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Seminars at Calvin

Collection Overview

Title: Seminars at Calvin

ID: CU/C13/C13.66

Extent: 0.0

Box and Folder Listing

Box 1543
Folder 1: Governing board minutes --- 2006-2014
Folder 2
Item 1: Mandate --- 2003
Item 2: Draft: Proposed Constitution and Bylaws --- circa 1995
Item 3: Faculty Summer Seminars in Christian Scholarship Advisory Board Minutes --- 1997 July
Item 4: Fact Sheets about Seminars in Christian Scholarship --- undated
Item 5: Summary of Events --- 1996-2003
Item 6: Letters of Support --- 2003
Folder 3: Director of the Seminars in Christian Scholarship - Correspondence --- 2003
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 4: Summer Seminar Schedule and Budget --- 2004
Folder 5: Report to Governing Board --- 2006-2007
Folder 6: Annual Report to Faculty Senate --- 2010
Folder 7: Ad Evaluation Report by Christianity Today --- 2008
Folder 8: Seminar Evaluations --- 2009-2010
Folder 9: Team Minutes --- 2010, 2012
Folder 10: Publicity Including Brochures and Posters --- 1996-2002
Folder 11: Publicity Including Brochures and Posters --- 2003-2011
Folder 12: Publicity --- 2006-2011
Folder 13: Publications and Presentations Resulting from Calvin College Seminars in Christian Scholarship --- undated
Folder 14
Item 1: Seminars in Christian Scholarship Handbook --- 2006
Item 2: Seminars at Calvin Procedure Manual --- 2011
Item 3: Seminars at Calvin Student Handbook --- 2016
Box 1328
Folder 1
Item 1: Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought (Summer 1996, Spring 1997), Participants --- 1996-1997
Participants: Westphal, Apczynski, Benson, Bouma-Prediger, Connell, Craig, Dell’Olio, Green, Hardy
Folder 2
Item 1: Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought (Summer 1996, Spring 1997), Participants --- 1996-1997
Participants: Ingraffia, Padgett, Percesepe, Van Houten, Wirzba, Wood
Item 2: Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought (Summer 1996, Spring 1997), Publications --- 1996-1997
Folder 3: Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought (Summer 1996, Spring 1997), Seminar Readings --- 1996-1997
Folder 4: Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought (Summer 1996, Spring 1997), Seminar Readings --- 1996-1997
Folder 5: Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought (Summer 1996, Spring 1997), Seminar Readings --- 1996-1997
Folder 6
Item 1: Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought, Tradition and Literary Study (Summer 1996, Spring 1997), Publicity --- 1996-1997
Item 2: Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought, Tradition and Literary Study (Summer 1996, Spring 1997), Evaluations --- 1996-1997
Item 3: Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought, Tradition and Literary Study (Summer 1996, Spring 1997), Details --- 1996-1997
Folder 7: Tradition and Literary Study (Summer 1996, Spring 1997), Participants --- 1996-1997
Participants: Marshall, Cullen, Felch, Landrum, Later, Lillegard, Mckinney, McVeigh
Box 1409
Folder 1: Tradition and Literary Study, (Summer 1996, Spring 1997), Participants --- 1996-1997
Participants: Miller, Polman, Schnell, Slaymaker, Stuart, Vander Weele
Folder 2: Tradition and Literary Study, Seminar Details and Evaluations, Publicity --- 1996-1997
Marshall Seminar correspondence, Marshall post-seminar publications, social activities, housing, seminar details, evaluations (Marshall, Westphal), publicity
Folder 3: Puritanism and Its Discontents, Globilization and Inequality, Summer 1997, Spring 1998 --- 1997-1998
General information - 22 subfolders
Folder 4
Item 1: Puritanism and Its Discontents, Hosts: Knoppers: "Puritanism and its Discontents" --- 1997-1998
Seminar details and speaker
Item 2: Puritanism and Its Discontents, Richardson: "Globilization and Inequality" --- 1997-1998
Seminar details and speaker
Folder 5: Puritanism and Its Discontents, Participants --- 1997-1998
Participants: Brautigam, Ehrhard, Hall, Harper, Hovey, Kugler, Netland, Olive, Pointer, Sanders, Woolsey
Folder 6: Puritanism and Its Discontents, Correspondence, publicity, etc. --- 1997-1998
10 subfolders
Folder 7: Puritanism and Its Discontents, Seminar Readings --- 1997-1998
Knoppers Readings
Box 1329
Folder 1: Globalization and Inequality, (Summer 1997, Spring 1998), Participants --- 1997-1998
Participants: Richardson, Anderson, Anderton, Charalambakis, Havens
Folder 2: Globalization and Inequality, Participants --- 1997-1998
Participants: Koopman, Manaloor, Miller, Richey, Smith, Vanderheide, Wassenbar, Wedding
Folder 3: Globalization and Inequality, Papers and Evaluation --- 1997-1998
Richardson papers and evaluations
Folder 4: Globalization and Inequality, Seminar readings --- 1997-1998
Richardson readings
Folder 5: 1998 Summer Sessions, General Information --- 1998
Publicity, General, Advertisements, Media Coverage, General Details/Corresponence
Folder 6: 1998 Summer Sessions, General Information --- 1998
Welcome Folder, Housing and Furniture, NewsBytes, Children's Activities, Social Events
Box 1420
Folder 1: Globalization and Inequality (Summer 1997, Spring 1998), Seminar Papers --- 1997-1998
Richardson (with Khripounova), Anderson, Anderton, Charalambakis, Hiebert, Havens, Manaloor, Miller, Ritchey, Smith, Van Der Heide, Wassenaar, Wedding, van Butselaar
Folder 2: Globalization and Inequality, Seminar Papers --- 1997-1998
Havens, Manaloor, Miller, Ritchey, Van Der Heide Wassenaar, Wedding, van Butselaar
Folder 3: Christianity as a World Religion (Spring), Seminar Papers --- 2001
Seminar Papers: Brueck, Case, Harkins-Pierre, McCutcheon
Folder 4: Christianity as a World Religion (Spring), Seminar Papers --- 2001
Seminar Papers: McNally, Mwase, Paffenroth, Pelphrey, Plantinga, Van Gorder, Vanden Berg, Taber
Box 1330
Folder 1: Theology and the New Physics (Summer), Participants --- 1998
Participants: Polkinghorne, Carlson, Collins, Kieffaber
Folder 2: Theology and the New Physics, Participants --- 1998
Participants: Koperski, Marsch, Morris, Pestana, Sennett, Sikkema, Simmons
Folder 3: Theology and the New Physics, Participants --- 1998
Participants: Vogel, Walhout, Wharton, Wykstra
Folder 4: Polkinghorne Papers --- 1998
Folder 5: Anselm: Faith Seeking Understanding (Summer), Participants --- 1998
Participants: Brower, Toland, Chignell, Colvert, Feenstra, Felch, Floyd, Goggans, Reitsma, Van Arragon, Van Dyke, Wingard, Wood; Host: Eleonore Stump
Box 1331
Folder 1: Political Theory after Liberalism (Summer), Participants --- 1998
Participants: Participants: Wolterstorff, Aroney, Brandsen, Brewbaker, Cuneo, Eberle, Goi, Hall, Hoekema
Folder 2: Political Theory after Liberalism (Summer), Participants --- 1998
Participants: Knippenberg, Langerak, Murphy, Puolimatka, Spellman, Stronks, Woodiwiss
Folder 3: Summer Sessions, Public Lectures --- 1998
Public Lecturers: Nick Wolterstorff, John Polkinghorne; Miscellaneous Materials on Summer Sessions Including Evaluations
Folder 4: Seminar Proposals --- 1998
Folder 5: Summer Readings --- 1998
Firth, Polkinghorne, Wolterstorff
Folder 6: Summer Readings --- 1998
"The Desire of the Nations" by Oliver O'Donovan
Folder 7: Theology and the New Physics, Political Theory after Liberalism (Spring), General Information --- 1999
Folder 8: Theology and the New Physics, Political Theory after Liberalism (Spring), General Information --- 1999
Details, Speakers
Box 1332
Folder 1: Realism and AntiRealism (Summer), Participants --- 1999
Participants: Alston, Clark, Colvert, Cortens, Hiskes, Howard-Syder
Folder 2: Realism and AntiRealism (Summer), Participants --- 1999
Participants: Murray, McLeod, Miller, Rolnick, Smit, Spradley, Tollefsen, Van Woudenberg
Folder 3: Realism and AntiRealism, Seminar Readings --- 1999
Folder 4: Realism and AntiRealism, Seminar Readings --- 1999
Folder 5: Realism and AntiRealism, Readings for Panel Discussion --- 1999
Folder 6: Postmodernism and the Humanities (Summer), Participants --- 1999
Participants: Airhart, Allen, Andrews, Burchill, Duffy, Fetzer, Gordon, Haley, Marsh, Olbright, Schmalz, Sweeney (two folders)
Folder 7: Postmodernism and the Humanities (Summer), General Information --- 1999
Box 1333
Folder 1: Postmodernism and the Humanities, Seminar Readings (Summer) --- 1999
Folder 2: Postmodernism and the Humanities, Seminar Readings (Summer) --- 1999
Folder 3: Postmodernism and the Humanities, Seminar Readings (Summer) --- 1999
Folder 4: American Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism: An Historical Overview (Summer), Participants --- 1999
Participants: Marsden, Beck, Caton, Chrisman, Dobscheutz, Hall, Hofrenning, Holtrop, Honeyford, Jelks, Mroz, Patterson, Roberts (two folders)
Folder 5: American Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism: An Historical Overview (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 1999
Folder 6: God and Evil (Summer), Participants --- 1999
Participants: Van Inwagen, Echeverria, Ekstrom, Griffith, Kierman-Lewis, McClelland
Folder 7: God and Evil (Summer), Participants --- 1999
Participants: Omolade, Schneider, Stanley, Williams, Winkelmann, Woodruff, Wyma
Box 1334
Folder 1: God and Evil (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 1999
Folder 2: Summer Sessions, General Information --- 1999
Folder 3: Summer Sessions, General Informatioin --- 1999
Folder 4: God and Evil (Summer), Realism and Anti-Realism (Spring), General Information --- 2000
Folder 5: God and Evil (Summer), Realism and Anti-Realism (Spring), General Information --- 2000
Box 1335
Folder 1: Design, Self-Organization and the Integrity of Creation (Summer), Participants --- 2000
Participants: Dembski, Apczynski, Barham, Beach, Gollmer, Gordon
Folder 2: Design, Self-Organization and the Integrity of Creation (Summer), Participants --- 2000
Participants: Kwon, Manson, Pun, Stearley, Steenwyk, Stephan, Waltzer, Zylstra
Folder 3: Design, Self-Organization and the Integrity of Creation (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2000
