Collection Overview
Title: Sociology 320 Projects
ID: CU/C9/C9.24/C9.24.1
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Box:
Box 707],
Box 708],
Box 709],
Box 710],
Box 711],
Box 712],
Box 713],
Box 714],
Box 715],
Box 716],
[Box 717],
Box 718],
- Box 717

- Folder 1

- Item 1: Age of Retirement --- undated

- By: Steve Assink, Jim Brandsen, Mary DeBlaey, Julie DeGraaf, Beth Dekker, John Eisen, Mark Koning
- Item 2: A Study of Marital Communication of the Members of the Christian Reformed Church --- 1981

- By: Katie Broodman, Heidi Kossen, Ruby Lankford, Gina Lenters, Lori Stuit
- Item 3: The Effects of Egalitarian and Traditional Marriage Types on Dynamics of Marital Relationships --- 1981

- By: Debra Dykhuizen, Robin Hoogl and, Tom Kraker, Paul Mulder, Karen Volkers
- Folder 2

- Item 1: A Study of Christian Commitment and Helping Behavior --- 1981

- By: Valerie Bussema, Joanne Deur, Mary Evenhouse, Darci Tazelaar, Linda Tyler, Jewl V anden Hoek, Kim Wyngarden
- Item 2: Senior Citizen Need Survey --- 1981

- By: Esther Bolt, Nancy Buck, Annette Halma, Jeanne Katerberg, Patrice Sonderfan, Jodi VanZanten, Linda Zwiep
- Item 3: So What Are You Doing For the Rest of Your Life. The Influence of Family Background on College Students’ Occupational Expectations --- 1981

- By: Dan Ackerman, Ross Cooper, Bev De Bruin, Audrey Kort, Patti Navis, Owen Pruiksma, Joyce Vander Vliet
- Folder 3

- Item 1: Economic Disparity: A Study Investigating "Why Poverty Exists" and "Lifestyle Aspirations" --- 1982

- By: Janet Van Dokkumburg, James Van Hemert, Chuck Wilson
- Item 2: Teenage Alcohol Consumption --- 1982

- By: Pauline Koopman, Denise Kol, Missy Lettinga, Terri Nieboer, Nga Ngo, Margaret Oosting
- Item 3: Dutch Tulips vs. The Forget-Me-Nots: A Study of Satisfaction at Calvin College Emphasizing the Non-Christian Reformed Student --- 1982

- By: Joan Belen, Joan De Jager, Deb Gritter, Heeila Oosterbaan, Melinda Vermeer
- Folder 4

- Item 1: Contributing Factors in the Length of Sobriety of Self-Proclaimed Alcoholics --- 1982

- By: Yvonne Kerns, Jeanet Sybenga, Larry Vander Plaats
- Item 2: The Protestant Work Ethic: Revisited --- 1982

- By: Adrian Eising, Lisa Mulder, Emilie Prince, Jacqueline VanBrenk
- Item 3: A Study on Christian Reformed Ethnocentrism --- 1982

- By: Brian Broekhuizen, Awua Donkoh, Gary Kryt, Lynn Smith, Dave Van Der Wiele
- Folder 5

- Item 1: Calvin College Resident Advisors: Willingness to Enforce Alcohol Policy --- 1982

- By: Rhonda Bruxvoort, Susan Carr, Elizabeth Diepersloot, Lynn Douma, James Hathaway
- Item 2: Past Exposure and Future Decisions: A Study of Variables Affecting Abortion Attitudes --- 1982

- By: Dave Boerkoel, Dave Ellens, Rita Schoenmaker, Evelyn V andenBerg
- Item 3: Value Orientation of Calvin Students --- 1983

- By: Lisa Carr, Bill Dhams, Rob V andeGuchte, Wilma VanderHelm
- Folder 6

- Item 1: The Effects of Reinforcement on Altruism: A Replication Study --- 1983

- By: Pat Scully, Amy Venema, Henriette Plasier, Sh anda Wieringa, Chris Boender, Gary Brouwer
- Item 2: Religion and Prejudice --- 1983

- By: Kathy Boerman, Tricia Coates
- Item 3: Changes in Primary Friends --- 1983

- By: Merri Jolink, Tom St andel, Char Wiers
- Item 4: The Study of the Effects of Socioeconomic Status of Whites on Theirattitudes Towards Blacks --- 1983

- By: Mark Afman, Marjorie Boot, Bob Laarman, Zoom Le, Mary Vandeberg
- Folder 7

- Item 1: Religious Behavior and Spiritual Growth --- 1983

- By: Jackie Dekker, Cindy Dirkse, Rod Otte, Callae Walcott, Dawn Zuiderveen
- Item 2: Social Work Students’ Preferences Concerning the Role of Social Work in Government --- 1983

- By: Nancy Borst, Dawn Meyer, Tom Salisbury, Jude Hofman
- Item 3: Recidivism Rates in First Offender Shoplifters --- 1983

- By: Wilma Flikeert, Kim Luyendyk, Lisa Suntken, Jill Wolffis, Johan Verseveld
- Item 4: Sentencing and Recidivism Rates Among: First-Offender Shoplifters --- 1983

- By: Wilma Flikeert, Kim Luyendyk, Lisa Suntken, Jill Wolffis, Johan Verseveld
Browse by Box:
Box 707],
Box 708],
Box 709],
Box 710],
Box 711],
Box 712],
Box 713],
Box 714],
Box 715],
Box 716],
[Box 717],
Box 718],