Collection Overview
Title: President’s Cabinet (Formerly Administrative Council; Changed name under President Byker, 1995)
ID: CU/C2/C2.4
Extent: 0.0
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Box:
Box 266],
Box 1292],
Box 1875],
Box 1876],
Box 1877],
Box 1878],
Box 267],
Box 1833],
Box 728],
[Box 984],
Box 1407],
Box 268],
Box 1293],
Box 1294],
Box 1185],
Box 1254],
Box 1255],
Box 1201],
Box 1435],
Box 1468],
Box 1559],
Box 1574],
Box 1575],
Box 1576],
Box 1582],
Box 1797],
Box 1850],
Box 1834],
Box 1835],
Box 1844],
- Box 984

- Folder 1: The Comprehensive Plan; Minority Concerns Task Force --- 1985

- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 2: The Comprehensive Plan, A Digest --- undated

- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 3: The Comprehensive Plan, Progress Reports --- 1987,1989, 1992

- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 4: A Comparison and Analysis of the Multicultural Policy of Canada and the Calvin College Comprehensive Plan by Cheryl L. Fu --- 1988

- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 5: The Comprehensive Plan - 10 years later by Rodger R. Rice --- 1997

- See also: C11.11 Planning and Priority Committee
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 6: Minority Concerns Task Force, Minutes; Planning Sessions; Members --- 1986 April 21, 1988-1993

- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 7: Minority Concerns Task Force - Subcommittees, Minutes, Back up Documents --- 1984-1987

- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 8: Minority Concerns Task Force, Reports --- 1976-1987

- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 9: Minority Concerns Task Force, Back up Documents --- 1970-1984

- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 10: Minority Concerns Task Force, Back up Documents --- 1985

- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 11: Minority Concerns Task Force, Back up Documents --- 1986-1991

- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 12: Minutes of Ad Hoc Comprehensive Plan Leadership Group --- 1991 November-1992 March

- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 13: Cmprehensive Plann II --- 2001

- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Browse by Box:
Box 266],
Box 1292],
Box 1875],
Box 1876],
Box 1877],
Box 1878],
Box 267],
Box 1833],
Box 728],
[Box 984],
Box 1407],
Box 268],
Box 1293],
Box 1294],
Box 1185],
Box 1254],
Box 1255],
Box 1201],
Box 1435],
Box 1468],
Box 1559],
Box 1574],
Box 1575],
Box 1576],
Box 1582],
Box 1797],
Box 1850],
Box 1834],
Box 1835],
Box 1844],