Folder 4: Design, Self-Organization and the Integrity of Creation (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2000
Folder 5: Design, Self-Organization and the Integrity of Creation (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2000
Folder 6: Kierkegaard: A Man for all Disciplines (Summer) --- 2000
Participants: Evans, Adams, Baker, Crump, Frazier, Goi
Box 1410
Folder 1: Kierkegaard: A Man for all Disciplines (Summer), Participants --- 2000
Participants: Groenhout, Hensley, Martin, Morris, Nichols, Rasmussen, Woolsey; Seminar Readings (two folders)
Folder 2: Kierkegaard: A Man for all Disciplines (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2000
Folder 3: Kierkegaard: A Man for all Disciplines (Summer), Readings for Summer --- 2000
Folder 4: Christianity as a World Religion Modernity, Post-Modernity, and the Future of Hope (Summer), Participants --- 2000
Participants: Volf, Billings, Boersma, Buller, Burchill-Limb, Coulter, Daniels
Folder 5: Christianity as a World Religion Modernity, Post-Modernity, and the Future of Hope (Summer), Participants --- 2000
Participants: Doede, Hughes, Johnson, Katerberg, Peirce, Smith, Thompson
Box 1336
Folder 1: Christianity as a World Religion Modernity, Post-Modernity, and the Future of Hope (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2000
Folder 2: Modernity, Post-Modernity, and the Future of Hope (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2000
Folder 3: Seminars, General Information --- 2000
Folder 4: Seminars, General Information --- 2000
Folder 5: Seminars, General Information --- 2000
Box 1337
Folder 1: Modernity, Post-Modernity and Integration of Creation (Spring), Dembski Conference --- 2001
Details, Handouts, Speakers, Schedule, Evaluations
Folder 2: Future of Hope (Spring), Volf Conference --- 2001
Details, Speakers, Schedule, Evaluations
Folder 3: Morality, Culture and the Power of Religion in Social Life (Summer), Participants --- 2001
Participants: Smith, Campbell, Cuneo, Eberle, Emerson, Gallagher, Gunnoe, Jindra, Miller, Regnerus, Roth, Sikkink
Box 1411
Folder 1: Morality, Culture and the Power of Religion in Social Life (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2001
Folder 2: Morality, Culture and the Power of Religion in Social Life (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2001
Folder 3: Morality, Culture and the Power of Religion in Social Life (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2001
Folder 4: Morality, Culture and the Power of Religion in Social Life (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2001
Folder 5
Item 1: CCCU Faculty Development Workshop in History (Summer), General Information --- 2001
Item 2: CCCU Faculty Development Workshop in History (Summer), Syllabus --- 2001
Item 3: CCCU Faculty Development Workshop in History (Summer), Participants --- 2001
Folder 6: CCCU Faculty Development Workshop in History (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2001
Box 1338
Folder 1: Biology and Purpose: Altruism, Morality, and Human Nature in Evolutionary Theory (Summer), Participants --- 2001
Participants: Ake, Boyd, Brannan, Chapman, Cruz, Haarsma, Hare, Heim
Folder 2: Biology and Purpose: Altruism, Morality, and Human Nature in Evolutionary Theory (Summer), Participants --- 2001
Participants: Oord, Peterson, Plantinga, Rolnick, Vakoch, Van Woudenberg, Weikart
Folder 3: Biology and Purpose: Altruism, Morality, and Human Nature in Evolutionary Theory (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2001
Folder 4: Biology and Purpose: Altruism, Morality, and Human Nature in Evolutionary Theory (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2001
Folder 5: Biology and Purpose: Altruism, Morality, and Human Nature in Evolutionary Theory (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2001
Folder 6: Biology and Purpose: Altruism, Morality, and Human Nature in Evolutionary Theory (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2001
Folder 7: Biology and Purpose: Altruism, Morality, and Human Nature in Evolutionary Theory (Summer), Evaluation --- 2001
Folder 8: Seminar Evaluations --- 2001
Box 1412
Folder 1: Biology and Purpose: Altruism, Morality, and Human Nature in Evolutionary Theory (Summer), General Information --- 2001
Folder 2: Biology and Purpose: Altruism, Morality, and Human Nature in Evolutionary Theory (Summer), General Information --- 2001
Correspondence, Guest Lecturers, Seminar Materials
Folder 3: New Urbanism and Communities of Faith, Participants --- 2001
Participants: Haury, Lipscomb, C. Miller, T. Miller, Northrup, Reminga, Schwander, Smith, Holloman
Folder 4: New Urbanism and Communities of Faith, Participants --- 2001
Participants: Bess, Aldridge, Bradford, Bulkowski, DeGraaf, DeStigter, Frey, Gobel
Folder 5: New Urbanism and Communities of Faith, General Information --- 2001
Bess Seminar and Mini-Conference; Seminar Readings.
Folder 6: New Urbanism and Communities of Faith, Seminar Readings --- 2001
Box 1339
Folder 1: 2001 Seminars: General Information --- 2001
Folder 2: 2001 Seminars: General Information --- 2001
Folder 3: 2001 Seminars: General Information --- 2001
Folder 4: 2001 Seminars: General Information --- 2001
Folder 5: Reports on the 2001 Spring Conferences and Summer Seminars --- 2001
Folder 6: 2003 Seminars: Documents --- 2001
Afro-Christian Workshop, 2004; Generating Capital, 2008; Kuyper's Conference, 2011; Chance and Providence Workshop, 2011
Box 1340
Folder 1: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, General Information --- 2001
Folder 2: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, General Information --- 2001
Folder 3: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, General Information --- 2001
Folder 4: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Plenary Speakers --- 2001
Folder 5: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Preparation General Information --- 2000
Original Proposal, Budget, Call for Papers
Folder 6: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Plenary Address by Marilynne Robinson --- 2001
Box 1341
Folder 1: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Conference papers --- 2001
Conference Papers: Adams,Adams, Beaty & Lyon, Billings, Bowen, Bradley, Bush, Cairns, Caroselli, Davis, De Vries, Downing, Emmerich, Evans, Flietstra
Folder 2: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Conference papers --- 2001
Frey, Gordon, Haarsma, Hardy, Hockenbery, Hodges, Holland, Holwerda, Hos, Howard, Jongeneel, Keys, King, Koopman, Leegwater, Leffel, Lester, Lodahl, Lunden, Mahan, Marcum, McCarthy, McCarthy
Folder 3: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Conference papers --- 2001
Mullen, O’Mathuna, Omolade, O’Regan, Ratzsch, Ringer, Sanders, Scholte, Schuurman, Seat, Shannon, Showalter, Sider, Smith, Soden, Stapleford, Sweetman, Tiemstra
Folder 4: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Conference papers --- 2001
Van Leeuwen, Van Poolen, Vander Kam, Vander Leest, Vander Linden, Vander Stoep, Wagstrom, Walker, Weaver, Wells, Wright, Wright, Wyma, Yarhouse, Yerxa, Zuidervaart
Folder 5
Item 1: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Conference brochure --- 2001
Item 2: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Common Worship program --- 2001
Item 3: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Conference postcard --- 2001
Item 4: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Conference evaluation form --- 2001
Item 5: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Conference letter of invitation [proposal] --- 2001
Folder 6: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Conference Financial Supporters --- 2001
Folder 7
Item 1: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Letters of Invitation (to presenters) --- 2001
Item 2: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Letters after acceptance (of presenters) --- 2000
Folder 8: 125th Anniversary Conference: Chrisitan Scholarship…For What?, General Information --- 2001
Agendas, Correspondence, and miscellaneous
Folder 9: 125th Anniversary Conference: Chrisitan Scholarship…For What?, Abstracts from Potential Conference presenters --- 2001
Box 1342
Folder 1: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Concurrent Sessions --- 2001
Folder 2: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Concurrent Sessions --- 2001
Folder 3: 125th Anniversary Conference: Christian Scholarship…For What?, Concurrent Sessions --- 2001
Folder 4: Consultation of African-American Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Participants --- 2001
Participants: Abernethy, Allen, Miller, Cunningham, Booker, Gooden, Jennings, Jelks, King, Loyd-Paige, Mouw, Mwase, Omolade, Pannel, Sanders
Folder 5: Consultation of African-American Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2001
Folder 6: Report on A Consultation of African-American Christian Scholars in Higher Education --- July 2001
Box 1343
Folder 1: Christianity as a World Religion (Spring), Participants --- 2001
Participants: Sannech, Brueck, Case, Harkins-Pierre, McCutcheon, McNally, Mwase, Paffenroth
Folder 2: Christianity as a World Religion (Spring), Participants --- 2001
Participants: Pelphrey, Plantinga, Van Gorder, Vanden Berg, Moore
Folder 3: The Loss of Self in a Postmodern Therapeutic Culture (Summer), Participants --- 2001
Participants: Coats, Hodges, Holley, Jankowski, Lantinga, Lowery
Folder 4: The Loss of Self in a Postmodern Therapeutic Culture (Summer), Participants --- 2001
Participants: Norman, Norwine, Stratton, Sweeney, Weaver, Wright
Folder 5: The Loss of Self in a Postmodern Therapeutic Culture (Summer), Participants --- 2001
Participants: Thomas, Welch, Yamane,Vitz, Bechtold, Burns
Folder 6: The Loss of Self in a Postmodern Therapeutic Culture (Summer), Summer Readings --- 2001
Box 1344
