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Upward Bound Programs
Collection Overview
Upward Bound Programs
Box and Folder Listing
Box 726
Folder 1: Advisory Committee --- 1967-1970
Folder 2: Policy Committee --- 1970-1973
Folder 3: Correspondence and back up documents --- 1966-1976
Folder 4: Correspondence and back up documents --- 1966-1976
Folder 5: Correspondence and back up documents --- 1966-1976
Folder 6: Correspondence and back up documents --- 1966-1976
Folder 7: Correspondence and back up documents --- 1966-1976
Folder 8: Correspondence and back up documents --- 1966-1976
Folder 9: Correspondence and back up documents --- 1966-1976
Folder 10: Correspondence and back up documents --- 1966-1976
Box 730
Folder 1: Correspondence and back up documents --- 1976-1978
Folder 2: Correspondence and back up documents --- 1976-1978
Folder 3: Student data --- undated
Folder 4: Brochures --- undated
Folder 5: Class schedule (Summer) --- 1969
Folder 6
Item 1: Upward Bound Bulletin --- 1968
Item 2: Bound to Let You Know --- 1969
Item 3: Student Handbook --- 1969
Folder 7: Yearbooks --- 1966-1976
Folder 8: Yearbooks --- 1966-1976
Folder 9: Reapplications for Community Action Program --- 1969-1970
Folder 10: Reapplications for Community Action Program --- 1969-1970