Collection Overview
Title: Sociology 320 Projects
ID: CU/C9/C9.24/C9.24.1
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Box:
Box 707],
Box 708],
Box 709],
Box 710],
Box 711],
Box 712],
Box 713],
Box 714],
[Box 715],
Box 716],
Box 717],
Box 718],
- Box 715

- Folder 1

- Item 1: Children Who Run Away --- 1976

- By: Pat Folkerts, Jo Haarsma, Barb Haringa, Sue Koining, Marina VanRy, Sue Venema
- Item 2: Tit-For-Tat - Enough of That --- 1976

- By: Devi Daining, Doreen Townes, Mike Van Hofwegen
- Item 3: Attitude Survey: Calvin Students From Divorced Homes --- 1976

- By: Gary Ellens, Jay VanLenten
- Folder 2

- Item 1: Study of the Shoplifting Diversion Program Participants of 1974 --- 1977

- By: Jim De Groot, Jack Dozema, Tom Heyboer, Mary Luidens, Joan VanderVeen, Wendy Vreugdenhil
- Item 2: Roommate Satisfaction --- 1977

- By: Sue Bosch, Judy DeJong, Henry Eising, Herm Westerik, Denise Zoeterman
- Item 3: Influencing Factors of the Social Work Career Choice --- 1977

- By: Marian Booy, Dawn DeYoung, Steve Groen, Bill Keller, Tim Sikkema, Ruth White
- Item 4: Church Growth --- 1977

- By: Deb Boersma, Mark Elderkamp, W anda Henderickson, Pat Jansma, Dale Mentink
- Folder 3

- Item 1: Career Orientations of Calvin Freshman Women --- 1977

- By: Esther Byle, Dan Proctor, Alice Valk, Marianne Zuiderveen
- Item 2: Religious Family Background and Student Movie Attendance --- 1977

- By: Fran Gunnink, Adrienne Krol, Carmen Sankey, Betsy Shooks
- Item 3: An Exploration of Calvin College Student’s Film Attendance and the Influences on their Film Choice --- undated

- By: Jane DeJong, S andy Gruppen, Alice Riepma, John Roeda, Bill Bis
- Folder 4

- Item 1: A Study of TV Cereal Ads and their affect on the Consumer --- 1977

- By: andeyatso A. Addi, Cindi DeKoning, Linda Ensing, Brenda Hoekenga, Nona Van Lonkhuyzen
- Item 2: Social Research A Study on Political Awareness --- 1977

- By: Bert Adema, Barbara Kamps, andy Kesteloo
- Folder 5

- Item 1: Secondary Research on Membership Lost Study of the CRC --- 1976

- By: Theo de Boer
- Item 2: The Effects of Religious Orientation on Attitudes Toward the Church as an Agent of Social Change --- 1978

- By: Samuel A. Beals, andrew Wikholm, Lynnae Wikholm
- Item 3: Psychological and Social Correlates of Life Satisfaction as a Function of Residential constraint in the Holland Home --- 1978

- By: Amy Alsum, Patti Galien, Mary Kole, Mia Welscott
- Folder 6

- Item 1: Sex Role Orientations of the Christian Reformed Church --- 1978

- By: Ronda Bos, Shirley Cady, Barb De Vries, Steven Haringa, Ellen VanSomersen
- Item 2: Johnston Flood - Disasteranalysis --- 1978

- By: Greg Hofman, Nelly Hotke, Roberta Kamphuis, Judy Kamstra, Andy Ryskamp
- Item 3: Students Attitude Formation Towards Social Dance at Calvin College: Parents vs. Peers Influence --- 1978

- By: Sara Buchholz, Rick Eisen, Truidi Postma, Julie Van Der Puy
- Folder 7

- Item 1: Shoplifting Recidivism --- 1978

- By: Sara Cooper, Laurie Ruiter, Janie Schaafsma, David Zwiep, Lois Zylstra
- Item 2: Evaluation of the Parent and Child Living Center --- 1978

- By: Cathy Johnson, Cheri Kreykes, Julie Vanderzee, Ron Willet
- Item 3: Marital Happiness in the Christian Reformed Church --- 1978

- By: Vicki DeBoer, Sharon Frens, Marilee Huitsing, Margaret Vander Zwaag, Vance Talsma
Browse by Box:
Box 707],
Box 708],
Box 709],
Box 710],
Box 711],
Box 712],
Box 713],
Box 714],
[Box 715],
Box 716],
Box 717],
Box 718],