Folder 1: The Loss of Self in a Postmodern Therapeutic Culture (Spring), General Information --- 2002
Publicity, Speakers, Evaluation
Folder 2: From Tertullian to Tutu: Africa’s Place in Two Millennia of Christian History (Summer), Participants --- 2002
Participants: Walls, Boer, Butler, Dzaka, Fackler, Hanciles, Harper
Folder 3: From Tertullian to Tutu: Africa’s Place in Two Millennia of Christian History (Summer), Participants --- 2002
Participants: Larbi, Lettinga, Maclean, Middleton, Miller, Semple, Shea, Vanden Berg, Wagstrom
Folder 4: From Tertullian to Tutu: Africa’s Place in Two Millennia of Christian History (Summer), Semindar Readings --- 2002
Folder 5: Hermaneutics at the Crossroads: The Disciplines of Text Interpretation (Summer), Particpants --- 2002
Participants: Echeverria, Faber, Fetzer, Lillegard, McCrea, Schultz, Smith, Tazelaar, Vander Weele
Folder 6: Hermaneutics at the Crossroads: The Disciplines of Text Interpretation (Summer), Particpants --- 2002
Participants: Van Hoozer, Beard, Benson, Bieber, Brogan, Coats
Folder 7: Hermaneutics at the Crossroads: The Disciplines of Text Interpretation (Summer), General Information --- 2002
Box 1345
Folder 1: Hermaneutics at the Crossroads: The Disciplines of Text Interpretation (Summer), Seminar Readings
Folder 2: Hermaneutics at the Crossroads: The Disciplines of Text Interpretation (Summer), Seminar Readings
Folder 3: Natural Science in the Calvinist Tradition (Summer), Participants --- 2002
Participants: Baker, Hoogewerf, Jelsma, Kok, Leegwater, Luehr, Matheson, Molnar, Morris, Muyskens, Petcher, Pierson, Stearley, Van Dijk, Zwaart, Zylstra
Folder 4: Natural Science in the Calvinist Tradition (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2002
Folder 5: Natural Science in the Calvinist Tradition (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2002
Folder 6: The Arts, Aesthetic Theory and Practice of Christian Worship (Summer), Participants --- 2002
Participants: Wolterstorff, Blaettler, Coccamo, DeBoer, Eads, Fee, Hartley, Kremers, Kroeker, Logan, McLeod
Box 1346
Folder 1: The Arts, Aesthetic Theory and Practice of Christian Worship (Summer), Participants --- 2002
Participants: Paul, Polman, Reinsma, Sauerwein, Scofield, Boeve, Cook, Ferguson, Robinson
Folder 2: The Arts, Aesthetic Theory and Practice of Christian Worship (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2002
Folder 3: The Arts, Aesthetic Theory and Practice of Christian Worship (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2002
Folder 4: The Arts, Aesthetic Theory and Practice of Christian Worship (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2002
Folder 5: American Literature and Question of Belief (Summer), Participants --- 2002
Participants: Brown, Brownlee, Eads, Frye, Ingraffia, James Morel, Mullins, Nisly, Owens, Potter, Ryan, Szabo, Woolsey; Seminar Readings (two folders)
Folder 6: American Literature and Question of Belief (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2002
Box 1413
Folder 1: Consultation of African American Scholars in Higher Education, General Information --- 2002
Folder 2: Consultation of African American Scholars in Higher Education, Seminar Readings --- 2002
Folder 3: 2002 Seminars: General Information --- 2002
Folder 4: 2002 Seminars: General Information --- 2002
Stats, Publicity, Handbook
Folder 5: Wealthy-Jefferson Neighborhood Planning Charrette, General Information --- 2002 January
Folder 6
Item 1: (Seaside, Florida) New Urbanism and Communities of Faith, Participants --- 2002 March
Item 2: (Seaside, Florida) New Urbanism and Communities of Faith, Speakers --- 2002 March
Item 3: (Seaside, Florida) New Urbanism and Communities of Faith, Evaluations --- 2002 March
Item 4: (Seaside, Florida) New Urbanism and Communities of Faith, Publicity --- 2002 March
Item 5: (Seaside, Florida) New Urbanism and Communities of Faith, Conference Packet --- 2002 March
Folder 7
Item 1: Testimony of Place: Building Churches and Neighborhoods, General Information --- 2002 September
Publicity, Speakers, Evaluation
Folder 8
Item 1: Biology and Purpose: Altruism, Morality, and Human Nature in Evolutionary Theory (Fall), General Information --- 2002
Item 2: Biology and Purpose: Altruism, Morality, and Human Nature in Evolutionary Theory (Fall), Participants --- 2002
Participants: Rolston, Lewis, Boehm, Arnhart, Richardson. Speakers Schloss and Clayton
Box 1347
Folder 1: Seminar Proposals --- 1995
Folder 2: Seminar Proposals --- 1995
Folder 3: Seminar Proposals --- 1995
Folder 4: Seminar Directors Solicitations and Related Material --- 1995
Folder 5: Faculty Summer Seminars, Pew Grant Proposals/Budgets --- 1995-1997
Folder 6: Pew Grant Applications --- 1994
Folder 7: Proposals for the Pew Charitable Trusts --- 1989-1993
Box 1348
Folder 1: Reports to Pew Charitable Trusts --- 1995-1999
Folder 2: Weekly Reports from Summer Seminar Office to Pew Charitable Trusts --- 1997-2000
Folder 3: Advisory Board Material --- 1995-2000
Folder 4: Replies to Director Applications --- 1995
Folder 5: Facts Sheets on Seminars --- 1996-2001
Folder 6: 1998 Advisory Board Meeting: Instructions and Reports to Board --- 1998
Folder 7: 1998 Proposals for the Faculty Summer Seminars in Christian Scholarship for 1999, 2000 and 2001 --- 1998
by Alston, Christians, Cunningham, Dallmayr, George
Folder 8: 1998 Proposals for the Faculty Summer Seminars in Christian Scholarship for 1999, 2000 and 2001 --- 1998
by Helm, Jeeves, Lyon, Sanneh, Van Inwagen, Volf, Walsh, Zagzebski
Folder 9: Seminar Proposals 1998 Denial Letters --- 1998
Folder 10: Seminar Newsletters --- 1997-2001
Box 1408
Folder 1: Pew Charitable Trusts Grant Agreement to Fund Seminars in Christian Scholarship for 1999-2003 --- 1999-2003
Folder 2: CC Seminars in Christian Scholarship: A Proposal for a Renewal Grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts --- 1999
Folder 3: CC Seminars in Christian Scholarship: A Proposal for a Renewal Grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts --- 1999
Folder 4: CC Seminars in Christian Scholarship: A Proposal for a Renewal Grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts --- 1999
Folder 5: CC Seminars in Christian Scholarship: A Proposal for a Renewal Grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts --- 1999
Folder 6: Correspondence with The Pew Charitable Trusts --- 1996-2003
Folder 7
Item 1: Reports to The Pew Charitable Trusts --- 2000 February-2003 February
Item 2: Final Report --- 2003 November
Folder 8: Proposal and Acceptance for the Templeton Faculty Summer Seminars on Science and Religion --- 1999
Folder 9: Templeton Faculty Summer Seminars in Science and Religion, Correspondence --- 1998-2002
Folder 10: Templeton Faculty Summer Seminars in Science and Religion, Progress Reports --- 2000-2003
Folder 11: Templeton Foundation--Newletters and Misc. Documents --- 1998-2001
Folder 12: Reformed Christian Thought and Liberal Arts Teaching: A Proposal to Expand and Extend the Kuiper Seminars
Includes "Old Books" Topical Seminar and Calvin Fellows Program, [2003]
Folder 13: Fieldstead & Company Correspondence --- 1999
Folder 14: Proposal for Eleonore Stump Seminar --- 1997-1998
Box 1350
Folder 1: Personal Release Forms --- 2001
Folder 2: Personal Release Forms --- 2001
Folder 3: Annual Report --- 2003-2004
Folder 4: Annual Report --- 2003-2004
Folder 5: Annual Report --- 2003-2004
Folder 6: Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law-Phase II (Spring), General Information --- 2004
Brochure, Conference Schedule, Advertising, List of Attendees, Seminar Evaluations
Folder 7: Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law-Phase II (Spring), Conference Presenters, Conference Abstracts --- 2004
Conference Abstracts by Arnoy, Bess, Crane, Grabill, Hoekema, Kaczor
Folder 8: Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law-Phase II (Spring), Conference Abstracts --- 2004
Conference Abstracts by Lai-Ling Lam, Moreno-Riano, Murphy, Pearson, Roberts, Smith, Stevenson, Zuniga
Folder 9: Advertising for Summer Events and Seminar Handbook (Summer) --- 2004
Folder 10
Item 1: SCS Daily News --- undated
Item 2: Grant Writing Lunch Meeting Materials --- undated
Item 3: Morning and Vesper Prayers Bulletins --- undated
Item 4: Event: Sacred Harp Singing --- undated
Box 1351
Folder 1: Publicity Material --- 1996-2007
Some Oversized
Box 1414
Folder 1: Seminar Participants: Complete List --- 1996-2001
Folder 2: Annual Report 2001-2002 --- 2001-2002
Folder 3: Annual Report 2001-2002 --- 2001-2002
Folder 4: Annual Report 2002-2003 --- 2002-2003
Folder 5: Annual Report 2002-2003 --- 2002-2003
Folder 6
Item 1: Summer Schedule --- 2003
Item 2: Complete Participant List --- 2003
Item 3: Daily Announcements --- 2003
Item 4: Fall and Spring Schedules --- 2003
Item 5: Upcoming Seminars List --- 2004
Folder 7
Item 1: The Power of Religion in Social Life, Seminar Papers --- 2003 January
Folder 8
Item 1: Bach: the Preacher, Brochures --- 2003 April
Item 2: Bach: the Preacher, Program --- 2003 April
Item 3: Bach: the Preacher, Speakers --- 2003 April
Speakers: Plantinga, Armstrong, Crist, Diephouse, Hanson, Leaver, Marissen, Nichols, Rus, Slowick, Urrey, Van Baak, Van Wyck
Folder 9: Conference and Event Brochures --- 2004 May-2006
Folder 10: Annual Report of Seminars, by James K.A. Smith, Director --- 2004-2005
Folder 11: Annual Report --- 2005-2006
Box 1415
Folder 1: Revisiting the Reformed Confessions (Summer), Seminar Participants --- 2003
Seminar Participants: Roberts (Director), Beversluis, Bult, Byker, Carpenter, Ermer, Fennema, Fondse, Groenhout, Ward, Bierema, Fields, Hakkenberg, Sinnema;
Folder 2
Item 1: Revisiting the Reformed Confessions (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2003
Item 2: Revisiting the Reformed Confessions (Summer), Syllabus --- 2003
Folder 3: Revisiting the Reformed Confessions (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2003
