Collection Overview
Title: Sociology 320 Projects
ID: CU/C9/C9.24/C9.24.1
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Box:
Box 707],
Box 708],
Box 709],
Box 710],
Box 711],
Box 712],
Box 713],
Box 714],
Box 715],
[Box 716],
Box 717],
Box 718],
- Box 716

- Folder 1

- Item 1: Who Adopts the Percentage Giving Plan? --- 1979

- By: Stan DeVoogd, Dita Hovingh, Dave Kool, Liz Swanson, Dorothy VanHarten
- Item 2: Contrast Between Christian Reformed and Non-Christian Reformed Students’ Views of Calvin (If You’re Not Dutch, You’re Not Much) --- 1979

- By: Trudy Heule, Gayle Rooy, Diann Ver Schure, Cindy Walker
- Item 3: Christian vs. Public High Schools: Is there a Difference in Academic Achievement? --- 1979

- By: Larry Baur, Susan Dykema, Susan Genzink, Harvey Konynenbelt, Cal Pelon
- Item 4: A Comparative Study Between Abusive and Neglectful Parents --- 1979

- By: Jan Boelkins, Nan Casemier, Deb Comber, Yvonne Riemersma, Kris Ryskamp, Vicki Schreur
- Folder 2

- Item 1: A Study of Cosmopolitanism Among High School Students --- 1979

- By: Lisa Brink, Leslie Calsbeek, Laurie Dykstra, Ken Fredericks, Joel Konyndyk, Laurel Kuik, Lori Parker
- Item 2: Graduate, Are you Ready? --- 1979

- By: Jennifer Langedoen, Valerie Rubingh, Ted Stelpstra, Joann Vandersteen
- Item 3: The Plight of the Victim: What is Being Done? --- undated

- By: Lynn Durkker, Mary Gesink, Lorraine Knop, Sue Los, Emily Talen
- Folder 3

- Item 1: The Skid Row Trap --- undated

- By: Dick andzenge, Deb DeHaan, Janne Ritskes, Ellen Vandyke, John Wassink
- Item 2: Walbridge Academy: A Study of Attendance Problems --- 1979

- By: Dave Buechner, Brenda Bush, Tricia Fuller, Gary Gells, Shari Kennedy, Kathy Krikke, Ken Van Bek
- Item 3: Job Satisfaction and Support in the Ministry --- 1979

- By: Herb Advocaat, Karen Baker, Dave Hoolsema, Bob Negen, Loren Swier, Marcia Van Poolen
- Folder 4

- Item 1: Alcohol Consumption at Calvin College --- 1980

- By: Eileen Boonstra, Nick DeBoer, Laurie Hageman, Shelley Schuuman
- Item 2: Alcohol Consumption at Calvin College --- 1992

- By: Kathy De Vries, Mary Holkeboer, Anne Stanton, Wade Taatjes, Debby Vander Kamp, Willemina Zwart
- Item 3: A Study of Juvenile Criminal Behavior --- 1980

- By: Pamela Cook, Chuck Cornelisse,Corky DeBoer, Larry Doornbos, Mark Recker
- Item 4: The Equal Rights Amendment and the Drafting of Women --- 1980

- By: Dawn Baker, Rhonda L. Brink, Debra DeVries, Kathy Van Wynen
- Item 5: Sociological Factors Involved in the Mate Selection Process --- 1980

- By: Richard Magsby, William VanWyngaarden, Deb VerWolf
- Folder 5

- Item 1: The Marital Satisfaction of Members of the Christian Reformed Church --- 1980

- By: Sue Borst, Scott Koop, Linda Olthoff, Cheri Vander Veen, Len VanHeest, Gary Voss
- Item 2: Sources and Knowledge of Birth Control --- 1980

- By: Sheryl Aardema, Rory Marshall, Naydean Ratliff, Henry Rottschafer
- Item 3: Dating At Calvin --- 1980

- By: Deb Bellemy, Ed De Graff, Karen DeYoung, Tom Schuitema, Mark Van Houten, Sharon Vels, Mary Venema
- Item 4: Oakdale Park Christian Reformed Church Neighborhood Needs Survey --- 1980

- By: Craig Buma, Erica Oosterhouse, Deb V anden Akker, Mary Walstra
- Folder 6

- Item 1: Do Trait Anxiety, Self-Actualization and Conflict Irresolutions Affect State Anxiety of College Seniors? --- 1981

- By: Rick Block, Bev Blom, Karen Bode, Helen De Nooyer, Randy De Nooyer, Sherry Haines, Deb O’Brien
- Item 2: Victims of Crime and Theirattitudes About Dealing with Criminals --- 1981

- By: Dan Boer, Casper Geisterfer, Jim Kok, Bob Oostdyk, Carolyn Salyers, Bill Sytsema, Sandy V anden Berge
- Item 3: Sentencing and Recidivism --- 1981

- By: Jean Deelstra, Mary De Haan, Laurie Flier, Tom Oostema, Dan Penning, Susan Sponholz
- Folder 7

- Item 1: A Study of Spiritual Expressiveness Among College Students --- 1981

- By: Kevin Adams, Connie Bilthouse, Laurie Haak, Melissa Roels, Bobsie Pughe, Mark Witte, Christie Zwiep
- Item 2: Roll Out The Barrel: A Study of the Alcohol Consumption Patterns of Protestant Ministers --- 1981

- By: Ron Gorter, Leon Negen, Duane Timmermans, Dave Topp, Tom Van Eck, Joe Wyngaarden
- Item 3: Child Abuse’s Impact on Teenage Substance Abuse --- 1981

- By: John Giggio, Sharon Johnson, Barb Tabor, Howard V andam, William Van den Boogaard, Suzann VanKlompenberg
Browse by Box:
Box 707],
Box 708],
Box 709],
Box 710],
Box 711],
Box 712],
Box 713],
Box 714],
Box 715],
[Box 716],
Box 717],
Box 718],