Collection Overview
Title: Education (Reports to C3.2)
ID: CU/C9/C9.8
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Box:
Box 426],
Box 427],
Box 428],
Box 429],
Box 430],
Box 431],
Box 432],
Box 433],
Box 434],
Box 435],
Box 273],
- Box 426

- Folder 1: Minutes --- 1949-1981

- Folder 2: Minutes --- 1949-1981

- Folder 3: Minutes --- 1949-1981

- Folder 4: Minutes --- 1949-1981

- Folder 5: Minutes --- 1949-1981

- Folder 6: Minutes --- 1949-1981

- Folder 7: Minutes --- 1949-1981

- Folder 8: Minutes --- 1949-1981

- Folder 9: Minutes --- 1949-1981

- Folder 10: Minutes --- 1949-1981

- Folder 11: Minutes --- 1949-1981

- Folder 12: Minutes --- 1949-1981

- Box 427

- Folder 1: Minutes --- 1982-2017

- Folder 2: Minutes --- 1982-2017

- Folder 3: Minutes --- 1982-2017

- Folder 4: Minutes --- 1982-2017

- Folder 5: Minutes --- 1982-2017

- Folder 6: Minutes --- 1982-2017

- Folder 7: Minutes --- 1982-2017

- Folder 8: Minutes --- 1982-2017

- Folder 9: Minutes --- 1982-2017

- Folder 10: Minutes --- 1982-2017

- Folder 11: Minutes --- 1982-2017

- Folder 12: Faculty Data --- 1975-1978, 1982

- Folder 13: Newsletter: "In Touch" --- 1983-2004

- 1986 October, 1987 August, 1988 August, 1989 October, 1992 May, 1995 July, 2000 Fall, 2002 Spring, 1993 September 21, 1993 October 12, 1993 October 26, 1993 November 08, 1994 March 15
- Folder 14: Teacher Certification Ceremony Program --- 2004

- Folder 15: Program evaluation by student teachers --- 1993-1994, 1997-1998

- (red book)
- Folder 16: Program evaluation student teachers --- 1993-1994, 1997-1998

- (red book)
- Box 428

- Folder 1: Back up Documents --- 1959-1994

- Folder 2: Back up Documents --- 1959-1994

- Folder 3: Back up Documents --- 1959-1994

- Folder 4: Back up Documents --- 1959-1994

- Folder 5: Back up Documents --- 1959-1994

- Folder 6: Back up Documents --- 1959-1994

- Folder 7: Budget Requests --- 1965-1968

- Folder 8: Objectives --- undated

- Folder 9: Correspondence, Dr. B. Bos --- undated

- Folder 10: Correspondence, Dr. C. Vaarsma --- undated

- Folder 11: Correspondence, Dr. J. Van Bruggen --- undated

- Box 429

- Folder 1: Certification and Admission - Correspondence --- undated

- Folder 2: Certification and Admission - Progress Report - Subcommittee On Revision of the State Certification Code --- undated

- Folder 3: Report to the Michigan Department of Education re: certification in religion --- 1969

- Folder 4: State Certified Teacher Education Program in Religions --- 1967-1970

- Folder 5: State Certified Teacher Education Program in Religions --- 1971-1973

- Box 430

- Folder 1: Besselsen, G --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 2: Beversluis, N. H --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 3: De Beer, J. L --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 4: De Boer, P. P --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 5: Haan, Sheri --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 6: Hamilton, J. S --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 7: Hoekstra, D --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 8: Kass, C. E --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 9: Vanderark, G. --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 10: Youngs, R --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 11: Westra, D --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 12: Prospective Personnel --- 1960-1963

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 13: Curriculum Revision --- 1964-1966

