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Bertus Frederick Polman Collection



Biographical Note

Detailed Description

Box 1

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Box 4

Box 5

Box 6

Box 7

Box 8

Box 9

Box 10

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Bertus Frederick Polman Collection, 1972-1981 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Bertus Frederick Polman Collection, 1972-1981

ID: COLL/196

Primary Creator: Polman, Bertus Frederick (1945-2013)

Extent: 0.25 Cubic Feet. More info below.

Arrangement: Folder level description


Professor of music at Redeemer College, Ancaster, Ontario, Canada, and Calvin College. The collection includes a thesis entitled "Church Music and Liturgy in the Christian Reformed Church of North America," plus the correspondence relating to the research of the dissertation.

Biographical Note

Bertus Frederick Polman served as professor of music at Calvin College and chair of the Music Department. He attended Dordt College earning his BA in 1968. He went on to earn his MA and PhD in musicology at the University of Minnesota. He served as a professor of music at Redeemer College in Ancaster, Ontario.

Professor Polman offered courses in music theory, music history, music literature and worship, as well as Canadian Native studies. His research focus and specialty was in Christian hymnody. He also was a talented organist, playing at Bethel Christian Reformed Church. He also contributed to journals such as The Hymn and Reformed Worship. He was co-editor of the Psalter Hymnal Handbook, and was involved with the preparations for Songs for Life and Sing! A New Creation publications. Professor Polman died on July 1, 2013 leaving behind his wife, Betty, 3 children, and grandchildren.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Box:

[Box 1],
[Box 2],
[Box 3],
[Box 4],
[Box 5],
[Box 6],
[Box 7],
[Box 8],
[Box 9],
[Box 10],

