Collection Overview
Title: William Harry Jellema Collection, 1868-1982
ID: COLL/135
Primary Creator: William Harry Jellema (1893-1982)
Extent: 63.0 Boxes
Arrangement: Folder level description
Philosophy professor at Calvin College and at Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, Michigan. This extensive collection includes lectures; articles; pamphlets; reports; correspondence; a study entitled “The Curriculum in a Liberal Arts College”; an interview detailing memories of the Christian Reformed Church, its ministers, and the Dutch community; gown, cap, and two hoods; family correspondence and genealogy materials; compact discs; and sound recordings. [See also the Campus Titles Database.]
Biographical Note
William Harry Jellema was born in Chicago, Illinois on March 10, 1893. Jellema attended Calvin College and graduated in 1914. He went on to earn his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. In 1920, Jellema returned to Calvin, not as a student, but as a professor of philosophy. Jellema served Calvin until 1936 when he accepted a faculty position at Indiana University. While at Indiana University, Jellema served as head of the university’s philosophy department until 1947. Jellema returned once again to Calvin College to teach philosophy, and did so until his “first” retirement in 1963.
A former student of Jellema, Alvin Plantinga once said, “By far, he was the greatest teacher of philosophy I’ve ever encountered and probably the greatest teacher of anything I’ve ever encountered.” Inspired by Jellema, Plantinga also became a philosophy professor at Calvin.
Although “retired,” Jellema accepted an offer from Grand Valley State Colleges to set up the new state school’s philosophy department. Jellema served GVSC until his official retirement in 1975. At the age of 89, the philosophy professor of fifty-five years, William Harry Jellema, passed away at Butterworth Hospital on May 16, 1982. His wife, Frances, preceded him in death, but five of his children survived him: Dirk, Jon, Gay, Mary, and Trudy.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Biographical Material, 1910-1980],
Series 2: Preparatory Years, University of Michigan, 1914-1922],
Series 3: Early Calvin College Period, 1920-1948],
Series 4: Indiana University Period, 1937-1953],
Series 5: The Harvard University Semester, 1938-1939],
Series 6: Late Calvin College Period, 1948-1963],
Series 7: Hope College, 1944; Fuller Seminary, 1954-1958],
Series 8: Haverford College Experience, 1960-1962],
Series 9: Grand Valley State College Period, 1963-1974],
Series 10: Philosophy Department, Calvin College, 1928-1959],
Series 11: Philosophy Department, Calvin College, 1928-1959],
Series 12: Philosophy Department, Indiana University, 1936-1966],
Series 13: Bibliographies, 1938-1949],
Series 14: Correspondence, 1920-1975],
Series 15: Notes re: Various Subjects, 1923-1974],
Series 16: Papers, 1917-1962],
Series 17: Published Articles, 1921-1967],
Series 18: Speaking Engagements, 1920-1965],
Series 19: Special Reports, 1926-1969],
Series 20: Calvin Foundation Activities; Junior College Studies, 1949-1959],
Series 21: Grand Rapids Christian High Board; Christian Labor Association (CLA) Contacts, 1932-1963],
Series 22: Resource Material: Abstracts and Articles Reprinted],
Series 23: Resource Material: Educational Bulletins, Curriculum],
Series 24: Resource Material: Brochures],
Series 25: Publications],
Series 26: Publications, Bound Copies],
Series 27: Books with Notations],
Series 28: Resource Material, Brochures, Reprints],
Series 29: Books, Brochures, Reprints: A - E],
Series 30: Books, Brochures: E - W],
Series 31: Published Articles; Resource Material],
Series 32: Grand Valley State College, Philosophy Department Material, 1967-1969],
Series 33: Grand Valley State College, Philosophy 101, 1963-1977],
Series 34: Grand Valley State College, Preliminary Drafts of the Blue Book, 1970-1977],
Series 35: Grand Valley State College Blue Books, 1967-1973],
Series 36: Grand Valley State College, Lectures on Ethics],
Series 37: Artifacts],
Series 38: Family Correspondence and Genealogy, 1868-1982],
- Series 1: Biographical Material --- 1910-1980

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Biographical items

- Folder 2: Diploma of the Theologische School van de Hollandsche Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerk --- 1910

- Folder 3: Negatives of photographs from early years, small photo album --- 1935

- Folder 4: Pocket class book, 7th grade --- 1912

- Folder 5: Notations on student papers --- 1914

- Folder 6: Notes on "Fine Arts" paper --- 1915

- Folder 7: Interview by D. Jellema and H. Brinks, transcript (see AV Collection Jellema, William H.)

- Folder 8

- Item 1: Reminiscences --- 1980

- Item 2: Diary --- 1918

- Folder 9: "William Harry Jellema: Mr. Liberal Arts," Joan Huyser-Honig. The Banner --- June 22, 1981

- Folder 10: Program of a memorial philosophy conference at Calvin College --- November 1982

- Folder 11: Funeral messages on the passing of Frances Jellema --- May 5, 1961

- Folder 12: Memorabilia: travel items, etc.

- Folder 13: Calvin Distinguished Alumni Award, wall plaque --- May 27, 1967

- Folder 14: Calvin Distinguished Alumni Award, , special citation --- May 27, 1967

- Folder 15: Phi Beta Kappa member, Indiana University --- 1944

- Folder 16: Photo of three contemporary philosophers, given by the president of Indiana University

- Folder 17: William Harry Jellema Library

- Oversized 5.9

- Item 1: William Harry Jellema Biographical Collage

- Collage with photographs, newspaper clippings and notes of or about William Harry Jellema
- Series 2: Preparatory Years, University of Michigan --- 1914-1922

- Box 2

- Folder 1: Contemporary French Philosophy (11), 2d semester, class notes --- 1914-1915

- Folder 2: History of Ancient Philosophy (4) class notes

- Folder 3: Metaphysics (4), 2d semester, Parker, class notes --- 1915

- Folder 4: Philosophy 2 notes

- Folder 5: Philosophy of Religion, W. Wenley, typed notes

- Folder 6: Philosophy of Religion class notes --- 1917

- Folder 7: Philosophy of Religion, handwritten and typed class notes --- October 4, 1917 - January 17, 1918

- Folder 8: Philosophy of Religion, class notes --- summer 1921

- Folder 9: "What is idealism?" class notes

- Folder 10: Psychology class notes

- Folder 11: Class registers, teaching Philosophy 1 at the University of Michigan --- 1922

- Folder 12: "Philosophy of Josiah Royce," dissertation, University of Michigan --- 1922

- Series 3: Early Calvin College Period --- 1920-1948

- Box 3

- Folder 1: Debating class notes and papers --- 1931-1932

- Folder 2: Girls Philosophy Club membership and notes --- 1926

- Folder 3: Kant Club membership and notes

- Folder 4: Plato Club membership and notes

- Folder 5: Philosophy Department, courses offered --- 1921-1936

- Folder 6: Psychology (Phil. 1) lecture notes --- 1923-1924

- Folder 7: Psychology lecture notes --- 1924

- Folder 8: Psychology lecture notes --- 1925-1926

- Folder 9: Psychology lecture notes --- 1926-1927

- Folder 10: Psychology lecture notes, outline of McDougall's Introduction to Psychology --- 1927-1928

- Folder 11: Psychology lecture notes, abstract of McDougall's Introduction to Psychology --- 1928-1929

- Folder 12: History of Psychology lecture notes --- undated

- Folder 13: Logic lecture notes --- 1920-1921

- Folder 14: Introduction to Method and History of Philosophy lecture notes --- 1920-1921

- Folder 15: Introduction to Philosophy notes, typed --- 1921-1922

- Folder 16: Introduction to Philosophy (3) --- 1924

- Folder 17: Introduction to Philosophy (3) lecture notes --- 1928-1929

- Folder 18: Introduction to Philosophy (203) outline, additional notes --- 1930-1931

- Folder 19: Introduction to Philosophy (203) lecture notes --- 1932

- Box 4

- Folder 1: Ancient Philosophy lecture notes --- 1922

- Folder 2: Ancient Philosophy (4) lecture notes --- 1923

- Folder 3: Ancient Philosophy lecture notes --- 1923-1924

- Folder 4: Ancient Philosophy (4) lecture notes --- 1927

- Folder 5: Ancient Philosophy to St. Augustine lecture notes --- 1928

- Folder 6: Ancient Philosophy (4) lecture notes --- 1928-1929

- Folder 7: Ancient Philosophy (4) lecture notes --- 1929

- Folder 8: Ancient Philosophy to St. Augustine lecture notes --- 1930-1931

- Folder 9: History of Philosophy to St. Augustine (204) lecture notes --- 1932

- Folder 10: History of Philosophy (5) lecture notes --- 1924-1925

- Folder 11: History of Philosophy (5), text: F. Thilly, lecture notes --- 1925-1926

- Folder 12: History of Philosophy from Augustine to Kant (5) lecture notes --- 1927-1928

- Folder 13: History of Philosophy (5) lecture notes --- 1929

- Folder 14: History of Philosophy (6) lecture notes --- 1924-1925

- Folder 15: History of Medieval Philosophy (301) lecture notes --- 1932

- Box 5

- Folder 1: History of Modern Philosophy lecture notes --- 1921-1922

- Folder 2: History of Modern Philosophy (6) lecture notes --- 1922

- Folder 3: History of Modern Philosophy (5) lecture notes --- 1921, 1923, 1924

- Folder 4: History of Modern Philosophy lecture notes --- 1923-1924

- Folder 5: History of Philosophy, Philosophy of the 19th century (6) lecture notes --- 1923-1924

