Collection Overview
Title: Vernon J. Ehlers Collection, 1955-2010
ID: COLL/525
Primary Creator: Vernon James Ehlers (1934-2017)
Extent: 93.0 Boxes
Arrangement: Folder level description
Professor of physics at Calvin College; and a politician (Kent County Board Commissioner, State Representative, State Senator, and Federal Congressman). The collection details Ehlers’ political career including committee service and bills sponsored/co-sponsored, plus his earlier academic career. The collection includes biographical data, resolutions, reports, news releases, memorandums, correspondence, notes, speeches, bills, proclamations, acts, concept papers, house statements, articles, remarks, political campaign material, testimonies, debates, awards, papers, interviews, handouts, studies, appointment books/cards/lists/schedules/sheets, news clippings, videos, cassettes, DVDs, posters, photographs, and artifacts.
Biographical Note
Vernon James Ehlers is the youngest of the four children of Rev. John William Christian and Alice Cornelia (née Doorn) Ehlers, born on 6 Feb 1934 in Pipestone, MN. He suffered from severe asthma as a child and as a consequence was unable to attend school. He was home- and self-schooled and received a diploma from Edgerton (MN) Christian School and did his high school work via correspondence. He attended Calvin College, 1952-1955; and the University of California, Berkeley, from which he received an AB in 1956 and a PhD in 1960; his doctoral dissertation was “The Nuclear Spins and Moments of Several Radioactive Gallium Isotopes.”
He taught and conducted scientific research at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, 1956-1966, and joined the Physics Department of Calvin College in 1966, ultimately serving as department chair. He was a member of the Faculty Organization Study Committee (FOSCO), 1968-1977, that developed a new faculty governance system for the college, whose enrollment had grown from 500 in 1945 to 3,200 when Ehlers joined the faculty. He left the college faculty in 1983 to serve in the Michigan Legislature.
Ehlers was elected to the Kent County Board of Commissioners, 1975-1983; the Michigan House of Representatives, 1983-1985; and the Michigan Senate, 1985-1993. In 1993 he won a special election in Michigan’s 5th District (later 3rd), after the death of former fellow faculty member Congress Member Paul B. Henry (Coll. 357) and won a full term in 1994, and subsequent elections, serving until 2011.
Ehlers married Johanna Meulink on 14 Jun 1958; they have four children: Heidi, Brian, Marla, and Todd. The Ehlers were founding members of Faith Fellowship Christian Reformed Church, Walnut Creek, CA, in 1961.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Personal, 1955-2010],
Series 2: Student Years, 1955-1960],
Series 3: Post Graduate Correspondence, 1960-1967],
Series 4: Research, 1962-1968],
Series 5: Class Lectures, 1967-1979],
[Series 6: Student Evaluations, 1979-1982, n.d.],
Series 7: Calvin College Faculty, 1963-1983],
Series 8: Kent County Board of Commissioners, 1878-1982],
Series 9: Michigan House of Representatives and Senate, 1982-1993],
Series 10: United States Congress, 1993-2012],
Series 11: United States Congress, 1993-2012],
Series 12: Election campaigns],
Series 13: Legislation],
Series 14: Reference material],
Series 15: Invitations],
Series 16: Awards and Honors],
Series 17: Subject files],
Series 18: Photographs],
Series 19: Media Relations],
Series 20: Ehlers' Campaigns],
Series 21: Constituent Gifts],
Series 22: Aeronautics and Aerospace],
Series 23: Plaques and Awards],
Series 24: Certificates],
Series 25: Photographs],
Series 26: Republican Party],
Series 27: Buttons, Decals, Patches, Memorabilia],
Series 28: Legislation],
Series 29: Miscellaneous],
- Series 6: Student Evaluations --- 1979-1982, n.d.

- Box 13

- Folder 1: Physics 112 course --- undated

- Folder 2: Physics 112 course --- 1979, 1981, 1982

- Folder 3: Physics 113 course --- 1979, 1981, 1982

- Folder 4: Physics 126 course --- 1982

- Folder 5: Lecture notes and related material for Physics 126 course --- 1982

- Folder 6: Physics 112 course --- undated

- Folder 7: Physics 113 course --- undated

- Folder 8: Unidentified Evaluations --- undated

- Box 14

- Folder 1: Comments on Harold Camping's book, Adam When? --- 1966

- Folder 2: Seminar talks --- 1964-1967

- Folder 3: Proposal for Recognition of Outstanding Achievement --- 1967

- Folder 4: Proposal to Establish a Mathematics-Science Teaching Center --- 1968

- Folder 5: Paper, "Hyperfine Structure of 67GA and 72GA" --- Jan-68

- Folder 6: Paper, "Search for an Electron Mass Shift in 133CS in an Intense Electromagnetic Field" --- 1969