Box 1
Folder 1: Dissertation (Doctoral Thesis) Correspondence
Folder 2: Doctoral Thesis: Church Music and Liturgy in the CRC of North America --- 1981
Folder 3: Doctoral Thesis: Church Music and Liturgy in the CRC of North America (1981) --- 1981
Folder 4: Hymn Tune Arrangements by Bert Polman (A-B)
Folder 5: Hymn Tune Arrangements by Bert Polman (C-H)
Folder 6: Hymn Tune Arrangements by Bert Polman (I-O)
Folder 7: Hymn Tune Arrangements by Bert Polman (R-Z)
Folder 8: Songs Classified by Use and Occasion
Box 2
Folder 1: Course: Christian Worship
Folder 2: Course: Christian Worship
Folder 3: Course: Christian Worship
Folder 4: Course: Christian Worship
Folder 5: Course: Christian Worship
Folder 6: Course: Christian Worship
Folder 7: Hymns and Doctrine: Syllabus, Bibliography, Dogmatics
Folder 8: Hymns and Doctrine: Revelation, God, Creation, Doctrine
Folder 9: Hymns and Doctrine: Sin, Christ, Holy Spirit
Folder 10: Hymns and Doctrine: Church and Kingdom, Christian Life, Last Things
Folder 11: ”Magnify the Lord”: Hymn Harmonizations, Vol I
Folder 12: ”Magnify the Lord”: Hymn Harmonizations, Vol II
Folder 13: ”Magnify the Lord”: Hymn Harmonizations, Vol III
Folder 14: Christmas Lessons and Carols Programs
Box 3
Folder 1: Psalter Hymnal Arrangements (Vol I Vocal) by Dale Grotenhuis
Folder 2: Psalter Hymnal Arrangements (Vol I Instrumental) by Dale Grotenhuis
Folder 3: Psalter Hymnal Arrangements (Vol II Vocal) by Dale Grotenhuis
Folder 4: Psalter Hymnal Arrangements (Vol II Instrumental) by Dale Grotenhuis
Folder 5: Hymns and Descants for the Psalter Hymnal (Vol III)
Folder 6: Hymns and Descants for the Psalter Hymnal (Vol IV)
Folder 7: Vocal and Trumpet Descants for the 1987 Psalter Hymnal by Dale Grotenhuis
Folder 8: Interdisciplinary Studies: Living the Magnificat --- 2008
Folder 9: Interdisciplinary Studies: Living the Psalms --- 2013
Folder 10: Lecture Series: Artful Music in Paradise: The Paradox of American Popular Song
Folder 11: Lecture: Christian Musicology, Dordt College --- 1973
Folder 12: Lectures: The Book of Esther, Milk and House Festival, Redeemer College --- 1998
Folder 13: Lectures: The Book of Ruth, Milk and House Festival, Redeemer College --- 2002
Folder 14: Lecture: Mary: From Madonna to Magnificat—A Symphony in Four Movements --- 1992
Folder 15: Tenth Colloquium on Calvin and Calvin Studies, Calvin and Spirituality --- 1995
Folder 16: Cantata: A Christmas Celebration by Dale Grotenhuis
Folder 17: Cantata: Christians, Be Joyful by Dale Grotenhuis
Folder 18: Cantata: Glad Tidings by Dale Grotenhuis
Folder 19: The Liturgical Year
Folder 20: Sesquicentennial Song Winner: Bert Polman, God We Sing Your Glorious Praises (Grace Through Every Generation) --- 2007
Folder 21: Seminar: Singing What We Believe --- 2012
Folder 22: Chorale Anthems by Jean Pasquet (Vol I)
Folder 23: Chorale Anthems by Jean Pasquet (Vol II)
Box 4
Folder 1: Paper: Contemporary Hymnody: After 1950
Folder 2: Paper: Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179)
Folder 3: Paper: Illuminations of Hildegard of Bingen
Folder 4: Paper: From Calvin’s Monopoly to Goudimel’s Polphony --- 1996
Folder 5: Paper: The Magnificat in Worship and Concert
Folder 6: Calvin’s Theology of Music and Its Impact on the Genevan Psalter and The Development of the Calvinist Worship Service --- 1996
Folder 7: Psalm Festival: Knox College --- 2009
Folder 8: Songbook: Unity (Vol I)
Folder 9: Songbook: Breathe
Folder 10: Songbook: Never Gonna Stop
Folder 11: Songbook: Great and Marvelous
Folder 12: Songbook: That’s Why We Praise Him
Folder 13: Hymn Arrangement Scores by Albert Taekema