Folder 4: Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law (Summer), Seminar Participants --- 2003
Participants: Budziszewski (Director), Aroney, Bess, Crane, Goggans, Grabill, Hoekema, Kaczor, Lam, Moreno-Riano
Folder 5: Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law (Summer), Seminar Participants --- 2003
Participants: Murphy, Pearson, Roberts, Smith, Stevenson, Thirumatai, Zuniga; Speakers: Galston, Graglia, Levinson, Scalia
Folder 6
Item 1: Seminar Readings, Seminar Readings --- 2003
Item 2: Seminar Readings, Syllabus --- 2003
Box 1416
Folder 1: CCCU Christian Perspectives on Foreign Language Education (Summer), Seminar Participants --- 2003
Seminar Participants: Carvill, Barlar, Beatson, Bierling, de Vries, Docter, Koch, Koene, Koene, Leder, Miller, Park, Payne, Skinner, Slaater, Sullivan, Takalo, Zandstra
Folder 2
Item 1: CCCU Christian Perspectives on Foreign Language Education (Summer), Seminar Syllabus --- 2003
Item 2: CCCU Christian Perspectives on Foreign Language Education (Summer), Readings --- 2003
Folder 3
Item 1: CCCU and General Information --- 2003
Item 2: Questionnaires and Results --- 2003
Folder 4: Prospects of Historic Christian Liturgy in a Postmodern Age (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2003
Folder 5: Prospects of Historic Christian Liturgy in a Postmodern Age (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2003
Folder 6: Prospects of Historic Christian Liturgy in a Postmodern Age (Summer), Participants, Director --- 2003
Participants: Borger, Herl, Just Jr., Kakoma, Kesar, Kubicki, Lehninger, Porter; Director: Bryan Spinks
Folder 7: Prospects of Historic Christian Liturgy in a Postmodern Age (Summer), Participants, Speakers --- 2003
Participants: Sibley Jr., Thianto, Torgerson, Wells; Speakers: Johnson, Wade Webber
Folder 8
Item 1: Prospects of Historic Christian Liturgy in a Postmodern Age (Summer), Luce Follow-Up Colloquium --- 2004 January
Item 2: Prospects of Historic Christian Liturgy in a Postmodern Age (Summer), Schedule and Individual Projects --- 2004 January
Folder 9
Item 1: Christian Environmentalism With/Out Boundaries: Living as Part of God’s Good Earth (Summer),  Seminar Directors --- 2003
Seminar Directors: Bjelland, Bouman-Prediger, Bratton, Curry, Wood
Item 2: Christian Environmentalism With/Out Boundaries: Living as Part of God’s Good Earth (Summer), Participants --- 2003
Seminar Participants: Clements, Divita, Elisara, Glave, Groendyk, Heintzman, Koetje
Folder 10: Christian Environmentalism With/Out Boundaries: Living as Part of God’s Good Earth (Summer), Participants --- 2003
Seminar Participants: Lewis, Leys, Norwine, Stephenson, van Walsum, Warners, Zylstra
Box 1417
Folder 1: Christian Environmentalism With/Out Boundaries: Living as Part of God’s Good Earth (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2003
Folder 2: Christian Environmentalism With/Out Boundaries: Living as Part of God’s Good Earth (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2003
Folder 3: Christian Environmentalism With/Out Boundaries: Living as Part of God’s Good Earth (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2003
Folder 4: Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Seminar Participants --- 2003
Participants: Allen, Brown, Cunningham, James, Jelks, King, Lloyd-Paige, Miller, Mwase, Pannell, Pierce
Folder 5: Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2003
Folder 6: Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2003
Folder 7: Health and Transformation in Afro-Christian Worship (Summer), Participants --- 2003
Participants: Acolatse, Bacote, Brown, Jackson, Onwochei, Thomas, Williams; Seminar Readings
Folder 8: Health and Transformation in Afro-Christian Worship (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2003
Folder 9: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching; Seminar Readings, Participants --- 2003
Participants: Adams, Arbogast, Blackman, Brasser, Bratt, Brown, Cok, Garrison, Gerber
Folder 10: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching; Seminar Readings, Participants --- 2003
Participants: Gloer, Guard, Hillis, Hoezee, Johnson, Mast, Nelesen, D. Roeda, J Roeda, Sajdak, Vander Zee
Box 1418
Folder 1
Item 1: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2003
Item 2: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Syllabus --- 2003
Folder 2: Communicating Well for Ministry in a Technological Age (Summer), Participants --- 2003
Participants: Kelderman, Schultze, Bakker, Bowden, Callery, De Vries,  Dik, Eads, Fuller, Heilman, Koeman, Mathers, Paik, Redman, Thompson, Van Dijk, Wassink, Wolling, Zachman
Folder 3
Item 1: Communicating Well for Ministry in a Technological Age (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2003
Item 2: Communicating Well for Ministry in a Technological Age (Summer), Schedule --- 2003
Item 3: Communicating Well for Ministry in a Technological Age (Summer), Discussion Guide --- 2003
Folder 4: Creation, Covenant, and Participation: Radical Orthodoxy and the Reformed Tradition, Participants --- 2003 September
Seminar Participants: Boersma, Chaplin, Chaplin, Davis, Holcomb, Horton, Milbank, Olthuis, Smit, Sweetman, Vander Velde, Ward, Webber, Zimmerman, Zuidervaart (two folders)
Folder 5
Item 1: Creation, Covenant, and Participation: Radical Orthodoxy and the Reformed Tradition, Seminar Schedule --- 2003 September
Item 2: Creation, Covenant, and Participation: Radical Orthodoxy and the Reformed Tradition, Handouts --- 2003 September
Item 3: Creation, Covenant, and Participation: Radical Orthodoxy and the Reformed Tradition, Publicity --- 2003 September
Item 4: Creation, Covenant, and Participation: Radical Orthodoxy and the Reformed Tradition, Evaluation --- 2003 September
Folder 6: Exploring Your Vocation in Christian Academic Institutions (at Yarrow), Lilly Undergraduate Honors Conference: General Information --- 2003 September
General Information, Speakers, Student Participants, Evaluations, Schedule, Readings
Folder 7: Exploring Your Vocation in Christian Academic Institutions (at Yarrow), Lilly Undergraduate Honors Conference: Schedule, Readings --- 2003 September
Folder 8: Christianity, Cultures and Worship Worldwide, Participants --- 2003 October
Participants: Ault, Escobar, Farhadian, Hawn, Joo, Kane, Palomino, Priest, Robert, Sanneh, Spinks, Walls, Wickeri, Witvliet
Folder 9: Christianity, Cultures and Worship Worldwide, General Information --- 2003 October
Seminar Schedule, Readings, Publicity
Box 1349
Folder 1
Item 1: Works of Love: Scientific and Theological Perspectives on Altruism (Summer), Director Stephen Post Materials --- 2004
Item 2: Works of Love: Scientific and Theological Perspectives on Altruism (Summer), List of Participants and Applicants --- 2004
Item 3: Works of Love: Scientific and Theological Perspectives on Altruism (Summer), Seminar Evaluations --- 2004
Item 4: Works of Love: Scientific and Theological Perspectives on Altruism (Summer), Directors Evaluation --- 2004
Folder 2: Works of Love: Scientific and Theological Perspectives on Altruism (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Ai, Ardelt, Boyd, Corcoran, Flietstra, Groenhout, Montgomery-Clifford
Folder 3
Item 1: Works of Love: Scientific and Theological Perspectives on Altruism (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Oord, Paffenroth, Tjeltveit, Vakoch, Ventimiglia, Wright
Item 2: Works of Love: Scientific and Theological Perspectives on Altruism (Summer), Speakers --- 2004
Speakers: Evans, Schloss, Underwood
Folder 4: Works of Love: Scientific and Theological Perspectives on Altruism (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Folder 5: Works of Love: Scientific and Theological Perspectives on Altruism (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Folder 6: Works of Love: Scientific and Theological Perspectives on Altruism (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Folder 7
Item 1: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer), Directors --- 2004
Directors: Plantinga, Schloss (three folders)
Item 2: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Cronkite, Ekstrom, Gordon, Hurd, La Porte
Folder 8: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Morris, Mullen, Murray, Ratzsch, Stearley, Struthers, Van Der Meer
Folder 9
Item 1: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Van Arragon, Vander Laan, Waltzer
Item 2: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer), Speakers --- 2004
Speakers: Bekoff, Ruse, Ward, Wilson
Box 1470
Folder 1
Item 1: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer 2004), Seminar Description --- 2004
Item 2: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer 2004), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Item 3: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer 2004), Director’s report --- 2004
Item 4: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer 2004), Director’s evaluation --- 2004
Item 5: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer 2004), Seminar Evaluation --- 2004
Folder 2: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer 2004), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Folder 3: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer 2004), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Folder 4: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer 2004), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Folder 5: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological Function, and Religious Purpose (Summer 2004), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Folder 6: Nature in Belief: Evolutionary Explanation, Biological  Function, and Religious Purpose (Fall), Follow-up Fall Conference --- 2005
Advertising, Presenter’s Abstracts, Handouts, Evaluations
Folder 7
Item 1: Writing the World History of Christianity Since 1900 (Summer), Director --- 2004
Director: Mark Noll
