Collection Overview
Title: Ralph Janssen Collection, 1918-1972
ID: COLL/133
Primary Creator: Ralph Janssen (1874-1972)
Extent: 1.0 Box
Arrangement: Folder level description
Professor of Old and New Testament Exegesis at Calvin Seminary. Reports and pamphlets referring to the controversy in the Christian Reformed Church over the teachings of R. Janssen at Calvin Seminary, also correspondence.
Biographical Note
Ralph Janssen was born in Zeeland, Michigan, in 1874. Janssen received his BA from the University of Chicago in 1897. Janssen furthered his education by studying abroad, attending the universities of Halle-Wittenberg and Heidelberg in Germany and Strasbourg of France. In 1892, Janssen received his PhD in philosophy from Halle-Wittenberg. In 1902, Janssen accepted a faculty position at Calvin College as professor of Greek and Hebrew. By 1906, Janssen set off for Europe again, this time to study at the University of Leipzig, the Divinity School of the United Free Church in Glasgow, and the Free University of Amsterdam.
In 1909, Janssen became Professor of Greek at Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois, until 1914. Janssen returned to Grand Rapids as Calvin Seminary Chair of Hebrew Language and Exegesis. Because of the controversy surrounding Janssen, he was dismissed from his teaching duties in 1923. Also in 1923, Janssen moved to Chicago and became a stockbroker at Halsey Stuart Investment Company. Janssen continued to do some lecturing and tutoring until his death in 1942. Janssen and his wife, Johanna, had six children together: John, Gertrude, Andrew, Catherine, Martha, and Margaret.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: The Janssen Case],
- Series 1: The Janssen Case

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Communication to consistory of Second CRC Englewood, Illinois; G. B. Van Heyningen

- Folder 2: Genealogy of Weersing family, includes Janssen

- Folder 3: Inhoudende een Protest tegenden besluit van de Synode --- 1922

- Folder 4: Nedere Toelichting Omtrent de Zaak Janssen, door vier professoren

- Folder 5: Ralph Janssen after Fifty Years, Reformed Journal --- Dec-72

- Folder 6: Ralph Janssen papers --- 1918

- Folder 7: Ralph Janssen papers, "De Zaak van Dr. Ralph Janssen, Synode, 1920"

- Folder 8: Reports and Decisions in the Case of Dr. R. Janssen --- 1922

- Folder 9: Report to the Curatorium of the CRC in North America concerning teachings of Dr. Janssen, D. H. Kromminga, et al.

- Folder 10: Verdediging van het Besluit der Synode van 1922 ter Afzetting van Dr. Janssen Tegenover een Protest

- Folder 11: Waar het in the Zaak Janssen om Gaat, door Vier Professoren en Vier Predikanten

- Folder 12: De Crisis in de Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerk in America --- 1922

- [HERH BX6823.J3 C7]
- Folder 13: De Synodale Conclusies --- 1923

- [HERH BX6823.J3 S9]
- Folder 14: Het Synodale Vonnis en Zijne Voorgeschiedenis Kerkrechtelijk Beoordeeld --- 1922

- [HERH BX6823.J3 S92]
- Folder 15: Voorzetting van den Strijd --- 1922

- [HERH BX6823.J3 V6]