Folder 14: Worship Symposium: Praise and Worship Songs --- 2003
Folder 15: Worship Symposium --- 2007
Folder 16: Worship Symposium --- 2013
Folder 17: Worship Project: Vertical Habits
Folder 18: Presentation: Calvin @ 500 --- 2009
Box 5
Folder 1: Abba Father
Folder 2: Aurelia (tune): The Church’s One Foundation
Folder 3: Assurance (tune): Blessed Assurance
Folder 4: Aberystwyth (tune): Jesus Lover of My Soul
Folder 5: Abbot’s Leigh (tune): Lord You Give the Great Commission God is Here
Folder 6: Adestes Fidelis: O Come All Ye Faithful
Folder 7: Advent Medley (PsH 336 and 615) arr Bert Polman --- 2004
Folder 8: Alford (tune)
Folder 9: All Glory Be to Thee Most High
Folder 10: Alles ist an Gottes Segen
Folder 11: Afron (tune): Throned Upon the Awful Tree
Folder 12: All Saints New
Folder 13: Andre (tune) - When Israel Fled from Egypt Land
Folder 14: Antioch (tune): Joy to the World
Folder 15: AnWaserflussen Babylon (Tune): Ein Lammleinghet
Folder 16: Ar Hyd Y Nos (tune) - Go My Children For the Fruit of All Creation
Folder 17: Arirang (tune): Christ, You are the Fullness of God
Folder 18: I Will Arise
Folder 19: Arise, Shine, for Your Light is Come
Folder 20: Arnsberg (tune) - God Himself is with Us
Folder 21: As the Deer
Folder 22: Austria (tune): Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken
Folder 23: Ave Virgo Virginum (tune): Come Ye Faiithful, Raise the Strain
Folder 24: Away in a Manger
Folder 25: Azmon (tune): O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing
Folder 26: Beach Spring (tune): See the Conqueror Mounts in Triumph
Folder 27: Beacher (tune): Son of God Eternal Savior
Folder 28: Be Still and Know that I am God
Folder 29: Gift of Final Wheat
Folder 30: Blaenwern (tune): For Your Gift of the Spirit and Heavenly Hosts Heavenly Hosts
Folder 31: Blest Are They
Folder 32: Bradbury (tune): Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us
Folder 33: Break Thou the Bread of Life
Folder 34: Bridegroom Tune): Like the Murmur of the Dove’s Song
Folder 35: Break Bread Together
Folder 36: Brother James’ Air (Tune): God the Father
Folder 37: Bryn Calfaria (tune)
Folder 38: Bunessan (tune): Morning Has Broken Baptized in Water
Folder 39: Cantad a Senor: Oh, Sing to the Lord
Folder 40: Celebration (tune): In the Presence of Your People
Folder 41: Chereponi (tune): Jesu, Jesu Fill Us with Your Love
Folder 42: Chesterfield (tune): Hark, the Glad Sound
Folder 43: Chickahoming
Folder 44: Jesus Loves the Little Children
Folder 45: Children Praying (tune): Lord, Listen to Your Children
Folder 46: Christ Arose (tune): Low in the Grave He Lay
Folder 47: Christe, du Lamm Gottes
Folder 48: Christe Sanctorum
Folder 49: Christ ist Erstrden (tune): Christ the Lord is Risen Again, Christ the Lord Ascends to Reign Christ is Risen
Folder 50: Christ Lay in Death’s Grim Prison
Folder 51: Christpraise Ray (tune): O Praise They Gracious Power
Folder 52: Clay (Tune): Fear Not, Rejoice and Be Glad
Folder 53: Coronation (tune): All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
Folder 54: Cradle Song (tune): Away in a Manger
Folder 55: Crimond (tune): The Lord, My Shepherd Rules My Life
Folder 56: Cross of Jesus (tune): For the Bread
Folder 57: Crucifer (Tune): Lift High the Cross
Folder 58: Crucifix (Tune): Tis Not that I Did Choose Thee
Folder 59: Rhondda (tune): Guide Me, O my Great Redeemer
Folder 60: Daar Juicht een toon (tune): A Shout Rings Out
Folder 61: Darwall’s 148th (tune): Rejoice the Lord is King Before the Lord We Bow, How Sure the Scriptures Are
Folder 62: De Herdertjes lagen bijnachte
Folder 63: Deiss 100 (tune): All the Earth Proclaim the Lord: Psalm 100
