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Anthony Andrew Hoekema Collection



Biographical Note

Administrative Information

Detailed Description

Material Arranged Topically

Addresses Given

Articles published or unpublished

Seminary Courses

Sermons on the Heidelberg Catechism

Sermons: Dutch, Old Testament, New Testament, and Special Occasions



Thesis (Doctor of Theology)


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Anthony Andrew Hoekema Collection, 1932-1988 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Anthony Andrew Hoekema Collection, 1932-1988

ID: COLL/107

Primary Creator: Anthony Andrew Hoekema (1913-1988)

Extent: 25.0 Boxes. More info below.

Arrangement: Folder level description

Subjects: Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Bavinck, Herman, 1854-1921 - Theology, Calvin Theological Seminary - Study and teaching, Christian Science, Eschatology, Glossolalia, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Salvation, Sects - United States, Seventh-Day Adventists, Theology, Doctrinal - Study and teaching (Higher)


Minister of the Christian Reformed Church; and professor of systematic theology at Calvin Theological Seminary. The collection includes class notes; lectures; speeches; addresses; sermons; chapel talks; papers; articles; correspondence; book reviews; subject files; a thesis entitled "Herman Bavinck's Doctrine of the Covenant"; a bound manuscript entitled "The Centrality of the Heart"; and revisions, corrections, and correspondence regarding the published books and articles. [See also the Campus Titles Database.]

Biographical Note

Our Anthony Andrew Hoekema collection includes his papers on various topics as they were alphabetically arranged in his files: lectures, notes, articles; coursed he taught in both Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary; addresses given on many occasions; articles published in a variety of magazines; and sermons preached in the churches he served. One folder (see Box 21) contained “Preaching Sermons.” These are sermons, some in outline form, he repeatedly preached during his seminary and retirement years.

“Tony,” as friends and Seminary colleagues knew him, was born in Drachten, the Netherlands, July 26, 1913. Ten years later the Peter Hoekema family moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan where Tony attended Creston Christian School from 1923-1925. The family moved to the Eastern Avenue area. Here Tony attended the Baxter Street Christian School. From Christian High (1919-1932) on Franklin and Madison, Hoekema went on to Calvin College (1932-1936) and Calvin Theological Seminary (1937-1939, 1941-1942). He attended the University of Michigan (1936-1937). Before graduating from the Seminary, he was instructor at Calvin College from 1939-1941. After graduation, he went to Princeton Seminary where he received his Th.D. in 1944. His dissertation was entitled: “Herman’s Bavinck’s doctrine of the Covenant.”

Tony married Ruth Brink on August 4, 1942. They had four children: Dorothy R., James A., David A., and Helen J.

The pastoral phase of his life involved service in three Christian Reformed Churches: Twelfth Street, Grand Rapids (1944-1954); and Alger Park, Grand Rapids (1954-1956).

In 1956, Anthony Hoekema began a two-year ministry as Associate Professor of Bible at Calvin College. His service to the church until his retirement in 1978 continues in the Calvin Theological Seminary in the Systematic Theology Department.

John H. Kromminga, president emeritus of Calvin Seminary, wrote about Tony: “I knew Tony more by reputation than in person when he was the high school and college whiz kid, the man most likely to succeed, the bright star of the intellectual community. I am glad that this promise was fulfilled in his worldwide reputation as a teacher and writer. However, this was not the Tony we lived with and enjoyed throughout his Seminary years. That person was Tony, the apostle of love.”

His loves were family, work, music, travel, to be hospitable, and the God who spoke the Word. “His piety was neither ostentatious nor maudlin, but it was genuine.”

During his retirement years, he continued writing and publishing books. Shortly before his sudden death, he completed a manuscript on systematic theology. He died October 17, 1988, two days after a heart attack in Frederick, Maryland. We lost a dear friend and colleague.

Subject/Index Terms

Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Bavinck, Herman, 1854-1921 - Theology
Calvin Theological Seminary - Study and teaching
Christian Science
Jehovah's Witnesses
Sects - United States
Seventh-Day Adventists
Theology, Doctrinal - Study and teaching (Higher)

Administrative Information

Repository: Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

Alternate Extent Statement: 11.67 cubic ft.