Item 2: Writing the World History of Christianity Since 1900 (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Berends, Bergland, Bieler, Cazden, Coffman, Long, Quinn, Shaw, Wamagatta, Ward, Welty
Item 3: Writing the World History of Christianity Since 1900 (Summer), Speakers --- 2004
Speakers: Bays, Carpenter
Folder 8: Writing the World History of Christianity Since 1900 (Summer), General Information --- 2004
Seminar Syllabus, Schedule, Readings, Evaluations, Director’s report, Director’s evaluation
Folder 9
Item 1: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2004
Item 2: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Evaluations --- 2004
Item 3: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Director --- 2004
Director: Hawn
Item 4: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Acolatse, Adam, Brady, Bridgeman-Davis, Buis, Jansen
Folder 10
Item 1: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Koops, Lim, Phelan, Scheer, Scheer, Strouf
Item 2: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Director’s report --- 2004
Item 3: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Director’s Evaluation --- 2004
Item 4: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Seminar evaluation --- 2004
Box 1474
Folder 1
Item 1: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Toering
Folder 2
Item 1: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Speakers --- 2004
Speakers: Gonzalez, Foley, Ward
Item 2: Follow-up Colloquiam During Worship Symposium --- 2005 January
Folder 3: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Folder 4: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Folder 5: Gather into One: Praying and Singing with Christians Worldwide (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Continution of Previous Folder
Folder 6
Item 1: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Seminar Director --- 2004
Seminar Director: Plantinga
Item 2: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Evaluations --- 2004
Item 3: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Calore, Daniels, DeHaan, Engle, Feenstra, Francis, Hanna, Heerspink, Huisman
Item 4: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Directors Report --- 2004
Folder 7
Item 1: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Jefchak, Jonker, Livingstone, Mason, McGregor Simons, Medenblick, Moser, TeBeest, Vander Well, Wolff, Workman, Zuidema
Item 2: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Speakers --- 2004
Speakers: Gloer, Lindvall, Schmidt, Van Dyk
Folder 8: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Box 1475
Folder 1
Item 1: The Preacher as Minor Poet (Summer), Director --- 2004
Director: Barnes
Item 2: The Preacher as Minor Poet (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Adams, Barton, Blackmon, Bogert, Crane, DeJong, Deters, Havlik, Hoekema, Koornneef, Krogh, Kromminga, Rapp, Schonberg, Shepherd
Item 3: The Preacher as Minor Poet (Summer), Evaluations --- 2004
Item 4: The Preacher as Minor Poet (Summer), Director’s report --- 2004
Folder 2
Item 1: Afro-Christian Worship and Social Transformation (Summer), Seminar Directors --- 2004
Seminar Directors: Loyd-Paige, Omolade
Item 2: Afro-Christian Worship and Social Transformation (Summer), Evaluations --- 2004
Item 3: Afro-Christian Worship and Social Transformation (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Anderson, Daley, Kelley, Muir, Mutale, Overby, Parham, Richards
Item 4: Afro-Christian Worship and Social Transformation (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2004
Folder 3
Item 1: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop on Theatre: What’s Right about Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2004
Item 2: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop on Theatre: What’s Right about Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Seminar Director --- 2004
Seminar Director: Freeberg
Item 3: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop on Theatre: What’s Right about Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Sectional Leaders --- 2004
Sectional Leaders: Arnett, Stauffer, Ter Haar; Evaluations
Item 4: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop on Theatre: What’s Right about Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Evaluations --- 2004
Participants: Adams, Boyd, Burnett, Campbell, duToit, Fiebig, Friesen, Graber, Hunter, Leugs, Lewis, Major, McHenry, McKensie, Murray, Parham, Paul, Robins, Ryder, Burke & Michael, Hallen & Petersons, Klassen & Louter, McCoy & Reese
Item 5: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop on Theatre: What’s Right about Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Adams, Boyd, Burnett, Campbell, duToit, Fiebig
Folder 4: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop on Theatre: What’s Right about Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Friesen, Graber, Hunter, Leugs, Lewis, Major, McHenry, McKensie, Murray, Parham
Folder 5: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop on Theatre: What’s Right about Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Participants --- 2004
Participants: Paul, Robins, Ryder, Burke & Michael, Hallen & Petersons, Klassen & Louter, McCoy & Reese
Box 1476
Folder 1
Item 1: Faith in the Classroom: Christian Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (Summer), Workshop Description --- 2005
(Funded by Kuyers Institute)
Item 2: Faith in the Classroom: Christian Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (Summer), Evaluations --- 2005
Item 3: Faith in the Classroom: Christian Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (Summer), Director --- 2005
Director: David Smith
Item 4: Faith in the Classroom: Christian Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (Summer), Participants --- 2005
Participants: Adams, Bently, Bonzo
Item 5: Faith in the Classroom: Christian Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (Summer), Directors Report --- 2005
Folder 2: Faith in the Classroom: Christian Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (Summer), Participants --- 2005
Participants: Bouman, Bradley, Buursma, Dieleman, Hoffrenning, Kim, LaCelle-Peterson, K Lee, M Lee, Martinez, Moroney, Trapp
Folder 3
Item 1: Making Markets Work for the Rural Poor: Christian Mission and Global Enterprise (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2005
Item 3: Making Markets Work for the Rural Poor: Christian Mission and Global Enterprise (Summer), Evaluations --- 2005
Item 4: Making Markets Work for the Rural Poor: Christian Mission and Global Enterprise (Summer), Directors’ Report --- 2005
Item 5: Making Markets Work for the Rural Poor: Christian Mission and Global Enterprise (Summer), Directors --- 2005
Directors: Barrett, Reardon
Folder 4: Making Markets Work for the Rural Poor: Christian Mission and Global Enterprise (Summer), Participants --- 2005
Participants: Abadeer, Barnett, Boughton, Dorosh, Gunderson, Hoksbergen, Miller
Folder 5
Item 1: Making Markets Work for the Rural Poor: Christian Mission and Global Enterprise (Summer), Participants --- 2005
Participants: Ruben, Rundle, Stapleford, Williams, Wilson
Item 2: Making Markets Work for the Rural Poor: Christian Mission and Global Enterprise (Summer), Speaker --- 2005
Speaker: Adesina
Folder 6: Making Markets Work for the Rural Poor: Christian Mission and Global Enterprise (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2005
Week 1
Folder 7: Making Markets Work for the Rural Poor: Christian Mission and Global Enterprise (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2005
Week 1 (Continued)
Folder 8
Item 1: Making Markets Work for the Rural Poor: Christian Mission and Global Enterprise (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2005
Week 2
Item 2: Making Markets Work for the Rural Poor: Christian Mission and Global Enterprise (Summer), Additional Readings --- 2005
Box 1477
Folder 1
Item 1: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop in Philosophy: What Does It Mean to be a Christian Philosopher Today (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2005
Item 2: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop in Philosophy: What Does It Mean to be a Christian Philosopher Today (Summer), Directors' Report --- 2005
Item 3: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop in Philosophy: What Does It Mean to be a Christian Philosopher Today (Summer), Evaluations --- 2005
Item 4: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop in Philosophy: What Does It Mean to be a Christian Philosopher Today (Summer), Directors --- 2005
Directors: Evans, Stump
Item 5: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop in Philosophy: What Does It Mean to be a Christian Philosopher Today (Summer), List of Participants --- 2005
Item 6: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop in Philosophy: What Does It Mean to be a Christian Philosopher Today (Summer), Speaker/Mentors --- 2005
Speaker/Mentors: Clark, Bergmann
Folder 2: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop in Philosophy: What Does It Mean to be a Christian Philosopher Today (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2005
Folder 3: CCCU Disciplinary Workshop in Philosophy: What Does It Mean to be a Christian Philosopher Today (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2005
Folder 4
Item 1: Musical Theology: Past Lessons, Present Perspectives (Summer), General Information --- 2005
Seminar Description, Directors’ Report
Item 2: Musical Theology: Past Lessons, Present Perspectives (Summer), Directors --- 2005
Directors: Plantinga, Schmit
Item 3: Musical Theology: Past Lessons, Present Perspectives (Summer), Participants --- 2005
Participants: Averett, Espinosa, B Griffin, P Griffin, Kaemingk, Klompmaker, Metcalf, Onwochei, Peters, Scherer, Schultz, Steiner, Turner, Van Kooten
Folder 5
Item 1: Musical Theology: Past Lessons, Present Perspectives (Summer), Seminar Evaluations --- 2005