Folder 64: Dejilig er den Himmel blaa
Folder 65: Den signede dag (tune): O Day Full of Grace”
Folder 66: Deo Gracias (tune): O Love How Deep
Folder 67: Detroit (tune): Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive
Folder 68: Deus Tuerum Militum (tune): Whoever Shelters with the Lord”
Folder 69: Diademata (tune): Crown Him with Many Crowns”
Folder 70: Dir, dir Jehovah
Folder 71: Distress (tune)
Folder 72: Divinum Mysterium (tune): Of the Father’s Love Begotten
Folder 73: Dix (tune): As With Gladness, For the Beauty of the Earth
Folder 74: Duke Street (tune): I Know that My Redeemer Lives
Box 6
Folder 1: Dundee (tune): God Moves in a Mysterious Way
Folder 2: Dunfermline (tune): Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive
Folder 3: Easter Hymn (tune): Jesus Christ is Risen Today
Folder 4: Earth and All Stars
Folder 5: Eat This Bread
Folder 6: Eastview
Folder 7: Ebenezer (tune): The Strong Word, God Has Spoken by His Prophets, Alleluia, Alleluia
Folder 8: Ein feste Burg (tune): A Mighty Fortress is Our God
Folder 9: Ellacombe (tune): I Sing the Mighty Power of God, Hail to the Lord’s Anointed
Folder 10: Ellers (tune): Saviour Again to Thy Dear Name
Folder 11: Ellesdie (tune) - PsH 171
Folder 12: El Nathan (tune): I Know Not Why
Folder 13: Engelberg (tune): When in our Music God is Glorified, We Know that Christ is Raised
Folder 14: Erhalt uns Herr (tune) - Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word
Folder 15: Er is Ein KindeKen
Folder 16: Er Flog ein Kleins Waldgvogelem (tune): Hail to the Lord’s Anointed
Folder 17: Er ist En Ros Entspringen (tune): Lo, How a Rose is Growing
Folder 18: Evan (tune): The Lord’s My Shepherd
Folder 19: Eventide (tune): Abide with Me
Folder 20: Faithfulness (tune): Great is They Faithfulness
Folder 21: Farley Castle (tune): Here, O My Lord, I see You Face to Face
Folder 22: Father We Love You
Folder 23: Finlandia (tune): We Trust in You
Folder 24: The First Nowell
Folder 25: The First Song of Isaiah
Folder 26: Forest Green (tune): O Little Town of Bethlehem, First Fruits
Folder 27: Foundation (tune): How Firm a Foundation
Folder 28: Franconia (tune): The Advent of Our God
Folder 29: Friendship (tune): What a Friend We Have in Jesus
Folder 30: From Strength to Strength (tune): Freedom and Life are Ours
Folder 31: Gelobt sei Gott (tune): Christ is the King
Folder 32: German (tune): We Have a Gospel
Folder 33: Genevan 3 (tune): Psalm 3
Folder 34: Genevan 6 (tune): Psalm 6
Folder 35: Genevan 12 (tune): Psalm 12, Hope of the World
Folder 36: Genevan 19 (tune): Psalm19
Folder 37: Genevan 25 (tune): Psalm 25
Folder 38: Genevan 27 (tune): Psalm 27
Folder 39: Genevan 33 (tune): Psalm 33
Folder 40: Genevan 42 (tune): Psalm 42
Folder 41: Genevan 42 (tune): Comfort, Comfort Now My People
Folder 42: Genevan 43 (tune): Psalm 43
Folder 43: Genevan 47 (tune): Psalm 47, Psalm for Ascension, Nations Clap Your Hands
Folder 44: Genevan 48 (tune): Psalm 51
Folder 45: Genevan 65 (tune): Psalm 65
Folder 46: Genevan 68 (tune): Psalm 68
Folder 47: Genevan 77 (tune): Psalm 77
Folder 48: Genevan 81 (tune): Psalm 81
Folder 49: Genevan 84 (tune) - Psalm 84
Folder 50: Genevan 87 (tune): Psalm 87
Folder 51: Genevan 89 (tune): Psalm 89
Folder 52: Genevan 93 (tune): Psalm 93, The Lord is King
Folder 53: Genevan 95 (tune) - Psalm 95
Folder 54: Genevan 97 (tune): Psalm 97
Folder 55: Genevan 100 (tune): Psalm 100
Folder 56: Genevan 101 (tune): Psalm 101
Folder 57: Genevan 103 (tune): Psalm 103
Folder 58: Genevan 105 (tune): Psalm 105
Folder 59: Genevan 107 (tune): Psalm 107
Folder 60: Genevan 116 (tune): Psalm 116, I Love the Lord