- Folder 7: "Christian and Science" Symposium at Calvin College --- 1969

- Folder 8: Astronauts Alan Shepard and Charles Conrad, Jr., Lectures at Calvin College --- 1969

- Folder 9: Christian Home and School Magazine Article: "What is Science?" --- 1969

- Folder 10: Symposium The Christian in Science --- 1969

- Folder 11: Citizens Active in Urban and Social Efforts (Cause) -Reports and Correspondence --- 1969-1970

- Folder 12: N.S.F. Cooperative College -School Science Program -V.J.E. Director --- 1970

- Folder 13: The College Friend --- August 28, 1970

- Folder 14: Nuclear Magnetic Moment, Hyperfine Structure and Hyperfine Structure Anomaly of 196 Au --- 1970

- Folder 15: Charter Revision Committee Material --- 1970-1971

- Folder 16: "The Year 2000 -A Relevant Course" --- 1971

- Folder 17: "The Year 2000" --- Sep-71

- Folder 18: "Teaching Future Teachers" --- 1971

- Folder 19: University of Colorado -"The Year 2000" --- September 28, 1971

- Box 15

- Folder 1: Electron on Excitation of Calcium 4227 -A Resonance Line --- 1972

- Folder 2: Science Advisory Committee (for Gerald Ford) --- 1972-1974

- Folder 3: Research Papers for Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics --- 1972

- Folder 4: Copy for Book Scientific Inquiry and Science Teaching -Pages 1-201 --- 1973

- Folder 5: A Reliable, Repetitively, Pulsed, High-Power Nitrogen Laser -Calvin College --- 1973

- Folder 6: Report -Resource Recovery -The Way of the Future --- August 1975

- Folder 7: Calvin Faculty Conference -Science at Calvin: Queer or Orphan? --- September 1975

- Folder 8: "A Physicist in County Government" --- 1977

- Folder 9: Lectures, Speeches --- 1977-1980

- Folder 10: Paper Given at American Scientific Affiliation Meeting -Soft Energy and Hard Facts --- August 12, 1978

- Folder 11: Chapel Talk -Holy Bottles --- Oct 19-20, 1978

- Folder 12: Time, Space, and the Contemporary Mind --- Feb 1978

- Folder 13: A Physicist in County Government

- Folder 14: Soft Energy and Hard Facts --- Aug 1978

- Folder 15: Draft of Our Energy Crisis -the Problem --- Nov-78

- Folder 16: Three Papers on the Energy Crisis -The Problem, Stewardship, Analysis --- 1979

- Folder 17: "The Energetic Christian" 4 --- Apr-79

- Folder 18: Three Papers: The Energy Crisis -Stewardship, the Problem, and Analysis --- 1979

- Folder 19: Lecture for Association of Reformed Colleges -Energy, Power, and Stewardship --- 1979-1980

- Folder 20: Lecture for Association of Reformed Colleges -The Energetic Christian --- 1979-1980

- Folder 21: Proposal for APS-POPA Study on Alternative Energy Approaches and Related Correspondence --- 1979-1980

- Folder 22: Christian Stewardship of Energy Resources --- June 26, 1980

- Folder 23: Proposal for a Supplementary Concentration in Environmental Studies --- October 1, 1980

- Folder 24: Christian Stewardship of Energy Resources --- June 1, 1980

- Folder 25: CCCG Hunger Dinner Book Introduction --- undated

- Folder 26: Invitation for Dedication of Amway Grand Hotel --- September 15, 1981

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Personal, 1955-2010],
Series 2: Student Years, 1955-1960],
Series 3: Post Graduate Correspondence, 1960-1967],
Series 4: Research, 1962-1968],
Series 5: Class Lectures, 1967-1979],
[Series 6: Student Evaluations, 1979-1982, n.d.],
Series 7: Calvin College Faculty, 1963-1983],
Series 8: Kent County Board of Commissioners, 1878-1982],
Series 9: Michigan House of Representatives and Senate, 1982-1993],
Series 10: United States Congress, 1993-2012],
Series 11: United States Congress, 1993-2012],
Series 12: Election campaigns],
Series 13: Legislation],
Series 14: Reference material],
Series 15: Invitations],
Series 16: Awards and Honors],
Series 17: Subject files],
Series 18: Photographs],
Series 19: Media Relations],
Series 20: Ehlers' Campaigns],
Series 21: Constituent Gifts],
Series 22: Aeronautics and Aerospace],
Series 23: Plaques and Awards],
Series 24: Certificates],
Series 25: Photographs],
Series 26: Republican Party],
Series 27: Buttons, Decals, Patches, Memorabilia],
Series 28: Legislation],
Series 29: Miscellaneous],