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Harm Henry Meeter Collection



Biographical Note

Detailed Description

Calvin Seminary Courses.  Student Notebooks

Calvin Seminary Courses, 1909-1911; Princeton University Courses; 1912-1914.  Student Notebooks

Princeton Seminary Student Notebooks, 1912-1914; Free University Student Notebooks, 1915-1916.  University of Chicago

Publications: Background Material



Calvin College Period


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Harm Henry Meeter Collection, 1909-1982 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Harm Henry Meeter Collection, 1909-1982

ID: COLL/168

Primary Creator: Harm Henry Meeter (1886-1963)

Extent: 17.0 Boxes

Arrangement: Folder level description


Minister of the Christian Reformed Church and Professor of Bible at Calvin College. Correspondence, sermons, lectures, course outlines, topic files, periodicals, commitee minutes and reports. Class notes taken while a student at Calvin Theological Seminary, 1909-1911, primarily student notes of Professor L. Berkhof's lectures. Princeton Theological Seminary student notebooks of the lectures of Professor J. Gresham Machen, Geerhardus Vos, Benjamin B. Warfield, and others, 1912-1914. Material in connection with H.H. Meeter's ministry at Neland Avenue Christian Reformed Church, 1917-1926. Correspondents include: F.W. Grosheide, C. van Gelderen, J. L. den Houting, H. H. Kuyper, Catherine Kuyper, and H. G. Stoker.

Biographical Note

Born April 29, 1886, in Chicago, Illinois, Dr. Meeter received his elementary education in the public and Evangelical Lutheran schools of Lansing, Illinois.  After graduating from Calvin College and Seminary in 1911, he did post-graduate work at Princeton Seminary.

Of two fellowships offered him at Princeton, he chose the one that allowed him three years of study at the Free University in Amsterdam, from which he graduated in 1916, the first American cum laude with a doctorate in Theology from that institution.  His dissertation was titled: "The Heavenly High Priesthood of Christ: an Exegetical Study."

In January 1917, he was ordained as the first minister of the Neland Avenue Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids.  While at Neland, he served on the Board of Trustees of Calvin College and Seminary, on the board of the Grand Rapids Christian High School, on various synodical committees, and as chairman for several years of the Publication Committee of the Christian Reformed Church.

In 1926, Dr. Meeter began his illustrious career of teaching at Calvin College, serving there until 1956.  He was the sole teacher of Bible at Calvin until 1946.  He wrote two books, The Fundamental Principle of Calvinism and Calvinism, an Interpretation of Its Basic Ideas.  The latter book was translated into the Dutch, Japanese, and Korean languages.

Retiring in 1953, Dr. Meeter lived until July 19, 1963 and was survived by his wife, Jennie, and son, Hugh.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Calvin Seminary Courses.  Student Notebooks, 1909-1911],
[Series 2: Calvin Seminary Courses, 1909-1911; Princeton University Courses; 1912-1914.  Student Notebooks],
[Series 3: Princeton Seminary Student Notebooks, 1912-1914; Free University Student Notebooks, 1915-1916.  University of Chicago],
[Series 4: Publications: Background Material],
[Series 5: Sermons, 1917 - 1924],
[Series 6: Correspondence, 1911 - 1958],
[Series 7: Calvin College Period, 1926 - 1969],
[Series 8: Varia, 1918-1982],

