Collection Overview
Author. The collection includes historical articles on a wide range of topics, (Frisians, Abraham Kuyper, Doleantie of 1886, the history of Netherlands, emigration from the Netherlands, immigrant reminiscing); plus manuscripts entitled "The Stony Path of the Huguenots," "The Terrible Princes," and "The Mission Northwest: Christianity in the West and North of Europe."
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Manuscripts],
Series 2: Manuscripts and Historical Articles],
Series 3: Historical Articles],
- Series 1: Manuscripts

- Box 1

- Folder 1: "The Stony Path of the Huguenots of France" part I

- Folder 2: "The Stony Path of the Huguenots of France" part II a

- Folder 3: "The Stony Path of the Huguenots of France" part II b

- Folder 4: "The Stony Path of the Huguenots of France" part III

- Folder 5: "The Terrible Princess"

- Folder 6: "The Mission Northwest: Christianity in the West and North of Europe" chapters I-V

- Series 2: Manuscripts and Historical Articles

- Box 2

- Folder 1: "The Mission Northwest: Christianity in the West and North of Europe" chapters VI-X

- Folder 2: "Abraham Kuiper (1837-1920) Dutch Theologian and Statesman"

- Folder 3: "Adrift On the Waves: An Old Folk Story"

- Folder 4: "Albertine Agnes: Frisian Princess of Orange-Nassau"

- Folder 5: "The Anglo-Frisian Connection"

- Folder 6: "Anna Maria Van Schuurman and the Labadists in Wieuwerd in the Netherlands"

- Folder 7: "Ancient Christian Greenland"

- Folder 8: "Ancient Christian Symbolism, Symbols, and Customs"

- Folder 9: "Answers to a Poem"

- Folder 10: "The Apostle Thomas and Saint Thomas: Christians of India"

- Folder 11: "Architects of Freedom"

- Folder 12: "Are Afghanistan's Pathans Really Historic Jews?"

- Folder 13: "At Home with William of Orange and His Family"

- Folder 14: "Bearers of Glad Tidings on the Trails of Europe from the Time of Paul"

- Folder 15: "The Beginning of Christianity in Roman Britain: A Legend"

- Folder 16: "The Belgian Revolt (1830)"

- Folder 17: "A Bird Sang"

- Folder 18: "The Bokkeryders and Patriotten in Limburgh"

- Folder 19: "By East and By West"

- Folder 20: "The Call of the Blue Jay"

- Folder 21: "Calpurnius or a Gentile at the Manger"

- Folder 22: "The Christian Church Not Defunct in the Baltic States"

- Folder 23: "Christmas among the Planets"

- Folder 24: "Conditions among Textile Workers of Leiden, the Netherlands, in the Seventeenth Century

- Folder 25: "Contacts between the Christian West and China During the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries"

- Folder 26: "Defeat of Nippon"

- Folder 27: "Did You Look at Your Cat Today?"

- Folder 28: "The Doleantie of 1886 or Genesis of the GNK (Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland)"

- Folder 29: "Domela Nieuwenhuis and Awakening Working Class"

- Folder 30: "Dream Before Christmas"

- Folder 31: "The Dutch and Their Drainage Works in Holland, France, and England"

- Folder 32: "The Dutch on the Hudson and in New Amsterdam"

- Folder 33: "Dutch Shipwrights in Russia"

- Series 3: Historical Articles

- Box 3

- Folder 1: "Early Emigration from the Netherlands"

- Folder 2: "Economic Decline, Maladministration, and Tax Revolts Plague the Dutch Republic in the First Half of the Eighteenth Century"

- Folder 3: "Ethiopian Perspective"

- Folder 4: "The Falashas or Black Jews of Ethiopia"

- Folder 5: "Father Sjoerd and his Friends"

- Folder 6: "The First Dutch Navigation of the World by Oliver Van Noort, 1593-1601"

- Folder 7: "Freedom and Peace Rode in Their Train-Episodes From the Liberation of Holland by the Canadian Army" --- April 1945

- Folder 8: "The French Debacle at the Dutch 'Waterlinie' in December, 1672"

- Folder 9: "The Galatians, Our Cousins"

- Folder 10: "A Great Surprise: The Raid on Chatham in the Medway (1667)"

- Folder 11: "Gregory I The Great's (c. 540-604) Mission to Kent in 596 AD and the Beginnings of Christians in England"

- Folder 12: "Guido Gazelle, the Flemish Lyricist"

- Folder 13: "Holland and the Hollanders in the Seventeenth Century as Seen by Travelers and Visitors From Abroad"