Item 2: Musical Theology: Past Lessons, Present Perspectives (Summer), Articles and Handouts --- 2005
Folder 6
Item 1: Keeping and Talking the Word: Scripture Memorization for Contemplation, Formation and Proclamation (Summer), Director’s Report --- 2005
Item 2: Keeping and Talking the Word: Scripture Memorization for Contemplation, Formation and Proclamation (Summer), Directors --- 2005
Director: Tim Brown
Item 3: Keeping and Talking the Word: Scripture Memorization for Contemplation, Formation and Proclamation (Summer), Participants --- 2005
Participants: Adams, Blackmon, De Vos, Faber, Gable, Gutierrez, Klink, Schutt, Stavros, Steele, Van Haitsma, Vroege, Wolf, Hendricks
Item 4: Keeping and Talking the Word: Scripture Memorization for Contemplation, Formation and Proclamation (Summer), Evaluations --- 2005
Folder 7
Item 1: Keeping and Talking the Word: Scripture Memorization for Contemplation, Formation and Proclamation (Summer), Speakers --- 2005
Speakers: Jeff and Karen Barker, S Chase
Item 2: Keeping and Talking the Word: Scripture Memorization for Contemplation, Formation and Proclamation (Summer), Readings --- 2005
Folder 8
Item 1: Christian Formation for Participation in Worship: How to Teach Worship in Congregations and Schools (Summer), General Information --- 2005
Seminar Description, Evaluations
Item 4: Christian Formation for Participation in Worship: How to Teach Worship in Congregations and Schools (Summer), Director --- 2005
Director: Witvliet
Item 5: Christian Formation for Participation in Worship: How to Teach Worship in Congregations and Schools (Summer), Participants --- 2005
Participants: Barker, Berken Bosch, Cherry, Congdon, Curry, Hochhalter
Folder 9
Item 1: Christian Formation for Participation in Worship: How to Teach Worship in Congregations and Schools (Summer), Participants --- 2005
Participants: Kirk, Meyer, O’Neel, Rienstra, Sharp, Steddom, Strouf, Van Marion, Wilson, Young
Item 2: Christian Formation for Participation in Worship: How to Teach Worship in Congregations and Schools (Summer), Speaker --- 2005
Speaker: Wood
Box 1478
Folder 1: Christian Formation for Participation in Worship: How to Teach Worship in Congregations and Schools (Summer), Handouts --- 2005
Morning Prayer Materials; Articles/Handouts
Folder 2: Christian Formation for Participation in Worship: How to Teach Worship in Congregations and Schools (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2005
Folder 3
Item 1: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), General Information --- 2005
Seminar Description, Director’s Report, Director’s Report, Evaluations
Item 2: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Participants --- 2005
Participants: Baerg, Boot, Groenboom, Jacobsen, Kok, McClain, Meyer
Folder 4
Item 1: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Participants --- 2005
Participants: Parsley, Persenaire, Poelman, Roman, Tiggelaar, Van Elderen, Van Wolde, Van Wyk
Item 2: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Speakers --- 2005
Speakers: Felch, Gloer, Schmidt
Folder 5
Item 1: Spirituality, Justice, and Pedagogy (Fall), General Information --- 2005
Conference Details, Evaluations, List of Attendees
Item 2: Spirituality, Justice, and Pedagogy (Fall), Plenary Session Speakers --- 2005
Plenary Session Speakers: Gonzalez, Omolade, Wolterstorff
Item 3: Spirituality, Justice, and Pedagogy (Fall), Release Forms --- 2005
Folder 6: Spirituality, Justice, and Pedagogy (Fall), Concurrent Session Speakers --- 2005
Concurrent Session Speakers: Abadeer, Altena, Aspan, Audeoud, Banks, Bartel, Beatson, Bierling, Blomberg, Bowen, Caccamo, Call, Carroll, Corey, Eads, Elisara, Epp, Faber, Fountain, Gallien, Gormas, Grooms, Hadaway, Hasseler, Heath-Thornton, Joireman, Jackson, Joldersma, Kimbal, Kirk, Klassen, LaCelle-Peterson, Makhado, Mayer, Mullins, Ndandani, Powery, Ratzman, Sampson, Sanders, Schwer, Slagter, Smith, Steen, Thompson, Vander Veen, Van Gorder, Ver Beek, Wood, Yunez
Box 1479
Folder 1: Secularity and Globilization: What Comes After Modernity?  Fifth Annual Lilly National Research Conference (Fall), General Information --- 2005
Conference Materials, Evaluations
Folder 2: Secularity and Globilization: What Comes After Modernity? Fifth Annual Lilly National Research Conference (Fall), Plenary Speakers --- 2005
Plenary Speakers: Berger, Wallace, Ward
Folder 3: Secularity and Globilization: What Comes After Modernity? Fifth Annual Lilly National Research Conference (Fall), Participants --- 2005
Participants: Benson, Billings, Bonzo, Bouma-Prediger, Charlton, Crockett, Curry, Early, Felch, Fox, Gay, Heltzel, Hijleh, Horton, Howard, Imo, Jankowski, Johnson, Kuipers, Lloyd, McCarraher, Oslington, Rees, Richardson, Robbins, Schultze, Thomas, Vander Lei, Waalkes, Walsh, Wirzba, Woodiwiss, Zimmerman, Zuidervaart; Advertising
Folder 4
Item 1: Secularity and Globilization: What Comes After Modernity? Fifth Annual Lilly National Research Conference (Fall), Participants --- 2005
Item 2: Secularity and Globilization: What Comes After Modernity? Fifth Annual Lilly National Research Conference (Fall), Advertising --- 2005
Folder 5
Item 1: Teaching Hymnology (Summer), General Information --- 2006
Seminar Description, Evaluations
Item 2: Teaching Hymnology (Summer), Director --- 2006
Director: Polman
Item 3: Teaching Hymnology (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Berg, Couch, Farra, Gargone, Grimminger
Item 4: Teaching Hymnology (Summer), Director's Report --- 2006
Folder 6
Item 1: Teaching Hymnology (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Hart, Herl, Josselyn-Cranson, Loman, Music, Silhavy, Steiner, Tice, Wallace, Widiasih
Item 2: Teaching Hymnology (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2006
Seminar Materials: "Hymns, A Congregational Study" by  James Sydnor, Student Edition and Teacher’s Guide
Item 3: Teaching Hymnology (Summer), Speakers --- 2006
Speakers: Bosma, Music, Keeley
Folder 7: Teaching Hymnology (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2006
Folder 8
Item 1: The Many Languages of African-American Christian Worship and Music (Summer), General Information --- 2006
Seminar Description, Evaluations
Item 2: The Many Languages of African-American Christian Worship and Music (Summer), Director --- 2006
Director: Abbington
Item 3: The Many Languages of African-American Christian Worship and Music (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Brady Buis, Guice, Grier, Taylor-Perry, Scheer, Turner, Weaver, Wolff
Item 4: The Many Languages of African-American Christian Worship and Music (Summer), Speakers --- 2006
Speakers: Jackson, Price
Box 1480
Folder 1
Item 1: The Many Languages of African-American Christian Worship and Music (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2006
Folder 2
Item 1: The Transformation of Christian Worship: Recent History of Protestant and Catholic Practices (1960-2000) (Summer), General Information --- 2006
Seminar Description, Evaluations
Item 2: The Transformation of Christian Worship: Recent History of Protestant and Catholic Practices (1960-2000) (Summer), Director --- 2006
Director: Witvliet
Item 3: The Transformation of Christian Worship: Recent History of Protestant and Catholic Practices (1960-2000) (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Bains, Brady, Brothers, Bush, Granum, Gutierrez, Hartley, Joiner, Jongewaard, Joo, Kirk, Luty, Marti, Parr Pritchard
Item 4: The Transformation of Christian Worship: Recent History of Protestant and Catholic Practices (1960-2000) (Summer), Speaker --- 2006
Speaker: Duba
Item 5: The Transformation of Christian Worship: Recent History of Protestant and Catholic Practices (1960-2000) (Summer), Director’s Report --- 2006
Folder 3
Item 1: Christian Worship and the Practices of Visual Art (Summer), General Information --- 2006
Seminar Description, Evaluations
Item 2: Christian Worship and the Practices of Visual Art (Summer), Director --- 2006
Director: Dyrness
Item 3: Christian Worship and the Practices of Visual Art (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Anderson, Baab, Bjelland, Brewster, Cole-Meyer, Espinosa, Gibson, Goehring, Hutterer, Kidder, Siedell, Steed, Thompson, Van Oosterhout
Item 4: Christian Worship and the Practices of Visual Art (Summer), Speakers --- 2006
Speakers: Jensen, Morgenthaler
Item 5: Christian Worship and the Practices of Visual Art (Summer), Director's Report --- 2006
Folder 4: Christian Worship and the Practices of Visual Art (Summer),  Seminar Readings --- 2006
Folder 5
Item 1: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2006
Item 2: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Evaluations --- 2006
Director: Plantinga
Item 3: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Director --- 2006
Item 4: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Barrett, Bendroth, Brown, Deters, De Wolfe, Fretheim, Holwerda, Palsrock, Robinson, Sanderson, Terpstra, Vander Hart, Winters, Wullschleger
Item 5: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Speakers --- 2006
Speakers: Felch, Gloer
Item 6: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Directors Report --- 2006
Folder 6: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2006
Folder 7
Item 1: Writing as Christian Proclamation in Contemporary Context: The Truth’s Superb Surprise (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2006
Item 2: Writing as Christian Proclamation in Contemporary Context: The Truth’s Superb Surprise (Summer), Evaluations --- 2006
Item 3: Writing as Christian Proclamation in Contemporary Context: The Truth’s Superb Surprise (Summer), Director --- 2006
Director: Rienstra
Item 4: Writing as Christian Proclamation in Contemporary Context: The Truth’s Superb Surprise (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Haan, Avery, Barker, Boonstra, Haley, Hsu, Japinga
Folder 8
