Collection Overview
Professor of education at Calvin College. The collection includes pamphlets, papers, workshop materials, articles, course materials, lectures, teacher resource materials, exams, and information on education organizations.
Biographical Note
John Lester De Beer was born on September 1, 1910 in Jenison, Michigan. De Beer decided to pursue a career in education so he enrolled at Montclair State Teachers College in New Jersey. He graduated with his bachelor's degree in 1932. From 1932 to 1948. De Beer began his career as a teacher and principal. He taught all levels from elementary to high school students. In 1936 he earned his master's degree from Columbia University and Teachers College. From 1940 to 1942 he also worked part-time as an assistant professor at New Jersey State Teacher College in Paterson, and as a part-time associate professor at the New Jersey State Teacher College in Newark from 1942-48.
In 1948 De Beer accepted a faculty position at Calvin College. He became an instructor in the elementary education program in their education department. Once he earned his Ph.D. in education from Columbia University, he became an associate professor at Calvin College. He soon became the Dean of Students, serving from 1952-54. He became a full professor in the education department in 1956. After 29 years at Calvin, he retired in 1977. During his career at Calvin, he was not only greatly involved with the education department, but also in the Audio-Visual Department, which he helped developed near the beginning of his career at Calvin. Despite retiring, De Beer continued to volunteer in the college's Audio-Visual department for another 18 years.
During the course of his career, De Beer was involved in numerous committees both on local and state levels. He served as a council member of the New Jersey Education Association, Planning Committee of the Grand Rapids Public Schools, and the Oakdale Christian School, and the State of Michigan Advisory Committee on Teacher Education. He even served as a consultant to the National Union of Christian School and the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education. He also contributed to the denomination as an elder, Sunday School Teacher, and on the Synodical Committee on Sunday School material.
De Beer wrote numerous articles for education journals and magazines. He even found time to publish a number of books, manuals, and monographs on various subjects, including education philosophy and audio-visual education. At the age of 84, John L. De Beer passed away due to a brief illness. He was married to Anne Heyns, and together they had 2 daughters.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Inventory],
Series 2: Addendum],
- Series 1: Inventory

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Correspondence --- 1962-1963

- Folder 2: Paper, "Religion and the Public School" --- 1931

- Folder 3: Papers

- Item 1: “Means of Overcoming the Criticisms and Failures of the Junior High School” --- 1935

- Item 2: “Some means of preventing failure” --- undated

- Folder 4: Paper, "Plan of Work for Organizing a High School Opening" --- 1935

- Folder 5: Paper, "The Principle and the Public Relations of His School" --- 1935

- Folder 6: Paper, "How can Reports to Parents and Students Be Made to Serve the Purpose of the Junior High School?" --- 1937

- Folder 7: Paper, "Toward a More Abundant Interest" --- 1937

- Folder 8: Paper, "The Predictability of the Intelligence Quotient in the High School Classroom" --- 1938

- Folder 9: Paper, "The Guidance Function and Age-grade Placement in the Elementary Schools" --- 1946

- Folder 10: Paper, "Facts and Information Pre-requisite to Education Leadership" --- 1948

- Folder 11: Paper, "Building a Program for the Education of Teachers at Calvin College" --- 1949

- Folder 12: Paper, "New Insights for Old" --- 1954

- Folder 13: Paper, "An Overview of Christian Education" (for William Spoelhof) --- undated

- Folder 14: Pamphlet, A Manual of Audio-visual Education for Christian School Teachers [HERH LB1043.D4] --- 1951

- Folder 15: Pamphlet, Toward a Philosophy of Christian Education [HERH LC368.D4] --- 1953

- Folder 16: Resource material - Student Failure --- 1934

- Folder 17: Course material - Educational Administration Course --- 1934, 1935, 1956

- Folder 18: Resource material - The Teaching of Controversial Issues --- 1937, undated