- Folder 14: Enrollment Statistics --- 1966-1967

- Folder 15: Bible Major Material --- 1963-1964

- Folder 16: Philosophy of Education Material --- undated

- Folder 17: Ed. Psychology Curriculum --- 1959-1962

- Folder 18: Education 204 Curriculum (Hamilton) --- undated

- Folder 19: Education 344 Curriculum (Oppewal) --- undated

- Folder 20: Teacher Education Program --- 1961-1966

- Folder 21: Interim Programs --- 1967-1969

- Folder 22: Director of Student Teaching Reports --- 1961-1967

- Folder 23: Director of Student Teaching Reports (cont.) --- undated

- Folder 24: Miscellaneous Reports --- 1962-1963

- Folder 25: Coord. Committee on Teacher Education --- 1961-1969

- Folder 26: Committee on Adult Education --- 1957-1958

- Folder 27: Michigan Constitutional Convention Education Committee --- 1961

- Folder 28: Education 346 Secondary Student Teaching Seminar --- 1983

- Box 431

- Folder 1: Student Teaching Information --- 1961-1964

- Folder 2: Student Teaching Organization --- 1960-1969

- Folder 3: Student Teaching Procedures and Standards --- 1960-1968

- Folder 4: Student Teaching Reports --- 1950-1972

- Folder 5: Student Teaching Reports --- 1950-1972

- Folder 6: Student Teaching - Cooperating Teachers --- 1950-1961

- Folder 7: Student Teaching Work Conferences for Super. Teachers --- 1961-1963

- Folder 8: Christian Teacher Education --- 1976-1977

- Folder 9: Christian Teacher Education --- 1976-1977

- Folder 10: Consortium Agreement with Grand Rapids Baptist College --- 1992

- Box 432

- Folder 1: Placement correspondence --- 1961-1962

- Folder 2: Teacher Placement Forms

- Folder 3: Placement Bureau Information - Alabama - Illinois --- 1970

- Folder 4: Placement Bureau Information - Indiana - Michigan --- 1970

- Folder 5: Placement Bureau Information - Minnesota - Washington --- 1970

- Folder 6: Placement Bureau Information - Wisconsin - Canada --- 1970

- Folder 7: Placement Bureau Information - Arizona - Indiana --- 1971

- Folder 8: Placement Bureau Information - Iowa - Michigan (including Korea) --- 1971

- Folder 9: Placement Bureau Information - Minnesota - South Dakota --- 1971

- Folder 10: Placement Bureau Information - Tennessee- Wisconsin- Canada --- 1971

- Folder 11: Reports to Students Re: Teaching Assignments --- undated

- Box 433

- Folder 1: Placement Profiles --- 1978-1981

- Folder 2: Placement Profiles --- 1982

- Folder 3: Teacher Placement Statistics --- 1935-1982

- Not complete
- Folder 4: Calvin Placement Handbooks --- undated

- Folder 5: Booklets: "Prospective Graduates of Calvin College: Prepared to accept positions as teachers" --- 1938, 1943, 1946, 1947, 1963, 1971

- Box 434

- Folder 1: Administrators Workshops --- 1962-1964

- Folder 2: Amer. Association of Colleges for Teachers --- 1962-1967

- Folder 3: Association of Christian School Administrators --- 1961-1969

- Folder 4: Association for School College and University Staff --- 1967-1969

- Folder 5: Association for Student Teaching --- 1959-1961

- Folder 6: Christian Education Association Constitution --- undated

- Folder 7: Curriculum Center and Audio-Visual Room Plans --- 1968-1969

- Folder 8: Deans and Directors Group Minutes --- 1967-1970

- Folder 9: Deans and Directors Group Related Materials --- 1968-1969

- Folder 10: Directors of Student Teaching Michigan Institute --- 1967

- Folder 11: Ford Foundation --- 1961

- Folder 12: Inter-Institution Comm. --- 1967-1968

- Folder 13: Michigan Christian Educators Council --- 1961-1971

- Folder 14: Michigan College and University Placement Assoc. --- 1961-1970

- Folder 15: Michigan Department of Education --- 1939-1970

- Folder 16: Teacher Recruitment --- 1964

- Box 435

- Folder 1: Various Committee Motions --- 1970-1974

- Folder 2: Letters Re: Obtaining Teacher Position --- 1964-1971

- Folder 3: In-service Directed Teaching --- undated

- Folder 4: Professional Semester for Seniors in Elementary Education --- undated

- Folder 5: Professional Development --- 1976-1982

- Folder 6: Program Development Committee --- undated

- Folder 7: Reports --- undated

- Folder 8: Teacher Education Program Evaluation --- 1987, 1997-2000

- (four folders)
- Folder 9: Teacher Education Program Evaluation --- 1987, 1997-2000

- Folder 10: Teacher Education Program Evaluation --- 1987, 1997-2000

- Folder 11: Teacher Education Program Evaluation --- 1987, 1997-2000

- Box 273

- Folder 1: Board Minutes --- 1989-1995

- Calvin Monograph Series
- Folder 2: Monograph Editorial Board --- 1987-1988

- Calvin Monograph Series
- Folder 3: Accounts --- undated

- Calvin Monograph Series
- Folder 4: Christian College Coalition, Teacher Educators --- undated

- Calvin Monograph Series
- Folder 5: Bosma, Bette --- undated

- Calvin Monograph Series
- Folder 6: De Boer, Peter P --- undated

- Calvin Monograph Series
- Folder 7: Jaarsma, C --- undated

- Calvin Monograph Series
- Folder 8: Promotion and publicity --- undated

- Calvin Monograph Series
- Folder 9: Publicity, brochure, ads --- undated

- Calvin Monograph Series
- Folder 10: Rejected manuscripts --- undated

- Calvin Monograph Series
- Folder 11: Stronks, Gloria --- undated

- Calvin Monograph Series
- Folder 12: Van Brummelen, Harro --- undated

- Calvin Monograph Series
- Folder 13: Vanden Ende, Tony --- undated

- Calvin Monograph Series
- Folder 14: Zuidema, Marvin A --- undated

- Calvin Monograph Series
- Folder 15: Elementary Science Education at Calvin College: An Application for a Heur Award in Undergraduate Science Education --- 2002

- Calvin Monograph Series
Browse by Box:
Box 426],
Box 427],
Box 428],
Box 429],
Box 430],
Box 431],
Box 432],
Box 433],
Box 434],
Box 435],
Box 273],