Folder 61: Genevan 119 (tune): Psalm 119
Folder 62: Genevan 121 (tune): Psalm 121
Folder 63: Genevan 124 (tune): Psalm 124
Folder 64: Genevan 128 (tune): Psalm 128
Folder 65: Genevan 130 (tune): Psalm 130, God is My Strong Salvation, Out of the Depths
Folder 66: Genevan 133 (tune): Psalm 133
Folder 67: Genevan 136 (tune): Psalm 136, Jesus! Name of Wondrous Love
Folder 68: Genevan 138 (tune): Psalm 138
Folder 69: Genevan 143 (tune): Psalm 143
Folder 70: Genevan 150 (tune): Psalm 150
Box 7
Folder 1: Gloria (tune): Angels We Have Heard on High
Folder 2: Go Tell it on the Mountain
Folder 3: Gordon (tune): My Jesus, I Love Thee
Folder 4: Grafenberg (tune): Spirit Divine, Attend Our Prayer and Nun Danket All
Folder 5: Greensleeves (tune)
Folder 6: Grosser Gott (tune)—Holy God, We Praise Your Name and Sun of My Soul
Folder 7: Guide (tune): To the Hills I Live Mine Eyes
Folder 8: Haiz (tune): Women in the Night
Folder 9: Halleluia, What a Savior
Folder 10: Hamburg (tune): When I Survey the Rugged Cross
Folder 11: Hankey (tune): I Love to Tell the Story
Folder 12: Hanover (tune): O Worship the King
Folder 13: Healer (tune): When Jesus the Healer
Folder 14: Holy Manna (tune): God Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens, On Emmaus’ Journey, and Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Folder 15: Hyfrydol (tune): Alleluia! Sing to Jesus
Folder 16: Heinlein (tune): Forty Days and Forty Nights
Folder 17: He Is Lord
Folder 18: Helmsley (tune) Lo He Comes with Clouds Descending
Folder 19: Herzliebster Jesu (tune): Ah, Holy Jesus
Folder 20: Prince (tune): Holy is the Lord of Hosts
Folder 21: Il est ne, le divin Enfant!
Folder 22: In Babilone (tune): Son of God, Eternal Savior, Hail Thou Once Despised Jesus, There’s A Wideness in God’s Mercy
Folder 23: In Christ Alone
Folder 24: In Dir ist Freude (tune) - In Thee is Gladness
Folder 25: In dulci jubilo (tune): Good Christian Friends, Rejoice
Folder 26: Iste Confessor (tune): Only-Begotten, Word of God Eternal
Folder 27: It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
Folder 28: It is Well
Folder 29: Italian Hymn (tune): Come Thou Almighty King, God Whose Almighty Word
Folder 30: Spirit of the Living God
Folder 31: Je tu salue (tune): Psalter Hymnal 432
Folder 32: Jerusalem (tune): Bring to the Lord a Glad New Song
Folder 33: Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring
Folder 34: Jesus, meine Zuversicht
Folder 35: Jesu, meine Freude (tune): Jesus Priceless Treasure
Folder 36: Jesu, meines Lebens Leben
Folder 37: Jesus Bids Us Shine
Folder 38: Judas Maccabaeus (tune): Yours Be the Glory
Folder 39: Kabode (tune): Psalter 196
Folder 40: King of Glory (tune): At the Name of Jesus
Folder 41: Kingddom
Folder 42: Kingsfold (tune): I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say, A Song of Jesus
Folder 43: The King’s Majesty (tune): Ride On, Ride On in Majesty
Folder 44: Kirchen (tune): Built on the Rock
Folder 45: Kings Weston (tune): At the Name of Jesus
Folder 46: Knowing You
Folder 47: Komt, Verwondert
Folder 48: Kremserf (tune): We Praise You, O God
Folder 49: Lafferty (tune): Seek Ye First
Folder 50: Lancashire (tune): Lead On, O King Eternal
Folder 51: Land of Rest (tune): Jerusalem, My Happy House, Awake My Soul
Folder 52: Langdon (tune): The Lord’s Prayer
Folder 53: Lasst uns erfreuen (tune): From All Who Dwell Below the Skies, Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones, Now All the Vault of Heaven Resounds, All Creatures of Our God and King
Folder 54: Laudate Dominum (tune): Sing Praise to the Lord
Folder 55: Laudes Domini (tune): When Morning Gilds the Skies
