Collection Overview
Minister of the Christian Reformed Church. Collection includes sermons, correspondence, classical minutes with notes, reports, seminary class notes, copies of marriage licenses, army chaplaincy materials, and constitutions of various church organizations.
Biographical Note
John Van der Meer was born in Groningen, the Netherlands, February 25, 1903. Shortly before leaving for America, at the age of twenty, he had made profession of his faith. When he graduated from Chicago Christian High School he entered Calvin College and then Calvin Theological Seminary in 1934. After graduation he served in Tracy, Iowa, 1935; Hollandale, Minnesota, 1938; missionary at Star Lake, New Mexico, 1941; in military chaplaincy, 1943; Holland Marsh, Ontario, 1946; Home Missions Cochrane, Ontario, 1951; Barrie, Ontario, 1955; and Essex, Ontario, 1958.
During his active ministry he served the denomination on the Board of Trustees and twice as a delegate to Synod. He was active in the Canadian classes.
On Sunday, June 24, 1962, Rev. Van der Meer preached twice and also visited the sick of the congregation. The following day he and Angeline planned to go on vacation with their son and his family. However, early Monday morning John died in his sleep. There had been no illness or evident physical weakness.
Collection Description:
Our collection includes papers of his service as chaplain in the military during World War II and classical minutes and notes while active in the Canadian churches.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Papers, 1938-1963],
Series 2: Photographs],
- Series 1: Papers --- 1938-1963

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Hollandale, MN, three sermons and two radio sermons --- 1938-1941

- Folder 2: Chaplaincy, appointments and Certificates --- 1943-1946

- Folder 3: Chaplaincy, two sermons, correspondence --- 1943-1946

- Folder 4: Holland Marsh, Ontario, period, Classis Ontario minutes --- 1950

- Folder 5: Holland Marsh, Ontario, period, eight sermons --- 1946-1951

- Folder 6: Cochrane, Ontario, Classis Ontario and Classis Hamilton minutes with notes --- 1951-1955

- Folder 7: Cochrane, Ontario, four sermons --- 1951-1955

- Folder 8: Barrie, Ontario, Classis Hamilton and Classis Toronto minutes and reports --- 1955-1958

- Folder 9: Barrie, Ontario, three sermons --- 1958-1962

- Folder 10: Essex, Ontario, eight sermons --- 1958-1962

- Folder 11: Examiner for candidates

- Folder 12: Examiner of Praamsma case --- 1958

- Folder 13: Examiner of Vosteen case of Classis Toronto --- 1958

- Folder 14: Member of Board of Trustees: reports --- 1959-1963

- Folder 15: Member of Classical Committee: reports --- 1955-1958

- Folder 16: Labor Union: handwritten observations, reports, articles --- 1955

- Folder 17: Paper, 1951, entitled "To Return to Where We Started From," Kiwanis meeting --- October 18, 1951

- Box 2

- Folder 1: Passport and high school report cards; son's grammar school report cards

- Folder 2: Documents from student days at Calvin

- Folder 3: Rev. Van der Meer's Prism (with autographs) --- 1930

- Folder 4: Seminary Class Notes (C. Bouma)

- Folder 5: Seminary Class Notes (S. Volbeda)

- Folder 6: Seminary Class Notes (Berkhof)

- Folder 7: Seminary Class Notes (M. Wyngaarden)

- Folder 8: Seminary Class Notes (G. Vos)

- Folder 9: Seminary Class Notes (Ref. Ethics)

- Folder 10: Personal notebook and list of his theological books

- Box 3

- Folder 1-2: Letters of sympathy at Rev. Van der Meer's passing

- Folder 3-5: Sympathy cards at Rev. Van der Meer's passing

- Folder 6: Birthday cards, Mrs. Van der Meer

- Folder 7: Personal correspondence, Mrs. Van der Meer

- Box 4

- Folder 1: Photos and wedding announcement

- Folder 2: Letter of Call to Star Lake, New Mexico, correspondence while at Star Lake

- Folder 3: Letter to F. Nymeyer re: his critique of Stob/Bouma booklet on Race Relations

- Folder 4: Copies of marriage licenses, officiated by Rev. Van der Meer

- Folder 5: Articles on the Antithesis and Anabaptism

- Folder 6: Military service (Chaplain)

- Folder 7: Church dedication programs

- Folder 8: Christmas programs, society programs, etc.

- Folder 9: Mrs. Van der Meer correspondence --- 1938

- Folder 10: Wedding invitations/programs

- Folder 11: Various meditations

- Folder 12: Sermon notes

- Folder 13: Correspondence from Netherlands

- Folder 14: Notes on Revelation

- Folder 15: Rev. Van der Meer's writings on the Belgic Confession

- Folder 16: Sermons on the Catechism - L. D. 31 through L. D. 46

- Folder 17: Sermons on the Catechism - L. D. 2 through L. D. 30

- Box 5

- Folder 1: Correspondence re: organization of a Christian labor union (Canada)

- Folder 2: Mission Board correspondence --- 1941-1942

- Folder 3: Church picnic material

- Folder 4: Constitutions of various church organizations

Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Papers, 1938-1963],
Series 2: Photographs],