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Bertus Frederick Polman Collection



Biographical Note

Detailed Description

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Box 8

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Box 10

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Bertus Frederick Polman Collection, 1972-1981 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Bertus Frederick Polman Collection, 1972-1981

ID: COLL/196

Primary Creator: Polman, Bertus Frederick (1945-2013)

Extent: 0.25 Cubic Feet. More info below.

Arrangement: Folder level description


Professor of music at Redeemer College, Ancaster, Ontario, Canada, and Calvin College. The collection includes a thesis entitled "Church Music and Liturgy in the Christian Reformed Church of North America," plus the correspondence relating to the research of the dissertation.

Biographical Note

Bertus Frederick Polman served as professor of music at Calvin College and chair of the Music Department. He attended Dordt College earning his BA in 1968. He went on to earn his MA and PhD in musicology at the University of Minnesota. He served as a professor of music at Redeemer College in Ancaster, Ontario.

Professor Polman offered courses in music theory, music history, music literature and worship, as well as Canadian Native studies. His research focus and specialty was in Christian hymnody. He also was a talented organist, playing at Bethel Christian Reformed Church. He also contributed to journals such as The Hymn and Reformed Worship. He was co-editor of the Psalter Hymnal Handbook, and was involved with the preparations for Songs for Life and Sing! A New Creation publications. Professor Polman died on July 1, 2013 leaving behind his wife, Betty, 3 children, and grandchildren.

Box and Folder Listing

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[Box 1],
[Box 2],
[Box 3],
[Box 4],
[Box 5],
[Box 6],
[Box 7],
[Box 8],
[Box 9],
[Box 10],

Box 8
Folder 1: Marion (tune): Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart
Folder 2: Martyrdom (tune): How Can We Sing with Joy, As Pants the Heart for Living Streams, O God of Bethel, By Whose Hand
Folder 3: Maryton (tune): O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee, Jesus the Joy of Loving Hearts
Folder 4: Mead House (tune)
Folder 5: Malcombe (tune): New Every Morning is the Love and Spirit of Mercy, Truth and Love
Folder 6: Melita (tune): My Hope is Built on Northing Less
Folder 7: Mendelsshon (tune): Hark! the Herald Angels Sing
Folder 8: Merle Marie (tune): These Things Didst Thomas Count as Real
Folder 9: Merle’s tune (tune): Blest Be the God of Israel
Folder 10: Merton (tune): Hark! A Herald Voice Is Sounding, Jesus Calls Us o’er the Tumult
Folder 11: Michael (tune): All My Hope in God is Founded
Folder 12: Miles Lane (tune): All Hail the Power of Jesus Name
Folder 13: Missionary Hymn (tune): Quartet No. 1
Folder 14: Mit Freuden Zart (tune): Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above
Folder 15: Morestead (tune)
Folder 16: Morning Hymn (tune) - The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns
Folder 17: Munich (tune): O Word of God Incarnate
Folder 18: My Tribute (To God be the Glory)
Folder 19: National Hymn (tune): God of Our Fathers
Folder 20: Nativity (tune): Come Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs
Folder 21: Nettleton (tune): Come Thou Fount
Folder 22: NJeumark (tune): If You but Trust in God to Guide You
Folder 23: New Britain (tune) - Amazing Grace, The Lord’s My Shepherd
Folder 24: New Doxology
Folder 25: Nicea (tune): Holy, Holy, Holy
Folder 26: Noel (tune): It Came Upon the Midnight Clear
Folder 27: Noelnouvelet (tune): Mary Came with Meekness, Now the Green Blade Riseth
Folder 28: Nun Danket (tune): Now Thank We All Our God
Folder 29: Nun Freut Euch (tune): Out From Your Throne
Folder 30: NunKomm dir Heiden Heiland (tune) Savior of the Nations Come
Folder 31: Nune Dimittis (tune): Song of Simeon
Folder 32: Nu Zijt Wellekome (tune): Welcome Child of Mary
Folder 33: Nyland (tune): In Heavenly Love Abiding
Folder 34: O Du Lliebe Meiner Liebe (tune)
Folder 35: O das ich tousant zungen hatte (tune): Oh, That I Had a Thousand Voices
Folder 36: O Filii et filiae (tune): Oh Sons and Daughters
Folder 37: O Jesu Christe (tune)
Folder 38: Old Hundredth (tune): Doxology
Folder 39: Olivet (tune): My Faith Looks Up to Thee
Folder 40: O Lord, Hear My Prayer
Folder 41: Omni Die (tune)
Folder 42: O Qualia (tune): Here From All Nations
Folder 43: Orientis Partibus (tune): Hallelujah, Praise the Lord
Folder 44: Our God Reigns
Folder 45: O Waly Waly (tune): Slaves Once Were We, Eternal Light, Shine in My Heart, As Moses Raised the Serpent Up
Folder 46: Passion Chorale (tune): O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
Folder 47: Pastorale (tune): The Lord My Shepherd Holds Me
Folder 48: Perry (tune): This is the Spirit’s Entry Now
Folder 49: Praise the Lord with the Sound
Folder 50: Precious Lord, Take My Hand
Folder 51: Promised One (tune): The King of Glory
Folder 52: Quelle est cette odeur (tune): What’s This Fragrance?
Folder 53: Rasthbun (tune)
Folder 54: Ratisbun (tune): Christ Whose Glory Fills the Sky
Folder 55: Redhead (tune): Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me
Folder 56: Regent Square (tune): Christ in Majesty Ascending
Folder 57: Rejoice in the Lord Always
Folder 58: Repton (tune): It Comes to Us as One Unknown, Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
Folder 59: Resignation (tune): My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
Folder 60: Rhosymedre (tune)

Browse by Box:

[Box 1],
[Box 2],
[Box 3],
[Box 4],
[Box 5],
[Box 6],
[Box 7],
[Box 8],
[Box 9],
[Box 10],

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