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Foppe Martin Ten Hoor Collection



Biographical Note

Detailed Description

Bound Copies of Theological Works

General Material, Classical/Synodical Material

Classical/Synodical Material: Papers, Reports

Sermonic Material, Seminary Material

Seminary Material

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Foppe Martin Ten Hoor Collection, 1880-1951 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Foppe Martin Ten Hoor Collection, 1880-1951

ID: COLL/254

Primary Creator: Ten Hoor, Foppe Martin (1855-1934)

Extent: 3.75 Cubic Feet. More info below.

Arrangement: Folder level description


Minister of the Christian Reformed Church, professor of systematic theology at Calvin Theological Seminary, 1900-1924, and editor of De Gereformeerde Amerikaan. The collection includes: sermon outlines, lectures, class notes, guidelines for sermon criticism, Grundy College reports, correspondence, plus bound manuscripts entitled: "Compendium der gereformeerde dogmatiek, "Gereformeerde ethiek," "Lectures on Exegesis," and "Lectures of Systematic and Practical Theology."

Biographical Note

Foppe Martin Ten Hoor was born 19 February 1855 in Haulerwijk, Friesland, the Netherlands.  His theological education was at the Theological School of Kampen.  His ministry in the Netherlands included the following churches: Genderen, 1880-1884; Opperdoes, 1884-1888; and Franeker, 1888-1896.  He received a call from the Oakdale Park Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids and served that congregation from 1896-1900.  A year after his ministry at Oakdale he began to serve as editor of de Gereformeerde Amerikaan (1897-1916).  In 1900, he was called to the Chair of Systematic Theology of the seminary in Grand Rapids.  Here he occupied the chair until 1924 when he was almost seventy.  He passed away 21 March 1934. Ten Hoor had been married to Elizabeth Petronella Kok since 1880.

Ten Hoor served on denominational committees, which included the committee on the divorce question and the committee on South Africa.

Although not all agreed with his theological views, they respected him "for his intellectual acumen and never doubted his sincerity."

Our collection includes bound volumes of his theological works as well as many notes on theology.  We have theological books on our shelves as well as a variety of theological thoughts in notebooks and slips of paper.  His years of service were when the Dutch language was used.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Bound Copies of Theological Works, 1890 - [193- ]],
[Series 2: General Material, Classical/Synodical Material, 1883-1924],
[Series 3: Classical/Synodical Material: Papers, Reports, 1880-1925],
[Series 4: Sermonic Material, Seminary Material, 1898-1917],
[Series 5: Seminary Material, 1918-1951],
[Series 6: General Information, 1887-1910],

Series 2: General Material, Classical/Synodical Material --- 1883-1924
Box 4
Folder 1: Afscheiding of Doleantie --- undated
Folder 2: Afscheiding en Doleantie in verband met het Kerkegrip --- undated
Folder 3: Afscheiding en Doleantie in verband met het wezen der Kerk --- undated
Folder 4: Afschrift van het adres aan den Raad tot Afscheiding van de Kermis, evz. Franeker --- 27 June 1888, undated
Folder 5: Afshrift van de brief ann D.B. --- undated
Folder 6: Antekeningen --- 1883
Folder 7: Het bedenken voor het lidmaatschap der Kerk.  Handwritten --- undated
Folder 8: Het begrip "Kerk" in verband met reformatie en ambtelijke bediening --- undated
Folder 9: Derkhof's article in De Wachter over het hooger onderwys. Observations. De Wachter 42, handwritten --- 1911, undated
Folder 10: Bestrijding van Kuyper? --- undated
Folder 11: Book: Henri Bergsons Intuitive Phiosophie, inaugural dissertation by Albert Steenbergen --- 1908
Folder 12: De Waare Gestalte van de Kerke, by Abraham Kallewiss. Bound.  Handwritten --- 1731, undated
Folder 13: Christelijk Supernaturalisme, toespraak van Dr. B. Warfield. Vertaald door J. Keizer, Graafschap --- September 1896, undated
Folder 14: Central Pastorale Congreetie, Utrecht, 2.  Announcement and notes --- undated
Folder 15: Classical/Synodical Material: Advies over Protests, Reports --- 1911-1918, undated
Folder 16: Classical/Synodical Material: Agenda.  Provinciale Vergadering van Friesland, Leewarden.  Notes --- 1892
Folder 17: Classical/Synodical MateriaL: Agenda Synode der Chr. Geref. Kerk in Nederland.  With notes --- 1891
Folder 18: Classical/Synodical Material: Appeal of Rev. M. Borduin to 1914 Synod. Handwritten --- undated
Folder 19: Classical/Synodical Material: Aan Al de Kerkeraden der Chr. Ref. Kerk in Amerika.  J. Vd Werp.  Baptism prayer of thanksgiving --- undated
Folder 20: Classical/Synodical Material: Committee report to Classis Holland on Rev. B. H. Einink and Consistory --- 1924
Folder 21: Classical/Synodical Material: Aan de Kerkeraden, Classen en Particuliere Synoden der Geref. Kerken in Nederland --- April 1893
Folder 22: Classical/Synodical Material: Concept Klasseis regeling van de Geref. Kerken in de Classes Franeker --- 1892

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Bound Copies of Theological Works, 1890 - [193- ]],
[Series 2: General Material, Classical/Synodical Material, 1883-1924],
[Series 3: Classical/Synodical Material: Papers, Reports, 1880-1925],
[Series 4: Sermonic Material, Seminary Material, 1898-1917],
[Series 5: Seminary Material, 1918-1951],
[Series 6: General Information, 1887-1910],

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