Acquisition Source: Gift of A.A. Hoekema

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Material Arranged Topically, 1932-1988],
[Series 2: Addresses Given, 1952-1986],
[Series 3: Articles published or unpublished, 1932-1988],
[Series 4: Seminary Courses, 1939-1981],
[Series 5: Sermons on the Heidelberg Catechism, 1944-1956],
[Series 6: Sermons: Dutch, Old Testament, New Testament, and Special Occasions, 1943-1988],
[Series 7: Addenda, 1940-1981],
[Series 8: Correspondence, 1956-1988],
[Series 9: Thesis (Doctor of Theology)],
[Series 10: Diplomas],

Series 3: Articles published or unpublished --- 1932-1988
Box 12
Folder 1: Adventists the sect of Sabbatarians. Also correspondence and other material on cults --- 1988
Folder 2: Arguments against Infant Baptism
Folder 3: Calvinism and music.  Calvinism 301A --- Dec. 1935
Folder 4: Calvin's Doctrine of the Covenant of Grace.  Lecture, Reformed Review --- May-62
Folder 5
Item 1: Changing emphasis in the Social Gospel, Calvin Forum --- January 1947
Item 2: Papers from course at Princeton --- 1944
Folder 6: Common Grace.  Notes and related material
Folder 7: Created Persons, In Reformed Journal --- Mar-86
Folder 8: Eschatology.  Articles and background material
Folder 9: Forms of communication
Folder 10: Gifts of the Spirit.  For National Presbyterian and Reformed Congress.  Notes --- Jul-79
Folder 11: Herman Bavinck's doctrine of the covenant.  An abstract.  Correspondence
Folder 12: How we see ourselves.  In Christianity Today --- November 8, 1985
Folder 13: Human beings as created persons.  Reformed Journal --- Jan-86
Folder 14: Inspiration of Scripture.  Notes and articles from various authors --- 1957, 1961, 1970
Folder 15: ISBE articles: Seventy weeks; Time, Last, and Time, Times, and half a time --- 1986
Folder 16: Jehovah's witnesses: Article for Eerdman's Handbook to the History of Christianity Today.  Book review
Box 13
Folder 1: Millennialism.  What about the millennium?  Article for Christian Board of Publications.  Correspondence --- 1985
Folder 2: The missionary focus of the Canons of Dort
Folder 3
Item 1: New Testament teaching on the historicity of Adam.  The Banner --- January, 1971
Item 2: "Adam Only a Symbol?" in The Banner --- May 10, 1982
Folder 4: Die Naturwissenschaften in Achtzehnten Jahrhundert.  Paper for German 304 --- December 30, 1932
Folder 5: Neo-Pentecostalism.  Articles in The Banner and in Federation Messenger --- 1971
Folder 6: "Predestination and Evangelism," in The Banner. Also articles in Reformed Journal, The Doctrine of Election.  Background material --- March 30, 1953
Folder 7: Public Worship.  Princeton paper and class notes --- 1943
Folder 8: "Sanctification: The Reformed perspective."  Article in Five Views on Sanctification --- 1987
Folder 9: Struggle between Old and New Natures in the converted men.  Bulletin of Evangelical Society --- Spring 1982
Folder 10: Summary of a millennial position, Christianity Today Institute.  Additional material --- September 11, 1986
Folder 11: "Ten Questions to Ask Christian Scientists.'  Christianity Today; Is Christian Science a cult? --- May 1966
Folder 12: "Ten questions to ask the Mormons."  Christianity Today, additional articles on Mormonism
Folder 13: "There's a new earth coming."  Christianity Today. Correspondence and revisions --- September 20, 1985
Folder 14: Too dim for a dark world.  Series for youth leaders.  Youth Calvinist
Folder 15: Two types of preaching.  Background material --- 1955
Folder 16: "What we can learn from the Cults."  The Banner.  Correspondence on cults --- 1968

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Material Arranged Topically, 1932-1988],
[Series 2: Addresses Given, 1952-1986],
[Series 3: Articles published or unpublished, 1932-1988],
[Series 4: Seminary Courses, 1939-1981],
[Series 5: Sermons on the Heidelberg Catechism, 1944-1956],
[Series 6: Sermons: Dutch, Old Testament, New Testament, and Special Occasions, 1943-1988],
[Series 7: Addenda, 1940-1981],
[Series 8: Correspondence, 1956-1988],
[Series 9: Thesis (Doctor of Theology)],
[Series 10: Diplomas],

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