Item 1: Writing as Christian Proclamation in Contemporary Context: The Truth’s Superb Surprise (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Keck, Kramer-Hamstra, Overduin, Tennant, Trapp, Wright, Walker; Speakers: Crouch, Riess; Seminar Readings
Item 2: Writing as Christian Proclamation in Contemporary Context: The Truth’s Superb Surprise (Summer), Speakers --- 2006
Speakers: Crouch, Riess
Item 3: Writing as Christian Proclamation in Contemporary Context: The Truth’s Superb Surprise (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2006
Box 1481
Folder 1: Writing as Christian Proclamation in Contemporary Context: The Truth’s Superb Surprise (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2006
Folder 2
Item 1: A Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2005
Item 2: A Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2005
Folder 3: A Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2005
Folder 4
Item 1: A Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Seminar Schedule --- 2006
Item 2: A Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Evaluations --- 2006
Item 3: A Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Director's Evaluation --- 2006
Director’s Evaluation: Loyd-Paige
Folder 5
Item 1: Faith in the Classroom: Christian Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2006
(sponsored by the Kuyers Institute)
Item 2: Faith in the Classroom: Christian Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (Summer), Evaluations --- 2006
Item 3: Faith in the Classroom: Christian Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (Summer), Director --- 2006
Director: Smith
Item 4: Faith in the Classroom: Christian Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Altena, Call, Domin, Eads, Foster, Gerstbauer
Item 5: Faith in the Classroom: Christian Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (Summer), Director’s report --- 2006
Folder 6: Faith in the Classroom: Christian Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Green, Kim Kristjansson, Peterson, Rogers, Sanders, Scott, Stevens, Walton
Folder 7
Item 1: Taste and See that the Lord is Good: Liturgical Participation and the Dynamics of Happiness (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2006
Item 2: Taste and See that the Lord is Good: Liturgical Participation and the Dynamics of Happiness (Summer), Evaluations --- 2006
Item 3: Taste and See that the Lord is Good: Liturgical Participation and the Dynamics of Happiness (Summer), Director --- 2006
Director: Charry
Item 4: Taste and See that the Lord is Good: Liturgical Participation and the Dynamics of Happiness (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Van Campbell, Echeverria, McCall, Milliron, Norwine, Sleasman, Unterscher
Item 5: Taste and See that the Lord is Good: Liturgical Participation and the Dynamics of Happiness (Summer), Speakers --- 2006
Speakers: Gavrilyuk, Larson-Miller, Tucker
Item 6: Taste and See that the Lord is Good: Liturgical Participation and the Dynamics of Happiness (Summer), Summary Report --- 2006
Folder 8: Taste and See that the Lord is Good: Liturgical Participation and the Dynamics of Happiness (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2006
Folder 9: Taste and See that the Lord is Good: Liturgical Participation and the Dynamics of Happiness (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2006
Box 1482
Folder 1
Item 1: Liturgy and Politics: Is the Church a Polis? (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2006
Item 2: Liturgy and Politics: Is the Church a Polis? (Summer), Evaluations --- 2006
Item 3: Liturgy and Politics: Is the Church a Polis? (Summer), Director --- 2006
Director: Cavanaugh
Item 4: Liturgy and Politics: Is the Church a Polis? (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Stroik, Berends
Folder 2
Item 1: Liturgy and Politics: Is the Church a Polis? (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Boersma, Charlton, Eppley, Gulker, Martin, Mc Dougal, Roth, Stanley, Vander Weele, Waalkes
Item 2: Liturgy and Politics: Is the Church a Polis? (Summer), Speakers --- 2006
Speakers: Wannenwetsch, Wells
Folder 3: Liturgy and Politics: Is the Church a Polis? (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2006
Folder 4: Liturgy and Politics: Is the Church a Polis? (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2006
Folder 5: Liturgy and Politics: Is the Church a Polis? (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2006
Folder 6: Liturgy and Politics: Is the Church a Polis? (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2006
Folder 7
Item 1: Communitas: A Visiting Scholars Program (Summer), Program Description --- 2005, 2006
Item 2: Communitas: A Visiting Scholars Program (Summer), Evaluations --- 2005, 2006
Item 3: Communitas: A Visiting Scholars Program (Summer), Participants --- 2005
Participants: Moser, Reimer
Item 4: Communitas: A Visiting Scholars Program (Summer), Participants --- 2006
Participants: Dougherty, Firestone, Schweiger
Folder 8
Item 1: Teaching Hymnolgy (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2007
Item 2: Teaching Hymnolgy (Summer), Director --- 2007
Director: Pollman
Item 3: Teaching Hymnolgy (Summer), Participants --- 2007
Participants: Wong, Bartlett, Brody, Engle, Graham, Green, Hsieh, Myers, Nelson, Phemister, Pluth, Richardson, Sauder, Tel
Item 4: Teaching Hymnolgy (Summer), Speaker --- 2007
Speaker: Bosma
Folder 9: Seminar Readings --- 2007
Folder 10
Item 1: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2007
Item 2: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Evaluations --- 2007
Item 3: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Director --- 2007
Director: Plantinga
Item 4: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Participants --- 2007
Participants: Ackerman, Barbanito, Broek, Brown, Copley, Gloer, Jasperse, Nellis, Overduin, Park, Pot, Schuurman, Van Dalen, Verhulst, Vink, Wilson
Item 5: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Speakers --- 2007
Speakers: Felch, Hulitt
Item 6: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Readings --- 2007
Item 7: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Director’s report --- 2007
Box 1483
Folder 1
Item 1: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2007
Item 2: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Directors --- 2007
Directors: Loyd-Paige, Sawyer, Omolade
Item 3: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Participants --- 2007
Participants: Abernethy, Biske, Darden, Eldridge, Holley, Kortenhoven, Lymore, Pierce, Shands Stoltzfus, Simmons, Smith, Taylor Perry, White
Item 4: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Speaker --- 2007
Speaker: Carpenter
Item 5: Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching (Summer), Evaluations --- 2007
Folder 2
Item 1: Liturgical Identities: Global, National, Ecclesial (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2007
Item 2: Liturgical Identities: Global, National, Ecclesial (Summer), Evaluations --- 2007
Item 3: Liturgical Identities: Global, National, Ecclesial (Summer), Directors --- 2007
Directors: Budde, Long
Item 4: Liturgical Identities: Global, National, Ecclesial (Summer), Participants --- 2007
Participants: Anderson, Daniel, Davis, Gulker, Heltzel, Holsclaw
Item 5: Liturgical Identities: Global, National, Ecclesial (Summer), Director’s evaluation --- 2007
Folder 3
Item 1: Liturgical Identities: Global, National, Ecclesial (Summer), Participants --- 2007
Participants: Martin, McDougal, Parker, Pecknold, Roth, Smith, Starkenburg, Waalkes
Item 2: Liturgical Identities: Global, National, Ecclesial (Summer), Speakers --- 2007
Speakers: Fowl, Pinches
Folder 4: Liturgical Identities: Global, National, Ecclesial (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2007
Folder 5
Item 1: Shaping Communities: The Role of Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2007
Item 2: Shaping Communities: The Role of Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Evaluations --- 2007
Item 3: Shaping Communities: The Role of Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Directors --- 2007
Directors: Freeburg, Paul, Stauffer
Item 4: Shaping Communities: The Role of Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Participants --- 2007
Participants: Adams, Burnett, Edwards, Fiebig
Folder 6
Item 1: Shaping Communities: The Role of Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Participants --- 2007
Participants: Jameson, Kiener, Klassen, Kune, Leugs, Lewis, Mangin, McKenzie, Murray, Scharnik, Sebestyen, Shanebeck, Sierszyn, Ter Haar
Item 2: Shaping Communities: The Role of Theatre in the Christian Academy (Summer), Speaker --- 2007
Speaker: Carpenter
Folder 7: Biblical Studies Across the Curriculum: Discerning Scripture for the Disciplines (Summer) --- 2007
Item 1: Biblical Studies Across the Curriculum: Discerning Scripture for the Disciplines (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2007
Item 2: Biblical Studies Across the Curriculum: Discerning Scripture for the Disciplines (Summer), Evaluation --- 2007
Item 3: Biblical Studies Across the Curriculum: Discerning Scripture for the Disciplines (Summer), Directors --- 2007
Directors: Smith, Middleton
Item 4: Biblical Studies Across the Curriculum: Discerning Scripture for the Disciplines (Summer), Participants --- 2007
Participants: Brandsen, Brouwer, Collier, Jensen, Kugler, Peirce, Phinney, Scott, Smith, Trotter, Warner, Wright
Item 5: Biblical Studies Across the Curriculum: Discerning Scripture for the Disciplines (Summer), Director’s report --- 2007
Box 1484
Folder 1: Biblical Studies Across the Curriculum: Discerning Scripture for the Disciplines (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2007
Folder 2: Biblical Studies Across the Curriculum: Discerning Scripture for the Disciplines (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2007
Folder 3
Item 1: Business as Ministry: Exploring the Issues, Patterns, and Challenges (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2007