- Folder 6: History of Philosophy, Kant and after (6/302) notes --- 1927

- Folder 7: Modern Philosophy, lecture notes of W. H. Jellema written by H. Stob

- Folder 8: Modern Philosophy, outlined notes of H. Stob --- 1949

- Folder 9: Modern Philosophy, Kant and Hegel notes --- 1920

- Folder 10: Modern Philosophy (302?) notes on Richard Kroner's Kant's Weltanschauung

- Folder 11: Modern Philosophy, Kant's Critique of Pure Reason notes --- 1926

- Folder 12: Modern Philosophers: Fichte, Hegel, Locke, Schelling: life, works, general positions, --- undated

- Box 6

- Folder 1: Ethics (7) lecture notes --- 1923

- Folder 2: Ethics (7) notes and additional material --- 1925

- Folder 3: Ethics (7) lecture notes --- 1928-1929

- Folder 4: Ethics (7/303) lecture notes of previous years inserted --- 1930-1931

- Folder 5: Ethics (303) lecture notes --- 1932-1933

- Folder 6: Metaphysics (8) lecture and additional notes --- 1923

- Folder 7: Metaphysics (7/8) lecture notes --- 1926-1931

- Folder 8: Metaphysics (7/8) lecture notes --- 1926-1928

- Folder 9: Metaphysics (8/306) lecture notes --- 1928-1930

- Folder 10: Metaphysics (306) lecture notes --- 1929-1930

- Folder 11: Metaphysics (306) lecture notes --- 1930-1931

- Folder 12: Metaphysics (306) lecture notes --- 1930-1933

- Folder 13: Metaphysics (306) lecture notes --- 1932-1933

- Box 7

- Folder 1: Philosophy courses --- 1939-1941

- Folder 2: Philosophy examination questions --- 1940-1948

- Folder 3: Perspectives, lecture material --- 1939

- Folder 4: Introduction to Philosophy (100) lecture notes

- Folder 5: Introduction to Philosophy (100a) correspondence course

- Folder 6: Introduction to Philosophy (100a) correspondence material --- 1943

- Folder 7: Logic (120) lecture notes and exams --- 1938

- Folder 8: Logic (120) lecture material --- 1939-1941

- Folder 9: Logic (120) lecture notes and class material --- 1942

- Folder 10: Logic (120) lecture outlines --- 1943-1944

- Folder 11: Logic (120) lecture material --- 1946-1947

- Folder 12: Logic (120) mimeographed material and notes --- 1947-1948

- Series 4: Indiana University Period --- 1937-1953

- Box 8

- Folder 1: Ethics (C203) extension division, correspondence study assignments

- Folder 2: Ethics (203) notes --- Summer 1937

- Folder 3: Ethics (203) outline for February, typed material --- 1938

- Folder 4: Ethics (203) handwritten notes --- 1939

- Folder 5: Ethics (203) typed and handwritten notes --- 1939-1940

- Folder 6: Ethics (203) additional notes --- 1939-1940

- Folder 7: Ethics (203) lecture notes including notes from previous lectures --- 1942

- Folder 8: Ethics (203) lecture notes including notes from previous lectures --- 1942

- Folder 9: Ethics (203) lecture notes including notes from previous lectures --- 1942

- Folder 10: Ethics (203) lecture notes, typed material --- 1942-1943

- Box 9

- Folder 1: History of Philosophy (206) syllabus outline and questions --- 1939

- Folder 2: History of Philosophy (206) lecture outlines and exams --- 1940-1941

- Folder 3: History of Philosophy (206) typed notes --- 1942-1943

- Folder 4: History of Philosophy (206) lecture notes including notes from previous lectures --- 1944

- Folder 5: History of Philosophy (206) lecture notes including notes from previous lectures --- 1947

- Folder 6: History of Philosophy (206) lecture notes --- 1947-1948

- Folder 7: History of Philosophy lecture notes --- undated

- Folder 8: Modern Philosophy (207) notes on philosophers --- 1937

- Folder 9: Modern Philosophy (207) class notes, questions on Weber --- 1937-1938

- Folder 10: Modern Philosophy (207) lecture notes --- 1947

- Folder 11: Place of Religion in Modern Society, Business Ad, students orientation course --- 1938-1939

- Folder 12: Representative thinkers, extension course, notes and note book --- 1938-1939

- Folder 13: Representative thinkers, student notes on lectures

- Folder 14: Philosophy 225, text: Elements of Constructive Philosophy by J. S. MacKensie, lecture notes and discussion material --- 1936

- Folder 15: Moral theory on the common sense level, conservativism and radicalism, (327) typed and handwritten notes

- Box 10

- Folder 1: Introduction to Philosophy (227 and 227S) typed notes --- 1937, 1942

- Folder 2: Philosophy of Religion (228) outline of the course notes

- Folder 3: Philosophy of Religion (228) the self-definition of religion, typed materials

- Folder 4: Philosophy of Religion (228) lecture notes --- 1938-1939

- Folder 5: Philosophy of Religion (228) lecture notes --- 1939-1940

- Folder 6: Philosophy of Religion (228) handwritten notes --- 1944-1945

- Folder 7: Philosophy of Religion (228) including notes of previous lectures

- Folder 8: Philosophy of Religion (228) typed notes --- 1946-1947

- Folder 9: Philosophy of Religion (228) student questions and lecture notes --- 1947

- Folder 10: Philosophy of Religion (228a) lecture notes, questions --- 1936-1937

- Folder 11: Philosophy of Religion (228b) notes on W. K. Wright --- 1936

- Folder 12: Philosophy of Religion (228b) typed notes

- Folder 13: Philosophy of Religion (228b) handwritten notes --- 1946-1947

- Folder 14: Philosophy of Religion (C228a) correspondence course assignments --- 1937

- Folder 15: Philosophy of Religion (C228b) correspondence course assignments, lecture notes

- Folder 16: Philosophy of Religion (C228) correspondence course assignments and material --- 1947

- Box 11

- Folder 1: American Thought (231) subjects for reports, outline of Townsend's argument, notes --- 1937

- Folder 2: Seminar in Francis Herbert Bradley, general assignments, bibliography, notes --- 1940-1941

- Folder 3: Seminar in Plato (232) schematic outline of Kant's doctrine in the Critique of Pure Reason, notes --- 1936-1937

- Folder 4: Kant (232), critique, notes --- 1938-1939

- Folder 5: Kant seminar notes --- 1939-1940

- Folder 6: Post-Kantian Idealism, Hegel's logic (232), typed and handwritten notes --- 1938

- Folder 7: Kant (232) lecture notes --- 1952-1953

- Folder 8: Metaphysics, reworked notes, notes from previous lectures included --- 1942-1943

- Folder 9: Metaphysics, handwritten notes --- 1950-1951

- Folder 10: Metaphysics, typed notes --- 1951-1952

- Folder 11: Religion and democracy, lecture notes --- 1941

- Folder 12: Modern mind, Calvin and democracy, notes, corrections

- Folder 13: Modern mind, Calvin and democracy, notebook notes and additional notes

- Series 5: The Harvard University Semester --- 1938-1939

- Box 12

- Folder 1: Systematic Ethics (203) lecture notes including notes from previous years

- Folder 2: History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (206), notes from lectures of previous years

- Folder 3: Post-Kantian idealism, handwritten notes --- February 17, 1939 - March 23, 1939

- Folder 4: Post-Kantian Idealism, handwritten notes --- March 24, 1939 - May 3, 1939

- Folder 5: Philosophy of Religion (228) notes used at Harvard

- Folder 6: Harvard University Catalogue, list of professors and courses offered --- Nov-38

- Series 6: Late Calvin College Period --- 1948-1963

- Box 13

- Folder 1: Philosophy Department courses offered --- 1948-1963

- Folder 2: Perspectives (203) lecture notes --- 1949-1950

- Folder 3: Perspectives (202) lecture notes --- 1951-1952

- Folder 4: Perspectives (202) lecture notes --- 1952-1953

- Folder 5: Perspectives (202) outline --- 1953-1954

- Folder 6: Perspectives (202) handwritten and typed notes --- 1954-1955

- Folder 7: Perspectives (202) handwritten and typed notes --- 1955-1956

- Folder 8: Perspectives (202) typed outline --- 1958

- Folder 9: Perspectives (202S) typed notes of lectures by M. O. --- Summer 1959

- Folder 10: Perspectives (201, 202, 203) exams --- 1949

- Folder 11: History of Philosophy, Ancient (204) early Greek philosophers, notes

- Folder 12: History of Philosophy (204) typed notes --- 1948-1949?