- Folder 19: Resource material - Guidance/ Career Choice --- 1938-1963

- Folder 20: Resource material - Parents as Teachers --- 1939-1951

- Folder 21: Resource material - School Public Relations --- 1945, 1959, 1960

- Folder 22: Resource material - Kindergarten Curriculum --- 1946-1950

- Folder 23: Resource material - Student Measurement --- 1949

- Folder 24: Resource material - The Beginning Teacher --- 1950-1960

- Box 2

- Folder 1: Resource material - Teacher Evaluation --- 1953-1958

- Folder 2: Resource material and Paper on Intelligence Testing --- 1954-1975

- Folder 3: Course material - Principles of Teaching --- 1956-1958

- Folder 4: Resource material - Child Growth and Development --- 1956-1970

- Folder 5: Resource material - Evaluation of Public Schools --- 1957-1960

- Folder 6: Course material - Course on Ethics for Teachers --- 1959-1975

- Folder 7: Material on Christian Leadership Series --- 1960-1962

- Folder 8: Tests for Education 307 Course --- 1961-1962

- Folder 9: Resource material - Individualized Instruction --- 1962, undated

- Folder 10: Resource material - Aptitude Testing --- 1963-1975

- Folder 11: Material for Education Psychology Courses --- 1968-1969

- Folder 12: Course material - Education Administration Course --- undated

- Folder 13: Student Classroom Observation Material --- undated

- Box 3

- Folder 14: Material for Creston CRC Sunday School Institute --- undated

- Folder 15: Material on Social Studies Courses --- undated

- Folder 16: Resource material - Marking/ Grading --- undated

- Folder 17: Resource material - A-typical Child --- undated

- Folder 18: Resource material - Classroom Discipline --- undated

- Folder 1: Resource material - Growth and Development

- Folder 2: Resource material - Intelligence Measurement --- 1935-1945

- Folder 3: Resource material - How to Study

- Folder 4: Resource material - Methods of Teaching --- 1935-1945

- Folder 5: Resource material - Drill and Review

- Folder 6: Resource material - Purpose/Aims of Teaching

- Folder 7: Resource material - Report Cards

- Folder 8: Resource material - Reporting Grades

- Folder 9: Resource material - Reporting to Parents

- Folder 10: Resource material - Testing --- 1950s

- Folder 11: Resource material - Administration --- 1945-1948

- Folder 12: Resource material - Public Relations --- 1959

- Folder 13: Resource material - Classification of Students

- Box 4

- Folder 1: Resource material - Test Service Bulletins --- 1948-1950

- Folder 2: Resource material - Teacher's Handbook --- 1935

- Folder 3: Resource material - Teacher Shortage and Recruitment --- 1950s

- Folder 4: Resource material - Teacher Certification --- 1950s

- Folder 5: Resource material - Teacher Education --- 1950s

- Folder 6: Resource material - Parent Teacher Associations --- 1945

- Folder 7: Resource material - Kindergartens

- Folder 8: Resource material - Social Studies

- Folder 9: Resource material - Teaching Sunday school --- 1973

- Folder 10: Resource material - Student Records

- Folder 11: Resource material - Student Case Studies

- Folder 12: Resource material - Remedial Reading

- Folder 13: Resource material - Religion in Public Education --- 1940s

- Folder 14: Resource material - Guidance --- 1935-1955

- Box 5

- Folder 1: Resource material - School Facilities --- 1950s-1960s

- Folder 2: Resource material - Teacher Salaries --- 1950s-1960s

- Folder 3: Resource material - School Organization --- 1950s-1960s

- Folder 4: Resource material - Faculty Meetings --- 1935-1950

- Folder 5: Resource material - Motivation

- Folder 6: Resource material - Using the Question in Education

- Folder 7: Resource material - The Homeroom --- 1930-1935

- Folder 8: Resource material - Class Schedule Making

- Folder 9: Resource material - Curriculum Planning

- Folder 10: Resource material - In-service Education

- Folder 11: Resource material - Teaching Loads/ Assignments

- Folder 12: Resource material - Textbook Selection

- Folder 13: Resource material - Definition of Education

- Folder 14: Resource material - Teacher Welfare (Benefits)

- Folder 15: Resource material - Appointment/ Selection of Teachers

- Box 6

- Folder 1: National Union of Christian Schools (NUCS) Administrators' - Teachers' Handbook --- 1964

- Folder 2: NUCS Board Members' Handbook --- 1961

- Folder 3: Exams - Columbia University --- 1934

- Folder 4: Course tests

- Box 7

- Folder 1: Collection of plays

- Item 1: Henry Hudson by Henry Fisk Carlton --- 1932

- Item 2: The Landing of the Pilgrims by Henry Fisk Carlton --- 1932

- Item 3: A Spy for General Washington by Henry Fisk Carlton --- 1932

- Item 4: Twenty Pounds Reward, A Story of Ethan Allen by Henry Fisk Carlton --- 1932

- Item 5: The Story of Nathan Hale by Henry Fisk Carlton --- 1932

- Item 6: The Pig That Gave Us a Two-House Congress by Henry Fisk Carlton --- 1932