Item 2: Business as Ministry: Exploring the Issues, Patterns, and Challenges (Summer), Evaluation --- 2007
Item 3: Business as Ministry: Exploring the Issues, Patterns, and Challenges (Summer), Directors --- 2007
Directors: Rundle, Johnson
Item 4: Business as Ministry: Exploring the Issues, Patterns, and Challenges (Summer), Participants --- 2007
Participants: Burns, Cosden, Divita, Fapetu, Ivankovic, J Jamieson, P Jamieson, Lam, Mellema
Folder 4
Item 5: Business as Ministry: Exploring the Issues, Patterns, and Challenges (Summer), Participants --- 2007
Participants: Ngunjiri, Nichols, Russ, Steenwyk, Swicegood, Washington, Winegeart; Speakers: Miller Sudyk, Job, Warton
Item 6: Business as Ministry: Exploring the Issues, Patterns, and Challenges (Summer), Seminar Readings --- 2007
Folder 5
Item 1: Communitas: A visiting Scholars Program (Summer), Program Description --- 2007
Item 2: Communitas: A visiting Scholars Program (Summer), Evaluation --- 2007
Item 3: Communitas: A visiting Scholars Program (Summer), Scholars --- 2007
Scholars: Fraser, Marti
Folder 6
Item 1: Teaching the Reformation in a Pluralistic Age (Summer), Workshop List of Participants --- 2007
Item 2: Teaching the Reformation in a Pluralistic Age (Summer), Evaluations --- 2007
Folder 7
Item 1: Primal Religions as the Substructure of Christianity (Summer), Seminar Description --- 2007
Item 2: Primal Religions as the Substructure of Christianity (Summer), Evaluation --- 2007
Item 3: Primal Religions as the Substructure of Christianity (Summer), Directors --- 2007
Directors: Walls, K&G Bediako
Item 4: Primal Religions as the Substructure of Christianity (Summer), Participants --- 2007
Participants: Asamoah-Gyadu, Ayegboyin, Chang, Fossouo, Gatumu, Laryea, Liuanna, Tshehla, Maggay, Niumeitolv, Pachuau, Piwang-Jalobo, Shrestha, Vargas, Wandawa
Folder 8
Item 1: Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Seminar Participants --- 2007
Item 2: Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Evaluation --- 2007
Item 3: Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Directors --- 2007
Directors: Omolade, Jennings
Item 4: Consultation of Afro-Christian Scholars in Higher Education (Summer), Director’s evaluation --- 2007
Folder 9: Reimaging Educational Excellence Conference (sponsored by Kuyers Institute) (Fall), General Information --- 2007
Conference Details, Schedule, Abstracts, Presenter Biographies
Folder 10: Reimaging Educational Excellence Conference (sponsored by Kuyers Institute) (Fall), Anttendee details --- 2007
Box 1635
Folder 1: Communitas: A Visiting Scholars Program --- 2008
Director: Chris Firestone
Folder 2: Science, Philosophy, Belief: A Seminar for Chinese Scholars --- 2008
Directors: Del Ratzsch and Michael Murray
Folder 3: Science, Philosophy, Belief: A Seminar for Chinese Scholars --- 2008
Directors: Del Ratzsch and Michael Murray
Folder 4
Item 1: Select Readings: Arguments for Religious Belief and other selections --- 2008
Item 2: Select Readings: Science and Religion --- 2008
Item 3: Select Readings: The Logical Underpinnings of Intelligent Design --- 2008
Item 4: Select Readings: Let There Be Light: Modern Cosmogony and Biblical Creation --- 2008
Item 5: Select Readings: Does Science Discredit Religion? --- 2008
Item 6: Select Readings: Why Science Undermines Religion --- 2008
Item 7: Select Readings: Science and Religion: Why does the debate continue? --- 2008
Item 8: Select Readings: Is God an Unnecessary Hypothesis? --- 2008
Item 9: Select Readings: Trade Liberalization and practice of evangelical women in Antebellum America --- 2008
Item 10: Select Readings: The World Economy --- 2008
Item 11: Select Readings: Complexity Theory, Quantum Mechanics, and Radically Free Self Determination --- 2008
Folder 5
Item 1: Selected Readings Wolderstorff Seminar publication: "Music in Christian Worship at the Service of the Liturgy" --- 2005
Item 2: Selected Reading: Catharine Beecher: America’s First Female Philosopher and Theologian --- undated
Item 3: Selected Reading: Korean Christianity and the American Religions Experience --- undated
Item 4: Selected Reading: Personal Finance and Economics in the Writings of Larry Burkett: How Should Christian Economists Respond? --- undated
Item 5: Selected Reading: Why Care for Creation: From Prudence to Piety --- undated
Item 6: Selected Reading: What Do We Owe the Elderly: Thinking Christianly About Rationing Health Care Resources --- undated
Folder 6
Item 1: Selected Readings: The Needs of Thought and the Affirmation of Life: Friedrich Nietsche and Jesus Christ --- 1997
Item 2: Selected Reading: History and the Christian Historian
Item 3: Selected Reading: Postmodern philosophy and Christian thought
Item 4: Selected Reading: God, Chaos, and Quantum Dice
Item 5: Selected Reading: Community and coherence in the poetry of Kathleen Norris
Item 6: Selected Reading: Christianity and Postmodernity
Item 7: Selected Reading: The Hymns of Hildegard of Bingen
Item 8: Selected Reading: James Ceaser and the Restoration of Political Science
Item 9: Selected Reading: Review of Diversity and Distrust: civic education in a multicultural democracy
Item 10: Selected Reading: Puritan works salvation and the quest for community in The Scarlet Letter
Item 11: Selected Reading: Postmodernism as a Kind of Modernism: Nietzsche’s Critique of Knowledge
Item 12: Selected Reading: Structuring Provincial Imagination: The Rhetoric and Experience of Social Change in Eighteenth-Century New England
Box 1636
Folder 1: Course pack: "Science, Philosophy, Belief" (1) --- 2008
Directors: Del Ratzsch, Michael Murray
Folder 2: Course pack: "Science, Philosophy, Belief" (2) --- 2008
Directors: Del Ratzsch, Michael Murray
Folder 3: Course packet: "Christian Hymnody in Historical Perspective" --- 2008
Edith Blumhofer
Folder 4: Course readings: "Sing Them over again to me" --- 2006
ed. By Mark Noll and Edith Blumhofer
Folder 5: Course reading packet: Dale Coulter and Frans Van Liere (1) --- 2008
Folder 6: Course reading packet: Dale Coulter and Frans Van Liere (2) --- 2008
Folder 7: Course readings: "The Transformation of Christian Worship…" Vol. 1 --- 2006
By John Witvliet
Folder 8: Course readings: "The Transformation of Christian Worship…" Vol. 1 --- 2006
By John Witvliet
Box 1637
Folder 1: Course readings: "The Transformation of Christian Worship…" Vol. 2 --- 2006
By John Witvliet
Folder 2: Course readings: "The Transformation of Christian Worship…" Vol. 2 --- 2006
By John Witvliet
Folder 3: Course readings: "Faith and Globalization" --- 2010
Folder 4: Course readings: "Faith and Globalization" --- 2010
Folder 5: Course readings: "Seven deadly sins (Capital vices) in the Christian tradition" --- 2010
Folder 6: Course readings: "Seven deadly sins (Capital vices) in the Christian tradition" --- 2010
Folder 7: Course readings: "Religion, War, and Meaning of America" --- 2010
Folder 8: Course readings: "The Power of Race in American Religion" --- 2010
Folder 9: Course readings: "The Power of Race in American Religion" --- 2010
Box 1638
Folder 1: The Future of Home: Essays in Christian Tradition Amid Modernity and Post Modernity --- 2001
Folder 2: Teaching and Learning as a Spiritual Discipline - Participants, Evaluations --- 2008
Led by Dale Coulter and Frans Van Lieve
Folder 3: Philosophy and Liturgy: Ritual, practice, and embodied wisdom conference --- 2008
Folder 4: "From Text to Sermon" (Summer) --- 2008
Director: Dale Bruner and Scott Hoezee
Folder 5: "Christian Hymnody in Historical Perspective" (Summer) --- 2008
Director: Edith Blumhofer
Folder 6: "Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching" (Summer) --- 2008
Director: Neal Platinga
Box 1639
Folder 1: Course readings: "Case studies from the History of Worship - Prospects for Research and Pedagogy in a Variety of Theological Disciplines" --- 2010
Folder 2: Course readings: "Sons of the Fathers - The Civil religion of the American Revolution" --- 1976
Folder 3: Reading packet: "Being Muslim in the United States" --- 2008
Director: Lamin Sanneh
Folder 4: Reading packet: "Being Muslim in the United States" --- 2008
Director: Lamin Sanneh
Folder 5: Reading packet: "Being Muslim in the United States" --- 2008
Director: Lamin Sanneh
Folder 6
Item 1: Lamin Sanneh - "Being Muslim in the United States," Resumes --- 2008
Item 2: Lamin Sanneh - "Being Muslim in the United States," Evaluations --- 2008
Folder 7: Lamin Sanneh - "Being Muslim in the United States," Participants --- 2008
Folder 8: Lamin Sanneh - "Being Muslim in the United States," Participants --- 2008
Box 1640
Folder 1: Course Readings: "Changing Faiths: Lations and the Transformation of American Religion" --- 2007
Folder 2: Course readings: "Congregations and Religious Diversity" --- 2008
Folder 3: Course readings: "Congregations and Religious Diversity" --- 2008
Folder 4: Course readings: "Congregations and Religious Diversity" --- 2008
Folder 5: Course readings: "Congregations and Religious Diversity" --- 2008
Folder 6: Conference on Christianity, Culture, and Diversity in America, Educating for Shalom --- 2010 November
Folder 7: General information CD --- 1998-2008
Including Seminar Speakers, Conference and Seminar Information, Notes, Images
Box 1785
Folder 1: Kuiper Seminar, Planning for First Seminar --- 1993-1994
Folder 2: Kuiper Seminars --- 1995
Folder 3: Kuiper Seminars --- 1996
Folder 4: Kuiper Seminars --- 1997
Folder 5: Kuiper Seminars --- 1998
Folder 6: Kuiper Seminar, Expansion --- 1998
Folder 7: Kuiper Seminar --- 1999
Folder 8: Kuiper Seminar --- 2000
Folder 9: Kuiper Seminar --- 2001
Folder 10: Kuiper Seminar --- 2002
Folder 11: Kuiper Seminar --- 2003
Folder 12: Kuiper Seminar --- 2004
Folder 13: Kuiper Seminar --- 2005
Folder 14: Kuiper Seminar --- 2006
Folder 15: Kuiper Seminar --- 2007
Folder 16: Kuiper Seminar, correspondence --- undated
Box 1886: Seminars@calvin --- 2003-2012