon, A. J., "The Ministry of Women"
Folder 37: Grand Rapids Press, "A Women of Wit, Wisdom and Faith"
Folder 38: Grissen, Lillian, "Dilemma of Female Christian College Grad" in Pro Rege, --- March 1981
Folder 39: Gundry, Patricia
Folder 40: Gunnink, Katie, "The Ministry of Women in the Church" in The Messenger
Folder 41: Habermehl, D. N., "A New Look at Guilt and Shame"
Folder 42: Haines, Denise, "Womans Ordination: What Difference Has It Made" in Christian Century
Folder 43: Headship articles
Folder 44: Hestenes, Roberta, "Culture, Counterculture and Christian Transformation"
Folder 45: Hoekema, Cal, "A Foible" in Banner, --- October 1987
Folder 46: Holtrop, Phillip, "Women in the Diaconate"
Folder 47: House, Renee, "The Role and Authority of Women in Ministry"
Folder 48: Huizenga, Nicholas, "CRC versus Feminism, 1912-13"
Folder 49: Insight Magazine, "Women Making New Trip to Alter"
Folder 50: Japinga, Jeffrey, "Women, Deacons, Professors" in Church Herald --- July 1988
Folder 51: Johnston, Robert, "An Evangelical Impasse" in Reformed Journal --- July 1978
Folder 52: Jordan, Laverne, "Leadership and Servanthood" in the Banner --- June 1983
Folder 53: Keefe, Carolyn, "Feminism Pro and Con"
Folder 54: Kerux --- March 18,1983
Folder 55: Knight, George, "N. T. Teaching on Role Relationship of Male and Female"
Box 21
Folder 1: Kooistra, Remkes, "Were There Deaconesses in Ephesus?"
Folder 2: Kooistra, Remkes, "Women and Ecclesiastical Office -A New Point of View" in Calvinist Contact, --- June 1983
Folder 3: Kooistra, Remkes, "Neck and Headship"
Folder 4: Koops, Sarah, "On Women in Ministry" in Dialogue
Folder 5: Kortman, Joyce, "Language and Affirmation of Belonging"
Folder 6: Kroeger, Richard and Catherine -various articles
Folder 7: Kuipers, Marjorie, "Resistance, Power, and Transformation in CRC"
Folder 8: Kuyvenhoven, A., "About Liberals, Women and God's Will" in the Banner, editorial, --- May 1984
Folder 9: Lenters, "Out of the Closet"
Folder 10: Leonard, Bill, "Forgiving Eve"
Folder 11: Longenecker, Rich, "A Lifestyle of Biblical Justice and Mercy" in Calvinist Contact, --- February 1985
Folder 12: Mc Cormick, Richard, "Changing My Mind about the Changeable Church"
Folder 13-14: Mc Kim, Donald, "What Women Theologians are Saying" in Reformed Journal, --- January1985
Folder 15: Mickelsen, B & A, "What Does the Bible Teach about Men/Women Relationships"
Folder 16
Item 1: Monter, E. William, "Women in Calvinist Geneva"
Item 2: MS Magazine
Folder 17: Oppewal, Donald, "Using Both Eyes" in Reformed Journal, --- January1985
Folder 18: Paulsen, Peter, "He's Downtown at a Meeting" in Church Herald, --- September 1986
Folder 19: Perspective Newsletters --- 1981-1982
Folder 20: Petersen, Kenneth, "Wife Abuse" in Christianity Today, --- November 1983
Folder 21: Piersma, John, "Comment and Opinion" in Outlook, --- June 1985
Folder 22: Pieizier, Christina, "A Modern Marriage Too Can Succeed"
Folder 23: Pohi, Carol, "A Feminist View of Moral Majority Women"
Folder 24: Potter, Mary, "Gender Equality in Calvin's Theology"
Folder 25: Praamsam, Herman, "Just a Moment" in Calvinist Contact, --- September 16,1983
Folder 26: Reformed Review, "Approaching Difficult Passages" --- 1985
Folder 27: Ridder, Lenora, "Working for Wholeness" in the Church Herald
Folder 28: Ritsema, Fred, "Marriage in Transition" --- May 1979
Folder 29: Roberts, Mark, "Women Shall be Saved -A Look at I Timothy 2:15" in the Reformed Journal, --- April 1983
Folder 30: Ruether, Rosemary, "Is Christianity Misogynist"
Folder 31: Ruether, Rosemary, "Feminist Critique in Religious Studies"
Folder 32: Schalkwyk, Leonard, "Women as Deacons"
Folder 33: Scholer, David, "Hermeneutical Gerrymandering"
Folder 34: Schmidt, Ruth, "Gospel Mandate for Inclusive Curriculum"
Folder 35: "Service in the Church"
Folder 36: Shaftsbury Group, "Theological Guidelines on Women and Men"
Folder 37: Slofstra, Peter and Maria, "Christian Courier"
