Collection Overview
Minister of the Christian Reformed Church, professor of systematic theology at Calvin Theological Seminary, 1900-1924, and editor of De Gereformeerde Amerikaan. The collection includes: sermon outlines, lectures, class notes, guidelines for sermon criticism, Grundy College reports, correspondence, plus bound manuscripts entitled: "Compendium der gereformeerde dogmatiek, "Gereformeerde ethiek," "Lectures on Exegesis," and "Lectures of Systematic and Practical Theology."
Biographical Note
Foppe Martin Ten Hoor was born 19 February 1855 in Haulerwijk, Friesland, the Netherlands. His theological education was at the Theological School of Kampen. His ministry in the Netherlands included the following churches: Genderen, 1880-1884; Opperdoes, 1884-1888; and Franeker, 1888-1896. He received a call from the Oakdale Park Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids and served that congregation from 1896-1900. A year after his ministry at Oakdale he began to serve as editor of de Gereformeerde Amerikaan (1897-1916). In 1900, he was called to the Chair of Systematic Theology of the seminary in Grand Rapids. Here he occupied the chair until 1924 when he was almost seventy. He passed away 21 March 1934. Ten Hoor had been married to Elizabeth Petronella Kok since 1880.
Ten Hoor served on denominational committees, which included the committee on the divorce question and the committee on South Africa.
Although not all agreed with his theological views, they respected him "for his intellectual acumen and never doubted his sincerity."
Our collection includes bound volumes of his theological works as well as many notes on theology. We have theological books on our shelves as well as a variety of theological thoughts in notebooks and slips of paper. His years of service were when the Dutch language was used.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Bound Copies of Theological Works, 1890 - [193- ]],
Series 2: General Material, Classical/Synodical Material, 1883-1924],
[Series 3: Classical/Synodical Material: Papers, Reports, 1880-1925],
Series 4: Sermonic Material, Seminary Material, 1898-1917],
Series 5: Seminary Material, 1918-1951],
Series 6: General Information, 1887-1910],
- Series 3: Classical/Synodical Material: Papers, Reports --- 1880-1925

- Box 5

- Folder 1: Classical/Synodical Material: Doopledenquestie. Handwritten paper --- undated

- Folder 2: Classical/Synodical Material: Of de roeping van Missionaire Dienaren ook mag uitgaan van Classis of Synode? --- undated

- Folder 3: Classical/Synodical Material: Question of relationship of Chr. Ref. Kerk en de Doleantie. Also an Afschrift. Handwritten --- undated

- Folder 4: Classical/Synodical Material: Rapport der Commissie in zake het Bedenken voor het lidmaatschap der kerk --- 1913

- Folder 5: Classical/Synodical Material: Rapport in zake het afleveren un melk op.) Zondag --- undated

- Folder 6: Classical/Synodical Material: Rapport van de Commissie in zake de Rondvraag naar Art. 1. Classis Illinois --- 1919

- Folder 7: Classical/Synodical Material: Regeling en Bijlage Concept te Amsterdam --- undated

- Folder 8: Classical/Synodical Material: Regels van Orde voor de gemeentevergaderingen --- undated

- Folder 9: Classical/Synodical Material: Regeling van de Zendende gemeente voor de Inwendige Zending in Classis Pella --- undated

- Folder 10: Classical/Synodical Material: Regelment Classis Muskegon voor het Zuni Zendingsterrein --- 1912

- Folder 11: Classical/Synodical Material: Toelichting aangaande de Kwestie tusschen de gemeente Cutlerville en Classis G.R. Oost --- 1904

- Folder 12: Correspondence --- 1888-1925

- Folder 13: Correspondence: Borduin (1915), Ekster; D.K.; Prof. B.; Vander Vegt (1891); W. Heyns (1900); Robbert --- 1909

- Folder 14: Correspondence between Ten Hoor and Bavinck --- 1890-1908, undated

- Folder 15: Dermout, Izaak Johannes (1777-1862) Ceschiedenis der Nederlandsche Hervormde Kerk. Handwritten notes --- undated

- Folder 16: Dood en leven in de ellende en de verlossing. Handwritten paper --- undated

- Folder 17: Doopleiding in het Kerkel. Leeraarsambt. Notes --- 1906

- Folder 18: Door het geloof verstaan wij. Heb 11:3. Address at annual meeting of young people at Franeker --- 1889

- Folder 19: Eenheid in God. Notes --- undated

- Folder 20: Geschiedenis der Godsdiensten. Handwritten notes --- undated

- Folder 21: Gezangenkwestie --- undated

- Folder 22: Grundy Center "Zake" Minority and Majority reports. 1918. Notes --- undated

- Folder 23: Hunzinger, August Whilhelm (1871-1920). Des Christentum in Weltanschauungsk. Notes --- undated

- Folder 24: Janssen Case: The "Wonder" of Jericho. Notes on O.T. --- undated

- Folder 25: Kuyper Tractaat. Notes --- undated

- Folder 26: Modernisme en de Gereformeerde leer. Volksvoorlezing.1885. Handwritten --- undated

- Folder 27: Oordeel der Pers. Redactie --- undated

- Folder 28: Opleiding. Handwritten notes --- undated

- Folder 29: Organische idee in de Bediening dew Woord. Notes --- undated

- Folder 30: Paspoort Koningrijk der Nederlanden issued to Foppe Marten ten Hoor --- 1880

- Folder 31: Rechtshandeling Gods in de Verlossing door Christus. Rom. 10: 3,4, H. Hoogen --- undated

- Folder 32: Rede van Prof. Hemkes. Notes --- undated

- Folder 33: Referaat voor de Afdeeling van Patrimonium te Franeker, October 30, 1888, and notes --- undated

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Bound Copies of Theological Works, 1890 - [193- ]],
Series 2: General Material, Classical/Synodical Material, 1883-1924],
[Series 3: Classical/Synodical Material: Papers, Reports, 1880-1925],
Series 4: Sermonic Material, Seminary Material, 1898-1917],
Series 5: Seminary Material, 1918-1951],
Series 6: General Information, 1887-1910],