- Item 7: The Story of Major John Andre Part 1 by Henry Fisk Carlton --- 1932

- Item 8: The Story of Major John Andre Part 2 by Henry Fisk Carlton --- 1932

- Item 9: The Tree that Saved Connecticut by Henry Fisk Carlton --- 1932

- Item 10: Fraunces Tavern by Henry Russell Drowne --- 1932

- Item 11: Radio Script of Abraham Lincoln --- February 1940

- Item 12: "The First Thanksgiving Day"

- Item 13: "Ann Rutledge"

- Item 14: "The Anybody Family on Sunday Morning"

- Folder 2: Curriculum material --- 1956

- Folder 3: Teacher aide program material

- Folder 4: Course outlines

- Folder 5: Sixth Grade Student Stockholder Project --- 1949

- Folder 6: History course material

- Folder 7: Pre-Columbian History course material

- Folder 8: History course material on Exploration and Colonization

- Folder 9: History course material on The American Revolution

- Folder 10: History course material on The Constitution

- Folder 11: History course material for America --- 1790-1860

- Folder 12: History course material for America --- 1860-1890

- Folder 13: History course material for The Civil War

- Folder 14: History course material for Twentieth Century America

- Folder 15: Course material for Education Psychology Course, Ed. 301

- Folder 16: Book Royalty statements --- 1954-1961

- Box 8

- Folder 1: Course material for Intro to Teaching Course, Ed. 303

- Folder 2: Resource material - Teachers Ethics

- Folder 3: Resource material - Classroom Discipline

- Folder 4: Resource material - Making Tests

- Folder 5: Resource material - Child Development

- Folder 6: Material for Educational Psychology Course

- Folder 7: Christian School Administrators Workshop --- 1964

- Folder 8: History of Education material

- Folder 9: Resource material - "How to Study"

- Folder 10: Pamphlet, How Things Work compiled by J. L. DeBeer --- 1931

- Folder 11: Paper, "International Government" --- 1932

- Folder 12: Resource material - Junior Colleges

- Folder 13: Resource material - Junior High School Concept

- Folder 14: "Principles and Philosophy of Education," by J. L. DeBeer --- 1931

- Folder 15: Papers/articles on the Philosophy of Education

- Folder 16: Book review of Christian Education in a Democracy by Frank E. Gaebelein

- Folder 17: Paper, "An Overview of Christian Education" by J. L. DeBeer

- Folder 18: Papers by Cornelius Jaarsma on the Philosophy of Christian Education

- Folder 19: Paper on Philosophy of Education, "On the Reason for an Independent System of Education"

- Folder 20: Paper on the Philosophy of Education, "The Two Extremes" by Helen Heyl

- Folder 21: Pamphlets re: Philosophy of Education

- Item 1: Pedagogical Institute Lectures, by Dr. J. Waterink --- 1954

- Item 2: Democracy and Education in the Current Crisis --- August 1940

- Item 3: A Liberal Education, by Theodore O. Yntema

- Item 4: Philosophy and Objectives 1940 Edition

- Item 5: Christian Philosophy, by C. Van Til

- Item 6: Should Education Indoctrinate? by Thomas H. Briggs

- Folder 22: Materials re: Philosophy of Christian Education

- Item 1: Towards Better Understanding by Henry Stob

- Item 2: Philosophy of Christian Education Notes on talk by H. Stob

- Item 3: How Good are Your Schools? by Wilbur A. Yauch

- Item 4: Who Wants Progressive Education? by Albert Lynd

- Folder 23: Clippings re: education --- 1953

- Folder 24: Paper on the Philosophy of Christian Education, "Formal Discipline in Liberal Education"

- Folder 25: Lectures on Christian education --- March 1954

- Folder 26: Recommendation on Education Policy by Philosophy Department --- October 1948

- Folder 27: Pamphlet, Toward a Theology of Education by N. H. Beversluis --- 1981

- Folder 28: "Statement of Academic Needs," Grand Rapids Christian High School

- Box 9

- Folder 1: Resource material, multi-media manual

- Folder 2: Proceedings of Christian School Administrators Workshop --- 1962

- Folder 3: History of Christian Schools in America

- Folder 4: Term papers for Education Course at Columbia University

- Folder 5: Paper, "Methods of Teaching English"

- Folder 6: Resource material on the psychology of audio visual aids

- Folder 7: Resource material for the Christian School Administrators' Workshop --- 1962

Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Inventory],
Series 2: Addendum],