Folder 38: Spaan, Howard, "It's Time to Change the Church Order" in the Banner, --- March 1989
Folder 39: Spaan, Howard -"The Mystique of the Three Offices" in the Banner, --- January1985
Folder 40: Stewart, Sonja, "An Examination of Shared Ministry"
Folder 41: Storrie, Kathleen, "Women, Dogs and Other Impure Animals"
Folder 42: Tamminga, Elaine, "Churches on the Cutting Edge"
Folder 43: Tebokkel, Helena, "Domestic Violence"
Folder 44: Tennis, Dianne, "Reflections on Maleness of Jesus"
Folder 45: Timmer, John, "Faith and Feminism" in Woodlawn World, --- December 1989
Folder 46: Townes, Emilie, "Ida Wells-Barnett: An Afro-American Prophet"
Folder 47: Van Andel, Nan, "Moving up the Amway Line"
Folder 48: Vander Broek, Lyle, "Women and the Church" in Reformed Review --- 1985
Folder 49: Vander Goot, Mary, "Growing up Female"
Folder 50: Vander Goot, Mary, "Styles of Elaboration in Women Becoming Liberated"
Box 22
Folder 1: Vandervelde, George, "Missionary as Contemporary Apostle"
Folder 2: Vander Vennen, Mary, "Could you say what your Gift is" in Calvinist Contact, --- July 1983
Folder 3: Vander Zee, Mary, "The Early Churches View of Women"
Folder 4: VanWyk Phillips, Nancy, "Women and the Resurrection of Christ"
Folder 5: VanHamersveld, Dorothy, "Concept of Headship According to the Bible"
Folder 6: VanHamersveld, Dorothy, "The Emerging Church"
Folder 7: VanLeeuwen, Mary, "The Recertification of Women" in Reformed Journal, --- August 1986
Folder 8: VanLeeuwen, Mary, "Trouble and Hope on the Farm" in Reformed Journal, --- August 1988
Folder 9: VanLeeuwen, Mary, "The Christian Mind and Challenge of Gender Relations" in Reformed Journal, --- September 1987
Folder 10: VanLeeuwen, Mary, "The End of Female Passivity" in Christianity --- January 1986
Folder 11: Verbrugge, Verlyn, "The Place of Women in the Bible"
Folder 12: Veurink, Hattie, "The Feminine Response to Life"
Folder 13: Vos, Louis, "A Man's Place is in the Yard" a play
Folder 14: Vos, Louis, "The Role of Women in CRC"
Folder 15: Vos, Mirth, "Areas of Need Experienced by Mission Wives"
Folder 16: Vugtevven, Joe, "Seeing the Forest and the Trees"
Folder 17: Weener, Jay, "The Ephesians Triangle"
Folder 18: Wiebe, Marie, "What is the Place of Women in the Church"
Folder 19: Witvoet, Bert, "The Spirit Moves Where it Wills" in the Calvinist Contact
Folder 20-21: Woltersdorff, Nicholas, "On Keeping Women Out of Office" in Reformed Journal --- May 1984
Folder 22: "Women in Pulpits"
Folder 23: Wright, Susan, "SBC Women Ministers Break Their Silence" in Christian Century
Folder 24: Yancey, Philip, "Confessions of a Racist"
Box 43
Folder 8: "Finding One's Own Voice: The Expereinces of Women as Parish Pastors" by Karen Norris
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED until January 1, 2046

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Correspondence, 1974-1990],
[Series 2: Strategy Committee -Minutes and Related Documents, 1978-1989],
[Series 3: Speakers Bureau Documents, 1986-1988],
[Series 4: "Partnership in the Gospel" Conference Documents, 1983, 1987-1988, 1990-1992],
[Series 5: Newsletters],
[Series 6: Women's Issues at Synod, 1978-1996],
[Series 7: File Cards of all CRC Churches and Church Contacts],
[Series 8: Business Meetings Minutes and Related Documents, "Cutting Edge" Strategy Committee Meetings, 1978-1988],
[Series 9: "Her Stories" Book Project],
[Series 10: Retreats, 1978-1984],
[Series 11: Subject File -Articles, 1978-1991],
[Series 12: Subject File, 1975-1992],
[Series 13: Partnership in the Gospel Conferences Audio Tapes and Various Other Tapes, 1982-1992],
[Series 14: Organizational Materials, 1981-1986],
[Series 15: Joan Flikkema Materials],
[Series 16: Correspondence, 1985-1996],
[Series 17: Minutes, 1975-1993],
[Series 18: Miscellaneous, 1985-1994],
[Series 19: Florence Kuipers Materials, 1989-1996],
[Series 20: CW-CRC Scholarship Committee, 1982-2000],
[Series 21: Articles and Publications, 1979-1999],

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