Folder 56: Leominster (tune): Make Me a Captive, Lord
Folder 57: Leoni [Yigdal] (tune): The God of Abraham Praise
Folder 58: Lester (tune): We Know that God Works Things for Good
Folder 59: Liebster Jesu (tune)
Folder 60: Little Flock (tune): Have No Fear, Little Flock
Folder 61: Llanfair (tune): Christ the Lord is Risen Today, Hail the Day that Sees Him Rise
Folder 62: Llanfyllin (tune): O Crucified Redeemer
Folder 63: Lobe Den Herrn, O meine Seele (tune): Praise the Almighty, My Soul Adore Him
Folder 64: Lobt Gott Ihr Christen (tune): The People Who in Darkness Walked
Folder 65: Lord, I Want to be a Christian
Folder 66: Love Unknown (tune): My Soul is Love Unknown
Folder 67: Lux Prima (tune)
Folder 68: Lyngham (tune): O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing, Sings Choirs of New Jerusalem
Folder 69: Lyons (tune): O Worship the King
Folder 70: Make Way
Box 8
Folder 1: Marion (tune): Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart
Folder 2: Martyrdom (tune): How Can We Sing with Joy, As Pants the Heart for Living Streams, O God of Bethel, By Whose Hand
Folder 3: Maryton (tune): O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee, Jesus the Joy of Loving Hearts
Folder 4: Mead House (tune)
Folder 5: Malcombe (tune): New Every Morning is the Love and Spirit of Mercy, Truth and Love
Folder 6: Melita (tune): My Hope is Built on Northing Less
Folder 7: Mendelsshon (tune): Hark! the Herald Angels Sing
Folder 8: Merle Marie (tune): These Things Didst Thomas Count as Real
Folder 9: Merle’s tune (tune): Blest Be the God of Israel
Folder 10: Merton (tune): Hark! A Herald Voice Is Sounding, Jesus Calls Us o’er the Tumult
Folder 11: Michael (tune): All My Hope in God is Founded
Folder 12: Miles Lane (tune): All Hail the Power of Jesus Name
Folder 13: Missionary Hymn (tune): Quartet No. 1
Folder 14: Mit Freuden Zart (tune): Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above
Folder 15: Morestead (tune)
Folder 16: Morning Hymn (tune) - The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns
Folder 17: Munich (tune): O Word of God Incarnate
Folder 18: My Tribute (To God be the Glory)
Folder 19: National Hymn (tune): God of Our Fathers
Folder 20: Nativity (tune): Come Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs
Folder 21: Nettleton (tune): Come Thou Fount
Folder 22: NJeumark (tune): If You but Trust in God to Guide You
Folder 23: New Britain (tune) - Amazing Grace, The Lord’s My Shepherd
Folder 24: New Doxology
Folder 25: Nicea (tune): Holy, Holy, Holy
Folder 26: Noel (tune): It Came Upon the Midnight Clear
Folder 27: Noelnouvelet (tune): Mary Came with Meekness, Now the Green Blade Riseth
Folder 28: Nun Danket (tune): Now Thank We All Our God
Folder 29: Nun Freut Euch (tune): Out From Your Throne
Folder 30: NunKomm dir Heiden Heiland (tune) Savior of the Nations Come
Folder 31: Nune Dimittis (tune): Song of Simeon
Folder 32: Nu Zijt Wellekome (tune): Welcome Child of Mary
Folder 33: Nyland (tune): In Heavenly Love Abiding
Folder 34: O Du Lliebe Meiner Liebe (tune)
Folder 35: O das ich tousant zungen hatte (tune): Oh, That I Had a Thousand Voices
Folder 36: O Filii et filiae (tune): Oh Sons and Daughters
Folder 37: O Jesu Christe (tune)
Folder 38: Old Hundredth (tune): Doxology
Folder 39: Olivet (tune): My Faith Looks Up to Thee
Folder 40: O Lord, Hear My Prayer
Folder 41: Omni Die (tune)
Folder 42: O Qualia (tune): Here From All Nations
Folder 43: Orientis Partibus (tune): Hallelujah, Praise the Lord
Folder 44: Our God Reigns
Folder 45: O Waly Waly (tune): Slaves Once Were We, Eternal Light, Shine in My Heart, As Moses Raised the Serpent Up