- Folder 13: History of Philosophy (204) transcribed notes from tape of lecture two of summer course, by R. Verhulst --- undated

- Folder 14: Curriculum in a Liberal Arts College correspondence

- Box 14

- Folder 1: History of Philosophy, Medieval (301) lecture notes --- 1951

- Folder 2: History of Philosophy, Medieval (301) mimeographed material and handwritten notes --- 1952-1954

- Folder 3: History of Philosophy, Medieval (301b) requirements

- Folder 4: History of Philosophy, Medieval (301) lecture notes --- 1954-1955

- Folder 5: History of Philosophy, Medieval (301) lecture notes including material from previous lectures --- 1956-1957

- Folder 6: History of Philosophy, Medieval, mimeographed material and additional notes --- 1958

- Folder 7: History of Philosophy, Modern, notes on Locke --- undated

- Folder 8: History of Philosophy, Modern, typed notes using Fuller as the text --- undated

- Folder 9: History of Philosophy, Modern, mimeographed material and notes from previous years --- 1949

- Folder 10: Elementary Ethics (205) transcribed notes of lectures --- Summer of 1959

- Box 15

- Folder 1: Philosophy of Science (303) mimeographed material for the course --- 1951-1952

- Folder 2: Ethics (305) class notes and additional material --- 1947-1948

- Folder 3: Ethics (305) notes --- 1949-1950

- Folder 4: Ethics (305) lecture notes --- 1951-1952

- Folder 5: Ethics (305) lecture notes --- 1953-1954

- Folder 6: Ethics (305) lecture notes --- 1954-1955

- Folder 7: Ethics (305) lecture notes --- 1955-1956, 1956-1957

- Folder 8: Ethics, marriage course: The Ethics of Marriage, handwritten notes

- Folder 9: Thomas Aquinas (306) notes --- 1949

- Folder 10: Kant (351) Critique of Pure Reason, notes

- Folder 11: Thomism (352) assignment and notes --- 1953-1954

- Folder 12: Hegel (366) student papers, blue books, notes --- 1962-1963

- Folder 13: Contemporary Philosophy (362) sketch of more important points, notes --- 1949-1950

- Folder 14: Metaphysics (364) handwritten and typed notes

- Folder 15: Kant (365) class notes --- May-59

- Folder 16: Philosophy Department, examinations --- 1948-1963

- Box 16

- Folder 1: Lectures --- September 24 - October 15, 1962

- Folder 2: Lectures --- October 15-31, 1962

- Folder 3: Lectures --- November 5-26, 1962

- Folder 4: Lectures --- November 28 - December 17, 1962

- Folder 5: Lectures --- December 19, 1962 - February 22, 1963

- Folder 6: Lectures --- February 27 - March 15, 1963

- Folder 7: Lectures --- March 20 - April 15, 1963

- Folder 8: Lectures --- April 17-26, 1963

- Folder 9: Lectures --- May 1-13, 1963

- Series 7: Hope College, 1944; Fuller Seminary, 1954-1958

- Box 17

- Folder 1: Christian Philosophy of Life, description and notes on a course given at Hope College --- 1944

- Folder 2: Payton Lectures, correspondence on lectures given at Fuller Theological Seminary

- Folder 3: Payton Lectures, notes written and other material used in preparation for lectures --- 1954-1958

- Folder 4: Payton Lectures, notes written and other material used in preparation for lectures --- 1954-1958

- Folder 5: Payton Lectures, notes written and other material used in preparation for lectures --- 1954-1958

- Folder 6: Payton Lectures, essays of Regis Jolivet used in preparation for lectures

- Folder 7: Payton Lectures, notes on the nature and meaning of mind, used in preparation for lectures

- Folder 8: Payton Lectures, faith and reason in philosophy, five lectures, typed transcripts of taped lectures --- 1958

- Series 8: Haverford College Experience --- 1960-1962

- Box 18

- Folder 1: Philosophy Department, schedule of courses and examinations --- 1961-1962

- Folder 2: Philosophy Department, notes on books and articles used

- Folder 3: Plato's Republic (11) notes for lectures --- 1960-1961

- Folder 4: Ethics (12) notes for lectures

- Folder 5: History of Philosophy, Ancient and Medieval (21) notes and additional material --- 1960-1961

- Folder 6: History of Philosophy (22) supplementary reading, notes, and exams

- Folder 7: Hegel's Phenomenology (33) notes for lectures --- 1961-1962

- Folder 8: Hegel's Phenomenology (33) notes for lectures --- 1961-1962

- Folder 9: Epistemology and Theological Problems (63) resume of course --- 1961-1962

- Folder 10: Philosophy Seminar (64) student papers, topics on Descartes, Locke, Hume, Spinoza, and Nietzsche --- 1962

- Folder 11: Haverford Philosophy Club, paper by D. Berggren --- 1961

- Series 9: Grand Valley State College Period --- 1963-1974

- Box 19

- Folder 1: Curriculum Study Committee report and evaluation

- Folder 2: Proposal for development of Grand Valley State College, correspondence item

- Folder 3: Philosophy Department courses offered

- Folder 4: Introduction to Philosophy (101) notes for lectures --- 1963-1964

- Folder 5: Introduction to Philosophy (101) examinations --- 1965-1967

- Folder 6: Introduction to Philosophy (101) notes for lectures --- 1966-1968

- Folder 7: Introduction to Philosophy (101) aids for study of Plato's Republic --- 1969

- Folder 8: Introduction to Philosophy (101) aids in reviewing Plato's Euthyphro, mimeographed material

- Folder 9: Introduction to Philosophy (101) notes for lectures --- 1973

- Folder 10: Introduction to Philosophy (101) outline of lectures in Philosophy 101 --- 1973

- Folder 11: Perspectives (202) notes and examination, mimeographed material

- Folder 12: Elementary Ethics (205) notes on text used

- Folder 13: History of Philosophy, Ancient (301) notes --- 1947-1948

- Folder 14: History of Philosophy, Medieval (301) notes for lectures

- Folder 15: History of Philosophy, Medieval (303) notes for lectures, mimeographed material from previous years

- Folder 16: History of Philosophy, Medieval (303) typed copy of "Aids for Study of the History of Medieval Philosophy" --- 1972

- Folder 17: History of Philosophy, Medieval (303) mimeographed notes --- 1972-1973

- Box 20

- Folder 1: History of Philosophy, Medieval (203), text: Copleston, mimeographed and handwritten notes for lectures --- 1972

- Folder 2: History of Philosophy, Modern (304) notes for lectures --- 1962

- Folder 3: Ethics (305) sketch of Critique of Pure Reason --- 1962

- Folder 4: Ethics (305) notes on Henry and Rand

- Folder 5: St. Augustine's Ascent to Wisdom, typed notes --- 1970

- Folder 6: Plato's Meno: an analysis of the dialogue, notes on Plato's Crito

- Folder 7: Plato's Republic, aids, initial copy of aids for the study of Plato's Republic

- Folder 8: Aids for the study of Plato's Republic, revised, mimeographed copy

- Folder 9: Aids for the study of Plato's Republic, typed copy --- 1972

- Folder 10: Aids for the study of Plato's Republic, mimeographed copy --- 1973

- Folder 11: Plato's Euthyphro and outline of the Republic, mimeographed copy

- Folder 12: RMCTA (Rocky Mountain Christian Teachers Association) convention materials --- 1964

- Box 21

- Folder 1: Metaphysics notes for lectures --- 1963

- Folder 2: Kant notes for lectures, includes notes --- 1967 and 1957

- Folder 3: Kant (490) advanced study, class notes --- 1973-1974

- Folder 4: Kant (499) notes and outlines for lectures --- 1973

- Folder 5: Hegel's Phenomenology notes for lectures --- 1974

- Folder 6: Comments on paper by D. J. Hoitenga "Fideism: Augustinian and Reformed"

- Folder 7: Liberal education articles, notes, Philosophy Department --- 1965-1968

- Folder 8: The state college and religion, notes and correspondence --- 1966-1967

- Folder 9: Varia typed notes on various subjects: tradition and mores, the Janssen controversy, etc.

- Folder 10

- Item 1: Honorary degree, Doctor --- 14-Jun-70

- Item 2: Certificate of Emeritation --- 8-Jun-74

- Series 10: Philosophy Department, Calvin College --- 1928-1959

- Box 22

- Folder 1: College presidency reports --- 1930, 1951

- Folder 2

- Item 1: College president reports --- 1928, 1932, 1933

- Item 2: enrollment statistics --- 1934

- Folder 3: Concerning graduate degrees in theology; committee minutes and reports --- 1954-1959

- Folder 4: Divisional organization of Calvin; reports and notes --- 1932

- Folder 5: Dorm Board notes --- 15-Oct-29

- Folder 6: Education Policy Committee minutes, reports --- 1946, 1956

- Folder 7: Education policy papers, resource material

- Folder 8: Liberal arts education notes

- Folder 9: Long-range plan, committee reports and minutes --- 1949-1957

- Folder 10: Philosophy Department: departmental notes, courses offered, minutes --- 1935-1959

- Series 11: Philosophy Department, Calvin College --- 1928-1959

- Box 22

- Folder 11: Philosophy Department: committee recommendations of pre-seminary students --- 1955

- Folder 12: Philosophy Department: educational notes, clippings, philosophy majors, newsletters

- Folder 13: Public relations person, notes on meeting of some faculty members --- 2-Jun-33

- Folder 14: Public relations program proposal

- Series 12: Philosophy Department, Indiana University --- 1936-1966

- Box 23

- Folder 1: "The Classics at Indiana University," newsletter --- 1945

- Folder 2: Classics Committee reports on curriculum --- 1944

- Folder 3: Classics Committee report to Curriculum Committee --- 1946

- Folder 4: Correspondence, Philosophy Department --- 1943

- Folder 5: Correspondence on Deanship at Indiana University --- 1942

- Folder 6: Definitions for dictionary of Education --- 1940

- Folder 7: General pattern of the method of exposition of each philosopher or system, outline

- Folder 8: Indiana University Foundation proposal for a study of the feasibility of a Christian student foundation --- 1966

- Folder 9: Language Committee report to Policy Committee --- 1945

- Folder 10: Liberal Arts program, articles, memos, reports --- 1940-1948

- Folder 11: "On Liberal Education and the Restoration of the Classics," notes, revisions --- 1943

- Folder 12: Liberal education, notes, revisions --- 1944-1945

- Folder 13: Definition of Liberal Education, additional revisions

- Box 24

- Folder 1: Magisterial comprehensives, report --- undated

- Folder 2: "Mind" courses, notes, diagrams --- 1954

- Folder 3: Minnesota Reading Test scores --- 1952

- Folder 4: Numbering system for philosophy courses, diagrams

- Folder 5: Personnel records, Philosophy Department --- 1947

- Folder 6: Participation in Ph.D. examination for M. W. Deputy, correspondence, reports, outline of thesis --- 1944