Series 4: Publications: Background Material
Box 5
Item 1: Apologetics: Mimeographed Material in Two Volumes.  No author
Item 2: Allis, Oswald: "The Low and the Prophets."  Brochure --- 1925
Item 3: Beattle, Francis: "Calvinism and Modern "Nought" --- 1902
Item 4: Beknopte Beschrijving van Critas' Bijbelsche Modellen.  Booklet
Item 5: Berkouwer, Dr. G.C. "Wereldoorlog en Theologie" --- 22-Oct-45
Item 6: Bloemlezing vit Nederlandsche Dichters --- 1884
Item 7: Brolund, Erik "What is the Essential Difference Between Lutheranism and Calvinism?"  Paper read at Minister's Association --- May-36
Item 8: Centennial Celebration.  Reformed Churches in the West.  "Flowering Wilderness,"  Twenty Articles in booklet --- 1947
Item 9: Den Hartogh, G.M.  "De Tucht over Doopleden," Van den Brink, Zutphen
Item 10: Den Hartogh, G.M.  "Hot Eeuwige leven in het Kennen Van God en zign Christus."  Sermon on John 17:3 --- 13 Mei 1945
Item 11: Den Houting, W.H.  "De Erkenning Van den Doop, Buiten eigen Kerkverband Bediend." Kok, te Kampen.  Booklet --- 1936
Item 12: Du Plessis, L. J.  "Die Calvinisme in sy Aktualiteit Gehandhaaf" in  Koers --- Jun-44
Item 13: English Reformed Church of Amsterdam --- 1907
Item 14: Ferwerder, T.  "Wat moet de Kerk doen on haat invloed on het volksleven to handhaven."  Booklet --- 1919
Item 15: Geesink, W.  "De Dogmatische Grondslag Den Veije Universiteit Te Amsterdam."  Rede --- 1904
Item 16: Gereformeerde Kerkbode van Huizun --- 25-Jun-37
Item 17: Grosheide, F.W., "Kernvorming."  Toesprack --- 9-Oct-45
Item 18: Grosheide, F.W., "Nationaal en Internationaal Naat de Schrift." in Schild en Pijl --- 1920
Item 19: Grosheide, F.W., "Schriftgezag" in Schild en Pijl --- 1918
Item 20: Hoeksema, H.  "The Biblical Ground for the Baptism of Infants." Pamphlet
Item 21: Holl, Karl.  "Die Frage des Zinsnehmens Und. des Wuchers in der reformierten Kirch."  from a "fest gabe" --- 1922
Item 22: Honig, A.G.. "Godgeleerdheid en Wijsbegeerte." Rede --- 8-Apr-03
Item 23: Hospers, G.H.  Apologetics: "A Study and a Critique."  Brochure
Item 24: Hyma, Albert: "Calvinism and Capitalism in the Netherlands, 1555-1700." Reprint from The Journal of Modern History --- Sep-38
Item 25: Hylkema, G.W.  "The Free Christian School."  Booklet --- 1918
Item 26: Janssen, Dr. R.  "Het Synodale Vonnis en Zijne Voorgeschie den is Kerkrechtelijk Beoondeeld."  Brochure --- 1922
Item 27: Die Kerkbode.  Suid-Arika --- 1847-1949
Item 28: Kringschetsen.  Bond van Meisjesveveenigingen --- 1933
Item 29: Kuper, A.  "De Bautholongeusnacht."  Booklet --- 1872
Item 30: Kuyper, A.  "De Meiboom in de Kap."  Speech --- April 24, 1913
Item 31: Kuyper, A.  "De Aarde het Middelpunt van het Heelal." in Schild en Pijl --- 1919
Item 32: Maand Blad --- April 1937 - June 1937
Item 33: La Maison de Calvin (Calvin Memorial) a Noyon Council of the Huguenot Society of Paris --- 1925
Item 34: Ons Kringleven: Bond van Meisjes veveenigingen --- 1934
Item 35: Patton, Francis Landey, Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield.  A memorial Address --- 1921
Item 36: Pieters, V.D.M.  Why We Baptize Infants.  Brochure --- 1929
Item 37: Pieters, A.  "The Christian Attitude Towards War" --- 1932
Item 38: Pine, F.W. The Farewell Address of George Washington.  American Book Company, N.Y. --- 1911
Item 39: Post, J.S. "De Schrijver van den Hebreerbrief."  Jaargang Aflevering
Item 40: Spiering, A.M.  "Eventjes" in het Volle leven.  Booklet
Item 41: Stoker, H.G.  Die Problema Tologie Van Die Tydsvorme.  Reprint
Item 42: De Taak en het werk der Propagandiste for Young Women's Societies in the Netherlands --- 1935
Item 43: Ter Borg, Catechismus op ondenwijzing.  Brochure --- 1923
Item 44: Uit en Voorde Practijk.  Booklet of Bond van Meisjesveveenigingeu --- 1935
Item 45: Vanden Berg, B.  "Ons Kringleven" --- 1934
Item 46: Vollenhoven, D.H.Th.  "De Beteekenis van het Calvinisme voor de Reformatie van de Wijsbegeert.  Reprint from Anti-revolutionaire Staatkunde
Item 47: Van Lonkhuyzen, J.  Article from Onze Toekmost --- 1924
Item 48: Van Lonkhuyzen, J.  "lets over geref."  Kevkrecht.  Reprint from Gereformeerd Theologisch Trjdschvift. --- January 1931
Item 49: Van Lonkhuyzen, J.  Press clippings --- 1925
Item 50: Warfield, B.B.  "Calvin als Theoloog en de stand van het Calvinisme in Onzentijd."  Kok, Kampen --- 1919
Item 51: Warfield, B.B.  "The Bible, the Book of Mankind."  Paper at World's Bible Congress --- 1915
Item 52: Warfield, B.B.  "The Bible Doctrine of Inspiration."  Reprint Christian Thought --- 1893
Item 53: Warfield, B.B.  "The Confession of Faith as Revised in 1903."  Reprint
Item 54: Warfield, B.B.  "Het Godsdienstige Leven van den Theologischen Student."  Kok Te Kampan" --- 1920
Item 55: Warfield, B.B.  "Calvin's Doctrine of the Creation."
Item 56: Warfield, B.B.  "Four Hymns and Some Religious Verses." --- 1910
Item 57: Warfield, B.B.  "Jesus's Mission" in The Princeton Theological Review, October --- 1915
Item 58: Wernie, D. Paul.  "Johannes Calvin."  Vortrag --- 1909
Item 59: Wirtz, J.C.  "In Dagen van Crisis."  Kok,  Kampen --- 1918
Item 60: Yearbook of Vrije Universiteit --- 1926
Box 6: Apologetics.  Defense of Christian Theism.  Two Volumes:
Item 1: Volume 1 - Wezeman, F.H.  "Project Studies in the History and Literature of the Israelitish People."  Manuscript used in Chicago Christian High School --- undated
Item 2: Volume 2 - Wezeman, F.H.  "Project studies in the life and Teachings of Jesus."  Mimeographed manuscript used in Chicago Christian High --- undated

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Calvin Seminary Courses.  Student Notebooks, 1909-1911],
[Series 2: Calvin Seminary Courses, 1909-1911; Princeton University Courses; 1912-1914.  Student Notebooks],
[Series 3: Princeton Seminary Student Notebooks, 1912-1914; Free University Student Notebooks, 1915-1916.  University of Chicago],
[Series 4: Publications: Background Material],
[Series 5: Sermons, 1917 - 1924],
[Series 6: Correspondence, 1911 - 1958],
[Series 7: Calvin College Period, 1926 - 1969],
[Series 8: Varia, 1918-1982],

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