- Folder 14: "Holland's Liberation: Children Jubilant to Find Their Canadian Fathers"

- Folder 15: "The Huguenot Cross and its Origin"

- Folder 16: "Huguenots in Acadia (Nova Scotia) in the Seventeenth Century"

- Folder 17: "Immigrant Remembers: First Christmas in a New Country"

- Folder 18: "In the Spirit of St. Patrick"

- Folder 19: "It Was Spring and We Remember"

- Folder 20: "Jan Anthony Van Riebreck (1618-1677) Founder of Capetown, South Africa"

- Folder 21: "Johan Maurits Van Nassau in Franeker, Friesland"

- Folder 22: "Johan Maurits Van Nassau-Siegen and the Dutch in Brazil"

- Folder 23: "John of Monte Corvino, Missionary Without Peer"

- Folder 24: "Johan Rudolf Thornbeke and the Dutch Constitution of 1848"

- Folder 25: "Know Your Neighbor in the Global World"

- Folder 26: "The Language Issue in the Rise of Christianity"

- Folder 27: "Louis De Geer: Seventeenth Century Dutch-Swedish Arms Manufacturer and the 'Krupp' of His Age"

- Folder 28: "Lutheran, Reformed, Anabaptist, Catholic: Four Approaches to Church Reform"

- Folder 29: "Meeting at the Manger: Meeting on the Mountain"

- Folder 30: "Menno Simons: Leader of Anabaptists"

- Folder 31: "Menno Simons (1496-1561)"

- Folder 32: "Mission Post Colonia Claudia"

- Folder 33: "Moments with St. Boniface"

- Box 4

- Folder 1: "The Monk of Wittenberg"

- Folder 2: "Monuments of Christianity"

- Folder 3: "Moravian Church: A BrotherhoodCOur Brothers"

- Folder 4: "Murder of the Innocents and the Roman From Frisia in 28 AD"

- Folder 5: "Nestorian Christianity in Ancient China, 632-845"

- Folder 6: "North American Economy Outdistancing the European Economic Community"

- Folder 7: "Old-Time and Not So Old Seating Arrangements in Church"

- Folder 8: "On the Threshold of a New Century: Christmas Eve 1999"

- Folder 9: "Peter Jan Brugman, A Man of Peace"

- Folder 10: "Peter Stuyvesant (1610-1672)"

- Folder 11: "Pieter Jelles Troelstra: Dutch Socialist Politician"

- Folder 12: "Pre-Columbian Contacts Between the Americas and the Old World"

- Folder 13: "The Pugacher Revolt"

- Folder 14: "The Reformation, the Pope, and Poland"

- Folder 15: "The Reformed Church of Paris in c. 1620 and the Synod of Dordrecht 1618-1619"

- Folder 16: "Robert Burns: Bard of Scotland"

- Folder 17: "St. Francis of Assisi and the Mongol Khan"

- Folder 18: "St. Boniface and the Abbot of Salzburg"

- Folder 19: "St. Patrick Son of Britain, Patron Saint of Ireland"

- Folder 20: "Scanning the Horizon: Islam and Christian Missions"

- Folder 21: "Some Manifestations of Christianity in Action from c. 1650 to the Present"

- Folder 22: "The Storm: Old Frisian Folk Tales"

- Folder 23: " . . . Suffered Under Pontius Pilate, Was Crucified, Dead and Buried . . . "

- Folder 24: "The Synod and Confession Reformed and Mennonite Church: Gatherings in Dordrecht"

- Folder 25: "Tear or Two On Christmas Day"

- Folder 26: "Tercentenary of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes"

- Folder 27: "Titus Brandsma, 1881-1942"

- Folder 28: "Ulrum, October 10-13, 1834"

- Folder 29: "Visiting the Falls: Chateau Bryand in Canada"

- Folder 30: "War and Resistance, 1939-1945"

- Folder 31: "Who Were the First Missionaries Bringing the Gospel to the Netherlands?"

- Folder 32: "Why Was Stalin Not Prepared to Meet the German Attack and Invasion of June 22, 1941?"

- Folder 33: "Willem Bilderdyk, 1756-1831, The Eternal Exile"

- Folder 34: "Women in Nineteenth Century Holland"

- Folder 35: "Word of Thanks by Jean Claude, Refugee Huguenot Preacher to People of Holland"

- Folder 36: "The Year of Liberation"

- Folder 37: Making Waves --- 1988

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Manuscripts],
Series 2: Manuscripts and Historical Articles],
Series 3: Historical Articles],