- Folder 7: Philosophy courses, correspondence and charts --- 1938-1940

- Folder 8: Philosophy Department: College of Arts and Science reports and papers --- 1943-1947

- Folder 9: Place of religion in a State University, committee correspondence and questionnaires --- 1936-1938

- Folder 10: Remodeling of Mitchell Hall, Philosophy Department, correspondence and plans --- 1937

- Folder 11: Statement of some objectives in philosophy

- Folder 12: Tentative plan for humanities survey course, notes and additional material

- Folder 13: Veatch Seminar notes --- 1943

- Series 13: Bibliographies --- 1938-1949

- Box 25

- Folder 1: American philosophers (early Calvin College period)

- Folder 2: Apologetics (late Calvin College period)

- Folder 3: Aristotle

- Folder 4: Augustine (Indiana University period)

- Folder 5: Bible (Indiana University period)

- Folder 6: Book listings, Philosophy Department (early Calvin College period)

- Folder 7: Books catalogued since January 1949

- Folder 8: Calvin and Calvinism (late Calvin College period)

- Folder 9: Conference of Allied Minister of Education, books and periodicals since 1939

- Folder 10: Correspondence on book lists --- 1938-1948

- Folder 11: Ethics (Indiana University period)

- Folder 12: German (early Calvin College period)

- Folder 13: Gilson, Etienne

- Folder 14: Hegel (Indiana University period)

- Folder 15: History of the Christian Church (Indiana University period)

- Folder 16: History of religion (early Calvin College period)

- Folder 17: Jewish religion (Indiana University period)

- Folder 18: Liberal education (Indiana University period)

- Folder 19: Logic (Indiana University period)

- Folder 20: Philosophy Department, general listings

- Folder 21: Plato (Indiana University period) 323, religion (early Calvin College period)

- Folder 22: Religious books list --- 1946

- Folder 23: Student lists for philosophy classes

- Folder 24: Theology (Indiana University period)

- Folder 25: Thought of the 19th century, general bibliography

- Box 26

- Folder 1: Book analyses, notes on books, bound notebook --- 1927

- Folder 2: Calvin, Jean. Some presuppositions of Calvin's Institutes

- Folder 3: Communism, brief notes on books on communism

- Folder 4: Cooley. Life and the student, book notes --- 1927

- Folder 5: Du Nouy, Pierre Lecomte. Wij en onze bestemming, reprint of book review in Geloof en Wetenschap and other books

- Folder 6: Drake, Durant. Invitation to Philosophy, notes --- 1953

- Folder 7: Drews, Arthur C. H. Die deutsche Spekulation seit Kant, book notes --- 1929

- Folder 8: Fuller. History of Philosophy, outlined --- 1949

- Folder 9: Hibben, John Grier. Problems of Philosophy, outlined --- 1921

- Folder 10: Hocking, E. Thoughts on death and life, reflections --- 1937

- Folder 11: Hoeksema, T. Geschiedenis der Philosophie, book review on religion and culture --- 1927

- Folder 12: Kromminga, D. Pagan preparation for the Gospel, book evaluation

- Folder 13: Kroner, Richard. Kant's Weltanschauung? various notes

- Folder 14: Kuijper, F., Geloof en Wereldbeeld een Cultuur, extensive notes --- 1957

- Folder 15: Lassoon, Georg. George Wilhelm, Friedrich Hegel, notes --- 1920

- Folder 16: Magoun, H. W. Some Minor Biblical Problems Scientifically Considered, summary of theses of the book

- Folder 17: Niehbuhr, Richard. Christ and Culture, outlined

- Folder 18: Quotes from books and articles

- Folder 19: Randall, J. K. Making of the Modern Mind, outlined

- Folder 20: Swets, W. Fifty years of music at Calvin College, evaluation of manuscript

- Folder 21: Ueberweg, Friedrich. Die Deutsche Philosophie des XIX Jahrhunderts und der gegenwart, notes

- Folder 22: Urban, W. M. The Intelligible World, critical analysis --- 1936

- Folder 23: Wild, John. Plato's theory of man, book review by J. De Boer

- Folder 24: Word study: Baconian method to problem, definitions

- Folder 25: Word study: problematic to Zwingli, definitions

- Series 14: Correspondence --- 1920-1975

- Box 27

- Folder 1: Ann to W. H. J. --- (undated)

- Folder 2: To Dirk and Mary Jellema --- 1962

- Folder 3: Bade, Herman on teaching philosophy at Calvin College

- Folder 4: Bahm, Archie on dissertation submitted to W. H. J.

- Folder 5: Bajema, J. on information in textbooks --- 1928

- Folder 6: Beversluis, N. H. on philosophy of education, response

- Folder 7: Book publishers --- 1922-1953

- Folder 8: Calvin College period correspondence --- 1920-1936

- Folder 9: Calvin College period correspondence --- 1948-1963

- Folder 10: Christianity Today correspondence from Carl Henry on anticipated article --- 1956-1958

- Folder 11: Costen, Johannes A. --- 1922

- Folder 12: De Vries, Peter on critical observations --- 1932

- Folder 13: Grand Valley State College period --- 1963-1975

- Folder 14: Henry, Carl F. H. on scanning manuscript for publication --- Jan-46

- Folder 15: Hoogstra, J.; invitation to join Christian Action Committee --- 1947

- Folder 16: Keegstra, Neal; patient at Pine Rest, response --- 1934

- Folder 17: Kort, Henry; response, on Christian education --- 1959-1960

- Folder 18: Indiana University correspondence --- 1936-1948

- Folder 19: Men's Forum, Third CRC of Kalamazoo --- Sep-48

- Folder 20: Mission matters, letters from Bosscher, Bouma, etc.

- Folder 21: National Union of Christian Schools, correspondence on Christian philosophy of education --- 1951

- Folder 22: Postma, Richard on desire for reading list --- 1950

- Folder 23: Publication Committee of The Banner from Calvin College, to editor on reference to Calvin College, --- September 23, 1950

- Folder 24: Roelofs, Gerrit E. on political and personal news --- 1933

- Folder 25: Rooks, Wendell H. on problems of faith and reason, response --- 1933

- Folder 26: Ryskamp, H. on "History of Calvin College" --- 1966

- Folder 27: Schipper, Gerrit; letter of appreciation --- 1933

- Folder 28: Student recommendations --- 1926-1935

- Folder 29: Van Andel, H. G. to J. Hoostra on Jellema's speech --- Aug-43

- Folder 30: Van Til, H.; from W. H. J. concerning Grundy College --- 1925

- Folder 31: Who's Who in America --- 1948

- Folder 32: Letters from relatives (Rotterdam) written after World War II

- Series 15: Notes re: Various Subjects --- 1923-1974

- Box 28

- Folder 1: Academic freedom in a confessional church, notes (late Calvin period)

- Folder 2: Analysis of propositions, notes for lectures

- Folder 3: Ancient philosophy (late Calvin period)

- Folder 4: Antimony of Pure Reason, notes on Kant

- Folder 5: Antithesis, handwritten notes, undated

- Folder 6: Approach to religion through philosophy

- Folder 7: Augustine (Indiana University period)

- Folder 8: Augustine (late Calvin period)

- Folder 9: Augustine and the Christian reason, undated

- Folder 10: Augustine and medieval perspectives generally --- Feb-46

- Folder 11: Augustine and paganism --- 1959-1960

- Folder 12: Berkeley's principles (Indiana University period) --- 1944

- Folder 13: Building a Christian philosophy of life, outline (Indiana University period)

- Folder 14: Calvinism and its critics, sundry notes (late Calvin period)

- Folder 15: Challenge of modern world and Calvinism (Indiana University period)

- Folder 16: Challenge and handicaps presented by modern mind (late Calvin period)

- Folder 17: Christian academics (late Calvin period)

- Folder 18: Christian education: distinctive role, outline

- Folder 19: Christian philosophy of education, notes --- 1935

- Folder 20: Christian scholarship and modern rationalism (late Calvin period)

- Folder 21: Christian social action (late Calvin period)

- Folder 22: Christian view: God exists (Indiana University period)

- Folder 23: Comments on Van Liere thesis --- 1941

- Folder 24: Common grace --- 1941

- Folder 25: Conviction and certainty --- 1935

- Folder 26: Crisis of our time --- undated

- Folder 27: A critique of rationality --- 1944

- Folder 28: "Culture and Christianity," thesis (Indiana University period)

- Box 29

- Folder 1: Dangers of education, outline

- Folder 2: Definition of liberal education --- 1944

- Folder 3: The difference in being a Christian in relation to other men (late Calvin period)

- Folder 4: John Dewey, notes --- 1944-1945

- Folder 5: Dooyeweerd: De Wijsbegeer der Wetsidee --- 1935

- Folder 6: Education and value (late Calvin period)

- Folder 7: Ethical ideal --- 1923

- Folder 8: Faith and reason, brief notes and additional material

- Folder 9: Faith seeks understanding, Anselm, notes and additional material

- Folder 10: Fallacy, undated

- Folder 11: Free will and notes on article in ERE

- Folder 12: Form and matter in knowledge --- 1950

- Folder 13: Fundamentalism and liberalism, extensive notes --- 1956-1957

- Folder 14: General foundation of Christian thinking (late Calvin period)

- Folder 15: Golden rule (late Calvin period)

- Folder 16: Gorgias Plato (early Calvin period)

- Folder 17: Hebrews, notes --- 1941

- Folder 18: Hegel and tradition, additional notes (late Calvin period)

- Folder 19: Hegelianism (Indiana University period)

- Folder 20: History of philosophy: what is it?