Folder 46: Passion Chorale (tune): O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
Folder 47: Pastorale (tune): The Lord My Shepherd Holds Me
Folder 48: Perry (tune): This is the Spirit’s Entry Now
Folder 49: Praise the Lord with the Sound
Folder 50: Precious Lord, Take My Hand
Folder 51: Promised One (tune): The King of Glory
Folder 52: Quelle est cette odeur (tune): What’s This Fragrance?
Folder 53: Rasthbun (tune)
Folder 54: Ratisbun (tune): Christ Whose Glory Fills the Sky
Folder 55: Redhead (tune): Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me
Folder 56: Regent Square (tune): Christ in Majesty Ascending
Folder 57: Rejoice in the Lord Always
Folder 58: Repton (tune): It Comes to Us as One Unknown, Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
Folder 59: Resignation (tune): My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
Folder 60: Rhosymedre (tune)
Box 9
Folder 1: Rhuddian (tune): Jesus Eternal Throned in Splendour
Folder 2: Richmond (tune): Fill Now My Life
Folder 3: Rockingham (tune): When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
Folder 4: Rock Novy (tune)
Folder 5: Royal Dale (tune): Al Things Bright and Beautiful
Folder 6: Rustington (tune): For the Music of Creation
Folder 7: Sagina (tune): And Can It Be
Folder 8: Salve Festa Dies (tune): Hail Thee, Festival Day, Christians, Lift Up Your Hearts
Folder 9: Salzburg (tune): Songs of Thankfulness and Praise
Folder 10: Samanthra (tune): Isaiah the Prophet
Folder 11: St. Agnes (tune): Jesus the Very Thought of Thee
Folder 12: St. Anne (tune) - O God Our Help in Ages Past
Folder 13: St. Catherine (tune): Faith of Our Fathers, My Hope is Built
Folder 14: St. Clement (tune): The Day You Gave Us, Lord is Ended
Folder 15: St. Columba (tune) - The King of Love My Shepherd Is
Folder 16: St. Denio (tune): Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
Folder 17: St. Edith (tune): O Lord of Hosts, How Lovely
Folder 18: St. Elizabeth (tune) - O God of Loveliness, Fairest Lord Jesus
Folder 19: St. Etheldredea (tune): My God How Wonderful Thou Art
Folder 20: St. Flavian (tune)
Folder 21: St. Fulbert (tune): Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem, Let Saints on Earth in Concert Sing
Folder 22: St. George’s Windsor (tune): Come, Ye Thankful People Come, Thou, O Lord, Art God Alone
Folder 23: St. Kevin (tune): Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain
Folder 24: St. Leonards (tune): Let This Mind Be in You, May the Mind of Christ My Savior
Folder 25: St. Magnus (tune): The Head that Once was Crowned with Thorns
Folder 26: St. Michael (tune): The Lord is Risen Indeed
Folder 27: St. Peter (tune): How Sweet the Name of Jesus
Folder 28: St. Petersburg (tune)
Folder 29: St. Theodulph (tune): All Glory Laud and Honor
Folder 30: St. Thomas (tune): I Love They Kingdom Lord
Folder 31: Sandon (tune): Out of the Depths I Cry to You, Unto the Hills Around
Folder 32: Servant Song
Folder 33: Schmucke dich (tune)
Folder 34: Sonneder Gerechtigkeit (tune): As the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing
Folder 35: Shades Mountain (tune) - The Tree of Life
Folder 36: Shout to the Lord
Folder 37: Sicilian Mariners (tune)
Folder 38: Stille Nacht (tune): Silent Night
Folder 39: Sine Nomine (tune): Christ Our Passover, For All the Saints
Folder 40: Sing Alleluia to the Lord
Folder 41: Sing Hosanna
Folder 42: Sing Praise to God who Breathed Creation (Covenant Hymn)
Folder 43: Slane (tune): Lord of All Hopefulness
Folder 44: Slave Bogu (tune): Praise to God in the Highest
Folder 45: Solid Rock (tune)
Folder 46: Spiritus Vitae (tune): Bread of the World