- Folder 21: Hypothese --- undated

- Folder 22: Ideal philosophy for a state institution

- Folder 23: Idealism in education, culture, education, and we Calvinists

- Folder 24: Idea and abstract, handwritten notes --- undated

- Box 30

- Folder 1: Individualism as a pattern of modernity --- undated

- Folder 2: Intuition and reason --- 1933

- Folder 3: Is sin real? --- 1948 August 10

- Folder 4: Kantian ethics, basic concepts --- 1938-1939

- Folder 5: Kuyper, Abraham

- Folder 6: Kuyper, Abraham and our heritage (Calvin period)

- Folder 7: Liberal education, thesis (Indiana University period)

- Folder 8: Meaning of Reformation, outlined (Indiana University period)

- Folder 9: Meaning of a University, extensive and intensive definitions

- Folder 10: Metaphysics of St. Augustine --- 1927, 1933, 1944

- Folder 11: Method of exposition of each philosopher or system

- Folder 12: Metaphysical status of the known in Christianity and in modern philosophy, typed and handwritten notes (late Calvin period)

- Folder 13: Modern cultural pattern, scientific method

- Folder 14: Modern philosophy, an approach

- Folder 15: Moral Law, comments and response to P. Berkhout's letter

- Folder 16: Moral state and the individual --- 1964

- Folder 17: Nature of mind, notes for History of Philosophy, introduction metaphysics, ethics

- Folder 18: New horizons in history --- 1953

- Folder 19: Notebooks with various jottings (2 notebooks)

- Folder 20: Observations on abdication of King Edward of England

- Folder 21: Oriental mind --- 1961

- Folder 22: Plato, handwritten notes

- Box 31

- Folder 1: Philosophical fundamentals of Christian education (late Calvin period)

- Folder 2: Philosophical life in the Netherlands, typed (late Calvin period)

- Folder 3: Problems of ethics (late Calvin period)

- Folder 4: Rationality: Calvin and Kant (late Calvin period)

- Folder 5: Rationality: meaning --- 1974

- Folder 6: Status of knowing in Modern philosophy (late Calvin period)

- Folder 7: Socrates (early Calvin period)

- Folder 8: Sundry observations

- Folder 9: Theistic philosophy (early Calvin period)

- Folder 10: Theses, brief statements --- 1950s

- Folder 11: Thinking: creative, conceptual, reflective

- Folder 12: Thoughts on the meaning of being --- December 1942

- Folder 13: Toward a definition of liberal education at Calvin College, Castle Park --- September 1957

- Folder 14: Transcendental problems of philosophic thought

- Folder 15: University: aim and meaning

- Folder 16: Varia obiter --- 1973

- Folder 17: The virtue of seeing differences, outline --- 1941

- Folder 18: War: justified?

- Folder 19: What is characteristically modern in the philosophy of the last five centuries? (Indiana University period)

- Folder 20: What is Christian education? Resource material

- Folder 21: What is Christian education? Brochure: Our public schools under fire; J. Vanderbroek --- 1948

- Folder 22: Why Christian schools? (late Calvin period)

- Series 16: Papers --- 1917-1962

- Box 32

- Folder 1: Argumenta: e consensu, ontological argument --- 1939

- Folder 2: Argument of Plato's Protagoras (Indiana University period)

- Folder 3: Basic philosophy curriculum

- Folder 4: Bavinck's philosophy of revelation, for Kant Club

- Folder 5: Being and self-knowledge, philosophy notes

- Folder 6: Being in Christ, A. Banning

- Folder 7: Biblical word "soul" (late Calvin period)

- Folder 8: Calvin College: history and objectives, outline

- Folder 9: Calvinism and higher education (chapter in book of CAC)

- Folder 10: Calvinism and philosophy (early Calvin period)

- Folder 11: Calvinism and science, typed paper --- 1956-1957

- Folder 12: Calvinism and science (late Calvin period)

- Folder 13: Case for monism --- 10-Jul-17

- Folder 14: "Christian philosophy of education applicable to elementary and secondary education," paper reviewed by WHJ

- Folder 15: Christianity as a practical philosophy, outline (late Calvin period)

- Folder 16: Christianity and presuppositions of modern philosophy (Indiana University period)

- Folder 17: Concerning graduate degrees in theology

- Folder 18: Condition of a just war (Grand Valley period)

- Folder 19: Conspectus of late 19th century German philosophy, outline

- Folder 20: Contribution of the philosophy of society to law --- 1936

- Folder 21: Culture

- Folder 22: Datum and demonstration in philosophy, nature of the datum, Philosophic Association --- 1935

- Folder 23: Definition of religion, (Indiana University period)

- Folder 24: Definition of philosophy and pagan perspectives (late Calvin period)

- Folder 25: Democracy and religion, A. E. Avey, notes

- Folder 26: Essence of modernity (Indiana University period)

- Folder 27: Evolution --- 21-Jul-37

- Box 33

- Folder 1: Faith of our fathers (Indiana University period)

- Folder 2: Finding ourselves with reference to God and related subjects

- Folder 3: Freedom and determinism in Christianity, handwritten paper --- 1940

- Folder 4: General trend in metaphysics in the later 19th century

- Folder 5: German philosophy, 19th century (Indiana University period)

- Folder 6: Genius of Calvin College as seen in its historical roots, outline

- Folder 7: God as a principle of intelligibility --- 1940

- Folder 8: Grand Rapids should aid financially Calvin College (early Calvin period)

- Folder 9: High School as a unit in our education ladder --- Jun-48

- Folder 10: Ideals of scholarship in medicine

- Folder 11: Jews in the world

- Folder 12: Law and philosophy --- 1936

- Folder 13: Meaning of education

- Folder 14: Meaning of rationality (Indiana University period)

- Folder 15: Meaning of reason --- 11-May-62

- Folder 16: Medievalist

- Folder 17: Metaphysics --- 14-Jul-17

- Folder 18: Metaphysical status of the moral order --- 1942

- Folder 19: Method in philosophy of religion (Indiana University period)

- Folder 20: Mind with which one thinks, common grace (Calvin period)

- Folder 21: Modern skepticism of religion (2 drafts)

- Folder 22: Moral theory on the common sense level, Plato (Indiana University period)

- Folder 23: My people: the Dutch Calvinists of Michigan, paper, notes (early Calvin period)

- Folder 24: Nature and significance of cultural activity (Indiana University period)

- Folder 25: Nature of a university (late Calvin period)

- Folder 26: Objectives of a university (Indiana University period)

- Folder 27: Perspectives of philosophy

- Folder 28: Philosophy of education, handwritten and typed, revised

- Box 34

- Folder 1: Philosophical position, brief statement

- Folder 2: Platonic idealism and Christian theism --- c. 1934

- Folder 3: Plato's Meno, outlined

- Folder 4: "Politics and Eschatology," by M. Westphal of Yale

- Folder 5: Pre-Socratic philosophy, an outline of the "record," pp. 33-54

- Folder 6: Reality and personality of God (early Calvin period)

- Folder 7: Reason for independent system of education, mimeographed

- Folder 8: Relation between philosophy and theology (late Calvin period)

- Folder 9: Religion and democracy

- Folder 10: St. Augustine: the philosophy of life of a millenium of Western civilization

- Folder 11: Some philosophical implications of Calvin's Institutes

- Folder 12: Some preliminary considerations for a plan of expansion of Calvin College

- Folder 13: Symposium on law and the social sciences --- 1933

- Folder 14: Stone lecture of A. Kuyper by A. Plantinga, comments

- Folder 15: Taking inventory of ourselves as Calvinists, handwritten

- Folder 16: Tentative outline for a survey course in the humanities - literature and philosophy

- Folder 17: Three meanings of rationality --- 1941

- Folder 18: Towards a Calvinistic university

- Folder 19: Towards a social philosophy, notes and paper (late Calvin period)

- Folder 20: Transcendental phenomenology of man, diagram --- 1941

- Folder 21: Two definitions of Christian education

- Folder 22: Two definitions of rationality

- Folder 23: Types of existentialistic ethics, handwritten

- Folder 24: What difference, Calvin College? A statement of its history and objectives --- 1961

- Folder 25: The university issue --- 1962

- Folder 26: Verifiability, mimeographed, chapter 7

- Folder 27: What difference does Christianity make? --- 1950

- Folder 28: What is history of philosophy? (Indiana University period)

- Folder 29: Youth and modernity, outlined (Indiana University period)

- Series 17: Published Articles --- 1921-1967

- (Incomplete)
- Box 35

- Folder 1: "After Calvin's own heart," editorial on death of C. De Boer, Chimes --- December 2, 1955

- Folder 2: "The Antithesis," Banner --- 1954

- Folder 3: "Art in Our Circles and the Rendition of Handel's Messiah," Banner --- April 28, 1921

- Folder 4: "By the Stars or by an Errant Compass?" Calvin Education Journal --- September 1961

- Folder 5: "Calvinism and Higher Education," article and notes, Reformed Journal

- Folder 6: "Calvinistic Philosophy of Education," Reformed Journal

- Folder 7: "The Christ of the College," The Evangelical Student --- April 1930

- Folder 8: "The Christian Textbook and the Protestant Mind," Reformed Journal --- September 1951

- Folder 9

- Item 1: Curriculum in a Liberal Arts College --- 1956

- Item 2: Review --- 1957

- Folder 10: Curriculum in a Liberal Arts College --- 1958 [HERH LB2361.J4]

- Folder 11: "Education and Value," Onze Toekomst --- November 19, 1930

- Folder 12: "Education Philosophy of Calvin College," Banner

- Folder 13: "In Memorium, Johannes Broene 1875-1967" Banner --- May 26, 1967

- Folder 14: "Is There Room for Philosophy?" Banner, notes

- Folder 15: "Modern Culture and the Christian Teacher," Christian Home and School --- 1938

- Folder 16: "On Christian Reformed Denomination," first draft of article

- Folder 17: "On the Definition of Man," Torch --- December 1962

- Folder 18: "Philosophy: Help or Hindrance to Religion?" Reformed Journal

- Folder 19: "Religion and Democracy," Reformed Journal

- Folder 20: "Revolution and the Gospel," Calvin Forum, paper and notes

- Folder 21: "Self-examination in the Christian College," parts one and two, Calvin Forum

- Folder 22: "Thinking it Over," Young Calvinist --- April - June, 1935; May - June 1937

- Folder 23: "Toward a Calvin University," Reformed Journal --- 1956

- Folder 24: "Toward a Christian Philosophy of Education and a Curriculum Based On It," Christian Home and School

- Folder 25: "Why We Have No University," Reformed Journal --- September 1955; January 1956

- Series 18: Speaking Engagements --- 1920-1965

- Box 36

- Folder 1: Academic freedom in a confessional church, Christian Reformed Ministers' Institute --- June 5-7, 1962

- Folder 2: American culture and Christian education, Detroit Alumni --- 1963

- Folder 3: Antithesis --- 1954

- Folder 4: Art of questioning, questioning generation --- 1925

- Folder 5: Bavink's philosophy of revelation --- c. 1920

- Folder 6: Being academic, Junior-Senior Banquet --- May-28

- Folder 7: Brazen mean (early Calvin period)

- Folder 8: Building a philosophy of life, Baptist Youth --- 23-Sep-39

- Folder 9: Calvin College and Calvin, Muskegon Alumni --- 1960

- Folder 10: Calvinistic and rival perspectives, First Presbyterian Church of Bloomington, outlines --- Indiana; September - December 1945

- Folder 11: Calvinist in a changing world, outline and notes --- Apr-39

- Folder 12: Calvinism and Democracy and the modern mind, notes of lectures at Calvinistic Congress, Amsterdam --- 1948-1949

- Folder 13: Challenge of the modern world and Calvinism, Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, notes --- Jun-45

- Folder 14: Challenge of modern world and Calvinism, Ministers' conference

- Folder 15: Chapel, club, and commencement talks --- 1924-1930

- Folder 16: Chapel, club, and commencement talks --- 1930

- Box 37

- Folder 1: Christianity and socialism, Chicago Inter Nos --- January 8, 1950

- Folder 2: Christianity and socialism, Inter Nos, notes of lecture taken by secretary --- January 1951

- Folder 3: Commencement address as reported in the Banner --- June 11, 1948

- Folder 4: Common grace, science and education; Ontario Ministers' conference; notes and outline --- 1957

- Folder 5: Crisis of our time, additional notes --- 1945

- Folder 6: Cultural impact of Calvin College and Seminary --- undated

- Folder 7: Different world, youth --- September 1946

- Folder 8: Dutch Calvinists, La Grave CRC --- November 1948

- Folder 9: Dozen don'ts for wives, radio talk

- Folder 10: Dust is all? Memorial Day address --- undated

- Folder 11: Duty and opportunity of our teachers to help students develop a distinctive world and life view (early Calvin period)

- Folder 12: Ethos and ethics, Knickerbocker Society --- November 20, 1929

- Folder 13: Faith and reason, Plato Club Banquet --- 1929

- Folder 14: Freedom --- June 16, 1928

- Folder 15: Further cause of Christian education outside of our own circles, outline, Men's Alliance

- Folder 16: Higher provincialism

- Folder 17: Introductory speech (Indiana University period)

- Folder 18: Inventory of addresses --- 1923-1934

- Folder 19: Is war wrong? chapel, Armistice Day --- 1929

- Folder 20: Man John Calvin, Englewood --- January 1926

- Folder 21: A man's job, Hull Academy --- June 1928

- Folder 22: Modern Christianity and modern philosophy, notes for address

- Folder 23: Modern Man --- 1931

- Folder 24: Modern man and the faith of the fathers, Whitinsville --- February 1939

- Folder 25: Modern secular mind, notes on address in Pasadena

- Folder 26: Modern theology and faith of our fathers, outline

- Folder 27: More stately mansions --- undated

- Folder 28: My Christian beliefs, First Presbyterian Church

- Folder 29: New religious education, outline

- Folder 30: On I Corinthians, a response --- 1953

- Folder 31: Our Christian schools, outline

- Folder 32: Our distinctive world and life view and education, National Union of Christian Schools --- Aug-24

- Folder 33: Our questioning generation, outline and notes --- November 1926

- Box 38

- Folder 1: Participating in kingdom activity, Pine Rest Annual --- September 25, 1941

- Folder 2: Personal defense of teaching --- January 28, 1928

- Folder 3

- Item 1: Philosophy of Christian Education, Princeton Club --- 1948

- Item 2: Christian Teachers Club --- 1957

- Folder 4: The possibilities of idealism as a method for Christian philosophy, Wheaton --- November 22, 1957

- Folder 5: Principles governing modern education, outline; Oakdale Parent Teacher Association --- Jun-24

- Folder 6: Quest from certainty, outline of commencement address given at Holland, Michigan; Hull, North Dakota; and Corsica, South Dakota Christian high schools --- 1930

- Folder 7: Reality and personality of God, Eastern Ministers Conference, typed --- April 1939

- Folder 8: Reason for rationality, copy of typed address (late Calvin period)

- Folder 9: Reformation and the modern mind, outline --- 1961

- Folder 10: Reformed view in a communistic era, conference CAC --- 1954

- Folder 11: Religion and the moderns, Open Forum, notes, brochures, etc. --- 1945-1946

- Folder 12: Roots of democracy, Wabash College --- March 25, 1943

- Folder 13: Separate schools (early Calvin period)

- Folder 14: Sermon on the Mount, Methodist Church, notes --- June 1965

- Folder 15: Some problems fundamental in modern philosophy, Interdenominational Conference, outline --- 1927

- Folder 16: Standpoint for judging our popular magazines, Federation of Women's Clubs, outline and notes --- March 15, 1925

- Folder 17: Teaching a Christian philosophy at Calvin, Detroit alumni --- 1952

- Folder 18: Ten Commandments, La Grave CRC, senior high class (early Calvin period)

- Folder 19: Testimony to Henry Denkema --- December 6, 1948

- Folder 20: Texts but no glue, notes --- November 22, 1949

- Folder 21: Three perspectives in Western civilization, Midwestern Christian Teachers Association, notes --- 27-Oct-39

- Folder 22: Three perspectives of Occidental civilization --- October 1939

- Folder 23: Tragedy of a lost soul, sermon at Central Church of Christ, typed --- November 12, 1933

- Folder 24: Trends of religious education in America, two outlines and notes

- Folder 25: Twofold temptation confronting the Christian academic community Ministers' Institute --- 1962, typed

- Folder 26: The value of education and other addresses on education, outlines --- 1924

- Folder 27: Various kinds of folly (early Calvin period)

- Folder 28: The virtue and worth of our Christian schools, drive for Grand Rapids Christian High --- 1940

- Folder 29: Vrijheid, Orange City, Iowa, notes and outline --- July 4, 1928

- Folder 30: What is the good? Central Reformed Church, notes --- 1931

- Folder 31: What is wrong with the doctors? Notes --- 1933

- Folder 32: What ought we to mean by distinctive Christian education? Michigan Christian Teachers Institute (MCTI), handwritten and typed --- Oct-23

- Folder 33: What shall we think of man? --- April 22, 1924

- Folder 34: World, La Grave CRC luncheon, notes --- November 1957

- Folder 35: Worth and dignity of man, Law Day (Grand Valley period) --- 1965

- Folder 36: Worth of a vocation, MCTI --- October 1930

- Folder 37: Year of decision; one faith or two, address by E. Runner, notes --- November 1956

- Folder 38: Youth Building for Tomorrow --- November 13, 1935

- Series 19: Special Reports --- 1926-1969

- Box 39

- Folder 1: American Federation of Young Men's Societies, Publication Committee reports --- 1926-1934

- Folder 2: American Reformed magazine, committee of organization report

- Folder 3: American Scientific Affiliation, 3d Convention at Calvin College --- September 1-3, 1948

- Folder 4: Association of American Colleges, report on 32d annual meeting --- Jan-46

- Folder 5: Bible Study in public schools, commission findings, Indiana University --- 1942

- Folder 6: Association for Realistic Philosophy, correspondence and reports --- 1946-1947

- Folder 7: Calvin-Aquinas dialogue, papers --- 1964-1965

- Folder 8: Calvinistic Congress in Amsterdam, reports and press clippings --- 1948

- Folder 9: Calvinistic Social Action Committee minutes --- 1948

- Folder 10: Chicago Junior college Education Policy Committee report (Trinity Christian College) --- Apr-55

- Folder 11: Christian University in New York project, Carl Henry correspondence --- 1960

- Folder 12: Classis Holland, Calvinistic principles in education --- 1939

- Folder 13: Code of ethics for Christian teachers, report of committee --- 1930

- Folder 14: Department of Education, Calvin College --- May 1, 1949 and 1952

- Folder 15: Jaarsma's problem of the soul, comments

- Folder 16: National Association of Evangelicals, Synodical Committee report, clippings --- 1948-1950