Folder 47: Stay With Me
Folder 48: Stuempfle (tune)- Earth, Earth, Awake:  Your Praises Sing
Folder 49: Stuttgart (tune) - Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus, Bethlehem, of Noblest Cities, Saints of the God!  Lo Jeu’s People, God, My King Thy Might Confessing
Folder 50: Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
Folder 51: Tallis’s Canon (tune): Glory to Thee, My God, this Night, Praise God, O Holy Spirit, Lord of Grace
Folder 52: Temple (tune): Make Me a Channel of Your Praise
Folder 53: Terra Beata (tune): This is My Father’s World
Folder 54: The Lord’s Prayer
Folder 55: There Is a Redeemer
Folder 56: The Steadfast Love of the Lord
Folder 57: Third Mode Melody (tune): Lord, Teach Us How to Pray Aright
Box 10
Folder 1: This Is the Day
Folder 2: This Little Light of Mine
Folder 3: Thornbury (tune): Your Hand, O God, Has Guided
Folder 4: Those Who Wait Upon the Lord
Folder 5: To God Be the Glory
Folder 6: The Trees of the Field
Folder 7: Trentham (tune): Breathe on Me Breath of God
Folder 8: Truro (tune): Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun
Folder 9: Tryggare kan ingen vara (tune): Children of the Heavenly Father
Folder 10: Ubi Caritas (tune): Live in Charity
Folder 11: Une Jeune Pucelle (tune): The Garden Needs Our Tending Now, Twas in the Moon of Wintertime
Folder 12: Upp Min Tunga (tune): Praise the Savior
Folder 13: Vater Unser (tune): The Lord’s Prayer
Folder 14: Veni Creator (tune): Come Holy Spirit
Folder 15: Vesper Hymn (tune): Humble Praises Holy Jesus, Christ is Going to the Father, The Ashwell Carol
Folder 16: Victory (tune): The Strife is O’er
Folder 17: Ville du Haure (tune): When Peace Like a River
Folder 18: Vineyard Haven (tune): Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart
Folder 19: Vom Himel Hoch (tune): From Heaven Above
Folder 20: Vruechten (tune): This Joyful Eastertide
Folder 21: Vulpius (tune): Gelot sei Gott
Folder 22: Wachet Auf (tune): Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying
Folder 23: Taize (tune): Wait for the Lord
Folder 24: Wareham (tune): Rejoice, O Land, in God Thy Might, O Spirit of the Living God
Folder 25: Was Gott tut (tune): What God Ordains is Always Right
Folder 26: Webb (tune): Morning Light
Folder 27: Wer nur den (tune): If You But Trust in God to Guide You
Folder 28: Were You There?
Folder 29: Westminster Abbey (tune): Christ is Made the Sure Foundation, Lo! He Come with Clouds Descending
Folder 30: Who Can Sound the Depths of Sorrow
Folder 31: He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands
Folder 32: Wie Lieblic ist der maien (tune): Sing to the Lord of Heaven
Folder 33: Wie Schon Leuehtet (tune): O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright
Folder 34: Wie Soll ich dich empfangen (tune): O Lord, How Shall I Meet You
Folder 35: Willan Kyie (tune): Lord, Have Mercy Upon Us
Folder 36: Winchester New (tune): Ride on, Ride on in Majesty
Folder 37: Winchester Old (tune): While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks
Folder 38: Winham (tune)
Folder 39: Wir Pflugen (tune): We Plough the Fields and Scatter
Folder 40: Wondrous Love (tune): What Wondrous Love is This
Folder 41: Woodlands (tune): Tell Out, My Soul
Folder 42: Woodworth (tune): Just as I Am
Folder 43: Worthy (tune): Thou Art Worthy
Folder 44: Wye Valley (tune): Like a River Glorious
Folder 45: Ye Bank and Braes (tune): We Cannot Measure How You Heal
Folder 46: Yorkshire (tune): Christians, Awake

Browse by Box:

[Box 1],
[Box 2],
[Box 3],
[Box 4],
[Box 5],
[Box 6],
[Box 7],
[Box 8],
[Box 9],
[Box 10],

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