- Folder 17: Wijsbegeerte der Wetsidee report to Society for Calvinistic Philosophy --- 1960

- Folder 18: Worldly Amusements Advisory Committee report to Synod --- 1949

- Folder 19: Wheaton College Philosophy Conference, correspondence and reports --- November 6-7, 1969

- Series 20: Calvin Foundation Activities; Junior College Studies --- 1949-1959

- Box 40

- Folder 1: Calvin Foundation: Christian Scholarship Program of Action --- 1953

- Folder 2: Calvin Foundation: correspondence

- Folder 3: Calvin Foundation: minutes and reports --- 1950-1952

- Folder 4: Calvin Foundation: minutes and projects --- 1953-1959

- Folder 5: Calvin Foundation: projects and planning committee --- Oct-51

- Folder 6: Calvin Foundation: proposed research library --- 1950

- Folder 7: Junior College program: analysis of Junior College curriculum

- Folder 8: Junior College program: committee papers and study reports

- Folder 9: Junior College program: material used by committee in making its rep

- Folder 10: Junior College program: report on Calvin College Committee --- 1949

- Folder 11: Junior College program: original copy of report and carbon copy --- 1949

- Series 21: Grand Rapids Christian High Board; Christian Labor Association (CLA) Contacts --- 1932-1963

- Box 41

- Folder 1: Christian High Board: reports, Bernard Fridsma's stand on war and capital punishment --- 1932-1933

- Folder 2: Christian High Board: papers, long-range proposals and other data; Statement of academic needs to be presented to the Long Range Study Committee --- 1948-1951

- Folder 3: CLA: advisor --- 1953-1955

- Folder 4: CLA: arbitrator between CLA and Hekman Biscuit Company --- 1953

- Folder 5: CLA: Social Action objectives, conference, reports --- 1953

- Folder 6: Christian Voters League: constitution, report on purpose and program --- 1933

- Folder 7: Guild of Calvinist Scholars, newsletter and bibliography --- 1956

- Folder 8: Michigan Christian School Alliance, chairman, minutes and notes on meetings --- 1934-1935

- Folder 9: Reformed Ecumenical Synod (RES), guest of 5th RES; notations on reports --- 1963

- Series 22: Resource Material: Abstracts and Articles Reprinted

- Box 42

- Folder 1: Abstracts of dissertations

- Folder 2: Articles reprinted: Bahm, Archie J.

- Folder 3: Articles reprinted: Bailey, Gilbert - Black, Max

- Folder 4: Article reprinted: Bouma, Clarence - Brendel, Otto

- Folder 5: Articles reprinted: Breen, Quirinus

- Folder 6: Articles reprinted: Cerf, Walter - Dykhuizen, George

- Folder 7: Articles reprinted: Edson, Charles - Harris, Errol E.

- Box 43

- Folder 1: Articles reprinted: Hartshorne, Charles - Lodge, Rupert Clendon

- Folder 2: Articles reprinted: McClutchen, Duval T. - Popkin, Richard H.

- Folder 3: Articles reprinted: Pound, Roscoe - Turnbull, Robert G.

- Folder 4: Articles reprinted: Vanderbeek, John - Viereck, Peter

- Folder 5: Articles reprinted: Webb, Clement C. J. - Willis, Hugh Evander

- Series 23: Resource Material: Educational Bulletins, Curriculum

- Box 44

- Folder 1: Bulletins, educational

- Folder 2: Bulletins, educational

- Folder 3: Bulletins, educational

- Folder 4: Bulletins, educational

- Series 24: Resource Material: Brochures

- Box 45

- Folder 1: Brochures, religious subjects

- Folder 2: Brochures, religious subjects

- Folder 3: Brochures, religious subjects

- Folder 4: Brochures, religious subjects

- Folder 5: Brochures, general subjects

- Folder 6: Brochures, commemorative

- Series 25: Publications

- Box 46

- Folder 1: Indiana University newsletters

- Folder 2: National Union of Christian Schools Publications

- Folder 3: National Union of Christian Schools Publications

- Folder 4: Philosophical associations, reports

- Folder 5: Publications, articles and issues

- Folder 6: Publications, articles and issues

- Folder 7: Publications, articles and issues

- Series 26: Publications, Bound Copies

- Box 47

- Folder 1: American Federation of Reformed Young Men's Societies publications

- Folder 2: Examination and test manuals

- Folder 3: Excerpts from magazines

- Folder 4: "The Rise and Development of Calvinism," John H. Bratt, et al.

- Folder 5: "The Love Watch," William Allen Knight

- Folder 6: "Aids to the Study of Ancient History," W. T. Radius

- Folder 7: "Aids to the Study of Greek and Roman History," W. T. Radius

- Folder 8: "Memorial Discourses," Evert Van der Hart, A. Van Dort, Grand Rapids --- 1890

- Series 27: Books with Notations

- Box 48

- Item 1: Atsam. Sudan United Missions CRC

- Item 2: Boer, Harry R. Pentecost and the Missionary Witness of the Church

- Item 3: Bosanquet, Bernard. Implication and Linear Inference

- Item 4: Bradley, F. H. Appearance and Reality

- Item 5: Breen, Quirinus. John Calvin: A Study in French Humanism

- Item 6: Burkill, T. Alec. God and Reality in Modern Thought

- Item 7: Calvin Action Committee: God-centered Living. A Symposium

- Item 8: The Christian and Literature: A Symposium

- Box 49

- Item 1: Capon, Robert Farrar. Bed and Board

- Item 2: Carritt, E. F. Morals and Politics

- Item 3: De Koster, Lester. Vocabulary of Communism

- Item 4: Gaebelein, Frank E. Christian Education in a Democracy

- Item 5: Gottwald, Norman K. A Light to the Nations

- Item 6: Kruithof, Bastian. Americans in Kilts

- Item 7: Kuipers, C. Zuni Also Prays

- Box 50

- Item 1: Mackenzie, John S. A Manual of Ethics

- Item 2: Philosophical Works of John Locke. Edited by J. A. St. John, vol. I & II

- Item 3: Philosophy in American Education. Brand Blanshard, et al.

- Item 4: Plantinga, Alvin. Does God Have a Nature?

- Item 5: The Republic of Plato. Translated by F. M. Cornford

- Item 6: Rogers, A. K. A Student's History of Philosophy

- Item 7: Smith, N. K. A Commentary to Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason."

- Item 8: Ten Boom, Corrie. The Hiding Place

- Box 51

- Item 1: Ten Hoor, M. Education for Privacy

- Item 2: Turner, J. E. A Theory of Direct Realism

- Item 3: Van Til, C. Common Grace

- Item 4: Verduin, Leonard. The Anatomy of a Hybrid

- Item 5: Verduin, Leonard. The Reformers and Their Stepchildren

- Item 6: Vos, J. G. The Scottish Covenanters

- Item 7: The Works of Aristotle. Translated by editors J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross

- Item 8: Young, William. Toward a Reformed Philosophy

- Series 28: Resource Material, Brochures, Reprints

- Box 52

- Folder 1: Articles reprinted: Bahm, Archie J. - Ten Hoor, Marten

- Folder 2: Bulletins and brochures

- Folder 3: Publications: The Fundamentals

- Folder 4: Reprints and booklets: Benedict, Samuel D. - Daling, John T.

- Folder 5: Brochures and booklets: De Santillana, George - Lewis, Clarence Irving

- Folder 6: Brochures and booklets: Meeter, John E. - Van Halsema, Thea B.

- Folder 7: Brochures and booklets: Van Til, Cornelius - Worldly Amusements in the Light of Scripture

- Series 29: Books, Brochures, Reprints: A - E

- Box 53

- Item 1: Actualites Scientifiques et Industrielles, 7 volumes

- Item 2: Agendum voor de Synode der Christelijke Geref. Kerk --- 1914

- Item 3: Almanak voor de Jeugd, onder redactie van Ds. J. Schrijver --- 1913, 1916

- Item 4: Anti-Revolutionaire Staatkunde. Maandelijks orgaan van de Dr. Abraham Kuyperstichting

- Item 5: Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte

- Item 6: Aristophanes: Comedies, vol. 1

- Item 7: Christendom en Maatschappij --- 1910, 1948, 1950

- Item 8: Christian Educators Journal, vol. 1, no. 3; vol. 2, no. 3

- Series 30: Books, Brochures: E - W

- Box 54

- Item 1: Christian School Annual. Christian School Statistics: God's Word, the Golden Compass. Grand Rapids, Mich.: National Union of Christian Schools --- 1948

- Item 2: Classen, J. Vorlesungen uber moderne Naturphilosophen

- Item 3: College of Wooster Bulletin, 49th series, no. 9 --- Dec-56

- Item 4: Euripides: Fables, vol. 1-3, Gilbertus Murray

- Item 5: Evangelie en Maatschappij: vol. 2, no. 6; vol. 2, no. 9; vol. 3, no. 10

- Item 6: Evangelisch Soziale Welt --- July - September 1950

- Item 7: Free University Quarterly --- July 1955, January 1957, November 1958, December 1959

- Item 8: Indiana University Publications: Humanities Series no. 7 --- 1942

- Item 9: International Mission Council, The World Mission of Christianity

- Item 10: International Reformed Bulletin, April 1960

- Item 11: Jaarboekje voor de Hollandsch Christ. Gereformeerde Kerk in Noord Amerika --- 1892

- Item 12: Occasional Papers from Calvin College, N. H. Beversluis: Toward a Theology of Education

- Item 13: Ontmoeting --- May 1949

- Item 14: Philosophia Reformata --- 1950, 1953

- Item 15: Pro en Contra: P. G. Buekers, H. Bavinck: Evolutie

- Item 16: Programme des Cours, Universite Laval Faculte de Philosophie Annuaire --- 19391940

- Item 17: Progressive Calvinism --- July 1955, April 1957

- Item 18: Religion and Culture --- 1919-1921

- Item 19: La Revue Reformee: Soli Deo Gloria --- 1950, 1954, 1956

- Item 20: Wenley, R. M. "The Philosophy of Religion," notes

- Series 31: Published Articles; Resource Material

- Box 55

- Folder 1: Articles given by authors

- Folder 2: Papers given by authors

- Folder 3: Resource material: abstracts, brochures, papers

- Folder 4: Resource material: brochures, papers

- Folder 5: Resource material: Heidegger, Martin. "Conversation on a country path about thinking," memorial address

- Folder 6: Der Grafschafter --- January - December 1962

- Folder 7: Press clippings, series of 10 articles on private and public education, Christian Science Monitor --- 1948

- Series 32: Grand Valley State College, Philosophy Department Material --- 1967-1969

- Box 56

- Folder 1: Grand Valley State College (GVSC) course offerings

- Folder 2: GVSC address to the college freshmen on "The Greek Way to Western Civilization," by Edith Hamilton

- Folder 3: GVSC Business Administration Seminar: "The Meaning of Work" --- 1969

- Folder 4: GVSC manual for faculty advisors --- 1967

- Folder 5: GVSC memorandums --- 1966-1969

- Folder 6: GVSC opening convocation: "Quest of Self-knowledge,"with notes --- 1968

- Folder 7: GVSC religion of campus, reports, observations, recommendation --- 1966-1967

- Folder 8: Philosophy Department, correspondence, personnel, policies --- 1963-1969

- Folder 9: Philosophy Department, introduction to liberal learning --- 1967

- Folder 10: Philosophy Department, Kristellor lecture, correspondence --- 1969

- Folder 11: Philosophy Department, minutes of social studies division --- September 11, 1968 - July 1, 1969

- Folder 12: Philosophy Department, new course offerings --- 1969

- Folder 13: Philosophy Department, outline of Van Til's Christian Ethics, handwritten

- Folder 14: Philosophy Department, outline of lectures on Richard Taylor's Metaphysics

- Folder 15: Philosophy Department, personnel matters, correspondence

- Series 33: Grand Valley State College, Philosophy 101 --- 1963-1977

- Box 57

- Folder 1: Philosophy, introduction, mimeographed notes

- Folder 2: Philosophy, introductory material

- Folder 3: Philosophy 101, mimeographed notes --- undated

- Folder 4: Philosophy 101, lecture notes and papers --- 1963

- Folder 5: Philosophy 101, lecture notes and papers --- 1964

- Folder 6: Philosophy 101, lecture material --- 1964-1965

- Folder 7: Philosophy 101, lecture material --- 1965-1966

- Folder 8: Philosophy 101, lecture material --- fall 1967

- Box 58

- Folder 1: Philosophy 101, lecture material --- spring 1968

- Folder 2: Philosophy 101, lecture material --- fall 1968

- Folder 3: Philosophy 101, lecture material --- spring 1969

- Folder 4: Philosophy 101, lecture material --- fall 1969

- Folder 5: Philosophy 101, lecture material --- 1970

- Folder 6: Philosophy 101, lecture material --- 1971-1973

- Folder 7: Philosophy 101, exams --- 1968-1970

- Folder 8: Philosophy 101, lecture notes, assignments --- 1977

- Series 34: Grand Valley State College, Preliminary Drafts of the Blue Book --- 1970-1977

- Box 59

- Folder 1: Philosophy 101, major questions in the lectures with references to the blue book

- Folder 2: Philosophy 101, outlines of The Republic, the arguments of The Republic

- Folder 3: Philosophy 101, questions on The Republic

- Folder 4: Philosophy 101, aids for study, preliminary draft for the blue book

- Folder 5: Philosophy 101, Plato's Republic, study helps, preliminary notes for the blue book

- Folder 6: Philosophy 101, Plato's Republic, study helps, preliminary draft for the blue book

- Folder 7: Philosophy 101, Plato's Republic, study helps, preliminary papers for the blue book

- Folder 8: Philosophy, Kant, notes --- 1973

- Folder 9: Philosophy 201/2, ethics, lecture material --- 1972

- Folder 10: Philosophy 303, lecture material --- 1970 and previous years

- Folder 11: Philosophy, aesthetics, lecture notes --- 1973

- Folder 12: Philosophy 690, philosophy of education --- 1977

- Series 35: Grand Valley State College Blue Books --- 1967-1973

- Box 60

- Folder 1: Philosophy 101, early edition, course outline

- Folder 2: Philosophy 101, early edition, study helps

- Folder 3: Philosophy 101, aids for study of Plato's Republic

- Folder 4: Philosophy 101, introduction to early course lectures, aids for study --- 1967

- Folder 5: Philosophy 101, introduction and aids for study --- 1969

- Folder 6: Philosophy 101, aids for the study of Plato's Republic --- 1973

- Folder 7: Philosophy 101, aids for the study of Plato's Republic --- undated

- Series 36: Grand Valley State College, Lectures on Ethics

- Box 61: 24 lectures

- Series 37: Artifacts

- Box 62

- Folder 1: Gown, Cap, and two hoods

- Series 38: Family Correspondence and Genealogy --- 1868-1982

- Box 63

- Folder 1: Correspondence, program and report cards --- 1906-1913

- Folder 2: Correspondence while in the army --- 1918

- Folder 3: Correspondence --- 1919-1930

- Folder 4: Correspondence from the Netherlands --- 1920s

- (in Dutch)
- Folder 5: Family genealogy materials re: Jellemas in Roseland and Chicago in the nineteenth century

- Folder 6: Family genealogy, D. W. Jellema correspondence --- 1881-1926 and undated

- (in Dutch)
- Folder 7: Family genealogy, correspondence from G. Vos to D. W. Jellema family --- 1910-1925

- (in English and Dutch)
- Folder 8: Family genealogy, correspondence from H. H. Dobben to Derk and Gertie Jellema (W. H. J. parents) --- 1982

- Folder 9: Family genealogy, Harm Hendrick Dobben United States citizen document --- 1868

- Folder 10: Family genealogy, Dobben family correspondence --- 1871-1880

- (in Dutch)
- Folder 11: Family genealogy, Dobben family correspondence --- 1881-1890

- (in Dutch)
- Folder 12: Family genealogy, Dobben family correspondence --- 1895-1900

- (in Dutch)
- Folder 13: Family genealogy, Dobben family correspondence --- 1901-1906

- (in Dutch)
- Folder 14: Family genealogy, correspondence from Dobben family in Grafshaft Bentheim, Germany --- 1873-1881

- Folder 15: Family genealogy, correspondence from H. H. Dobben to daughter Geertin (Gertie) --- 1886-1889

- Folder 16: Family genealogy, H. H. Dobben correspondence (father of Gertie Dobben Jellema) --- 1892-1893

- (in Dutch)
- Folder 17: Family genealogy, Grace Hinken correspondence --- 1894-1910

- (in Dutch)
- Folder 18: Compact discs: "Dr. Jellema Interview;" "Conversation Session (Dirk)" tape2; "WHJ Reminiscing," tape 5 (2 different?); "Communism: Case for Indoctrination," ("in pencil, dictation for a typist") --- Feb 5, 1955

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Biographical Material, 1910-1980],
Series 2: Preparatory Years, University of Michigan, 1914-1922],
Series 3: Early Calvin College Period, 1920-1948],
Series 4: Indiana University Period, 1937-1953],
Series 5: The Harvard University Semester, 1938-1939],
Series 6: Late Calvin College Period, 1948-1963],
Series 7: Hope College, 1944; Fuller Seminary, 1954-1958],
Series 8: Haverford College Experience, 1960-1962],
Series 9: Grand Valley State College Period, 1963-1974],
Series 10: Philosophy Department, Calvin College, 1928-1959],
Series 11: Philosophy Department, Calvin College, 1928-1959],
Series 12: Philosophy Department, Indiana University, 1936-1966],
Series 13: Bibliographies, 1938-1949],
Series 14: Correspondence, 1920-1975],
Series 15: Notes re: Various Subjects, 1923-1974],
Series 16: Papers, 1917-1962],
Series 17: Published Articles, 1921-1967],
Series 18: Speaking Engagements, 1920-1965],
Series 19: Special Reports, 1926-1969],
Series 20: Calvin Foundation Activities; Junior College Studies, 1949-1959],
Series 21: Grand Rapids Christian High Board; Christian Labor Association (CLA) Contacts, 1932-1963],
Series 22: Resource Material: Abstracts and Articles Reprinted],
Series 23: Resource Material: Educational Bulletins, Curriculum],
Series 24: Resource Material: Brochures],
Series 25: Publications],
Series 26: Publications, Bound Copies],
Series 27: Books with Notations],
Series 28: Resource Material, Brochures, Reprints],
Series 29: Books, Brochures, Reprints: A - E],
Series 30: Books, Brochures: E - W],
Series 31: Published Articles; Resource Material],
Series 32: Grand Valley State College, Philosophy Department Material, 1967-1969],
Series 33: Grand Valley State College, Philosophy 101, 1963-1977],
Series 34: Grand Valley State College, Preliminary Drafts of the Blue Book, 1970-1977],
Series 35: Grand Valley State College Blue Books, 1967-1973],
Series 36: Grand Valley State College, Lectures on Ethics],
Series 37: Artifacts],
Series 38: Family Correspondence and Genealogy, 1868-1982],